mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
Live: declarative processing pipeline, input -> frames -> output, toggle protected POC (#37644)
This commit is contained in:
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@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ func (hs *HTTPServer) registerRoutes() {
// the channel path is in the name
liveRoute.Post("/publish", bind(dtos.LivePublishCmd{}), routing.Wrap(hs.Live.HandleHTTPPublish))
// POST influx line protocol
// POST influx line protocol.
liveRoute.Post("/push/:streamId", hs.LivePushGateway.Handle)
// List available streams and fields
@ -430,6 +430,13 @@ func (hs *HTTPServer) registerRoutes() {
// Some channels may have info
liveRoute.Get("/info/*", routing.Wrap(hs.Live.HandleInfoHTTP))
if hs.Cfg.FeatureToggles["live-pipeline"] {
// POST Live data to be processed according to channel rules.
liveRoute.Post("/push/:streamId/:path", hs.LivePushGateway.HandlePath)
liveRoute.Get("/channel-rules", routing.Wrap(hs.Live.HandleChannelRulesListHTTP), reqOrgAdmin)
liveRoute.Get("/remote-write-backends", routing.Wrap(hs.Live.HandleRemoteWriteBackendsListHTTP), reqOrgAdmin)
// short urls
@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ import (
@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ import (
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import (
@ -137,20 +138,7 @@ func ProvideService(plugCtxProvider *plugincontext.Provider, cfg *setting.Cfg, r
g.contextGetter = liveplugin.NewContextGetter(g.PluginContextProvider)
channelLocalPublisher := liveplugin.NewChannelLocalPublisher(node)
numLocalSubscribersGetter := liveplugin.NewNumLocalSubscribersGetter(node)
g.runStreamManager = runstream.NewManager(channelLocalPublisher, numLocalSubscribersGetter, g.contextGetter)
// Initialize the main features
dash := &features.DashboardHandler{
Publisher: g.Publish,
ClientCount: g.ClientCount,
g.storage = database.NewStorage(g.SQLStore, g.CacheService)
g.GrafanaScope.Dashboards = dash
g.GrafanaScope.Features["dashboard"] = dash
g.GrafanaScope.Features["broadcast"] = features.NewBroadcastRunner(g.storage)
channelLocalPublisher := liveplugin.NewChannelLocalPublisher(node, nil)
var managedStreamRunner *managedstream.Runner
if g.IsHA() {
@ -163,16 +151,58 @@ func ProvideService(plugCtxProvider *plugincontext.Provider, cfg *setting.Cfg, r
managedStreamRunner = managedstream.NewRunner(
} else {
managedStreamRunner = managedstream.NewRunner(
g.ManagedStreamRunner = managedStreamRunner
if enabled := g.Cfg.FeatureToggles["live-pipeline"]; enabled {
var builder pipeline.RuleBuilder
if os.Getenv("GF_LIVE_DEV_BUILDER") != "" {
builder = &pipeline.DevRuleBuilder{
Node: node,
ManagedStream: g.ManagedStreamRunner,
FrameStorage: pipeline.NewFrameStorage(),
} else {
storage := &pipeline.FileStorage{}
g.channelRuleStorage = storage
builder = &pipeline.StorageRuleBuilder{
Node: node,
ManagedStream: g.ManagedStreamRunner,
FrameStorage: pipeline.NewFrameStorage(),
RuleStorage: storage,
channelRuleGetter := pipeline.NewCacheSegmentedTree(builder)
g.Pipeline, err = pipeline.New(channelRuleGetter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
g.contextGetter = liveplugin.NewContextGetter(g.PluginContextProvider)
pipelinedChannelLocalPublisher := liveplugin.NewChannelLocalPublisher(node, g.Pipeline)
numLocalSubscribersGetter := liveplugin.NewNumLocalSubscribersGetter(node)
g.runStreamManager = runstream.NewManager(pipelinedChannelLocalPublisher, numLocalSubscribersGetter, g.contextGetter)
// Initialize the main features
dash := &features.DashboardHandler{
Publisher: g.Publish,
ClientCount: g.ClientCount,
g.storage = database.NewStorage(g.SQLStore, g.CacheService)
g.GrafanaScope.Dashboards = dash
g.GrafanaScope.Features["dashboard"] = dash
g.GrafanaScope.Features["broadcast"] = features.NewBroadcastRunner(g.storage)
g.surveyCaller = survey.NewCaller(managedStreamRunner, node)
err = g.surveyCaller.SetupHandlers()
if err != nil {
@ -323,6 +353,8 @@ type GrafanaLive struct {
GrafanaScope CoreGrafanaScope
ManagedStreamRunner *managedstream.Runner
Pipeline *pipeline.Pipeline
channelRuleStorage pipeline.RuleStorage
contextGetter *liveplugin.ContextGetter
runStreamManager *runstream.Manager
@ -354,6 +386,10 @@ func (g *GrafanaLive) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (g *GrafanaLive) ChannelRuleStorage() pipeline.RuleStorage {
return g.channelRuleStorage
func getCheckOriginFunc(appURL *url.URL, originPatterns []string, originGlobs []glob.Glob) func(r *http.Request) bool {
return func(r *http.Request) bool {
origin := r.Header.Get("Origin")
@ -679,7 +715,7 @@ func (g *GrafanaLive) handlePluginScope(_ *models.SignedInUser, namespace string
func (g *GrafanaLive) handleStreamScope(u *models.SignedInUser, namespace string) (models.ChannelHandlerFactory, error) {
return g.ManagedStreamRunner.GetOrCreateStream(u.OrgId, namespace)
return g.ManagedStreamRunner.GetOrCreateStream(u.OrgId, live.ScopeStream, namespace)
func (g *GrafanaLive) handleDatasourceScope(user *models.SignedInUser, namespace string) (models.ChannelHandlerFactory, error) {
@ -791,6 +827,28 @@ func (g *GrafanaLive) HandleInfoHTTP(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
// HandleChannelRulesListHTTP ...
func (g *GrafanaLive) HandleChannelRulesListHTTP(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
result, err := g.channelRuleStorage.ListChannelRules(c.Req.Context(), c.OrgId)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Failed to get channel rules", err)
return response.JSON(http.StatusOK, util.DynMap{
"rules": result,
// HandleRemoteWriteBackendsListHTTP ...
func (g *GrafanaLive) HandleRemoteWriteBackendsListHTTP(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
result, err := g.channelRuleStorage.ListRemoteWriteBackends(c.Req.Context(), c.OrgId)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Failed to get channel rules", err)
return response.JSON(http.StatusOK, util.DynMap{
"remoteWriteBackends": result,
// Write to the standard log15 logger
func handleLog(msg centrifuge.LogEntry) {
arr := make([]interface{}, 0)
@ -1,24 +1,42 @@
package liveplugin
import (
type ChannelLocalPublisher struct {
node *centrifuge.Node
node *centrifuge.Node
pipeline *pipeline.Pipeline
func NewChannelLocalPublisher(node *centrifuge.Node) *ChannelLocalPublisher {
return &ChannelLocalPublisher{node: node}
func NewChannelLocalPublisher(node *centrifuge.Node, pipeline *pipeline.Pipeline) *ChannelLocalPublisher {
return &ChannelLocalPublisher{node: node, pipeline: pipeline}
func (p *ChannelLocalPublisher) PublishLocal(channel string, data []byte) error {
if p.pipeline != nil {
orgID, channelID, err := orgchannel.StripOrgID(channel)
if err != nil {
return err
ok, err := p.pipeline.ProcessInput(context.Background(), orgID, channelID, data)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
// if rule found – we are done here. If not - fall through and process as usual.
return nil
pub := ¢rifuge.Publication{
Data: data,
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
type FrameCache interface {
// GetActiveChannels returns active managed stream channels with JSON schema.
GetActiveChannels(orgID int64) (map[string]json.RawMessage, error)
// GetFrame returns full JSON frame for a path.
// GetFrame returns full JSON frame for a channel in org.
GetFrame(orgID int64, channel string) (json.RawMessage, bool, error)
// Update updates frame cache and returns true if schema changed.
Update(orgID int64, channel string, frameJson data.FrameJSONCache) (bool, error)
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import (
@ -19,20 +21,39 @@ var (
logger = log.New("live.managed_stream")
// Runner keeps ManagedStream per streamID.
// If message comes from a plugin:
// * it's simply sent to local subscribers without any additional steps
// * if there is RULE then may be processed in some way
// * important to keep a message in the original channel
// * client subscribed to ds/<UID>/xxx
// What we want to build:
// * Stream scope not hardcoded and determined by the caller
// * So it's possible to use managed stream from plugins
// * The problem is HA – at moment several plugins on different nodes publish same messages
// * Can use in-memory managed stream for plugins with local subscribers publish, use HA-managed stream for HTTP/WS
// * Eventually maintain a single connection with a plugin over a channel leader selection.
// Runner keeps NamespaceStream per namespace.
type Runner struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
streams map[int64]map[string]*ManagedStream
publisher models.ChannelPublisher
frameCache FrameCache
mu sync.RWMutex
streams map[int64]map[string]*NamespaceStream
publisher models.ChannelPublisher
localPublisher LocalPublisher
frameCache FrameCache
type LocalPublisher interface {
PublishLocal(channel string, data []byte) error
// NewRunner creates new Runner.
func NewRunner(publisher models.ChannelPublisher, frameCache FrameCache) *Runner {
func NewRunner(publisher models.ChannelPublisher, localPublisher LocalPublisher, frameCache FrameCache) *Runner {
return &Runner{
publisher: publisher,
streams: map[int64]map[string]*ManagedStream{},
frameCache: frameCache,
publisher: publisher,
localPublisher: localPublisher,
streams: map[int64]map[string]*NamespaceStream{},
frameCache: frameCache,
@ -49,7 +70,8 @@ func (r *Runner) GetManagedChannels(orgID int64) ([]*ManagedChannel, error) {
// Enrich with minute rate.
channel, _ := live.ParseChannel(managedChannel.Channel)
namespaceStream, ok := r.streams[orgID][channel.Namespace]
prefix := channel.Scope + "/" + channel.Namespace
namespaceStream, ok := r.streams[orgID][prefix]
if ok {
managedChannel.MinuteRate = namespaceStream.minuteRate(channel.Path)
@ -86,46 +108,34 @@ func (r *Runner) GetManagedChannels(orgID int64) ([]*ManagedChannel, error) {
return channels, nil
// Streams returns a map of active managed streams (per streamID).
func (r *Runner) Streams(orgID int64) map[string]*ManagedStream {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
if _, ok := r.streams[orgID]; !ok {
return map[string]*ManagedStream{}
streams := make(map[string]*ManagedStream, len(r.streams[orgID]))
for k, v := range r.streams[orgID] {
streams[k] = v
return streams
// GetOrCreateStream -- for now this will create new manager for each key.
// Eventually, the stream behavior will need to be configured explicitly
func (r *Runner) GetOrCreateStream(orgID int64, streamID string) (*ManagedStream, error) {
func (r *Runner) GetOrCreateStream(orgID int64, scope string, namespace string) (*NamespaceStream, error) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
_, ok := r.streams[orgID]
if !ok {
r.streams[orgID] = map[string]*ManagedStream{}
r.streams[orgID] = map[string]*NamespaceStream{}
s, ok := r.streams[orgID][streamID]
prefix := scope + "/" + namespace
s, ok := r.streams[orgID][prefix]
if !ok {
s = NewManagedStream(streamID, orgID, r.publisher, r.frameCache)
r.streams[orgID][streamID] = s
s = NewNamespaceStream(orgID, scope, namespace, r.publisher, r.localPublisher, r.frameCache)
r.streams[orgID][prefix] = s
return s, nil
// ManagedStream holds the state of a managed stream.
type ManagedStream struct {
id string
orgID int64
start time.Time
publisher models.ChannelPublisher
frameCache FrameCache
rateMu sync.RWMutex
rates map[string][60]rateEntry
// NamespaceStream holds the state of a managed stream.
type NamespaceStream struct {
orgID int64
scope string
namespace string
publisher models.ChannelPublisher
localPublisher LocalPublisher
frameCache FrameCache
rateMu sync.RWMutex
rates map[string][60]rateEntry
type rateEntry struct {
@ -133,18 +143,6 @@ type rateEntry struct {
count int32
// NewManagedStream creates new ManagedStream.
func NewManagedStream(id string, orgID int64, publisher models.ChannelPublisher, schemaUpdater FrameCache) *ManagedStream {
return &ManagedStream{
id: id,
orgID: orgID,
start: time.Now(),
publisher: publisher,
frameCache: schemaUpdater,
rates: map[string][60]rateEntry{},
// ManagedChannel represents a managed stream.
type ManagedChannel struct {
Channel string `json:"channel"`
@ -152,16 +150,30 @@ type ManagedChannel struct {
Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"`
// NewNamespaceStream creates new NamespaceStream.
func NewNamespaceStream(orgID int64, scope string, namespace string, publisher models.ChannelPublisher, localPublisher LocalPublisher, schemaUpdater FrameCache) *NamespaceStream {
return &NamespaceStream{
orgID: orgID,
scope: scope,
namespace: namespace,
publisher: publisher,
localPublisher: localPublisher,
frameCache: schemaUpdater,
rates: map[string][60]rateEntry{},
// Push sends frame to the stream and saves it for later retrieval by subscribers.
// unstableSchema flag can be set to disable schema caching for a path.
func (s *ManagedStream) Push(path string, frame *data.Frame) error {
// * Saves the entire frame to cache.
