
760 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package searchV2
import (
const (
documentFieldUID = "_id" // actually UID!! but bluge likes "_id"
documentFieldKind = "kind"
documentFieldTag = "tag"
documentFieldURL = "url"
documentFieldName = "name"
documentFieldName_sort = "name_sort"
documentFieldName_ngram = "name_ngram"
documentFieldLocation = "location" // parent path
documentFieldPanelType = "panel_type"
documentFieldTransformer = "transformer"
documentFieldDSUID = "ds_uid"
documentFieldDSType = "ds_type"
DocumentFieldCreatedAt = "created_at"
DocumentFieldUpdatedAt = "updated_at"
func initOrgIndex(dashboards []dashboard, logger log.Logger, extendDoc ExtendDashboardFunc) (*orgIndex, error) {
dashboardWriter, err := bluge.OpenWriter(bluge.InMemoryOnlyConfig())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error opening writer: %v", err)
// Not closing Writer here since we use it later while processing dashboard change events.
start := time.Now()
label := start
batch := bluge.NewBatch()
// In order to reduce memory usage while initial indexing we are limiting
// the size of batch here.
docsInBatch := 0
maxBatchSize := 100
flushIfRequired := func(force bool) error {
needFlush := force || (maxBatchSize > 0 && docsInBatch >= maxBatchSize)
if !needFlush {
return nil
err := dashboardWriter.Batch(batch)
if err != nil {
return err
docsInBatch = 0
return nil
// First index the folders to construct folderIdLookup.
folderIdLookup := make(map[int64]string, 50)
folderIdLookup[0] = folder.GeneralFolderUID
for _, dash := range dashboards {
if !dash.isFolder {
doc := getFolderDashboardDoc(dash)
if err := extendDoc(dash.uid, doc); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := flushIfRequired(false); err != nil {
return nil, err
uid := dash.uid
folderIdLookup[] = uid
// Then each dashboard.
for _, dash := range dashboards {
if dash.isFolder {
folderUID := folderIdLookup[dash.folderID]
location := folderUID
doc := getNonFolderDashboardDoc(dash, location)
if err := extendDoc(dash.uid, doc); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := flushIfRequired(false); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Index each panel in dashboard.
if location != "" {
location += "/"
location += dash.uid
docs := getDashboardPanelDocs(dash, location)
for _, panelDoc := range docs {
if err := flushIfRequired(false); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Flush docs in batch with force as we are in the end.
if err := flushIfRequired(true); err != nil {
return nil, err
logger.Info("Finish inserting docs into index", "elapsed", time.Since(label))
logger.Info("Finish building index", "totalElapsed", time.Since(start))
return &orgIndex{
writers: map[indexType]*bluge.Writer{
indexTypeDashboard: dashboardWriter,
}, err
func getFolderDashboardDoc(dash dashboard) *bluge.Document {
uid := dash.uid
url := fmt.Sprintf("/dashboards/f/%s/%s", dash.uid, dash.slug)
if uid == "" {
uid = "general"
url = "/dashboards"
dash.summary.Name = "General"
dash.summary.Description = ""
return newSearchDocument(uid, dash.summary.Name, dash.summary.Description, url).
AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldKind, string(entityKindFolder)).Aggregatable().StoreValue()).
AddField(bluge.NewDateTimeField(DocumentFieldCreatedAt, dash.created).Sortable().StoreValue()).
AddField(bluge.NewDateTimeField(DocumentFieldUpdatedAt, dash.updated).Sortable().StoreValue())
func getNonFolderDashboardDoc(dash dashboard, location string) *bluge.Document {
url := fmt.Sprintf("/d/%s/%s", dash.uid, dash.slug)
// Dashboard document
doc := newSearchDocument(dash.uid, dash.summary.Name, dash.summary.Description, url).
AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldKind, string(entityKindDashboard)).Aggregatable().StoreValue()).
AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldLocation, location).Aggregatable().StoreValue()).
AddField(bluge.NewDateTimeField(DocumentFieldCreatedAt, dash.created).Sortable().StoreValue()).
