2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
package testdata
import (
2017-11-01 03:59:24 -05:00
2019-05-21 02:21:59 -05:00
2019-03-15 14:33:45 -05:00
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
2017-01-13 05:32:30 -06:00
2019-05-13 01:45:54 -05:00
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
2017-09-20 11:31:34 -05:00
type ScenarioHandler func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
type Scenario struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
StringInput string `json:"stringOption"`
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
Description string `json:"description"`
Handler ScenarioHandler `json:"-"`
var ScenarioRegistry map[string]*Scenario
func init() {
ScenarioRegistry = make(map[string]*Scenario)
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
logger := log.New("tsdb.testdata")
logger.Debug("Initializing TestData Scenario")
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
2017-09-24 15:08:24 -05:00
Id: "exponential_heatmap_bucket_data",
Name: "Exponential heatmap bucket data",
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
to := context.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch()
var series []*tsdb.TimeSeries
start := 1
factor := 2
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
timeWalkerMs := context.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch()
serie := &tsdb.TimeSeries{Name: strconv.Itoa(start)}
start *= factor
points := make(tsdb.TimeSeriesPoints, 0)
for j := int64(0); j < 100 && timeWalkerMs < to; j++ {
v := float64(rand.Int63n(100))
points = append(points, tsdb.NewTimePoint(null.FloatFrom(v), float64(timeWalkerMs)))
timeWalkerMs += query.IntervalMs * 50
serie.Points = points
series = append(series, serie)
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
queryRes.Series = append(queryRes.Series, series...)
return queryRes
Id: "linear_heatmap_bucket_data",
Name: "Linear heatmap bucket data",
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
to := context.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch()
var series []*tsdb.TimeSeries
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
timeWalkerMs := context.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch()
serie := &tsdb.TimeSeries{Name: strconv.Itoa(i * 10)}
points := make(tsdb.TimeSeriesPoints, 0)
for j := int64(0); j < 100 && timeWalkerMs < to; j++ {
v := float64(rand.Int63n(100))
points = append(points, tsdb.NewTimePoint(null.FloatFrom(v), float64(timeWalkerMs)))
timeWalkerMs += query.IntervalMs * 50
serie.Points = points
series = append(series, serie)
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
queryRes.Series = append(queryRes.Series, series...)
return queryRes
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
Id: "random_walk",
Name: "Random Walk",
2018-10-02 15:00:54 -05:00
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
return getRandomWalk(query, context)
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
2019-03-15 14:33:45 -05:00
Id: "random_walk_table",
Name: "Random Walk Table",
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
return getRandomWalkTable(query, context)
2018-10-02 15:00:54 -05:00
Id: "slow_query",
Name: "Slow Query",
StringInput: "5s",
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
stringInput := query.Model.Get("stringInput").MustString()
parsedInterval, _ := time.ParseDuration(stringInput)
return getRandomWalk(query, context)
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
Id: "no_data_points",
Name: "No Data Points",
2017-09-20 11:31:34 -05:00
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
return tsdb.NewQueryResult()
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
Id: "datapoints_outside_range",
Name: "Datapoints Outside Range",
2017-09-20 11:31:34 -05:00
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
series := newSeriesForQuery(query)
outsideTime := context.TimeRange.MustGetFrom().Add(-1*time.Hour).Unix() * 1000
2016-10-06 05:51:45 -05:00
series.Points = append(series.Points, tsdb.NewTimePoint(null.FloatFrom(10), float64(outsideTime)))
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
queryRes.Series = append(queryRes.Series, series)
2016-09-28 02:15:48 -05:00
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
return queryRes
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
2017-11-01 03:59:24 -05:00
Id: "manual_entry",
Name: "Manual Entry",
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
points := query.Model.Get("points").MustArray()
series := newSeriesForQuery(query)
startTime := context.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch()
endTime := context.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch()
for _, val := range points {
pointValues := val.([]interface{})
var value null.Float
var time int64
if valueFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(pointValues[0].(json.Number)), 64); err == nil {
value = null.FloatFrom(valueFloat)
if timeInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(pointValues[1].(json.Number)), 10, 64); err != nil {
} else {
time = timeInt
if time >= startTime && time <= endTime {
series.Points = append(series.Points, tsdb.NewTimePoint(value, float64(time)))
queryRes.Series = append(queryRes.Series, series)
return queryRes
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
Id: "csv_metric_values",
Name: "CSV Metric Values",
StringInput: "1,20,90,30,5,0",
2017-09-20 11:31:34 -05:00
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
stringInput := query.Model.Get("stringInput").MustString()
2016-12-02 16:43:02 -06:00
stringInput = strings.Replace(stringInput, " ", "", -1)
2016-10-04 00:42:32 -05:00
values := []null.Float{}
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
for _, strVal := range strings.Split(stringInput, ",") {
2016-10-04 00:42:32 -05:00
if strVal == "null" {
values = append(values, null.FloatFromPtr(nil))
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
if val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strVal, 64); err == nil {
2016-10-04 00:42:32 -05:00