// * If schema has been changed sends entire frame to channel, otherwise only data.
func (s *NamespaceStream) Push(path string, frame *data.Frame) error {
jsonFrameCache, err := data.FrameToJSONCache(frame)
if err != nil {
return err
// The channel this will be posted into.
channel := live.Channel{Scope: live.ScopeStream, Namespace: s.id, Path: path}.String()
channel := live.Channel{Scope: s.scope, Namespace: s.namespace, Path: path}.String()
isUpdated, err := s.frameCache.Update(s.orgID, channel, jsonFrameCache)
if err != nil {
@ -179,10 +191,13 @@ func (s *ManagedStream) Push(path string, frame *data.Frame) error {
logger.Debug("Publish data to channel", "channel", channel, "dataLength", len(frameJSON))
s.incRate(path, time.Now().Unix())
if s.scope == live.ScopeDatasource || s.scope == live.ScopePlugin {
return s.localPublisher.PublishLocal(orgchannel.PrependOrgID(s.orgID, channel), frameJSON)
return s.publisher(s.orgID, channel, frameJSON)
func (s *ManagedStream) incRate(path string, nowUnix int64) {
func (s *NamespaceStream) incRate(path string, nowUnix int64) {
pathRate, ok := s.rates[path]
if !ok {
@ -199,7 +214,7 @@ func (s *ManagedStream) incRate(path string, nowUnix int64) {
func (s *ManagedStream) minuteRate(path string) int64 {
func (s *NamespaceStream) minuteRate(path string) int64 {
var total int64
defer s.rateMu.RUnlock()
@ -215,11 +230,11 @@ func (s *ManagedStream) minuteRate(path string) int64 {
return total
func (s *ManagedStream) GetHandlerForPath(_ string) (models.ChannelHandler, error) {
func (s *NamespaceStream) GetHandlerForPath(_ string) (models.ChannelHandler, error) {
return s, nil
func (s *ManagedStream) OnSubscribe(_ context.Context, u *models.SignedInUser, e models.SubscribeEvent) (models.SubscribeReply, backend.SubscribeStreamStatus, error) {
func (s *NamespaceStream) OnSubscribe(_ context.Context, u *models.SignedInUser, e models.SubscribeEvent) (models.SubscribeReply, backend.SubscribeStreamStatus, error) {
reply := models.SubscribeReply{}
frameJSON, ok, err := s.frameCache.GetFrame(u.OrgId, e.Channel)
if err != nil {
@ -231,6 +246,6 @@ func (s *ManagedStream) OnSubscribe(_ context.Context, u *models.SignedInUser, e
return reply, backend.SubscribeStreamStatusOK, nil
func (s *ManagedStream) OnPublish(_ context.Context, _ *models.SignedInUser, _ models.PublishEvent) (models.PublishReply, backend.PublishStreamStatus, error) {
func (s *NamespaceStream) OnPublish(_ context.Context, _ *models.SignedInUser, _ models.PublishEvent) (models.PublishReply, backend.PublishStreamStatus, error) {
return models.PublishReply{}, backend.PublishStreamStatusPermissionDenied, nil
@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ func (p *testPublisher) publish(_ int64, _ string, _ []byte) error {
func TestNewManagedStream(t *testing.T) {
publisher := &testPublisher{t: t}
c := NewManagedStream("a", 1, publisher.publish, NewMemoryFrameCache())
c := NewNamespaceStream(1, "stream", "a", publisher.publish, nil, NewMemoryFrameCache())
require.NotNil(t, c)
func TestManagedStreamMinuteRate(t *testing.T) {
publisher := &testPublisher{t: t}
c := NewManagedStream("a", 1, publisher.publish, NewMemoryFrameCache())
c := NewNamespaceStream(1, "stream", "a", publisher.publish, nil, NewMemoryFrameCache())
require.NotNil(t, c)
c.incRate("test1", time.Now().Unix())
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ func TestManagedStreamMinuteRate(t *testing.T) {
func TestGetManagedStreams(t *testing.T) {
publisher := &testPublisher{t: t}
frameCache := NewMemoryFrameCache()
runner := NewRunner(publisher.publish, frameCache)
s1, err := runner.GetOrCreateStream(1, "test1")
runner := NewRunner(publisher.publish, nil, frameCache)
s1, err := runner.GetOrCreateStream(1, "stream", "test1")
require.NoError(t, err)
s2, err := runner.GetOrCreateStream(1, "test2")
s2, err := runner.GetOrCreateStream(1, "stream", "test2")
require.NoError(t, err)
managedChannels, err := runner.GetManagedChannels(1)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func TestGetManagedStreams(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, "stream/test2/cpu1", managedChannels[5].Channel)
// Different org.
s3, err := runner.GetOrCreateStream(2, "test1")
s3, err := runner.GetOrCreateStream(2, "stream", "test1")
require.NoError(t, err)
err = s3.Push("cpu1", data.NewFrame("cpu1"))
require.NoError(t, err)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package pipeline
import (
// ConditionChecker checks conditions in context of data.Frame being processed.
type ConditionChecker interface {
CheckCondition(ctx context.Context, frame *data.Frame) (bool, error)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package pipeline
import (
// ConditionType represents multiple condition operator type.
type ConditionType string
const (
ConditionAll ConditionType = "all"
ConditionAny ConditionType = "any"
// MultipleConditionChecker can check multiple conditions according to ConditionType.
type MultipleConditionChecker struct {
Type ConditionType
Conditions []ConditionChecker
func (m MultipleConditionChecker) CheckCondition(ctx context.Context, frame *data.Frame) (bool, error) {
for _, c := range m.Conditions {
ok, err := c.CheckCondition(ctx, frame)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if ok && m.Type == ConditionAny {
return true, nil
if !ok && m.Type == ConditionAll {
return false, nil
if m.Type == ConditionAny {
return false, nil
return true, nil
// NewMultipleConditionChecker creates new MultipleConditionChecker.
func NewMultipleConditionChecker(conditionType ConditionType, conditions ...ConditionChecker) *MultipleConditionChecker {
return &MultipleConditionChecker{Type: conditionType, Conditions: conditions}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package pipeline
import (
// NumberCompareCondition can compare numbers.
type NumberCompareCondition struct {
FieldName string
Op NumberCompareOp
Value float64
// NumberCompareOp is an comparison operator.
type NumberCompareOp string
// Known NumberCompareOp types.
const (
NumberCompareOpLt NumberCompareOp = "lt"
NumberCompareOpGt NumberCompareOp = "gt"
NumberCompareOpLte NumberCompareOp = "lte"
NumberCompareOpGte NumberCompareOp = "gte"
NumberCompareOpEq NumberCompareOp = "eq"
NumberCompareOpNe NumberCompareOp = "ne"
func (f NumberCompareCondition) CheckCondition(_ context.Context, frame *data.Frame) (bool, error) {
for _, field := range frame.Fields {
// TODO: support other numeric types.
if field.Name == f.FieldName && (field.Type() == data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64) {
value, ok := field.At(0).(*float64)
if !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("unexpected value type: %T", field.At(0))
if value == nil {
return false, nil
switch f.Op {
case NumberCompareOpGt:
return *value > f.Value, nil
case NumberCompareOpGte:
return *value >= f.Value, nil
case NumberCompareOpLte:
return *value <= f.Value, nil
case NumberCompareOpLt:
return *value < f.Value, nil
case NumberCompareOpEq:
return *value == f.Value, nil
case NumberCompareOpNe:
return *value != f.Value, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("unknown comparison operator: %s", f.Op)
return false, nil
func NewNumberCompareCondition(fieldName string, op NumberCompareOp, value float64) *NumberCompareCondition {
return &NumberCompareCondition{FieldName: fieldName, Op: op, Value: value}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
package pipeline
import (
type JsonAutoSettings struct{}
type ConverterConfig struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
AutoJsonConverterConfig *AutoJsonConverterConfig `json:"jsonAuto,omitempty"`
ExactJsonConverterConfig *ExactJsonConverterConfig `json:"jsonExact,omitempty"`
AutoInfluxConverterConfig *AutoInfluxConverterConfig `json:"influxAuto,omitempty"`
JsonFrameConverterConfig *JsonFrameConverterConfig `json:"jsonFrame,omitempty"`
type ProcessorConfig struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
DropFieldsProcessorConfig *DropFieldsProcessorConfig `json:"dropFields,omitempty"`
KeepFieldsProcessorConfig *KeepFieldsProcessorConfig `json:"keepFields,omitempty"`
MultipleProcessorConfig *MultipleProcessorConfig `json:"multiple,omitempty"`
type MultipleProcessorConfig struct {
Processors []ProcessorConfig `json:"processors"`
type MultipleOutputterConfig struct {
Outputters []OutputterConfig `json:"outputs"`
type ManagedStreamOutputConfig struct{}
type ConditionalOutputConfig struct {
Condition *ConditionCheckerConfig `json:"condition"`
Outputter *OutputterConfig `json:"output"`
type RemoteWriteOutputConfig struct {
UID string `json:"uid"`
type OutputterConfig struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ManagedStreamConfig *ManagedStreamOutputConfig `json:"managedStream,omitempty"`
MultipleOutputterConfig *MultipleOutputterConfig `json:"multiple,omitempty"`
RedirectOutputConfig *RedirectOutputConfig `json:"redirect,omitempty"`
ConditionalOutputConfig *ConditionalOutputConfig `json:"conditional,omitempty"`
ThresholdOutputConfig *ThresholdOutputConfig `json:"threshold,omitempty"`
RemoteWriteOutputConfig *RemoteWriteOutputConfig `json:"remoteWrite,omitempty"`
ChangeLogOutputConfig *ChangeLogOutputConfig `json:"changeLog,omitempty"`
type ChannelRuleSettings struct {
Converter *ConverterConfig `json:"converter,omitempty"`
Processor *ProcessorConfig `json:"processor,omitempty"`
Outputter *OutputterConfig `json:"output,omitempty"`
type ChannelRule struct {
OrgId int64 `json:"-"`
Pattern string `json:"pattern"`
Settings ChannelRuleSettings `json:"settings"`
type RemoteWriteBackend struct {
OrgId int64 `json:"-"`
UID string `json:"uid"`
Settings *RemoteWriteConfig `json:"settings"`
type RemoteWriteBackends struct {
Backends []RemoteWriteBackend `json:"remoteWriteBackends"`
type ChannelRules struct {
Rules []ChannelRule `json:"rules"`
type MultipleConditionCheckerConfig struct {
Type ConditionType `json:"type"`
Conditions []ConditionCheckerConfig `json:"conditions"`
type NumberCompareConditionConfig struct {
FieldName string `json:"fieldName"`
Op NumberCompareOp `json:"op"`
Value float64 `json:"value"`
type ConditionCheckerConfig struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
MultipleConditionCheckerConfig *MultipleConditionCheckerConfig `json:"multiple,omitempty"`
NumberCompareConditionConfig *NumberCompareConditionConfig `json:"numberCompare,omitempty"`
type RuleStorage interface {
ListRemoteWriteBackends(_ context.Context, orgID int64) ([]RemoteWriteBackend, error)
ListChannelRules(_ context.Context, orgID int64) ([]ChannelRule, error)
type StorageRuleBuilder struct {
Node *centrifuge.Node
ManagedStream *managedstream.Runner
FrameStorage *FrameStorage
RuleStorage RuleStorage
func (f *StorageRuleBuilder) extractConverter(config *ConverterConfig) (Converter, error) {
if config == nil {
return nil, nil
missingConfiguration := fmt.Errorf("missing configuration for %s", config.Type)
switch config.Type {
case "jsonAuto":
if config.AutoJsonConverterConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
return NewAutoJsonConverter(*config.AutoJsonConverterConfig), nil
case "jsonExact":
if config.ExactJsonConverterConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
return NewExactJsonConverter(*config.ExactJsonConverterConfig), nil
case "jsonFrame":
if config.JsonFrameConverterConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
return NewJsonFrameConverter(*config.JsonFrameConverterConfig), nil
case "influxAuto":
if config.AutoInfluxConverterConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
return NewAutoInfluxConverter(*config.AutoInfluxConverterConfig), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown converter type: %s", config.Type)
func (f *StorageRuleBuilder) extractProcessor(config *ProcessorConfig) (Processor, error) {
if config == nil {
return nil, nil
missingConfiguration := fmt.Errorf("missing configuration for %s", config.Type)
switch config.Type {
case "dropFields":
if config.DropFieldsProcessorConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
return NewDropFieldsProcessor(*config.DropFieldsProcessorConfig), nil
case "keepFields":
if config.KeepFieldsProcessorConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
return NewKeepFieldsProcessor(*config.KeepFieldsProcessorConfig), nil
case "multiple":
if config.MultipleProcessorConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
var processors []Processor
for _, outConf := range config.MultipleProcessorConfig.Processors {
out := outConf
proc, err := f.extractProcessor(&out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
processors = append(processors, proc)
return NewMultipleProcessor(processors...), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown processor type: %s", config.Type)
func (f *StorageRuleBuilder) extractConditionChecker(config *ConditionCheckerConfig) (ConditionChecker, error) {
if config == nil {
return nil, nil
missingConfiguration := fmt.Errorf("missing configuration for %s", config.Type)
switch config.Type {
case "numberCompare":
if config.NumberCompareConditionConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
c := *config.NumberCompareConditionConfig
return NewNumberCompareCondition(c.FieldName, c.Op, c.Value), nil
case "multiple":
var conditions []ConditionChecker
if config.MultipleConditionCheckerConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
for _, outConf := range config.MultipleConditionCheckerConfig.Conditions {
out := outConf
cond, err := f.extractConditionChecker(&out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conditions = append(conditions, cond)
return NewMultipleConditionChecker(config.MultipleConditionCheckerConfig.Type, conditions...), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown condition type: %s", config.Type)
func (f *StorageRuleBuilder) extractOutputter(config *OutputterConfig, remoteWriteBackends []RemoteWriteBackend) (Outputter, error) {
if config == nil {
return nil, nil
missingConfiguration := fmt.Errorf("missing configuration for %s", config.Type)
switch config.Type {
case "redirect":
if config.RedirectOutputConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
return NewRedirectOutput(*config.RedirectOutputConfig), nil
case "multiple":
if config.MultipleOutputterConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
var outputters []Outputter
for _, outConf := range config.MultipleOutputterConfig.Outputters {
out := outConf
outputter, err := f.extractOutputter(&out, remoteWriteBackends)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputters = append(outputters, outputter)
return NewMultipleOutput(outputters...), nil
case "managedStream":
return NewManagedStreamOutput(f.ManagedStream), nil
case "localSubscribers":
return NewLocalSubscribersOutput(f.Node), nil
case "conditional":
if config.ConditionalOutputConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
condition, err := f.extractConditionChecker(config.ConditionalOutputConfig.Condition)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputter, err := f.extractOutputter(config.ConditionalOutputConfig.Outputter, remoteWriteBackends)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewConditionalOutput(condition, outputter), nil
case "threshold":
if config.ThresholdOutputConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
return NewThresholdOutput(f.FrameStorage, *config.ThresholdOutputConfig), nil
case "remoteWrite":
if config.RemoteWriteOutputConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
remoteWriteConfig, ok := f.getRemoteWriteConfig(config.RemoteWriteOutputConfig.UID, remoteWriteBackends)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown remote write backend uid: %s", config.RemoteWriteOutputConfig.UID)
return NewRemoteWriteOutput(*remoteWriteConfig), nil
case "changeLog":
if config.ChangeLogOutputConfig == nil {
return nil, missingConfiguration
return NewChangeLogOutput(f.FrameStorage, *config.ChangeLogOutputConfig), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown output type: %s", config.Type)
func (f *StorageRuleBuilder) getRemoteWriteConfig(uid string, remoteWriteBackends []RemoteWriteBackend) (*RemoteWriteConfig, bool) {
for _, rwb := range remoteWriteBackends {
if rwb.UID == uid {
return rwb.Settings, true
return nil, false
func (f *StorageRuleBuilder) BuildRules(ctx context.Context, orgID int64) ([]*LiveChannelRule, error) {
channelRules, err := f.RuleStorage.ListChannelRules(ctx, orgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
remoteWriteBackends, err := f.RuleStorage.ListRemoteWriteBackends(ctx, orgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var rules []*LiveChannelRule
for _, ruleConfig := range channelRules {
rule := &LiveChannelRule{
OrgId: orgID,
Pattern: ruleConfig.Pattern,
var err error
rule.Converter, err = f.extractConverter(ruleConfig.Settings.Converter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rule.Processor, err = f.extractProcessor(ruleConfig.Settings.Processor)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rule.Outputter, err = f.extractOutputter(ruleConfig.Settings.Outputter, remoteWriteBackends)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rules = append(rules, rule)
return rules, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package pipeline
import (
type AutoInfluxConverterConfig struct {
FrameFormat string `json:"frameFormat"`
// AutoInfluxConverter decodes Influx line protocol input and transforms it
// to several ChannelFrame objects where Channel is constructed from original
// channel + / + <metric_name>.