AddField(bluge.NewDateTimeField(DocumentFieldUpdatedAt, dash.updated).Sortable().StoreValue())
// dashboards only use the key part of labels
for k := range dash.summary.Labels {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldTag, k).
for _, ref := range dash.summary.References {
if ref.Family == entity.StandardKindDataSource {
if ref.Type != "" {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldDSType, ref.Type).
if ref.Identifier != "" {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldDSUID, ref.Identifier).
return doc
func getDashboardPanelDocs(dash dashboard, location string) []*bluge.Document {
dashURL := fmt.Sprintf("/d/%s/%s", dash.uid, slugify.Slugify(dash.summary.Name))
var docs []*bluge.Document
for _, panel := range dash.summary.Nested {
if panel.Fields["type"] == "row" {
continue // skip rows
idx := strings.LastIndex(panel.UID, "#")
panelId, err := strconv.Atoi(panel.UID[idx+1:])
if err != nil {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s?viewPanel=%d", dashURL, panelId)
doc := newSearchDocument(panel.UID, panel.Name, panel.Description, url).
AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldLocation, location).Aggregatable().StoreValue()).
AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldKind, string(entityKindPanel)).Aggregatable().StoreValue()) // likely want independent index for this
for _, ref := range panel.References {
switch ref.Family {
case entity.StandardKindDashboard:
if ref.Type != "" {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldDSType, ref.Type).
if ref.Identifier != "" {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldDSUID, ref.Identifier).
case entity.ExternalEntityReferencePlugin:
if ref.Type == entity.StandardKindPanel && ref.Identifier != "" {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldPanelType, ref.Identifier).Aggregatable().StoreValue())
case entity.ExternalEntityReferenceRuntime:
if ref.Type == entity.ExternalEntityReferenceRuntime_Transformer && ref.Identifier != "" {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldTransformer, ref.Identifier).Aggregatable())
docs = append(docs, doc)
return docs
// Names need to be indexed a few ways to support key features
func newSearchDocument(uid string, name string, descr string, url string) *bluge.Document {
doc := bluge.NewDocument(uid)
if name != "" {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewTextField(documentFieldName, name).StoreValue().SearchTermPositions())
doc.AddField(bluge.NewTextField(documentFieldName_ngram, name).WithAnalyzer(ngramIndexAnalyzer))
// Don't add a field for empty names
sortStr := formatForNameSortField(name)
if len(sortStr) > 0 {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldName_sort, sortStr).Sortable())
if url != "" {
doc.AddField(bluge.NewKeywordField(documentFieldURL, url).StoreValue())
return doc
func getDashboardPanelIDs(index *orgIndex, panelLocation string) ([]string, error) {
var panelIDs []string
reader, cancel, err := index.readerForIndex(indexTypeDashboard)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cancel()
fullQuery := bluge.NewBooleanQuery()
req := bluge.NewAllMatches(fullQuery)
documentMatchIterator, err := reader.Search(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
match, err := documentMatchIterator.Next()
for err == nil && match != nil {
// load the identifier for this match
err = match.VisitStoredFields(func(field string, value []byte) bool {
if field == documentFieldUID {
panelIDs = append(panelIDs, string(value))
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// load the next document match
match, err = documentMatchIterator.Next()
return panelIDs, err
func getDocsIDsByLocationPrefix(index *orgIndex, prefix string) ([]string, error) {
var ids []string
reader, cancel, err := index.readerForIndex(indexTypeDashboard)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting reader: %w", err)
defer cancel()
fullQuery := bluge.NewBooleanQuery()
req := bluge.NewAllMatches(fullQuery)
documentMatchIterator, err := reader.Search(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error search: %w", err)
match, err := documentMatchIterator.Next()
for err == nil && match != nil {
// load the identifier for this match
err = match.VisitStoredFields(func(field string, value []byte) bool {
if field == documentFieldUID {
ids = append(ids, string(value))
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// load the next document match
match, err = documentMatchIterator.Next()
return ids, err
func getDashboardLocation(index *orgIndex, dashboardUID string) (string, bool, error) {
var dashboardLocation string
var found bool
reader, cancel, err := index.readerForIndex(indexTypeDashboard)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
defer cancel()
fullQuery := bluge.NewBooleanQuery()
req := bluge.NewAllMatches(fullQuery)
documentMatchIterator, err := reader.Search(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
match, err := documentMatchIterator.Next()
for err == nil && match != nil {
// load the identifier for this match
err = match.VisitStoredFields(func(field string, value []byte) bool {
if field == documentFieldLocation {
dashboardLocation = string(value)
found = true
return false
return true
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
// load the next document match
match, err = documentMatchIterator.Next()
return dashboardLocation, found, err
func doSearchQuery(
ctx context.Context,
logger log.Logger,
index *orgIndex,
filter ResourceFilter,
q DashboardQuery,
extender QueryExtender,
appSubUrl string,
) *backend.DataResponse {
response := &backend.DataResponse{}
header := &customMeta{}
reader, cancel, err := index.readerForIndex(indexTypeDashboard)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error getting reader for dashboard index: %v", err)
response.Error = err
return response
defer cancel()
hasConstraints := false
fullQuery := bluge.NewBooleanQuery()
fullQuery.AddMust(newPermissionFilter(filter, logger))
// Only show dashboard / folders / panels.
