adding more units and functions

This commit is contained in:
Peter Holmberg 2019-01-07 17:00:10 +01:00
parent ffc9b7ac03
commit 36e4bf5985

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
type ValueFormatter = (value: number, decimals?: number, scaledDecimals?: number) => string;
import moment from 'moment';
type ValueFormatter = (value: number, decimals?: number, scaledDecimals?: number, isUtc?: boolean) => string;
interface ValueFormat {
name: string;
@ -15,6 +17,32 @@ interface ValueFormatterIndex {
[id: string]: ValueFormatter;
interface IntervalsInSeconds {
[interval: string]: number;
enum Interval {
Year = 'year',
Month = 'month',
Week = 'week',
Day = 'day',
Hour = 'hour',
Minute = 'minute',
Second = 'second',
Millisecond = 'millisecond',
const INTERVALS_IN_SECONDS: IntervalsInSeconds = {
[Interval.Year]: 31536000,
[Interval.Month]: 2592000,
[Interval.Week]: 604800,
[Interval.Day]: 86400,
[Interval.Hour]: 3600,
[Interval.Month]: 60,
[Interval.Second]: 1,
[Interval.Millisecond]: 0.001,
// Globals & formats cache
let categories: ValueFormatCategory[] = [];
const index: ValueFormatterIndex = {};
@ -46,6 +74,20 @@ function toFixed(value: number, decimals?: number): string {
return formatted;
function toFixedScaled(
value: number,
decimals: number,
scaledDecimals: number,
additionalDecimals: number,
ext: string
) {
if (scaledDecimals === null) {
return toFixed(value, decimals) + ext;
} else {
return toFixed(value, scaledDecimals + additionalDecimals) + ext;
function toFixedUnit(unit: string) {
return (size: number, decimals: number) => {
if (size === null) {
@ -144,61 +186,345 @@ function currency(symbol: string) {
function toNanoSeconds(size: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number) {
if (size === null) {
return '';
if (Math.abs(size) < 1000) {
return toFixed(size, decimals) + ' ns';
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 1000000) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 1000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' µs');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 1000000000) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 1000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 6, ' ms');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 60000000000) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 1000000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 9, ' s');
} else {
return toFixedScaled(size / 60000000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 12, ' min');
function toMicroSeconds(size: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number) {
if (size === null) {
return '';
if (Math.abs(size) < 1000) {
return toFixed(size, decimals) + ' µs';
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 1000000) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 1000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' ms');
} else {
return toFixedScaled(size / 1000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 6, ' s');
function toMilliSeconds(size: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number) {
if (size === null) {
return '';
if (Math.abs(size) < 1000) {
return toFixed(size, decimals) + ' ms';
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 60000) {
// Less than 1 min
return toFixedScaled(size / 1000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' s');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 3600000) {
// Less than 1 hour, divide in minutes
return toFixedScaled(size / 60000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 5, ' min');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 86400000) {
// Less than one day, divide in hours
return toFixedScaled(size / 3600000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 7, ' hour');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 31536000000) {
// Less than one year, divide in days
return toFixedScaled(size / 86400000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 8, ' day');
return toFixedScaled(size / 31536000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 10, ' year');