type AutoInfluxConverter struct {
config AutoInfluxConverterConfig
converter *convert.Converter
func NewAutoInfluxConverter(config AutoInfluxConverterConfig) *AutoInfluxConverter {
return &AutoInfluxConverter{config: config, converter: convert.NewConverter()}
func (i AutoInfluxConverter) Convert(_ context.Context, vars Vars, body []byte) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
frameWrappers, err := i.converter.Convert(body, i.config.FrameFormat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
channelFrames := make([]*ChannelFrame, 0, len(frameWrappers))
for _, fw := range frameWrappers {
channelFrames = append(channelFrames, &ChannelFrame{
Channel: vars.Channel + "/" + fw.Key(),
Frame: fw.Frame(),
return channelFrames, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package pipeline
import (
type AutoJsonConverterConfig struct {
FieldTips map[string]Field `json:"fieldTips"`
type AutoJsonConverter struct {
config AutoJsonConverterConfig
nowTimeFunc func() time.Time
func NewAutoJsonConverter(c AutoJsonConverterConfig) *AutoJsonConverter {
return &AutoJsonConverter{config: c}
// Automatic conversion works this way:
// * Time added automatically
// * Nulls dropped
// To preserve nulls we need FieldTips from a user.
// Custom time can be injected on Processor stage theoretically.
// Custom labels can be injected on Processor stage theoretically.
func (c *AutoJsonConverter) Convert(_ context.Context, vars Vars, body []byte) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
nowTimeFunc := c.nowTimeFunc
if nowTimeFunc == nil {
nowTimeFunc = time.Now
frame, err := jsonDocToFrame(vars.Path, body, c.config.FieldTips, nowTimeFunc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*ChannelFrame{
{Channel: "", Frame: frame},
}, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package pipeline
import (
var update = flag.Bool("update", false, "update golden files")
func loadTestJson(tb testing.TB, file string) []byte {
// Safe to disable, this is a test.
// nolint:gosec
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join("testdata", file+".json"))
require.NoError(tb, err, "expected to be able to read file")
require.True(tb, len(content) > 0)
return content
func checkAutoConversion(tb testing.TB, file string) *backend.DataResponse {
content := loadTestJson(tb, file)
converter := NewAutoJsonConverter(AutoJsonConverterConfig{})
converter.nowTimeFunc = func() time.Time {
return time.Date(2021, 01, 01, 12, 12, 12, 0, time.UTC)
channelFrames, err := converter.Convert(context.Background(), Vars{}, content)
require.NoError(tb, err)
dr := &backend.DataResponse{}
for _, cf := range channelFrames {
require.Empty(tb, cf.Channel)
dr.Frames = append(dr.Frames, cf.Frame)
err = experimental.CheckGoldenDataResponse(filepath.Join("testdata", file+".golden.txt"), dr, *update)
require.NoError(tb, err)
return dr
func TestAutoJsonConverter_Convert(t *testing.T) {
checkAutoConversion(t, "json_auto")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
package pipeline
import (
type ExactJsonConverterConfig struct {
Fields []Field `json:"fields"`
// ExactJsonConverter can convert JSON to a single data.Frame according to
// user-defined field configuration and value extraction rules.
type ExactJsonConverter struct {
config ExactJsonConverterConfig
nowTimeFunc func() time.Time
func NewExactJsonConverter(c ExactJsonConverterConfig) *ExactJsonConverter {
return &ExactJsonConverter{config: c}
func (c *ExactJsonConverter) Convert(_ context.Context, vars Vars, body []byte) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
obj, err := oj.Parse(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var fields []*data.Field
var initGojaOnce sync.Once
var gojaRuntime *gojaRuntime
for _, f := range c.config.Fields {
field := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(f.Type, 1)
field.Name = f.Name
field.Config = f.Config
if strings.HasPrefix(f.Value, "$") {
// JSON path.
x, err := jp.ParseString(f.Value[1:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
value := x.Get(obj)
if len(value) == 0 {
field.Set(0, nil)
} else if len(value) == 1 {
val := value[0]
switch f.Type {
case data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64:
if val == nil {
field.Set(0, nil)
} else {
switch v := val.(type) {
case float64:
field.SetConcrete(0, v)
case int64:
field.SetConcrete(0, float64(v))
return nil, errors.New("malformed float64 type for: " + f.Name)
case data.FieldTypeNullableString:
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("malformed string type")
field.SetConcrete(0, v)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported field type: %s (%s)", f.Type, f.Name)
} else {
return nil, errors.New("too many values")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(f.Value, "{") {
// Goja script.
script := strings.Trim(f.Value, "{}")
var err error
initGojaOnce.Do(func() {
gojaRuntime, err = getRuntime(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch f.Type {
case data.FieldTypeNullableBool:
v, err := gojaRuntime.getBool(script)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
field.SetConcrete(0, v)
case data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64:
v, err := gojaRuntime.getFloat64(script)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
field.SetConcrete(0, v)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported field type: %s (%s)", f.Type, f.Name)
} else if f.Value == "#{now}" {
// Variable.
// TODO: make consistent with Grafana variables?
nowTimeFunc := c.nowTimeFunc
if nowTimeFunc == nil {
nowTimeFunc = time.Now
field.SetConcrete(0, nowTimeFunc())
labels := map[string]string{}
for _, label := range f.Labels {
if strings.HasPrefix(label.Value, "$") {
x, err := jp.ParseString(label.Value[1:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
value := x.Get(obj)
if len(value) == 0 {
labels[label.Name] = ""
} else if len(value) == 1 {
labels[label.Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", value[0])
} else {
return nil, errors.New("too many values for a label")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(label.Value, "{") {
script := strings.Trim(label.Value, "{}")
var err error
initGojaOnce.Do(func() {
gojaRuntime, err = getRuntime(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v, err := gojaRuntime.getString(script)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
labels[label.Name] = v
field.Labels = labels
fields = append(fields, field)
frame := data.NewFrame(vars.Path, fields...)
return []*ChannelFrame{
{Channel: "", Frame: frame},
}, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package pipeline
import (
func checkExactConversion(tb testing.TB, file string, fields []Field) *backend.DataResponse {
content := loadTestJson(tb, file)
converter := NewExactJsonConverter(ExactJsonConverterConfig{
Fields: fields,
converter.nowTimeFunc = func() time.Time {
return time.Date(2021, 01, 01, 12, 12, 12, 0, time.UTC)
channelFrames, err := converter.Convert(context.Background(), Vars{}, content)
require.NoError(tb, err)
dr := &backend.DataResponse{}
for _, cf := range channelFrames {
require.Empty(tb, cf.Channel)
dr.Frames = append(dr.Frames, cf.Frame)
err = experimental.CheckGoldenDataResponse(filepath.Join("testdata", file+".golden.txt"), dr, *update)
require.NoError(tb, err)
return dr
func TestExactJsonConverter_Convert(t *testing.T) {
checkExactConversion(t, "json_exact", []Field{
Name: "time",
Value: "#{now}",
Type: data.FieldTypeTime,
Name: "ax",
Value: "$.ax",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
Name: "key1",
Value: "{x.map_with_floats.key1}",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
Labels: []Label{
Name: "label1",
Value: "{x.map_with_floats.key2.toString()}",
Name: "label2",
Value: "$.map_with_floats.key2",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package pipeline
import (
type JsonFrameConverterConfig struct{}
// JsonFrameConverter decodes single data.Frame from JSON.
type JsonFrameConverter struct {
config JsonFrameConverterConfig
func NewJsonFrameConverter(c JsonFrameConverterConfig) *JsonFrameConverter {
return &JsonFrameConverter{
config: c,
func (c *JsonFrameConverter) Convert(_ context.Context, _ Vars, body []byte) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
var frame data.Frame
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &frame)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*ChannelFrame{
{Channel: "", Frame: &frame},
}, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
package pipeline
import (
type Data struct {
Value1 float64 `json:"value1"`
Value2 float64 `json:"value2"`
Value3 *float64 `json:"value3"`
Value4 float64 `json:"value4"`
Annotation string `json:"annotation"`
Array []float64 `json:"array"`
Map map[string]interface{} `json:"map"`
Host string `json:"host"`
Status string `json:"status"`
// TODO: temporary for development, remove.
func postTestData() {
i := 0
for {
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
num1 := rand.Intn(10)
num2 := rand.Intn(10)
d := Data{
Value1: float64(num1),
Value2: float64(num2),
Value4: float64(i % 10),
Annotation: "odd",
Array: []float64{float64(rand.Intn(10)), float64(rand.Intn(10))},
Map: map[string]interface{}{
"red": 1,
"yellow": 4,
"green": 7,
Host: "macbook-local",
Status: "running",
if i%2 != 0 {
val := 4.0
d.Value3 = &val
if i%2 == 0 {
val := 3.0
d.Value3 = &val
d.Annotation = "even"
if i%10 == 0 {
d.Value3 = nil
jsonData, _ := json.Marshal(d)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://localhost:3000/api/live/push/json/auto", bytes.NewReader(jsonData))
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+os.Getenv("GF_TOKEN"))
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
_ = resp.Body.Close()
req, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", "http://localhost:3000/api/live/push/json/tip", bytes.NewReader(jsonData))
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+os.Getenv("GF_TOKEN"))
resp, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
_ = resp.Body.Close()
req, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", "http://localhost:3000/api/live/push/json/exact", bytes.NewReader(jsonData))
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+os.Getenv("GF_TOKEN"))
resp, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
_ = resp.Body.Close()
type DevRuleBuilder struct {
Node *centrifuge.Node
ManagedStream *managedstream.Runner
FrameStorage *FrameStorage
func (f *DevRuleBuilder) BuildRules(_ context.Context, _ int64) ([]*LiveChannelRule, error) {
return []*LiveChannelRule{
Pattern: "plugin/testdata/random-20Hz-stream",
Converter: NewJsonFrameConverter(JsonFrameConverterConfig{}),
Outputter: NewMultipleOutput(
Channel: "stream/testdata/random-20Hz-stream",
Pattern: "stream/testdata/random-20Hz-stream",
Processor: NewKeepFieldsProcessor(KeepFieldsProcessorConfig{
FieldNames: []string{"Time", "Min", "Max"},
Outputter: NewManagedStreamOutput(f.ManagedStream),
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/influx/input",
Converter: NewAutoInfluxConverter(AutoInfluxConverterConfig{
FrameFormat: "labels_column",
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/influx/input/:rest",
Outputter: NewManagedStreamOutput(f.ManagedStream),
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/influx/input/cpu",
// TODO: Would be fine to have KeepLabelsProcessor, but we need to know frame type
// since there are cases when labels attached to a field, and cases where labels
// set in a first frame column (in Influx converter). For example, this will allow
// to leave only "total-cpu" data while dropping individual CPUs.