if len(q.Kind) > 0 {
bq := bluge.NewBooleanQuery()
for _, k := range q.Kind {
hasConstraints = true
// Explicit UID lookup (stars etc)
if len(q.UIDs) > 0 {
count := len(q.UIDs) + 3
bq := bluge.NewBooleanQuery()
for i, v := range q.UIDs {
SetBoost(float64(count - i)))
hasConstraints = true
// Tags
if len(q.Tags) > 0 {
bq := bluge.NewBooleanQuery()
for _, v := range q.Tags {
hasConstraints = true
// Panel type
if q.PanelType != "" {
hasConstraints = true
// Datasource
if q.Datasource != "" {
hasConstraints = true
// Folder
if q.Location != "" {
hasConstraints = true
isMatchAllQuery := q.Query == "*" || q.Query == ""
if isMatchAllQuery {
if !hasConstraints {
} else {
bq := bluge.NewBooleanQuery()
if shouldUseNgram(q) {
SetOperator(bluge.MatchQueryOperatorAnd). // all terms must match
limit := 50 // default view
if q.Limit > 0 {
limit = q.Limit
req := bluge.NewTopNSearch(limit, fullQuery)
if q.From > 0 {
if q.Explain {
if q.Sort != "" {
header.SortBy = strings.TrimPrefix(q.Sort, "-")
for _, t := range q.Facet {
lim := t.Limit
if lim < 1 {
lim = 50
req.AddAggregation(t.Field, aggregations.NewTermsAggregation(search.Field(t.Field), lim))
// execute this search on the reader
documentMatchIterator, err := reader.Search(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error executing search", "err", err)
response.Error = err
return response
fScore := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeFloat64, 0)
fUID := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeString, 0)
fKind := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeString, 0)
fPType := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeString, 0)
fName := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeString, 0)
fURL := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeString, 0)
fLocation := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeString, 0)
fTags := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeNullableJSON, 0)
fDSUIDs := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeJSON, 0)
fExplain := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeNullableJSON, 0)
fScore.Name = "score"
fUID.Name = "uid"
fKind.Name = "kind"
fName.Name = "name"
fLocation.Name = "location"
fURL.Name = "url"
fURL.Config = &data.FieldConfig{
Links: []data.DataLink{
{Title: "link", URL: "${__value.text}"},
fPType.Name = "panel_type"
fDSUIDs.Name = "ds_uid"
fTags.Name = "tags"
fExplain.Name = "explain"
frame := data.NewFrame("Query results", fKind, fUID, fName, fPType, fURL, fTags, fDSUIDs, fLocation)
if q.Explain {
frame.Fields = append(frame.Fields, fScore, fExplain)
Type: "search-results",
Custom: header,
fieldLen := 0
ext := extender.GetFramer(frame)
locationItems := make(map[string]bool, 50)
// iterate through the document matches
match, err := documentMatchIterator.Next()
for err == nil && match != nil {
uid := ""
kind := ""
ptype := ""
name := ""
url := ""
loc := ""
var dsUIDs []string
var tags []string
err = match.VisitStoredFields(func(field string, value []byte) bool {
switch field {
case documentFieldUID:
uid = string(value)
case documentFieldKind:
kind = string(value)
case documentFieldPanelType:
ptype = string(value)
case documentFieldName:
name = string(value)
case documentFieldURL:
url = appSubUrl + string(value)
case documentFieldLocation:
loc = string(value)
case documentFieldDSUID:
dsUIDs = append(dsUIDs, string(value))
case documentFieldTag:
tags = append(tags, string(value))
ext(field, value)
return true
