This guide will help you create packages from source and get grafana up and running in
dev environment. Grafana ships with its own required backend server; also completely open-source. It's written in [Go]( and has a full [HTTP API](/v2.1/reference/http_api/).
Create a directory for the project and set your path accordingly (or use the [default Go workspace directory]( Then download and install Grafana into your $GOPATH directory:
You may see an error such as: `package no buildable Go source files`. This is just a warning, and you can proceed with the directions.
[node-gyp]( is the Node.js native addon build tool and it requires extra dependencies to be installed on Windows. In a command prompt which is run as administrator, run:
If the `bra run` command does not work, make sure that the bin directory in your Go workspace directory is in the path. $GOPATH/bin (or %GOPATH%\bin in Windows) is in your path.
Please contribute to the Grafana project and submit a pull request! Build new features, write or update documentation, fix bugs and generally make Grafana even more awesome.
**Problem**: PhantomJS or node-sass errors when running grunt
**Solution**: delete the node_modules directory. Install [node-gyp]( properly for your platform. Then run `yarn install --pure-lockfile` again.
**Problem**: When running `bra run` for the first time you get an error that it is not a recognized command.
**Solution**: Add the bin directory in your Go workspace directory to the path. Per default this is `$HOME/go/bin` on Linux and `%USERPROFILE%\go\bin` on Windows or `$GOPATH/bin` (`%GOPATH%\bin` on Windows) if you have set your own workspace directory.
**Problem**: When executing a `go get` command on Windows and you get an error about the git repository not existing.
**Solution**: `go get` requires Git. If you run `go get` without Git then it will create an empty directory in your Go workspace for the library you are trying to get. Even after installing Git, you will get a similar error. To fix this, delete the empty directory (for example: if you tried to run `go get` then delete `%USERPROFILE%\go\src\\Unknwon\bra`) and run the `go get` command again.
**Problem**: On Windows, getting errors about a tool not being installed even though you just installed that tool.
**Solution**: It is usually because it got added to the path and you have to restart your command prompt to use it.