Processor: NewKeepFieldsProcessor(KeepFieldsProcessorConfig{
FieldNames: []string{"labels", "time", "usage_user"},
Outputter: NewMultipleOutput(
NewNumberCompareCondition("usage_user", "gte", 50),
Channel: "stream/influx/input/cpu/spikes",
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/influx/input/cpu/spikes",
Outputter: NewManagedStreamOutput(f.ManagedStream),
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/json/auto",
Converter: NewAutoJsonConverter(AutoJsonConverterConfig{}),
Outputter: NewManagedStreamOutput(f.ManagedStream),
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/json/tip",
Converter: NewAutoJsonConverter(AutoJsonConverterConfig{
FieldTips: map[string]Field{
"value3": {
Name: "value3",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
"value100": {
Name: "value100",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
Processor: NewDropFieldsProcessor(DropFieldsProcessorConfig{
FieldNames: []string{"value2"},
Outputter: NewManagedStreamOutput(f.ManagedStream),
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/json/exact",
Converter: NewExactJsonConverter(ExactJsonConverterConfig{
Fields: []Field{
Name: "time",
Type: data.FieldTypeTime,
Value: "#{now}",
Name: "value1",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
Value: "$.value1",
Name: "value2",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
Value: "$.value2",
Name: "value3",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
Value: "$.value3",
Labels: []Label{
Name: "host",
Value: "$.host",
Name: "value4",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
Value: "$.value4",
Config: &data.FieldConfig{
Thresholds: &data.ThresholdsConfig{
Mode: data.ThresholdsModeAbsolute,
Steps: []data.Threshold{
Value: 2,
State: "normal",
Color: "green",
Value: 6,
State: "warning",
Color: "orange",
Value: 8,
State: "critical",
Color: "red",
Name: "map.red",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
Value: "$.map.red",
Labels: []Label{
Name: "host",
Value: "$.host",
Name: "host2",
Value: "$.host",
Name: "annotation",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableString,
Value: "$.annotation",
Name: "running",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableBool,
Value: "{x.status === 'running'}",
Name: "num_map_colors",
Type: data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64,
Value: "{Object.keys(x.map).length}",
Outputter: NewMultipleOutput(
NewChangeLogOutput(f.FrameStorage, ChangeLogOutputConfig{
FieldName: "value3",
Channel: "stream/json/exact/value3/changes",
NewChangeLogOutput(f.FrameStorage, ChangeLogOutputConfig{
FieldName: "annotation",
Channel: "stream/json/exact/annotation/changes",
NewNumberCompareCondition("value1", "gte", 3.0),
NewNumberCompareCondition("value2", "gte", 3.0),
Channel: "stream/json/exact/condition",
NewThresholdOutput(f.FrameStorage, ThresholdOutputConfig{
FieldName: "value4",
Channel: "stream/json/exact/value4/state",
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/json/exact/value3/changes",
Outputter: NewMultipleOutput(
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/json/exact/annotation/changes",
Outputter: NewManagedStreamOutput(f.ManagedStream),
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/json/exact/condition",
Outputter: NewManagedStreamOutput(f.ManagedStream),
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/json/exact/value4/state",
Outputter: NewManagedStreamOutput(f.ManagedStream),
}, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package pipeline
import (
// FrameStorage keeps last channel frame in memory. Not usable in HA setup.
type FrameStorage struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
frames map[string]*data.Frame
func NewFrameStorage() *FrameStorage {
return &FrameStorage{
frames: map[string]*data.Frame{},
func (s *FrameStorage) Set(orgID int64, channel string, frame *data.Frame) error {
key := orgchannel.PrependOrgID(orgID, channel)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
s.frames[key] = frame
return nil
func (s *FrameStorage) Get(orgID int64, channel string) (*data.Frame, bool, error) {
key := orgchannel.PrependOrgID(orgID, channel)
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
f, ok := s.frames[key]
return f, ok, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
package pipeline
import (
func getRuntime(payload []byte) (*gojaRuntime, error) {
vm := goja.New()
r := &gojaRuntime{vm}
err := r.init(payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
type gojaRuntime struct {
vm *goja.Runtime
// Parse JSON once.
func (r *gojaRuntime) init(payload []byte) error {
err := r.vm.Set("__body", string(payload))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = r.runString(`var x = JSON.parse(__body)`)
return err
func (r *gojaRuntime) runString(script string) (goja.Value, error) {
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-doneCh:
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
// Some ideas to prevent misuse of scripts:
// * parse/validate scripts on save
// * block scripts after several timeouts in a row
// * block scripts on malformed returned error
// * limit total quota of time for scripts
// * maybe allow only one statement, reject scripts with cycles and functions.
defer close(doneCh)
return r.vm.RunString(script)
func (r *gojaRuntime) getBool(script string) (bool, error) {
v, err := r.runString(script)
if err != nil {
return false, err
num, ok := v.Export().(bool)
if !ok {
return false, errors.New("unexpected return value")
return num, nil
func (r *gojaRuntime) getString(script string) (string, error) {
v, err := r.runString(script)
if err != nil {
return "", err
exportedVal := v.Export()
stringVal, ok := exportedVal.(string)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected return value: %v (%T), script: %s", exportedVal, exportedVal, script)
return stringVal, nil
func (r *gojaRuntime) getFloat64(script string) (float64, error) {
v, err := r.runString(script)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
exported := v.Export()
switch v := exported.(type) {
case float64:
return v, nil
case int64:
return float64(v), nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected return value: %T", exported)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package pipeline
import (
func TestGojaGetBool(t *testing.T) {
r, err := getRuntime([]byte(`{"ax": true}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
val, err := r.getBool("x.ax")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, val)
func TestGojaGetFloat64(t *testing.T) {
r, err := getRuntime([]byte(`{"ax": 3}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
val, err := r.getFloat64("x.ax")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 3.0, val)
func TestGojaGetString(t *testing.T) {
r, err := getRuntime([]byte(`{"ax": "test"}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
val, err := r.getString("x.ax")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "test", val)
func TestGojaInvalidReturnValue(t *testing.T) {
r, err := getRuntime([]byte(`{"ax": "test"}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = r.getBool("x.ax")
require.Error(t, err)
func TestGojaIInterrupt(t *testing.T) {
r, err := getRuntime([]byte(`{}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = r.getBool("while (true) {}")
var interrupted *goja.InterruptedError
require.ErrorAs(t, err, &interrupted)
func TestGojaIMaxStack(t *testing.T) {
r, err := getRuntime([]byte(`{}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = r.getBool("function test() {test()}; test();")
// TODO: strange <nil> error returned here, need to investigate what is it.
require.Error(t, err)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
package pipeline
import (
jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
type doc struct {
path []string
iterator *jsoniter.Iterator
fields []*data.Field
fieldNames map[string]struct{}
fieldTips map[string]Field
func (d *doc) next() error {
switch d.iterator.WhatIsNext() {
case jsoniter.StringValue:
case jsoniter.NumberValue:
case jsoniter.BoolValue:
case jsoniter.NilValue:
case jsoniter.ArrayValue:
index := 0
size := len(d.path)
for d.iterator.ReadArray() {
d.path = append(d.path, fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", index))
err := d.next()
if err != nil {
return err
d.path = d.path[:size]
case jsoniter.ObjectValue:
size := len(d.path)
for fname := d.iterator.ReadObject(); fname != ""; fname = d.iterator.ReadObject() {
if size > 0 {
d.path = append(d.path, ".")
d.path = append(d.path, fname)
err := d.next()
if err != nil {
return err
d.path = d.path[:size]
case jsoniter.InvalidValue:
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value")
return nil
func (d *doc) key() string {
return strings.Join(d.path, "")
func (d *doc) addString(v string) {
f := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeNullableString, 1)
f.Name = d.key()
f.SetConcrete(0, v)
d.fields = append(d.fields, f)
d.fieldNames[d.key()] = struct{}{}
func (d *doc) addNumber(v float64) {
f := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeNullableFloat64, 1)
f.Name = d.key()
f.SetConcrete(0, v)
d.fields = append(d.fields, f)
d.fieldNames[d.key()] = struct{}{}
func (d *doc) addBool(v bool) {
f := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeNullableBool, 1)
f.Name = d.key()
f.SetConcrete(0, v)
d.fields = append(d.fields, f)
d.fieldNames[d.key()] = struct{}{}
func (d *doc) addNil() {
if tip, ok := d.fieldTips[d.key()]; ok {
f := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(tip.Type, 1)
f.Name = d.key()
f.Set(0, nil)
d.fields = append(d.fields, f)
d.fieldNames[d.key()] = struct{}{}
} else {
logger.Warn("Skip nil field", "key", d.key())
func jsonDocToFrame(name string, body []byte, fields map[string]Field, nowTimeFunc func() time.Time) (*data.Frame, error) {
d := doc{
iterator: jsoniter.ParseBytes(jsoniter.ConfigDefault, body),
path: make([]string, 0),
fieldTips: fields,
fieldNames: map[string]struct{}{},
f := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeTime, 1)
f.Set(0, nowTimeFunc())
d.fields = append(d.fields, f)
err := d.next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(d.fields) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no fields found")
for name, tip := range fields {
if _, ok := d.fieldNames[name]; ok {
f := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(tip.Type, 1)
f.Name = name
f.Set(0, nil)
f.Config = tip.Config
d.fields = append(d.fields, f)
return data.NewFrame(name, d.fields...), nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package pipeline
import "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/infra/log"
var (
logger = log.New("live.pipeline")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package pipeline
import (
type ChangeLogOutputConfig struct {
FieldName string `json:"fieldName"`
Channel string `json:"channel"`
// ChangeLogOutput can monitor value changes of the specified field and output
// special change frame to the configured channel.
type ChangeLogOutput struct {
frameStorage FrameGetSetter
config ChangeLogOutputConfig
func NewChangeLogOutput(frameStorage FrameGetSetter, config ChangeLogOutputConfig) *ChangeLogOutput {
return &ChangeLogOutput{frameStorage: frameStorage, config: config}
func (l ChangeLogOutput) Output(_ context.Context, vars OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
previousFrame, previousFrameOK, err := l.frameStorage.Get(vars.OrgID, l.config.Channel)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fieldName := l.config.FieldName
previousFrameFieldIndex := -1
if previousFrameOK {
for i, f := range previousFrame.Fields {
if f.Name == fieldName {
previousFrameFieldIndex = i
currentFrameFieldIndex := -1
for i, f := range frame.Fields {
if f.Name == fieldName {
currentFrameFieldIndex = i
var previousValue interface{}
if previousFrameFieldIndex >= 0 {
// Take last value for the field.
previousValue = previousFrame.Fields[previousFrameFieldIndex].At(previousFrame.Fields[previousFrameFieldIndex].Len() - 1)
fTime := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeTime, 0)
fTime.Name = "time"
f1 := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Type(), 0)
f1.Name = "old"
f2 := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Type(), 0)
f2.Name = "new"
if currentFrameFieldIndex >= 0 {
for i := 0; i < frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Len(); i++ {
currentValue := frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].At(i)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(
) {
previousValue = currentValue
if fTime.Len() > 0 {
changeFrame := data.NewFrame("change", fTime, f1, f2)
err := l.frameStorage.Set(vars.OrgID, l.config.Channel, frame)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*ChannelFrame{{
Channel: l.config.Channel,
Frame: changeFrame,
}}, nil
return nil, l.frameStorage.Set(vars.OrgID, l.config.Channel, frame)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package pipeline
import (
func TestChangeLogOutput_NoPreviousFrame_SingleRow(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mockStorage := NewMockFrameGetSetter(mockCtrl)
mockStorage.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(func(orgID int64, channel string) (*data.Frame, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
mockStorage.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Times(1)
outputter := NewChangeLogOutput(mockStorage, ChangeLogOutputConfig{
FieldName: "test",
Channel: "stream/test/no_previous_frame",
f1 := data.NewField("time", nil, make([]time.Time, 1))
f1.Set(0, time.Now())
f2 := data.NewField("test", nil, make([]*float64, 1))
f2.SetConcrete(0, 20.0)
frame := data.NewFrame("test", f1, f2)
channelFrames, err := outputter.Output(context.Background(), OutputVars{}, frame)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, channelFrames, 1)
changeFrame := channelFrames[0].Frame
require.Len(t, changeFrame.Fields, 3)
var x *float64
var y = 20.0
require.Equal(t, x, changeFrame.Fields[1].At(0).(*float64))
require.Equal(t, &y, changeFrame.Fields[2].At(0))
func TestChangeLogOutput_NoPreviousFrame_MultipleRows(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mockStorage := NewMockFrameGetSetter(mockCtrl)
mockStorage.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(func(orgID int64, channel string) (*data.Frame, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
mockStorage.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Times(1)
outputter := NewChangeLogOutput(mockStorage, ChangeLogOutputConfig{
FieldName: "test",
Channel: "stream/test/no_previous_frame",
f1 := data.NewField("time", nil, make([]time.Time, 2))
f1.Set(0, time.Now())
f1.Set(1, time.Now())
f2 := data.NewField("test", nil, make([]*float64, 2))
f2.SetConcrete(0, 5.0)
f2.SetConcrete(1, 20.0)
frame := data.NewFrame("test", f1, f2)
channelFrames, err := outputter.Output(context.Background(), OutputVars{}, frame)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, channelFrames, 1)
changeFrame := channelFrames[0].Frame
require.Len(t, changeFrame.Fields, 3)
var x *float64
var y = 5.0
require.Equal(t, x, changeFrame.Fields[1].At(0).(*float64))
require.Equal(t, &y, changeFrame.Fields[2].At(0))
var z = 5.0
var v = 20.0
require.Equal(t, &z, changeFrame.Fields[1].At(1).(*float64))
require.Equal(t, &v, changeFrame.Fields[2].At(1))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package pipeline
import (
type ConditionalOutput struct {
Condition ConditionChecker
Outputter Outputter
func NewConditionalOutput(condition ConditionChecker, outputter Outputter) *ConditionalOutput {
return &ConditionalOutput{Condition: condition, Outputter: outputter}
func (l ConditionalOutput) Output(ctx context.Context, vars OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
ok, err := l.Condition.CheckCondition(ctx, frame)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ok {
return nil, nil
return l.Outputter.Output(ctx, vars, frame)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package pipeline
import (
type LocalSubscribersOutput struct {
// TODO: refactor to depend on interface (avoid Centrifuge dependency here).
node *centrifuge.Node
func NewLocalSubscribersOutput(node *centrifuge.Node) *LocalSubscribersOutput {
return &LocalSubscribersOutput{node: node}
func (l *LocalSubscribersOutput) Output(_ context.Context, vars OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
channelID := vars.Channel
channel := orgchannel.PrependOrgID(vars.OrgID, channelID)
frameJSON, err := json.Marshal(frame)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pub := ¢rifuge.Publication{
Data: frameJSON,
err = l.node.Hub().BroadcastPublication(channel, pub, centrifuge.StreamPosition{})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error publishing %s: %w", string(frameJSON), err)
return nil, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package pipeline
import (
type ManagedStreamOutput struct {
managedStream *managedstream.Runner
func NewManagedStreamOutput(managedStream *managedstream.Runner) *ManagedStreamOutput {
return &ManagedStreamOutput{managedStream: managedStream}
func (l *ManagedStreamOutput) Output(_ context.Context, vars OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
stream, err := l.managedStream.GetOrCreateStream(vars.OrgID, vars.Scope, vars.Namespace)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error getting stream", "error", err)
return nil, err
return nil, stream.Push(vars.Path, frame)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package pipeline
import (
// MultipleOutput can combine several Outputter and
// execute them sequentially.
type MultipleOutput struct {
Outputters []Outputter
func (m MultipleOutput) Output(ctx context.Context, vars OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
var frames []*ChannelFrame
for _, out := range m.Outputters {
f, err := out.Output(ctx, vars, frame)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error outputting frame", "error", err)
return nil, err
frames = append(frames, f...)
return frames, nil
func NewMultipleOutput(outputters ...Outputter) *MultipleOutput {
return &MultipleOutput{Outputters: outputters}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package pipeline
import (
// RedirectOutputConfig ...
type RedirectOutputConfig struct {
Channel string `json:"channel"`
// RedirectOutput passes processing control to the rule defined
// for a configured channel.
type RedirectOutput struct {
config RedirectOutputConfig
func NewRedirectOutput(config RedirectOutputConfig) *RedirectOutput {
return &RedirectOutput{config: config}
func (l *RedirectOutput) Output(_ context.Context, vars OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
if vars.Channel == l.config.Channel {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("redirect to the same channel: %s", l.config.Channel)
return []*ChannelFrame{{
Channel: l.config.Channel,
Frame: frame,
}}, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package pipeline
import (
type RemoteWriteConfig struct {
// Endpoint to send streaming frames to.