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error loading stored fields", "err", err)
response.Error = err
return response
// set a key for all path parts we return
if !q.SkipLocation {
for _, v := range strings.Split(loc, "/") {
locationItems[v] = true
if len(tags) > 0 {
js, _ := json.Marshal(tags)
jsb := json.RawMessage(js)
} else {
if len(dsUIDs) == 0 {
dsUIDs = []string{}
js, _ := json.Marshal(dsUIDs)
jsb := json.RawMessage(js)
if q.Explain {
if isMatchAllQuery {
fScore.Append(float64(fieldLen + q.From))
} else {
if match.Explanation != nil {
js, _ := json.Marshal(&match.Explanation)
jsb := json.RawMessage(js)
} else {
// extend fields to match the longest field
for _, f := range frame.Fields {
if fieldLen > f.Len() {
f.Extend(fieldLen - f.Len())
// load the next document match
match, err = documentMatchIterator.Next()
// Must call after iterating :)
aggs := documentMatchIterator.Aggregations()
header.Count = aggs.Count() // Total count
if q.Explain {
header.MaxScore = aggs.Metric("max_score")
if len(locationItems) > 0 && !q.SkipLocation {
header.Locations = getLocationLookupInfo(ctx, reader, locationItems)
response.Frames = append(response.Frames, frame)
for _, t := range q.Facet {
bbb := aggs.Buckets(t.Field)
if bbb != nil {
size := len(bbb)
fName := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeString, size)
fName.Name = t.Field
fCount := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeUint64, size)
fCount.Name = "Count"
for i, v := range bbb {
fName.Set(i, v.Name())
fCount.Set(i, v.Count())
response.Frames = append(response.Frames, data.NewFrame("Facet: "+t.Field, fName, fCount))
return response
func shouldUseNgram(q DashboardQuery) bool {
var tokens []string
if len(q.Query) > ngramEdgeFilterMaxLength {
tokens = strings.Fields(q.Query)
for _, k := range tokens {
// ngram will never match if at least one input token exceeds the max token length,
// as all tokens must match simultaneously with the `bluge.MatchQueryOperatorAnd` operator
if len(k) > ngramEdgeFilterMaxLength {
return false
return true
func formatForNameSortField(name string) string {
return strings.Trim(strings.ToUpper(name), " ")
func getLocationLookupInfo(ctx context.Context, reader *bluge.Reader, uids map[string]bool) map[string]locationItem {
res := make(map[string]locationItem, len(uids))
bq := bluge.NewBooleanQuery()
for k := range uids {
req := bluge.NewAllMatches(bq)
documentMatchIterator, err := reader.Search(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return res
dvfieldNames := []string{"type"}
sctx := search.NewSearchContext(0, 0)
// execute this search on the reader
// iterate through the document matches
match, err := documentMatchIterator.Next()
for err == nil && match != nil {
err = match.LoadDocumentValues(sctx, dvfieldNames)
if err != nil {
uid := ""
item := locationItem{}
_ = match.VisitStoredFields(func(field string, value []byte) bool {
switch field {
case documentFieldUID:
uid = string(value)
case documentFieldKind:
item.Kind = string(value)
case documentFieldName:
item.Name = string(value)
case documentFieldURL:
item.URL = string(value)
return true
res[uid] = item
// load the next document match
match, err = documentMatchIterator.Next()
return res
type locationItem struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Kind string `json:"kind"`
URL string `json:"url"`
type customMeta struct {
Count uint64 `json:"count"`
MaxScore float64 `json:"max_score,omitempty"`
Locations map[string]locationItem `json:"locationInfo,omitempty"`
SortBy string `json:"sortBy,omitempty"`