values = append(values, null.FloatFrom(val))
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
if len(values) == 0 {
return queryRes
series := newSeriesForQuery(query)
startTime := context.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch()
endTime := context.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch()
step := (endTime - startTime) / int64(len(values)-1)
for _, val := range values {
2016-10-04 00:42:32 -05:00
series.Points = append(series.Points, tsdb.TimePoint{val, null.FloatFrom(float64(startTime))})
2016-09-28 03:37:30 -05:00
startTime += step
queryRes.Series = append(queryRes.Series, series)
return queryRes
2018-10-02 11:50:30 -05:00
2019-04-25 13:01:02 -05:00
Id: "streaming_client",
Name: "Streaming Client",
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
// Real work is in javascript client
return tsdb.NewQueryResult()
2018-10-02 11:50:30 -05:00
2018-10-02 15:00:54 -05:00
Id: "table_static",
Name: "Table Static",
2018-10-02 11:50:30 -05:00
2018-10-02 15:00:54 -05:00
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
timeWalkerMs := context.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch()
to := context.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch()
2018-10-02 11:50:30 -05:00
table := tsdb.Table{
Columns: []tsdb.TableColumn{
2018-10-02 15:00:54 -05:00
{Text: "Time"},
{Text: "Message"},
{Text: "Description"},
{Text: "Value"},
2018-10-02 11:50:30 -05:00
Rows: []tsdb.RowValues{},
for i := int64(0); i < 10 && timeWalkerMs < to; i++ {
2018-10-02 15:00:54 -05:00
table.Rows = append(table.Rows, tsdb.RowValues{float64(timeWalkerMs), "This is a message", "Description", 23.1})
2018-10-02 11:50:30 -05:00
timeWalkerMs += query.IntervalMs
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
queryRes.Tables = append(queryRes.Tables, &table)
return queryRes
2019-05-21 02:21:59 -05:00
Id: "logs",
Name: "Logs",
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
from := context.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch()
to := context.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch()
lines := query.Model.Get("lines").MustInt64(10)
includeLevelColumn := query.Model.Get("levelColumn").MustBool(false)
logLevelGenerator := newRandomStringProvider([]string{
containerIDGenerator := newRandomStringProvider([]string{
hostnameGenerator := newRandomStringProvider([]string{
table := tsdb.Table{
Columns: []tsdb.TableColumn{
{Text: "time"},
{Text: "message"},
{Text: "container_id"},
{Text: "hostname"},
Rows: []tsdb.RowValues{},
if includeLevelColumn {
table.Columns = append(table.Columns, tsdb.TableColumn{Text: "level"})
for i := int64(0); i < lines && to > from; i++ {
row := tsdb.RowValues{float64(to)}
logLevel := logLevelGenerator.Next()
timeFormatted := time.Unix(to/1000, 0).Format(time.RFC3339)
lvlString := ""
if !includeLevelColumn {
lvlString = fmt.Sprintf("lvl=%s ", logLevel)
row = append(row, fmt.Sprintf("t=%s %smsg=\"Request Completed\" logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin method=GET path=/api/datasources/proxy/152/api/prom/label status=502 remote_addr=[::1] time_ms=1 size=0 referer=\"http://localhost:3000/explore?left=%%5B%%22now-6h%%22,%%22now%%22,%%22Prometheus%%202.x%%22,%%7B%%7D,%%7B%%22ui%%22:%%5Btrue,true,true,%%22none%%22%%5D%%7D%%5D\"", timeFormatted, lvlString))
row = append(row, containerIDGenerator.Next())
row = append(row, hostnameGenerator.Next())
if includeLevelColumn {
row = append(row, logLevel)
table.Rows = append(table.Rows, row)
to -= query.IntervalMs
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
queryRes.Tables = append(queryRes.Tables, &table)
return queryRes
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
2018-10-02 15:00:54 -05:00
func getRandomWalk(query *tsdb.Query, tsdbQuery *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
timeWalkerMs := tsdbQuery.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch()
to := tsdbQuery.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch()
series := newSeriesForQuery(query)
points := make(tsdb.TimeSeriesPoints, 0)
2019-03-15 13:02:41 -05:00
walker := query.Model.Get("startValue").MustFloat64(rand.Float64() * 100)
2018-10-02 15:00:54 -05:00
for i := int64(0); i < 10000 && timeWalkerMs < to; i++ {
points = append(points, tsdb.NewTimePoint(null.FloatFrom(walker), float64(timeWalkerMs)))
walker += rand.Float64() - 0.5
timeWalkerMs += query.IntervalMs
series.Points = points
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
queryRes.Series = append(queryRes.Series, series)
return queryRes
2019-03-15 14:33:45 -05:00
func getRandomWalkTable(query *tsdb.Query, tsdbQuery *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
timeWalkerMs := tsdbQuery.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch()
to := tsdbQuery.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch()
table := tsdb.Table{
Columns: []tsdb.TableColumn{
{Text: "Time"},
{Text: "Value"},
{Text: "Min"},
{Text: "Max"},
{Text: "Info"},
Rows: []tsdb.RowValues{},
withNil := query.Model.Get("withNil").MustBool(false)
walker := query.Model.Get("startValue").MustFloat64(rand.Float64() * 100)
spread := 2.5
var info strings.Builder
for i := int64(0); i < query.MaxDataPoints && timeWalkerMs < to; i++ {
delta := rand.Float64() - 0.5
walker += delta
if delta > 0 {
} else {
if math.Abs(delta) > .4 {
info.WriteString(" fast")
row := tsdb.RowValues{
walker - ((rand.Float64() * spread) + 0.01), // Min
walker + ((rand.Float64() * spread) + 0.01), // Max
// Add some random null values
if withNil && rand.Float64() > 0.8 {
for i := 1; i < 4; i++ {
if rand.Float64() > .2 {
row[i] = nil
table.Rows = append(table.Rows, row)
timeWalkerMs += query.IntervalMs
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
queryRes.Tables = append(queryRes.Tables, &table)
return queryRes
2016-09-27 11:17:39 -05:00
func registerScenario(scenario *Scenario) {
ScenarioRegistry[scenario.Id] = scenario
func newSeriesForQuery(query *tsdb.Query) *tsdb.TimeSeries {
alias := query.Model.Get("alias").MustString("")
if alias == "" {
alias = query.RefId + "-series"
return &tsdb.TimeSeries{Name: alias}