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
// User is a user for remote write request.
User string `json:"user"`
// Password for remote write endpoint.
Password string `json:"password"`
type RemoteWriteOutput struct {
config RemoteWriteConfig
httpClient *http.Client
func NewRemoteWriteOutput(config RemoteWriteConfig) *RemoteWriteOutput {
return &RemoteWriteOutput{
config: config,
httpClient: &http.Client{Timeout: 2 * time.Second},
func (r RemoteWriteOutput) Output(_ context.Context, _ OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
if r.config.Endpoint == "" {
logger.Debug("Skip sending to remote write: no url")
return nil, nil
// Use remote write for a stream.
remoteWriteData, err := remotewrite.SerializeLabelsColumn(frame)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error serializing to remote write format", "error", err)
return nil, err
logger.Debug("Sending to remote write endpoint", "url", r.config.Endpoint, "bodyLength", len(remoteWriteData))
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, r.config.Endpoint, bytes.NewReader(remoteWriteData))
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error constructing remote write request", "error", err)
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf")
req.Header.Set("Content-Encoding", "snappy")
req.Header.Set("X-Prometheus-Remote-Write-Version", "0.1.0")
req.SetBasicAuth(r.config.User, r.config.Password)
started := time.Now()
resp, err := r.httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error sending remote write request", "error", err)
return nil, err
_ = resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
logger.Error("Unexpected response code from remote write endpoint", "code", resp.StatusCode)
return nil, errors.New("unexpected response code from remote write endpoint")
logger.Debug("Successfully sent to remote write endpoint", "url", r.config.Endpoint, "elapsed", time.Since(started))
return nil, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
package pipeline
import (
type ThresholdOutputConfig struct {
FieldName string `json:"fieldName"`
Channel string `json:"channel"`
//go:generate mockgen -destination=output_threshold_mock.go -package=pipeline github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/live/pipeline FrameGetSetter
type FrameGetSetter interface {
Get(orgID int64, channel string) (*data.Frame, bool, error)
Set(orgID int64, channel string, frame *data.Frame) error
// ThresholdOutput can monitor threshold transitions of the specified field and output
// special state frame to the configured channel.
type ThresholdOutput struct {
frameStorage FrameGetSetter
config ThresholdOutputConfig
func NewThresholdOutput(frameStorage FrameGetSetter, config ThresholdOutputConfig) *ThresholdOutput {
return &ThresholdOutput{frameStorage: frameStorage, config: config}
func (l *ThresholdOutput) Output(_ context.Context, vars OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
if frame == nil {
return nil, nil
previousFrame, previousFrameOk, err := l.frameStorage.Get(vars.OrgID, l.config.Channel)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fieldName := l.config.FieldName
currentFrameFieldIndex := -1
for i, f := range frame.Fields {
if f.Name == fieldName {
currentFrameFieldIndex = i
if currentFrameFieldIndex < 0 {
return nil, nil
if frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Config == nil {
return nil, nil
if frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Config.Thresholds == nil {
return nil, nil
mode := frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Config.Thresholds.Mode
if mode != data.ThresholdsModeAbsolute {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported threshold mode: %s", mode)
if len(frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Config.Thresholds.Steps) == 0 {
return nil, nil
previousFrameFieldIndex := -1
if previousFrameOk {
for i, f := range previousFrame.Fields {
if f.Name == fieldName {
previousFrameFieldIndex = i
var previousState *string
if previousFrameOk && previousFrameFieldIndex >= 0 {
var previousThreshold data.Threshold
value, ok := previousFrame.Fields[previousFrameFieldIndex].At(previousFrame.Fields[0].Len() - 1).(*float64)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
if value == nil {
// TODO: what should we do here?
return nil, nil
emptyState := ""
previousState = &emptyState
for _, threshold := range frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Config.Thresholds.Steps {
if *value >= float64(threshold.Value) {
previousThreshold = threshold
previousState = &previousThreshold.State
fTime := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeTime, 0)
fTime.Name = "time"
f1 := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeFloat64, 0)
f1.Name = "value"
f2 := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeString, 0)
f2.Name = "state"
f3 := data.NewFieldFromFieldType(data.FieldTypeString, 0)
f3.Name = "color"
for i := 0; i < frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Len(); i++ {
// TODO: support other numeric types.
value, ok := frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].At(i).(*float64)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
if value == nil {
// TODO: what should we do here?
return nil, nil
var currentThreshold data.Threshold
for _, threshold := range frame.Fields[currentFrameFieldIndex].Config.Thresholds.Steps {
if *value >= float64(threshold.Value) {
currentThreshold = threshold
if previousState == nil || currentThreshold.State != *previousState {
previousState = ¤tThreshold.State
if fTime.Len() > 0 {
stateFrame := data.NewFrame("state", fTime, f1, f2, f3)
err := l.frameStorage.Set(vars.OrgID, l.config.Channel, frame)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*ChannelFrame{{
Channel: l.config.Channel,
Frame: stateFrame,
}}, nil
return nil, l.frameStorage.Set(vars.OrgID, l.config.Channel, frame)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT.
// Source: github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/live/pipeline (interfaces: FrameGetSetter)
// Package pipeline is a generated GoMock package.
package pipeline
import (
reflect "reflect"
gomock "github.com/golang/mock/gomock"
data "github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-sdk-go/data"
// MockFrameGetSetter is a mock of FrameGetSetter interface.
type MockFrameGetSetter struct {
ctrl *gomock.Controller
recorder *MockFrameGetSetterMockRecorder
// MockFrameGetSetterMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockFrameGetSetter.
type MockFrameGetSetterMockRecorder struct {
mock *MockFrameGetSetter
// NewMockFrameGetSetter creates a new mock instance.
func NewMockFrameGetSetter(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockFrameGetSetter {
mock := &MockFrameGetSetter{ctrl: ctrl}
mock.recorder = &MockFrameGetSetterMockRecorder{mock}
return mock
// EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (m *MockFrameGetSetter) EXPECT() *MockFrameGetSetterMockRecorder {
return m.recorder
// Get mocks base method.
func (m *MockFrameGetSetter) Get(arg0 int64, arg1 string) (*data.Frame, bool, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "Get", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*data.Frame)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(bool)
ret2, _ := ret[2].(error)
return ret0, ret1, ret2
// Get indicates an expected call of Get.
func (mr *MockFrameGetSetterMockRecorder) Get(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "Get", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFrameGetSetter)(nil).Get), arg0, arg1)
// Set mocks base method.
func (m *MockFrameGetSetter) Set(arg0 int64, arg1 string, arg2 *data.Frame) error {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "Set", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(error)
return ret0
// Set indicates an expected call of Set.
func (mr *MockFrameGetSetterMockRecorder) Set(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "Set", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFrameGetSetter)(nil).Set), arg0, arg1, arg2)
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@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
package pipeline
import (
func TestThresholdOutput_Output(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
frameStorage FrameGetSetter
config ThresholdOutputConfig
type args struct {
in0 context.Context
vars OutputVars
frame *data.Frame
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
wantErr bool
name: "nil_input_frame",
fields: fields{
frameStorage: nil,
config: ThresholdOutputConfig{
Channel: "test",
args: args{in0: context.Background(), vars: OutputVars{}, frame: nil},
wantErr: false,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
l := &ThresholdOutput{
frameStorage: tt.fields.frameStorage,
config: tt.fields.config,
if _, err := l.Output(tt.args.in0, tt.args.vars, tt.args.frame); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("Output() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
func TestThresholdOutput_NoPreviousFrame_SingleRow(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mockStorage := NewMockFrameGetSetter(mockCtrl)
mockStorage.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(func(orgID int64, channel string) (*data.Frame, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
mockStorage.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Times(1)
outputter := NewThresholdOutput(mockStorage, ThresholdOutputConfig{
FieldName: "test",
Channel: "stream/test/no_previous_frame",
f1 := data.NewField("time", nil, make([]time.Time, 1))
f1.Set(0, time.Now())
f2 := data.NewField("test", nil, make([]*float64, 1))
f2.SetConcrete(0, 20.0)
f2.Config = &data.FieldConfig{
Thresholds: &data.ThresholdsConfig{
Mode: data.ThresholdsModeAbsolute,
Steps: []data.Threshold{
Value: 10,
State: "normal",
Color: "green",
frame := data.NewFrame("test", f1, f2)
channelFrames, err := outputter.Output(context.Background(), OutputVars{}, frame)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, channelFrames, 1)
stateFrame := channelFrames[0].Frame
require.Len(t, stateFrame.Fields, 4)
require.Equal(t, 20.0, stateFrame.Fields[1].At(0))
require.Equal(t, "normal", stateFrame.Fields[2].At(0))
require.Equal(t, "green", stateFrame.Fields[3].At(0))
func TestThresholdOutput_NoPreviousFrame_MultipleRows(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mockStorage := NewMockFrameGetSetter(mockCtrl)
mockStorage.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(func(orgID int64, channel string) (*data.Frame, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
mockStorage.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Times(1)
outputter := NewThresholdOutput(mockStorage, ThresholdOutputConfig{
FieldName: "test",
Channel: "stream/test/no_previous_frame",
f1 := data.NewField("time", nil, make([]time.Time, 2))
f1.Set(0, time.Now())
f1.Set(1, time.Now())
f2 := data.NewField("test", nil, make([]*float64, 2))
f2.SetConcrete(0, 5.0)
f2.SetConcrete(1, 20.0)
f2.Config = &data.FieldConfig{
Thresholds: &data.ThresholdsConfig{
Mode: data.ThresholdsModeAbsolute,
Steps: []data.Threshold{
Value: 10,
State: "normal",
Color: "green",
frame := data.NewFrame("test", f1, f2)
channelFrames, err := outputter.Output(context.Background(), OutputVars{}, frame)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, channelFrames, 1)
stateFrame := channelFrames[0].Frame
require.Len(t, stateFrame.Fields, 4)
require.Equal(t, 5.0, stateFrame.Fields[1].At(0))
require.Equal(t, "", stateFrame.Fields[2].At(0))
require.Equal(t, "", stateFrame.Fields[3].At(0))
require.Equal(t, 20.0, stateFrame.Fields[1].At(1))
require.Equal(t, "normal", stateFrame.Fields[2].At(1))
require.Equal(t, "green", stateFrame.Fields[3].At(1))
func TestThresholdOutput_WithPreviousFrame_SingleRow(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mockStorage := NewMockFrameGetSetter(mockCtrl)
mockStorage.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(func(orgID int64, channel string) (*data.Frame, bool, error) {
f1 := data.NewField("time", nil, make([]time.Time, 1))
f1.Set(0, time.Now())
f2 := data.NewField("test", nil, make([]*float64, 1))
f2.SetConcrete(0, 20.0)
frame := data.NewFrame("test", f1, f2)
return frame, true, nil
mockStorage.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Times(1)
outputter := NewThresholdOutput(mockStorage, ThresholdOutputConfig{
FieldName: "test",
Channel: "stream/test/with_previous_frame",
f1 := data.NewField("time", nil, make([]time.Time, 1))
f1.Set(0, time.Now())
f2 := data.NewField("test", nil, make([]*float64, 1))
f2.SetConcrete(0, 20.0)
f2.Config = &data.FieldConfig{
Thresholds: &data.ThresholdsConfig{
Mode: data.ThresholdsModeAbsolute,
Steps: []data.Threshold{
Value: 10,
State: "normal",
Color: "green",
frame := data.NewFrame("test", f1, f2)
channelFrames, err := outputter.Output(context.Background(), OutputVars{}, frame)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, channelFrames, 0)
func TestThresholdOutput_WithPreviousFrame_MultipleRows(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mockStorage := NewMockFrameGetSetter(mockCtrl)
mockStorage.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(func(orgID int64, channel string) (*data.Frame, bool, error) {
f1 := data.NewField("time", nil, make([]time.Time, 1))
f1.Set(0, time.Now())
f2 := data.NewField("test", nil, make([]*float64, 1))
f2.SetConcrete(0, 20.0)
frame := data.NewFrame("test", f1, f2)
return frame, true, nil
mockStorage.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Times(1)
outputter := NewThresholdOutput(mockStorage, ThresholdOutputConfig{
FieldName: "test",
Channel: "stream/test/with_previous_frame",
f1 := data.NewField("time", nil, make([]time.Time, 2))
f1.Set(0, time.Now())
f1.Set(1, time.Now())
f2 := data.NewField("test", nil, make([]*float64, 2))
f2.SetConcrete(0, 5.0)
f2.SetConcrete(1, 20.0)
f2.Config = &data.FieldConfig{
Thresholds: &data.ThresholdsConfig{
Mode: data.ThresholdsModeAbsolute,
Steps: []data.Threshold{
Value: 10,
State: "normal",
Color: "green",
frame := data.NewFrame("test", f1, f2)
channelFrames, err := outputter.Output(context.Background(), OutputVars{}, frame)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, channelFrames, 1)
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@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
package pipeline
import (
// ChannelFrame is a wrapper over data.Frame with additional channel information.