function toSeconds(size: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number) {
if (size === null) {
return '';
// Less than 1 µs, divide in ns
if (Math.abs(size) < 0.000001) {
return toFixedScaled(size * 1e9, decimals, scaledDecimals - decimals, -9, ' ns');
// Less than 1 ms, divide in µs
if (Math.abs(size) < 0.001) {
return toFixedScaled(size * 1e6, decimals, scaledDecimals - decimals, -6, ' µs');
// Less than 1 second, divide in ms
if (Math.abs(size) < 1) {
return toFixedScaled(size * 1e3, decimals, scaledDecimals - decimals, -3, ' ms');
if (Math.abs(size) < 60) {
return toFixed(size, decimals) + ' s';
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 3600) {
// Less than 1 hour, divide in minutes
return toFixedScaled(size / 60, decimals, scaledDecimals, 1, ' min');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 86400) {
// Less than one day, divide in hours
return toFixedScaled(size / 3600, decimals, scaledDecimals, 4, ' hour');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 604800) {
// Less than one week, divide in days
return toFixedScaled(size / 86400, decimals, scaledDecimals, 5, ' day');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 31536000) {
// Less than one year, divide in week
return toFixedScaled(size / 604800, decimals, scaledDecimals, 6, ' week');
return toFixedScaled(size / 3.15569e7, decimals, scaledDecimals, 7, ' year');
function toMinutes(size: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number) {
if (size === null) {
return '';
if (Math.abs(size) < 60) {
return toFixed(size, decimals) + ' min';
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 1440) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 60, decimals, scaledDecimals, 2, ' hour');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 10080) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 1440, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' day');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 604800) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 10080, decimals, scaledDecimals, 4, ' week');
} else {
return toFixedScaled(size / 5.25948e5, decimals, scaledDecimals, 5, ' year');
function toHours(size: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number) {
if (size === null) {
return '';
if (Math.abs(size) < 24) {
return toFixed(size, decimals) + ' hour';
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 168) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 24, decimals, scaledDecimals, 2, ' day');
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 8760) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 168, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' week');
} else {
return toFixedScaled(size / 8760, decimals, scaledDecimals, 4, ' year');
function toDays(size: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number) {
if (size === null) {
return '';
if (Math.abs(size) < 7) {
return toFixed(size, decimals) + ' day';
} else if (Math.abs(size) < 365) {
return toFixedScaled(size / 7, decimals, scaledDecimals, 2, ' week');
} else {
return toFixedScaled(size / 365, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' year');
function toDuration(size: number, decimals: number, timeScale: Interval): string {
if (size === null) {
return '';
if (size === 0) {
return '0 ' + timeScale + 's';
if (size < 0) {
return toDuration(-size, decimals, timeScale) + ' ago';
const units = [
{ long: Interval.Year },
{ long: Interval.Month },
{ long: Interval.Week },
{ long: Interval.Day },
{ long: Interval.Hour },
{ long: Interval.Minute },
{ long: Interval.Second },
{ long: Interval.Millisecond },
// convert $size to milliseconds
// intervals_in_seconds uses seconds (duh), convert them to milliseconds here to minimize floating point errors
size *= INTERVALS_IN_SECONDS[timeScale] * 1000;
const strings = [];
// after first value >= 1 print only $decimals more
let decrementDecimals = false;
for (let i = 0; i < units.length && decimals >= 0; i++) {
const interval = INTERVALS_IN_SECONDS[units[i].long] * 1000;
const value = size / interval;
