| `Name` | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels, queries, and Explore. |
| `Default` | Data source will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| `URL` | The URL of the Zipkin instance, e.g., `http://localhost:9411`. |
| `Access` | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server. Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser. |
| `Basic Auth` | Enable basic authentication to the Zipkin data source. |
| `User` | User name for basic authentication. |
| `Password` | Password for basic authentication. |
### Trace to logs
{{<docs-imageboximg="/img/docs/v74/trace-to-logs-settings.png"class="docs-image--no-shadow"caption="Screenshot of the trace to logs settings">}}
This is a configuration for the [trace to logs feature]({{< relref "../explore/index.md#trace-to-logs" >}}). Select target data source (at this moment limited to Loki data sources) and select which tags will be used in the logs query.
- **Data source -** Target data source.
- **Tags -** The tags that will be used in the Loki query. Default is `'cluster', 'hostname', 'namespace', 'pod'`.
{{<docs-imageboximg="/img/docs/v70/zipkin-query-editor.png"class="docs-image--no-shadow"caption="Screenshot of the Zipkin query editor">}}
The Zipkin query editor allows you to query by trace ID directly or selecting a trace from trace selector. To query by trace ID, insert the ID into the text input.
{{<docs-imageboximg="/img/docs/v70/zipkin-query-editor-open.png"class="docs-image--no-shadow"caption="Screenshot of the Zipkin query editor with trace selector expanded">}}
Use the trace selector to pick particular trace from all traces logged in the time range you have selected in Explore. The trace selector has three levels of nesting:
You can link to Zipkin trace from logs in Loki by configuring a derived field with internal link. See [Loki documentation]({{< relref "loki#derived-fields" >}}) for details.