// Channel is used for rule routing, if the channel is empty then frame processing
// will try to take current rule Processor and Outputter. If channel is not empty
// then frame processing will be redirected to a corresponding channel rule.
// TODO: avoid recursion, increment a counter while frame travels over pipeline steps, make it configurable.
type ChannelFrame struct {
Channel string
Frame *data.Frame
// Vars has some helpful things pipeline entities could use.
type Vars struct {
OrgID int64
Channel string
Scope string
Namespace string
Path string
// ProcessorVars has some helpful things Processor entities could use.
type ProcessorVars struct {
// OutputVars has some helpful things Outputter entities could use.
type OutputVars struct {
// Converter converts raw bytes to slice of ChannelFrame. Each element
// of resulting slice will be then individually processed and outputted
// according configured channel rules.
type Converter interface {
Convert(ctx context.Context, vars Vars, body []byte) ([]*ChannelFrame, error)
// Processor can modify data.Frame in a custom way before it will be outputted.
type Processor interface {
Process(ctx context.Context, vars ProcessorVars, frame *data.Frame) (*data.Frame, error)
// Outputter outputs data.Frame to a custom destination. Or simply
// do nothing if some conditions not met.
type Outputter interface {
Output(ctx context.Context, vars OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error)
// LiveChannelRule is an in-memory representation of each specific rule, with Converter, Processor
// and Outputter to be executed by Pipeline.
type LiveChannelRule struct {
OrgId int64
Pattern string
Converter Converter
Processor Processor
Outputter Outputter
// Label ...
type Label struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Value string `json:"value"` // Can be JSONPath or Goja script.
// Field description.
type Field struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type data.FieldType `json:"type"`
Value string `json:"value"` // Can be JSONPath or Goja script.
Labels []Label `json:"labels,omitempty"`
Config *data.FieldConfig `json:"config,omitempty"`
type ChannelRuleGetter interface {
Get(orgID int64, channel string) (*LiveChannelRule, bool, error)
// Pipeline allows processing custom input data according to user-defined rules.
// This includes:
// * transforming custom input to data.Frame objects
// * do some processing on these frames
// * output resulting frames to various destinations.
type Pipeline struct {
ruleGetter ChannelRuleGetter
// New creates new Pipeline.
func New(ruleGetter ChannelRuleGetter) (*Pipeline, error) {
logger.Info("Live pipeline initialization")
p := &Pipeline{
ruleGetter: ruleGetter,
if os.Getenv("GF_LIVE_PIPELINE_DEV") != "" {
go postTestData() // TODO: temporary for development, remove before merge.
return p, nil
func (p *Pipeline) Get(orgID int64, channel string) (*LiveChannelRule, bool, error) {
return p.ruleGetter.Get(orgID, channel)
func (p *Pipeline) ProcessInput(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, channelID string, body []byte) (bool, error) {
rule, ok, err := p.ruleGetter.Get(orgID, channelID)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !ok {
return false, nil
channelFrames, ok, err := p.dataToChannelFrames(ctx, *rule, orgID, channelID, body)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !ok {
return false, nil
err = p.processChannelFrames(ctx, orgID, channelID, channelFrames)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error processing frame: %w", err)
return true, nil
func (p *Pipeline) dataToChannelFrames(ctx context.Context, rule LiveChannelRule, orgID int64, channelID string, body []byte) ([]*ChannelFrame, bool, error) {
if rule.Converter == nil {
return nil, false, nil
channel, err := live.ParseChannel(channelID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error parsing channel", "error", err, "channel", channelID)
return nil, false, err
vars := Vars{
OrgID: orgID,
Channel: channelID,
Scope: channel.Scope,
Namespace: channel.Namespace,
Path: channel.Path,
frames, err := rule.Converter.Convert(ctx, vars, body)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error converting data", "error", err)
return nil, false, err
return frames, true, nil
func (p *Pipeline) processChannelFrames(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, channelID string, channelFrames []*ChannelFrame) error {
for _, channelFrame := range channelFrames {
var processorChannel = channelID
if channelFrame.Channel != "" {
processorChannel = channelFrame.Channel
err := p.processFrame(ctx, orgID, processorChannel, channelFrame.Frame)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *Pipeline) processFrame(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, channelID string, frame *data.Frame) error {
rule, ruleOk, err := p.ruleGetter.Get(orgID, channelID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error getting rule", "error", err)
return err
if !ruleOk {
logger.Debug("Rule not found", "channel", channelID)
return nil
ch, err := live.ParseChannel(channelID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error parsing channel", "error", err, "channel", channelID)
return err
vars := ProcessorVars{
Vars: Vars{
OrgID: orgID,
Channel: channelID,
Scope: ch.Scope,
Namespace: ch.Namespace,
Path: ch.Path,
if rule.Processor != nil {
frame, err = rule.Processor.Process(ctx, vars, frame)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error processing frame", "error", err)
return err
if frame == nil {
return nil
outputVars := OutputVars{
ProcessorVars: vars,
if rule.Outputter != nil {
frames, err := rule.Outputter.Output(ctx, outputVars, frame)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error outputting frame", "error", err)
return err
if len(frames) > 0 {
err := p.processChannelFrames(ctx, vars.OrgID, vars.Channel, frames)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package pipeline
import (
type testRuleGetter struct {
mu sync.Mutex
rules map[string]*LiveChannelRule
func (t *testRuleGetter) Get(orgID int64, channel string) (*LiveChannelRule, bool, error) {
defer t.mu.Unlock()
rule, ok := t.rules[channel]
return rule, ok, nil
func TestPipeline_New(t *testing.T) {
p, err := New(&testRuleGetter{})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, p)
func TestPipelineNoConverter(t *testing.T) {
p, err := New(&testRuleGetter{
rules: map[string]*LiveChannelRule{
"test": {
Converter: nil,
require.NoError(t, err)
ok, err := p.ProcessInput(context.Background(), 1, "test", []byte(`{}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, ok)
type testConverter struct {
channel string
frame *data.Frame
func (t *testConverter) Convert(_ context.Context, _ Vars, _ []byte) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
return []*ChannelFrame{{Channel: t.channel, Frame: t.frame}}, nil
type testProcessor struct{}
func (t *testProcessor) Process(_ context.Context, _ ProcessorVars, frame *data.Frame) (*data.Frame, error) {
return frame, nil
type testOutputter struct {
err error
frame *data.Frame
func (t *testOutputter) Output(_ context.Context, _ OutputVars, frame *data.Frame) ([]*ChannelFrame, error) {
if t.err != nil {
return nil, t.err
t.frame = frame
return nil, nil
func TestPipeline(t *testing.T) {
outputter := &testOutputter{}
p, err := New(&testRuleGetter{
rules: map[string]*LiveChannelRule{
"stream/test/xxx": {
Converter: &testConverter{"", data.NewFrame("test")},
Processor: &testProcessor{},
Outputter: outputter,
require.NoError(t, err)
ok, err := p.ProcessInput(context.Background(), 1, "stream/test/xxx", []byte(`{}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ok)
require.NotNil(t, outputter.frame)
func TestPipeline_OutputError(t *testing.T) {
boomErr := errors.New("boom")
outputter := &testOutputter{err: boomErr}
p, err := New(&testRuleGetter{
rules: map[string]*LiveChannelRule{
"stream/test/xxx": {
Converter: &testConverter{"", data.NewFrame("test")},
Processor: &testProcessor{},
Outputter: outputter,
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = p.ProcessInput(context.Background(), 1, "stream/test/xxx", []byte(`{}`))
require.ErrorIs(t, err, boomErr)
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package pipeline
import (
type DropFieldsProcessorConfig struct {
FieldNames []string `json:"fieldNames"`
// DropFieldsProcessor can drop specified fields from a data.Frame.
type DropFieldsProcessor struct {
config DropFieldsProcessorConfig
func removeIndex(s []*data.Field, index int) []*data.Field {
return append(s[:index], s[index+1:]...)
func NewDropFieldsProcessor(config DropFieldsProcessorConfig) *DropFieldsProcessor {
return &DropFieldsProcessor{config: config}
func (d DropFieldsProcessor) Process(_ context.Context, _ ProcessorVars, frame *data.Frame) (*data.Frame, error) {
for _, f := range d.config.FieldNames {
for i, field := range frame.Fields {
if f == field.Name {
frame.Fields = removeIndex(frame.Fields, i)
continue inner
return frame, nil
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package pipeline
import (
type KeepFieldsProcessorConfig struct {
FieldNames []string `json:"fieldNames"`
// KeepFieldsProcessor can keep specified fields in a data.Frame dropping all other fields.
type KeepFieldsProcessor struct {
config KeepFieldsProcessorConfig
func NewKeepFieldsProcessor(config KeepFieldsProcessorConfig) *KeepFieldsProcessor {
return &KeepFieldsProcessor{config: config}
func stringInSlice(str string, slice []string) bool {
for _, s := range slice {
if s == str {
return true
return false
func (d KeepFieldsProcessor) Process(_ context.Context, _ ProcessorVars, frame *data.Frame) (*data.Frame, error) {
var fieldsToKeep []*data.Field
for _, field := range frame.Fields {
if stringInSlice(field.Name, d.config.FieldNames) {
fieldsToKeep = append(fieldsToKeep, field)
f := data.NewFrame(frame.Name, fieldsToKeep...)
return f, nil
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package pipeline
import (
// MultipleProcessor can combine several Processor and
// execute them sequentially.
type MultipleProcessor struct {
Processors []Processor
func (m MultipleProcessor) Process(ctx context.Context, vars ProcessorVars, frame *data.Frame) (*data.Frame, error) {
for _, p := range m.Processors {
var err error
frame, err = p.Process(ctx, vars, frame)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error processing frame", "error", err)
return nil, err
return frame, nil
func NewMultipleProcessor(processors ...Processor) *MultipleProcessor {
return &MultipleProcessor{Processors: processors}
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package pipeline
import "context"
// RuleBuilder constructs in-memory representation of channel rules.
type RuleBuilder interface {
BuildRules(ctx context.Context, orgID int64) ([]*LiveChannelRule, error)
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package pipeline
import (
// CacheSegmentedTree provides a fast access to channel rule configuration.
type CacheSegmentedTree struct {
radixMu sync.RWMutex
radix map[int64]*tree.Node
ruleBuilder RuleBuilder
func NewCacheSegmentedTree(storage RuleBuilder) *CacheSegmentedTree {
s := &CacheSegmentedTree{
radix: map[int64]*tree.Node{},
ruleBuilder: storage,
go s.updatePeriodically()
return s
func (s *CacheSegmentedTree) updatePeriodically() {
for {
var orgIDs []int64
for orgID := range s.radix {
orgIDs = append(orgIDs, orgID)
for _, orgID := range orgIDs {
err := s.fillOrg(orgID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error filling orgId", "error", err, "orgId", orgID)
time.Sleep(20 * time.Second)
func (s *CacheSegmentedTree) fillOrg(orgID int64) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
channels, err := s.ruleBuilder.BuildRules(ctx, orgID)
if err != nil {
return err
defer s.radixMu.Unlock()
s.radix[orgID] = tree.New()
for _, ch := range channels {
s.radix[orgID].AddRoute("/"+ch.Pattern, ch)
return nil
func (s *CacheSegmentedTree) Get(orgID int64, channel string) (*LiveChannelRule, bool, error) {
_, ok := s.radix[orgID]
if !ok {
err := s.fillOrg(orgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
defer s.radixMu.RUnlock()
t, ok := s.radix[orgID]
if !ok {
return nil, false, nil
ps := make(tree.Params, 0, 20)
nodeValue := t.GetValue("/"+channel, &ps, true)
if nodeValue.Handler == nil {
return nil, false, nil
return nodeValue.Handler.(*LiveChannelRule), true, nil
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package pipeline
import (
type testBuilder struct{}
func (t *testBuilder) BuildRules(_ context.Context, _ int64) ([]*LiveChannelRule, error) {
return []*LiveChannelRule{
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/telegraf/cpu",
Converter: NewAutoJsonConverter(AutoJsonConverterConfig{}),
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/telegraf/:metric",
OrgId: 1,
Pattern: "stream/telegraf/:metric/:extra",
}, nil
func TestStorage_Get(t *testing.T) {
s := NewCacheSegmentedTree(&testBuilder{})
rule, ok, err := s.Get(1, "stream/telegraf/cpu")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ok)
require.NotNil(t, rule.Converter)
rule, ok, err = s.Get(1, "stream/telegraf/mem")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Nil(t, rule.Converter)
rule, ok, err = s.Get(1, "stream/telegraf/mem/rss")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Nil(t, rule.Converter)
func BenchmarkRuleGet(b *testing.B) {
s := NewCacheSegmentedTree(&testBuilder{})
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, ok, err := s.Get(1, "stream/telegraf/cpu")
if err != nil || !ok {
b.Fatal("unexpected return values")
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package pipeline
import (
// FileStorage can load channel rules from a file on disk.