if (value >= 1 || decrementDecimals) {
decrementDecimals = true;
const floor = Math.floor(value);
const unit = units[i].long + (floor !== 1 ? 's' : '');
strings.push(floor + ' ' + unit);
size = size % interval;
return strings.join(', ');
function toClock(size: number, decimals: number) {
if (size === null) {
return '';
// < 1 second
if (size < 1000) {
return moment.utc(size).format('SSS\\m\\s');
// < 1 minute
if (size < 60000) {
let format = 'ss\\s:SSS\\m\\s';
if (decimals === 0) {
format = 'ss\\s';
return moment.utc(size).format(format);
// < 1 hour
if (size < 3600000) {
let format = 'mm\\m:ss\\s:SSS\\m\\s';
if (decimals === 0) {
format = 'mm\\m';
} else if (decimals === 1) {
format = 'mm\\m:ss\\s';
return moment.utc(size).format(format);
let format = 'mm\\m:ss\\s:SSS\\m\\s';
const hours = `${('0' + Math.floor(moment.duration(size, 'milliseconds').asHours())).slice(-2)}h`;
if (decimals === 0) {
format = '';
} else if (decimals === 1) {
format = 'mm\\m';
} else if (decimals === 2) {
format = 'mm\\m:ss\\s';
return format ? `${hours}:${moment.utc(size).format(format)}` : hours;
function toDurationInMilliseconds(size: number, decimals: number) {
return toDuration(size, decimals, Interval.Millisecond);
function toDurationInSeconds(size: number, decimals: number) {
return toDuration(size, decimals, Interval.Second);
function toDurationInHoursMinutesSeconds(size: number) {
const strings = [];
const numHours = Math.floor(size / 3600);
const numMinutes = Math.floor((size % 3600) / 60);
const numSeconds = Math.floor((size % 3600) % 60);
numHours > 9 ? strings.push('' + numHours) : strings.push('0' + numHours);
numMinutes > 9 ? strings.push('' + numMinutes) : strings.push('0' + numMinutes);
numSeconds > 9 ? strings.push('' + numSeconds) : strings.push('0' + numSeconds);
return strings.join(':');
function toTimeTicks(size: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number) {
return toSeconds(size, decimals, scaledDecimals);
function toClockMilliseconds(size: number, decimals: number) {
return toClock(size, decimals);
function toClockSeconds(size: number, decimals: number) {
return toClock(size * 1000, decimals);
function dateTimeAsIso(value: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number, isUtc: boolean) {
const time = isUtc ? moment.utc(value) : moment(value);
if (moment().isSame(value, 'day')) {
return time.format('HH:mm:ss');
return time.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
function dateTimeAsUS(value: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number, isUtc: boolean) {
const time = isUtc ? moment.utc(value) : moment(value);
if (moment().isSame(value, 'day')) {
return time.format('h:mm:ss a');
return time.format('MM/DD/YYYY h:mm:ss a');
function dateTimeFromNow(value: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number, isUtc: boolean) {
const time = isUtc ? moment.utc(value) : moment(value);
return time.fromNow();
function binarySIPrefix(unit: string, offset = 0) {
const prefixes = ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi'].slice(offset);
const units = => {
return ' ' + p + unit;
return scaledUnits(1024, units);
function decimalSIPrefix(unit: string, offset = 0) {
let prefixes = ['n', 'µ', 'm', '', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'];
prefixes = prefixes.slice(3 + (offset || 0));
const units = => {
return ' ' + p + unit;
return scaledUnits(1000, units);
function buildFormats() {
categories = [
name: 'none',
formats: [
name: 'none',
id: 'none',
fn: toFixed,
{ name: 'none', id: 'none', fn: toFixed },
name: 'short',
id: 'short',
fn: scaledUnits(1000, ['', ' K', ' Mil', ' Bil', ' Tri', ' Quadr', ' Quint', ' Sext', ' Sept']),
name: 'percent (0-100)',
id: 'percent',
fn: toPercent,
name: 'percent (0.0-1.0)',
id: 'percentunit',
fn: toPercentUnit,
name: 'Humidity (%H)',
id: 'humidity',
fn: toFixedUnit('%H'),
name: 'decibel',
id: 'dB',
fn: toFixedUnit('dB'),
name: 'hexadecimal (0x)',
id: 'hex0x',
fn: toHex0x,
name: 'hexadecimal',
id: 'hex',
fn: hex,
name: 'scientific notation',
id: 'sci',
fn: sci,
name: 'locale format',
id: 'locale',
