
192 lines
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function ($) {
'use strict';
function GraphTooltip(elem, dashboard, scope, getSeriesFn) {
var self = this;
var $tooltip = $('<div id="tooltip">');
this.findHoverIndexFromDataPoints = function(posX, series,last) {
var ps = series.datapoints.pointsize;
var initial = last*ps;
var len = series.datapoints.points.length;
for (var j = initial; j < len; j += ps) {
if (series.datapoints.points[j] > posX) {
return Math.max(j - ps, 0)/ps;
return j/ps - 1;
this.findHoverIndexFromData = function(posX, series) {
var len =;
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
if ([j][0] > posX) {
return Math.max(j - 1, 0);
return j - 1;
this.showTooltip = function(title, innerHtml, pos) {
var body = '<div class="graph-tooltip small"><div class="graph-tooltip-time">'+ title + '</div> ' ;
body += innerHtml + '</div>';
$tooltip.html(body).place_tt(pos.pageX + 20, pos.pageY);
this.getMultiSeriesPlotHoverInfo = function(seriesList, pos) {
var value, i, series, hoverIndex, seriesTmp;
var results = [];
var pointCount;
for (i = 0; i < seriesList.length; i++) {
seriesTmp = seriesList[i];
if (! { continue; }
if (!pointCount) {
series = seriesTmp;
pointCount =;
if ( !== pointCount) {
results.pointCountMismatch = true;
return results;
hoverIndex = this.findHoverIndexFromData(pos.x, series);
var lasthoverIndex = 0;
if(!scope.panel.steppedLine) {
lasthoverIndex = hoverIndex;
//now we know the current X (j) position for X and Y values
results.time =[hoverIndex][0];
var last_value = 0; //needed for stacked values
for (i = 0; i < seriesList.length; i++) {
series = seriesList[i];
if (! { continue; }
if (scope.panel.stack) {
if (scope.panel.tooltip.value_type === 'individual') {
value =[hoverIndex][1];
} else {
last_value +=[hoverIndex][1];
value = last_value;
} else {
value =[hoverIndex][1];
// Highlighting multiple Points depending on the plot type
if (scope.panel.steppedLine || (scope.panel.stack && scope.panel.nullPointMode == "null")) {
// stacked and steppedLine plots can have series with different length.
// Stacked series can increase its length on each new stacked serie if null points found,
// to speed the index search we begin always on the las found hoverIndex.
var newhoverIndex = this.findHoverIndexFromDataPoints(pos.x, series,lasthoverIndex);
// update lasthoverIndex depends also on the plot type.
if(!scope.panel.steppedLine) {
// on stacked graphs new will be always greater than last
lasthoverIndex = newhoverIndex;
} else {
// if steppeLine, not always series increases its length, so we should begin
// to search correct index from the original hoverIndex on each serie.
lasthoverIndex = hoverIndex;
results.push({ value: value, hoverIndex: newhoverIndex, series: series });
} else {
results.push({ value: value, hoverIndex: hoverIndex, series: series });
return results;
elem.mouseleave(function () {
if (scope.panel.tooltip.shared || dashboard.sharedCrosshair) {
var plot =;
if (plot) {
elem.bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
var plot =;
var plotData = plot.getData();
var seriesList = getSeriesFn();
var group, value, timestamp, hoverInfo, i, series, seriesHtml;
2014-10-01 02:08:11 -05:00
scope.appEvent('setCrosshair', { pos: pos, scope: scope });
2014-10-01 02:08:11 -05:00
2014-10-10 09:05:12 -05:00
if (seriesList.length === 0) {
if (scope.panel.tooltip.shared) {
var seriesHoverInfo = self.getMultiSeriesPlotHoverInfo(plotData, pos);
if (seriesHoverInfo.pointCountMismatch) {
self.showTooltip('Shared tooltip error', '<ul>' +
'<li>Series point counts are not the same</li>' +
'<li>Set null point mode to null or null as zero</li>' +
'<li>For influxdb users set fill(0) in your query</li></ul>', pos);
seriesHtml = '';
timestamp = dashboard.formatDate(seriesHoverInfo.time);
for (i = 0; i < seriesHoverInfo.length; i++) {
hoverInfo = seriesHoverInfo[i];
series = hoverInfo.series;
value = series.formatValue(hoverInfo.value);
seriesHtml += '<div class="graph-tooltip-list-item"><div class="graph-tooltip-series-name">';
seriesHtml += '<i class="icon-minus" style="color:' + series.color +';"></i> ' + series.label + ':</div>';
seriesHtml += '<div class="graph-tooltip-value">' + value + '</div></div>';
plot.highlight(i, hoverInfo.hoverIndex);
self.showTooltip(timestamp, seriesHtml, pos);
// single series tooltip
else if (item) {
series = seriesList[item.seriesIndex];
group = '<div class="graph-tooltip-list-item"><div class="graph-tooltip-series-name">';
group += '<i class="icon-minus" style="color:' + item.series.color +';"></i> ' + series.label + ':</div>';
if (scope.panel.stack && scope.panel.tooltip.value_type === 'individual') {
value = item.datapoint[1] - item.datapoint[2];
else {
value = item.datapoint[1];
value = series.formatValue(value);
timestamp = dashboard.formatDate(item.datapoint[0]);
group += '<div class="graph-tooltip-value">' + value + '</div>';
self.showTooltip(timestamp, group, pos);
// no hit
else {
return GraphTooltip;