type FileStorage struct{}
func (f *FileStorage) ListRemoteWriteBackends(_ context.Context, orgID int64) ([]RemoteWriteBackend, error) {
backendBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Getenv("GF_LIVE_REMOTE_WRITE_BACKENDS_FILE"))
var remoteWriteBackends RemoteWriteBackends
err := json.Unmarshal(backendBytes, &remoteWriteBackends)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var backends []RemoteWriteBackend
for _, b := range remoteWriteBackends.Backends {
if b.OrgId == orgID || (orgID == 1 && b.OrgId == 0) {
backends = append(backends, b)
return backends, nil
func (f *FileStorage) ListChannelRules(_ context.Context, orgID int64) ([]ChannelRule, error) {
ruleBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Getenv("GF_LIVE_CHANNEL_RULES_FILE"))
var channelRules ChannelRules
err := json.Unmarshal(ruleBytes, &channelRules)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var rules []ChannelRule
for _, r := range channelRules.Rules {
if r.OrgId == orgID || (orgID == 1 && r.OrgId == 0) {
rules = append(rules, r)
return rules, nil
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
🌟 This was machine generated. Do not edit. 🌟
Dimensions: 8 Fields by 1 Rows
| Name: | Name: ax | Name: string_array[0] | Name: string_array[1] | Name: int_array[0] | Name: int_array[1] | Name: map_with_floats.key1 | Name: map_with_floats.key2 |
| Labels: | Labels: | Labels: | Labels: | Labels: | Labels: | Labels: | Labels: |
| Type: []time.Time | Type: []*float64 | Type: []*string | Type: []*string | Type: []*float64 | Type: []*float64 | Type: []*float64 | Type: []*float64 |
| 2021-01-01 12:12:12 +0000 UTC | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
====== TEST DATA RESPONSE (arrow base64) ======
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"ax": 1,
"string_array": ["1", "2"],
"int_array": [1, 2],
"map_with_floats": {
"key1": 2.0,
"key2": 3.0
"bx": null
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
🌟 This was machine generated. Do not edit. 🌟
Dimensions: 3 Fields by 1 Rows
| Name: time | Name: ax | Name: key1 |
| Labels: | Labels: | Labels: label1=3, label2=3 |
| Type: []time.Time | Type: []*float64 | Type: []*float64 |
| 2021-01-01 12:12:12 +0000 UTC | 1 | 2 |
====== TEST DATA RESPONSE (arrow base64) ======
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"ax": 1,
"string_array": ["1", "2"],
"int_array": [1, 2],
"map_with_floats": {
"key1": 2.0,
"key2": 3.0
"bx": null
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2013, Julien Schmidt
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package tree
// StringToBytes converts string to byte slice without a memory allocation.
func StringToBytes(s string) []byte {
return []byte(s)
// BytesToString converts byte slice to string without a memory allocation.
func BytesToString(b []byte) string {
return string(b)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Copyright 2013 Julien Schmidt. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file.
package tree
import "context"
// Param is a single URL parameter, consisting of a key and a value.
type Param struct {
Key string
Value string
// Params is a Param-slice, as returned by the router.
// The slice is ordered, the first URL parameter is also the first slice value.
// It is therefore safe to read values by the index.
type Params []Param
// Get returns the value of the first Param which key matches the given name.
// If no matching Param is found, an empty string is returned.
func (ps Params) Get(name string) (string, bool) {
for _, p := range ps {
if p.Key == name {
return p.Value, true
return "", false
type paramsKey struct{}
// ParamsKey is the request context key under which URL Params are stored.
var ParamsKey = paramsKey{}
// ParamsFromContext pulls the URL parameters from a request context,
// or returns nil if none are present.
func ParamsFromContext(ctx context.Context) Params {
p, _ := ctx.Value(ParamsKey).(Params)
return p
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
This is a tree code from https://github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter with an important fixes made inside Gin web framework.
* https://github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter/pull/329
* https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/2786
See also https://github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter/issues/235 – that's the reason why we can't use a custom branch patched with fixes.
Original LICENSE and copyright left unchanged here.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
// Copyright 2013 Julien Schmidt. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// at https://github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter/blob/master/LICENSE
package tree
import (
var (
strColon = []byte(":")
strStar = []byte("*")
func min(a, b int) int {
if a <= b {
return a
return b
func longestCommonPrefix(a, b string) int {
i := 0
max := min(len(a), len(b))
for i < max && a[i] == b[i] {
return i
// addChild will add a child Node, keeping wildcards at the end
func (n *Node) addChild(child *Node) {
if n.wildChild && len(n.children) > 0 {
wildcardChild := n.children[len(n.children)-1]
n.children = append(n.children[:len(n.children)-1], child, wildcardChild)
} else {
n.children = append(n.children, child)
func countParams(path string) uint16 {
var n uint16
s := StringToBytes(path)
n += uint16(bytes.Count(s, strColon))
n += uint16(bytes.Count(s, strStar))
return n
type nodeType uint8
const (
root nodeType = iota + 1
type Handler interface{}
func New() *Node {
return new(Node)
type Node struct {
path string
indices string
wildChild bool
nType nodeType
priority uint32
children []*Node // child nodes, at most 1 :param style Node at the end of the array
handler Handler
fullPath string
// Increments priority of the given child and reorders if necessary
func (n *Node) incrementChildPrio(pos int) int {
cs := n.children
prio := cs[pos].priority
// Adjust position (move to front)
newPos := pos
for ; newPos > 0 && cs[newPos-1].priority < prio; newPos-- {
// Swap Node positions
cs[newPos-1], cs[newPos] = cs[newPos], cs[newPos-1]
// Build new index char string
if newPos != pos {
n.indices = n.indices[:newPos] + // Unchanged prefix, might be empty
n.indices[pos:pos+1] + // The index char we move
n.indices[newPos:pos] + n.indices[pos+1:] // Rest without char at 'pos'
return newPos
func (n *Node) AddRoute(path string, handlers Handler) {
n.addRoute(path, handlers)
// addRoute adds a Node with the given handle to the path.
// Not concurrency-safe!
func (n *Node) addRoute(path string, handlers Handler) {
fullPath := path
// Empty tree
if len(n.path) == 0 && len(n.children) == 0 {
n.insertChild(path, fullPath, handlers)
n.nType = root
parentFullPathIndex := 0
for {
// Find the longest common prefix.
// This also implies that the common prefix contains no ':' or '*'
// since the existing key can't contain those chars.
i := longestCommonPrefix(path, n.path)
// Split edge
if i < len(n.path) {
child := Node{
path: n.path[i:],
wildChild: n.wildChild,
indices: n.indices,
children: n.children,
handler: n.handler,
priority: n.priority - 1,
fullPath: n.fullPath,
n.children = []*Node{&child}
// []byte for proper unicode char conversion, see #65
n.indices = BytesToString([]byte{n.path[i]})
n.path = path[:i]
n.handler = nil
n.wildChild = false
n.fullPath = fullPath[:parentFullPathIndex+i]
// Make new Node a child of this Node
if i < len(path) {
path = path[i:]
c := path[0]
// '/' after param
if n.nType == param && c == '/' && len(n.children) == 1 {
parentFullPathIndex += len(n.path)
n = n.children[0]
continue walk
// Check if a child with the next path byte exists
for i, max := 0, len(n.indices); i < max; i++ {
if c == n.indices[i] {
parentFullPathIndex += len(n.path)
i = n.incrementChildPrio(i)
n = n.children[i]
continue walk
// Otherwise insert it
if c != ':' && c != '*' && n.nType != catchAll {
// []byte for proper unicode char conversion, see #65
n.indices += BytesToString([]byte{c})
child := &Node{
fullPath: fullPath,
n.incrementChildPrio(len(n.indices) - 1)
n = child
} else if n.wildChild {
// inserting a wildcard Node, need to check if it conflicts with the existing wildcard
n = n.children[len(n.children)-1]
// Check if the wildcard matches
if len(path) >= len(n.path) && n.path == path[:len(n.path)] &&
// Adding a child to a catchAll is not possible
n.nType != catchAll &&
// Check for longer wildcard, e.g. :name and :names
(len(n.path) >= len(path) || path[len(n.path)] == '/') {
continue walk
// Wildcard conflict
pathSeg := path
if n.nType != catchAll {
pathSeg = strings.SplitN(pathSeg, "/", 2)[0]
prefix := fullPath[:strings.Index(fullPath, pathSeg)] + n.path
panic("'" + pathSeg +
"' in new path '" + fullPath +
"' conflicts with existing wildcard '" + n.path +
"' in existing prefix '" + prefix +
n.insertChild(path, fullPath, handlers)
// Otherwise add handle to current Node
if n.handler != nil {
panic("handler are already registered for path '" + fullPath + "'")
n.handler = handlers
n.fullPath = fullPath
// Search for a wildcard segment and check the name for invalid characters.
// Returns -1 as index, if no wildcard was found.
func findWildcard(path string) (wildcard string, i int, valid bool) {
// Find start
for start, c := range []byte(path) {
// A wildcard starts with ':' (param) or '*' (catch-all)
if c != ':' && c != '*' {
// Find end and check for invalid characters
valid = true
for end, c := range []byte(path[start+1:]) {
switch c {
case '/':
return path[start : start+1+end], start, valid
case ':', '*':
valid = false
return path[start:], start, valid
return "", -1, false
func (n *Node) insertChild(path string, fullPath string, handlers Handler) {
for {
// Find prefix until first wildcard
wildcard, i, valid := findWildcard(path)
if i < 0 { // No wildcard found
// The wildcard name must not contain ':' and '*'
if !valid {
panic("only one wildcard per path segment is allowed, has: '" +
wildcard + "' in path '" + fullPath + "'")
// check if the wildcard has a name
if len(wildcard) < 2 {
panic("wildcards must be named with a non-empty name in path '" + fullPath + "'")
if wildcard[0] == ':' { // param
if i > 0 {
// Insert prefix before the current wildcard
n.path = path[:i]
path = path[i:]
child := &Node{
nType: param,
path: wildcard,
fullPath: fullPath,
n.wildChild = true
n = child
// if the path doesn't end with the wildcard, then there
// will be another non-wildcard subpath starting with '/'
if len(wildcard) < len(path) {
path = path[len(wildcard):]
child := &Node{
priority: 1,
fullPath: fullPath,
n = child
// Otherwise we're done. Insert the handle in the new leaf
n.handler = handlers
// catchAll
if i+len(wildcard) != len(path) {
panic("catch-all routes are only allowed at the end of the path in path '" + fullPath + "'")
if len(n.path) > 0 && n.path[len(n.path)-1] == '/' {
panic("catch-all conflicts with existing handle for the path segment root in path '" + fullPath + "'")
// currently fixed width 1 for '/'
if path[i] != '/' {
panic("no / before catch-all in path '" + fullPath + "'")
n.path = path[:i]
// First Node: catchAll Node with empty path
child := &Node{
wildChild: true,
nType: catchAll,
fullPath: fullPath,
n.indices = string('/')
n = child
// second Node: Node holding the variable
child = &Node{
path: path[i:],
nType: catchAll,
handler: handlers,
priority: 1,
fullPath: fullPath,
n.children = []*Node{child}
// If no wildcard was found, simply insert the path and handle
n.path = path
n.handler = handlers
n.fullPath = fullPath
// NodeValue holds return values of (*Node).getValue method
type NodeValue struct {
Handler Handler
Params *Params
Tsr bool
FullPath string
func (n *Node) GetValue(path string, params *Params, unescape bool) (value NodeValue) {
return n.getValue(path, params, unescape)
// Returns the handle registered with the given path (key). The values of
// wildcards are saved to a map.
// If no handle can be found, a TSR (trailing slash redirect) recommendation is
// made if a handle exists with an extra (without the) trailing slash for the
// given path.
// nolint:gocyclo
func (n *Node) getValue(path string, params *Params, unescape bool) (value NodeValue) {
var (
skippedPath string
latestNode = n // Caching the latest Node
walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
for {
prefix := n.path
if len(path) > len(prefix) {
if path[:len(prefix)] == prefix {
path = path[len(prefix):]
// Try all the non-wildcard children first by matching the indices
idxc := path[0]
for i, c := range []byte(n.indices) {
if c == idxc {
// strings.HasPrefix(n.children[len(n.children)-1].path, ":") == n.wildChild
if n.wildChild {
skippedPath = prefix + path
latestNode = &Node{
path: n.path,
wildChild: n.wildChild,
nType: n.nType,
priority: n.priority,
children: n.children,
handler: n.handler,
fullPath: n.fullPath,
n = n.children[i]
continue walk
// If the path at the end of the loop is not equal to '/' and the current Node has no child nodes
// the current Node needs to be equal to the latest matching Node
matched := path != "/" && !n.wildChild
if matched {
n = latestNode
// If there is no wildcard pattern, recommend a redirection
if !n.wildChild {
// Nothing found.
// We can recommend to redirect to the same URL without a
// trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path.
value.Tsr = path == "/" && n.handler != nil
// Handle wildcard child, which is always at the end of the array
n = n.children[len(n.children)-1]
switch n.nType {
case param:
// fix truncate the parameter
// tree_test.go line: 204
if matched {
path = prefix + path
// The saved path is used after the prefix route is intercepted by matching
if n.indices == "/" {
path = skippedPath[1:]
// Find param end (either '/' or path end)
end := 0
for end < len(path) && path[end] != '/' {
// Save param value
if params != nil && cap(*params) > 0 {
if value.Params == nil {
value.Params = params
// Expand slice within preallocated capacity
i := len(*value.Params)
*value.Params = (*value.Params)[:i+1]
val := path[:end]
if unescape {
if v, err := url.QueryUnescape(val); err == nil {
val = v
(*value.Params)[i] = Param{
Key: n.path[1:],
Value: val,
// we need to go deeper!
if end < len(path) {
if len(n.children) > 0 {
path = path[end:]
n = n.children[0]
continue walk
// ... but we can't
value.Tsr = len(path) == end+1
if value.Handler = n.handler; value.Handler != nil {
value.FullPath = n.fullPath
if len(n.children) == 1 {
// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
// trailing slash exists for TSR recommendation
n = n.children[0]
value.Tsr = n.path == "/" && n.handler != nil
case catchAll:
// Save param value
if params != nil {
if value.Params == nil {
value.Params = params
// Expand slice within preallocated capacity
i := len(*value.Params)
*value.Params = (*value.Params)[:i+1]
val := path
if unescape {
if v, err := url.QueryUnescape(path); err == nil {
val = v
(*value.Params)[i] = Param{
Key: n.path[2:],
Value: val,
value.Handler = n.handler
value.FullPath = n.fullPath
panic("invalid Node type")
if path == prefix {
// If the current path does not equal '/' and the Node does not have a registered handle and the most recently matched Node has a child Node
// the current Node needs to be equal to the latest matching Node
if latestNode.wildChild && n.handler == nil && path != "/" {
n = latestNode.children[len(latestNode.children)-1]
// We should have reached the Node containing the handle.