fn: locale,
{ name: 'percent (0-100)', id: 'percent', fn: toPercent },
{ name: 'percent (0.0-1.0)', id: 'percentunit', fn: toPercentUnit },
{ name: 'Humidity (%H)', id: 'humidity', fn: toFixedUnit('%H') },
{ name: 'decibel', id: 'dB', fn: toFixedUnit('dB') },
{ name: 'hexadecimal (0x)', id: 'hex0x', fn: toHex0x },
{ name: 'hexadecimal', id: 'hex', fn: hex },
{ name: 'scientific notation', id: 'sci', fn: sci },
{ name: 'locale format', id: 'locale', fn: locale },
name: 'area',
formats: [
{ name: 'Square Meters (m²)', id: 'areaM2', fn: toFixedUnit('m²') },
{ name: 'Square Feet (ft²)', id: 'areaF2', fn: toFixedUnit('ft²') },
{ name: 'Square Miles (mi²)', id: 'areaMI2', fn: toFixedUnit('mi²') },
name: 'computation throughput',
formats: [
{ name: 'FLOP/s', id: 'flops', fn: decimalSIPrefix('FLOP/s') },
{ name: 'MFLOP/s', id: 'mflops', fn: decimalSIPrefix('FLOP/s', 2) },
{ name: 'GFLOP/s', id: 'gflops', fn: decimalSIPrefix('FLOP/s', 3) },
{ name: 'TFLOP/s', id: 'tflops', fn: decimalSIPrefix('FLOP/s', 4) },
{ name: 'PFLOP/s', id: 'pflops', fn: decimalSIPrefix('FLOP/s', 5) },
{ name: 'EFLOP/s', id: 'eflops', fn: decimalSIPrefix('FLOP/s', 6) },
@ -221,6 +547,157 @@ function buildFormats() {
{ name: 'Bitcoin (฿)', id: 'currencyBTC', fn: currency('฿') },
name: 'data (IEC)',
formats: [
{ name: 'bits', id: 'bits', fn: binarySIPrefix('b') },
{ name: 'bytes', id: 'bytes', fn: binarySIPrefix('B') },
{ name: 'kibibytes', id: 'kbytes', fn: binarySIPrefix('B', 1) },
{ name: 'mebibytes', id: 'mbytes', fn: binarySIPrefix('B', 2) },
{ name: 'gibibytes', id: 'gbytes', fn: binarySIPrefix('B', 3) },
name: 'data (Metric)',
formats: [
{ name: 'bits', id: 'decbits', fn: decimalSIPrefix('d') },
{ name: 'bytes', id: 'decbytes', fn: decimalSIPrefix('B') },
{ name: 'kilobytes', id: 'deckbytes', fn: decimalSIPrefix('B', 1) },
{ name: 'megabytes', id: 'decmbytes', fn: decimalSIPrefix('B', 2) },
{ name: 'gigabytes', id: 'decgbytes', fn: decimalSIPrefix('B', 3) },
name: 'data rate',
formats: [
{ name: 'packets/sec', id: 'pps', fn: decimalSIPrefix('pps') },
{ name: 'bits/sec', id: 'bps', fn: decimalSIPrefix('bps') },
{ name: 'bytes/sec', id: 'Bps', fn: decimalSIPrefix('B/s') },
{ name: 'kilobytes/sec', id: 'KBs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('Bs', 1) },
{ name: 'kilobits/sec', id: 'Kbits', fn: decimalSIPrefix('bps', 1) },
{ name: 'megabytes/sec', id: 'MBs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('Bs', 2) },
{ name: 'megabits/sec', id: 'Mbits', fn: decimalSIPrefix('bps', 2) },
{ name: 'gigabytes/sec', id: 'GBs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('Bs', 3) },
{ name: 'gigabits/sec', id: 'Gbits', fn: decimalSIPrefix('bps', 3) },
name: 'date & time',
formats: [
{ name: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', id: 'dateTimeAsIso', fn: dateTimeAsIso },
{ name: 'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm:ss a', id: 'dateTimeAsUS', fn: dateTimeAsUS },
{ name: 'From Now', id: 'dateTimeFromNow', fn: dateTimeFromNow },
name: 'energy',
formats: [
{ name: 'Watt (W)', id: 'watt', fn: decimalSIPrefix('W') },
{ name: 'Kilowatt (kW)', id: 'kwatt', fn: decimalSIPrefix('W', 1) },
{ name: 'Milliwatt (mW)', id: 'mwatt', fn: decimalSIPrefix('W', -1) },
{ name: 'Watt per square meter (W/m²)', id: 'Wm2', fn: toFixedUnit('W/m²') },
{ name: 'Volt-ampere (VA)', id: 'voltamp', fn: decimalSIPrefix('VA') },
{ name: 'Kilovolt-ampere (kVA)', id: 'kvoltamp', fn: decimalSIPrefix('VA', 1) },
{ name: 'Volt-ampere reactive (var)', id: 'voltampreact', fn: decimalSIPrefix('var') },
{ name: 'Kilovolt-ampere reactive (kvar)', id: 'kvoltampreact', fn: decimalSIPrefix('var', 1) },
{ name: 'Watt-hour (Wh)', id: 'watth', fn: decimalSIPrefix('Wh') },
{ name: 'Kilowatt-hour (kWh)', id: 'kwatth', fn: decimalSIPrefix('Wh', 1) },
{ name: 'Kilowatt-min (kWm)', id: 'kwattm', fn: decimalSIPrefix('W/Min', 1) },
{ name: 'Joule (J)', id: 'joule', fn: decimalSIPrefix('J') },
{ name: 'Electron volt (eV)', id: 'ev', fn: decimalSIPrefix('eV') },
{ name: 'Ampere (A)', id: 'amp', fn: decimalSIPrefix('A') },
{ name: 'Kiloampere (kA)', id: 'kamp', fn: decimalSIPrefix('A', 1) },
{ name: 'Milliampere (mA)', id: 'mamp', fn: decimalSIPrefix('A', -1) },
{ name: 'Volt (V)', id: 'volt', fn: decimalSIPrefix('V') },
{ name: 'Kilovolt (kV)', id: 'kvolt', fn: decimalSIPrefix('V', 1) },
{ name: 'Millivolt (mV)', id: 'mvolt', fn: decimalSIPrefix('V', -1) },
{ name: 'Decibel-milliwatt (dBm)', id: 'dBm', fn: decimalSIPrefix('dBm') },
{ name: 'Ohm (Ω)', id: 'ohm', fn: decimalSIPrefix('Ω') },
{ name: 'Lumens (Lm)', id: 'lumens', fn: decimalSIPrefix('Lm') },
name: 'hash rate',
formats: [
{ name: 'hashes/sec', id: 'Hs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('H/s') },
{ name: 'kilohashes/sec', id: 'KHs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 1) },
{ name: 'megahashes/sec', id: 'MHs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 2) },
{ name: 'gigahashes/sec', id: 'GHs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 3) },
{ name: 'terahashes/sec', id: 'THs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 4) },
{ name: 'petahashes/sec', id: 'PHs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 5) },
{ name: 'exahashes/sec', id: 'EHs', fn: decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 6) },
name: 'mass',
formats: [
{ name: 'milligram (mg)', id: 'massmg', fn: decimalSIPrefix('g', -1) },
{ name: 'gram (g)', id: 'massg', fn: decimalSIPrefix('g') },
{ name: 'kilogram (kg)', id: 'masskg', fn: decimalSIPrefix('g', 1) },
{ name: 'metric ton (t)', id: 'masst', fn: toFixedUnit('t') },
name: 'length',
formats: [
{ name: 'millimetre (mm)', id: 'lengthmm', fn: decimalSIPrefix('m', -1) },
{ name: 'feet (ft)', id: 'lengthft', fn: toFixedUnit('ft') },
{ name: 'meter (m)', id: 'lengthm', fn: decimalSIPrefix('m') },
{ name: 'kilometer (km)', id: 'lengthkm', fn: decimalSIPrefix('m', 1) },
{ name: 'mile (mi)', id: 'lengthmi', fn: toFixedUnit('mi') },
name: 'temperature',
formats: [
{ name: 'Celsius (°C)', id: 'celsius', fn: toFixedUnit('°C') },
{ name: 'Farenheit (°F)', id: 'farenheit', fn: toFixedUnit('°F') },
{ name: 'Kelvin (K)', id: 'kelvin', fn: toFixedUnit('K') },
name: 'time',
formats: [
{ name: 'Hertz (1/s)', id: 'hertz', fn: decimalSIPrefix('Hz') },
{ name: 'nanoseconds (ns)', id: 'ns', fn: toNanoSeconds },
{ name: 'microseconds (µs)', id: 'µs', fn: toMicroSeconds },
{ name: 'milliseconds (ms)', id: 'ms', fn: toMilliSeconds },
{ name: 'seconds (s)', id: 's', fn: toSeconds },
{ name: 'minutes (m)', id: 'm', fn: toMinutes },
{ name: 'hours (h)', id: 'h', fn: toHours },
{ name: 'days (d)', id: 'd', fn: toDays },
{ name: 'duration (ms)', id: 'dtdurationms', fn: toDurationInMilliseconds },
{ name: 'duration (s)', id: 'dtdurations', fn: toDurationInSeconds },
{ name: 'duration (hh:mm:ss)', id: 'dthms', fn: toDurationInHoursMinutesSeconds },
{ name: 'Timeticks (s/100)', id: 'timeticks', fn: toTimeTicks },
{ name: 'clock (ms)', id: 'clockms', fn: toClockMilliseconds },
{ name: 'clock (s)', id: 'clocks', fn: toClockSeconds },
name: 'throughput',
formats: [
{ name: 'ops/sec (ops)', id: 'ops', fn: decimalSIPrefix('ops') },
{ name: 'requests/sec (rps)', id: 'reqps', fn: decimalSIPrefix('reqps') },
{ name: 'reads/sec (rps)', id: 'rps', fn: decimalSIPrefix('rps') },
{ name: 'writes/sec (wps)', id: 'wps', fn: decimalSIPrefix('wps') },
{ name: 'I/O ops/sec (iops)', id: 'iops', fn: decimalSIPrefix('iops') },
{ name: 'ops/min (opm)', id: 'opm', fn: decimalSIPrefix('opm') },
{ name: 'reads/min (rpm)', id: 'rpm', fn: decimalSIPrefix('rpm') },
{ name: 'writes/min (wpm)', id: 'wpm', fn: decimalSIPrefix('wpm') },
name: 'volume',
formats: [
{ name: 'millilitre (mL)', id: 'mlitre', fn: decimalSIPrefix('L', -1) },
{ name: 'litre (L)', id: 'litre', fn: decimalSIPrefix('L') },
{ name: 'cubic metre', id: 'm3', fn: toFixedUnit('m³') },
{ name: 'Normal cubic metre', id: 'Nm3', fn: toFixedUnit('Nm³') },
{ name: 'cubic decimetre', id: 'dm3', fn: toFixedUnit('dm³') },
{ name: 'gallons', id: 'gallons', fn: toFixedUnit('gal') },
for (const cat of categories) {
@ -259,7 +736,7 @@ export function getUnitFormats() {
submenu: => {
return {