// Check if this Node has a handle registered.
if value.Handler = n.handler; value.Handler != nil {
value.FullPath = n.fullPath
// If there is no handle for this route, but this route has a
// wildcard child, there must be a handle for this path with an
// additional trailing slash
if path == "/" && n.wildChild && n.nType != root {
value.Tsr = true
// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
// trailing slash exists for trailing slash recommendation
for i, c := range []byte(n.indices) {
if c == '/' {
n = n.children[i]
value.Tsr = (len(n.path) == 1 && n.handler != nil) ||
(n.nType == catchAll && n.children[0].handler != nil)
if path != "/" && len(skippedPath) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(skippedPath, path) {
path = skippedPath
// Reduce the number of cycles
n, latestNode = latestNode, n
// skippedPath cannot execute
// example:
// * /:cc/cc
// call /a/cc expectations:match/200 Actual:match/200
// call /a/dd expectations:unmatch/404 Actual: panic
// call /addr/dd/aa expectations:unmatch/404 Actual: panic
// skippedPath: It can only be executed if the secondary route is not found
skippedPath = ""
continue walk
// Nothing found. We can recommend to redirect to the same URL with an
// extra trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
value.Tsr = path == "/" ||
(len(prefix) == len(path)+1 && n.handler != nil)
// Makes a case-insensitive lookup of the given path and tries to find a handler.
// It can optionally also fix trailing slashes.
// It returns the case-corrected path and a bool indicating whether the lookup
// was successful.
func (n *Node) findCaseInsensitivePath(path string, fixTrailingSlash bool) ([]byte, bool) {
const stackBufSize = 128
// Use a static sized buffer on the stack in the common case.
// If the path is too long, allocate a buffer on the heap instead.
buf := make([]byte, 0, stackBufSize)
if length := len(path) + 1; length > stackBufSize {
buf = make([]byte, 0, length)
ciPath := n.findCaseInsensitivePathRec(
buf, // Preallocate enough memory for new path
[4]byte{}, // Empty rune buffer
return ciPath, ciPath != nil
// Shift bytes in array by n bytes left
func shiftNRuneBytes(rb [4]byte, n int) [4]byte {
switch n {
case 0:
return rb
case 1:
return [4]byte{rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 0}
case 2:
return [4]byte{rb[2], rb[3]}
case 3:
return [4]byte{rb[3]}
return [4]byte{}
// Recursive case-insensitive lookup function used by n.findCaseInsensitivePath
// nolint:gocyclo
func (n *Node) findCaseInsensitivePathRec(path string, ciPath []byte, rb [4]byte, fixTrailingSlash bool) []byte {
npLen := len(n.path)
walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
for len(path) >= npLen && (npLen == 0 || strings.EqualFold(path[1:npLen], n.path[1:])) {
// Add common prefix to result
oldPath := path
path = path[npLen:]
ciPath = append(ciPath, n.path...)
if len(path) == 0 {
// We should have reached the Node containing the handle.
// Check if this Node has a handle registered.
if n.handler != nil {
return ciPath
// No handle found.
// Try to fix the path by adding a trailing slash
if fixTrailingSlash {
for i, c := range []byte(n.indices) {
if c == '/' {
n = n.children[i]
if (len(n.path) == 1 && n.handler != nil) ||
(n.nType == catchAll && n.children[0].handler != nil) {
return append(ciPath, '/')
return nil
return nil
// If this Node does not have a wildcard (param or catchAll) child,
// we can just look up the next child Node and continue to walk down
// the tree
if !n.wildChild {
// Skip rune bytes already processed
rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, npLen)
if rb[0] != 0 {
// Old rune not finished
idxc := rb[0]
for i, c := range []byte(n.indices) {
if c == idxc {
// continue with child Node
n = n.children[i]
npLen = len(n.path)
continue walk
} else {
// Process a new rune
var rv rune
// Find rune start.
// Runes are up to 4 byte long,
// -4 would definitely be another rune.
var off int
for max := min(npLen, 3); off < max; off++ {
if i := npLen - off; utf8.RuneStart(oldPath[i]) {
// read rune from cached path
rv, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(oldPath[i:])
// Calculate lowercase bytes of current rune
lo := unicode.ToLower(rv)
utf8.EncodeRune(rb[:], lo)
// Skip already processed bytes
rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, off)
idxc := rb[0]
for i, c := range []byte(n.indices) {
// Lowercase matches
if c == idxc {
// must use a recursive approach since both the
// uppercase byte and the lowercase byte might exist
// as an index
if out := n.children[i].findCaseInsensitivePathRec(
path, ciPath, rb, fixTrailingSlash,
); out != nil {
return out
// If we found no match, the same for the uppercase rune,
// if it differs
if up := unicode.ToUpper(rv); up != lo {
utf8.EncodeRune(rb[:], up)
rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, off)
idxc := rb[0]
for i, c := range []byte(n.indices) {
// Uppercase matches
if c == idxc {
// Continue with child Node
n = n.children[i]
npLen = len(n.path)
continue walk
// Nothing found. We can recommend to redirect to the same URL
// without a trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
if fixTrailingSlash && path == "/" && n.handler != nil {
return ciPath
return nil
n = n.children[0]
switch n.nType {
case param:
// Find param end (either '/' or path end)
end := 0
for end < len(path) && path[end] != '/' {
// Add param value to case insensitive path
ciPath = append(ciPath, path[:end]...)
// We need to go deeper!
if end < len(path) {
if len(n.children) > 0 {
// Continue with child Node
n = n.children[0]
npLen = len(n.path)
path = path[end:]
// ... but we can't
if fixTrailingSlash && len(path) == end+1 {
return ciPath
return nil
if n.handler != nil {
return ciPath
if fixTrailingSlash && len(n.children) == 1 {
// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
// trailing slash exists
n = n.children[0]
if n.path == "/" && n.handler != nil {
return append(ciPath, '/')
return nil
case catchAll:
return append(ciPath, path...)
panic("invalid Node type")
// Nothing found.
// Try to fix the path by adding / removing a trailing slash
if fixTrailingSlash {
if path == "/" {
return ciPath
if len(path)+1 == npLen && n.path[len(path)] == '/' &&
strings.EqualFold(path[1:], n.path[1:len(path)]) && n.handler != nil {
return append(ciPath, n.path...)
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
// Copyright 2013 Julien Schmidt. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// at https://github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter/blob/master/LICENSE
package tree
import (
// Used as a workaround since we can't compare functions or their addresses
var fakeHandlerValue string
func fakeHandler(val string) Handler {
return func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, Params) {
fakeHandlerValue = val
type testRequests []struct {
path string
nilHandler bool
route string
ps Params
func getParams() *Params {
ps := make(Params, 0, 20)
return &ps
func checkRequests(t *testing.T, tree *Node, requests testRequests, unescapes ...bool) {
unescape := false
if len(unescapes) >= 1 {
unescape = unescapes[0]
for _, request := range requests {
value := tree.getValue(request.path, getParams(), unescape)
if value.Handler == nil {
if !request.nilHandler {
t.Errorf("handle mismatch for route '%s': Expected non-nil handle", request.path)
} else if request.nilHandler {
t.Errorf("handle mismatch for route '%s': Expected nil handle", request.path)
} else {
handler, ok := value.Handler.(func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, Params))
if !ok {
t.Errorf("invalid handler type for route '%s': %T", request.path, value.Handler)
handler(nil, nil, nil)
if fakeHandlerValue != request.route {
t.Errorf("handle mismatch for route '%s': Wrong handle (%s != %s)", request.path, fakeHandlerValue, request.route)
if value.Params != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(*value.Params, request.ps) {
t.Errorf("Params mismatch for route '%s'", request.path)
func checkPriorities(t *testing.T, n *Node) uint32 {
var prio uint32
for i := range n.children {
prio += checkPriorities(t, n.children[i])
if n.handler != nil {
if n.priority != prio {
"priority mismatch for Node '%s': is %d, should be %d",
n.path, n.priority, prio,
return prio
func TestCountParams(t *testing.T) {
if countParams("/path/:param1/static/*catch-all") != 2 {
if countParams(strings.Repeat("/:param", 256)) != 256 {
func TestTreeAddAndGet(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
routes := [...]string{
for _, route := range routes {
tree.addRoute(route, fakeHandler(route))
checkRequests(t, tree, testRequests{
{"/a", false, "/a", nil},
{"/", true, "", nil},
{"/hi", false, "/hi", nil},
{"/contact", false, "/contact", nil},
{"/co", false, "/co", nil},
{"/con", true, "", nil}, // key mismatch
{"/cona", true, "", nil}, // key mismatch
{"/no", true, "", nil}, // no matching child
{"/ab", false, "/ab", nil},
{"/α", false, "/α", nil},
{"/β", false, "/β", nil},
checkPriorities(t, tree)
func TestTreeWildcard(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
routes := [...]string{
for _, route := range routes {
tree.addRoute(route, fakeHandler(route))
checkRequests(t, tree, testRequests{
{"/", false, "/", nil},
{"/cmd/test", true, "/cmd/:tool/", Params{Param{"tool", "test"}}},
{"/cmd/test/", false, "/cmd/:tool/", Params{Param{"tool", "test"}}},
{"/cmd/test/3", false, "/cmd/:tool/:sub", Params{Param{Key: "tool", Value: "test"}, Param{Key: "sub", Value: "3"}}},
{"/cmd/who", true, "/cmd/:tool/", Params{Param{"tool", "who"}}},
{"/cmd/who/", false, "/cmd/:tool/", Params{Param{"tool", "who"}}},
{"/cmd/whoami", false, "/cmd/whoami", nil},
{"/cmd/whoami/", true, "/cmd/whoami", nil},
{"/cmd/whoami/r", false, "/cmd/:tool/:sub", Params{Param{Key: "tool", Value: "whoami"}, Param{Key: "sub", Value: "r"}}},
{"/cmd/whoami/r/", true, "/cmd/:tool/:sub", Params{Param{Key: "tool", Value: "whoami"}, Param{Key: "sub", Value: "r"}}},
{"/cmd/whoami/root", false, "/cmd/whoami/root", nil},
{"/cmd/whoami/root/", false, "/cmd/whoami/root/", nil},
{"/src/", false, "/src/*filepath", Params{Param{Key: "filepath", Value: "/"}}},
{"/src/some/file.png", false, "/src/*filepath", Params{Param{Key: "filepath", Value: "/some/file.png"}}},
{"/search/", false, "/search/", nil},
{"/search/someth!ng+in+ünìcodé", false, "/search/:query", Params{Param{Key: "query", Value: "someth!ng+in+ünìcodé"}}},
{"/search/someth!ng+in+ünìcodé/", true, "", Params{Param{Key: "query", Value: "someth!ng+in+ünìcodé"}}},
{"/search/gin", false, "/search/:query", Params{Param{"query", "gin"}}},
{"/search/gin-gonic", false, "/search/gin-gonic", nil},
{"/search/google", false, "/search/google", nil},
{"/user_gopher", false, "/user_:name", Params{Param{Key: "name", Value: "gopher"}}},
{"/user_gopher/about", false, "/user_:name/about", Params{Param{Key: "name", Value: "gopher"}}},
{"/files/js/inc/framework.js", false, "/files/:dir/*filepath", Params{Param{Key: "dir", Value: "js"}, Param{Key: "filepath", Value: "/inc/framework.js"}}},
{"/info/gordon/public", false, "/info/:user/public", Params{Param{Key: "user", Value: "gordon"}}},
{"/info/gordon/project/go", false, "/info/:user/project/:project", Params{Param{Key: "user", Value: "gordon"}, Param{Key: "project", Value: "go"}}},
{"/info/gordon/project/golang", false, "/info/:user/project/golang", Params{Param{Key: "user", Value: "gordon"}}},
{"/aa/aa", false, "/aa/*xx", Params{Param{Key: "xx", Value: "/aa"}}},
{"/ab/ab", false, "/ab/*xx", Params{Param{Key: "xx", Value: "/ab"}}},
{"/a", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "a"}}},
// * Error with argument being intercepted
// new PR handle (/all /all/cc /a/cc)
// fix PR: https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/2796
{"/all", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "all"}}},
{"/d", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "d"}}},
{"/ad", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "ad"}}},
{"/dd", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "dd"}}},
{"/dddaa", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "dddaa"}}},
{"/aa", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "aa"}}},
{"/aaa", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "aaa"}}},
{"/aaa/cc", false, "/:cc/cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "aaa"}}},
{"/ab", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "ab"}}},
{"/abb", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "abb"}}},
{"/abb/cc", false, "/:cc/cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "abb"}}},
{"/allxxxx", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "allxxxx"}}},
{"/alldd", false, "/:cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "alldd"}}},
{"/all/cc", false, "/:cc/cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "all"}}},
{"/a/cc", false, "/:cc/cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "a"}}},
{"/cc/cc", false, "/:cc/cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "cc"}}},
{"/ccc/cc", false, "/:cc/cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "ccc"}}},
{"/deedwjfs/cc", false, "/:cc/cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "deedwjfs"}}},
{"/acllcc/cc", false, "/:cc/cc", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "acllcc"}}},
{"/get/test/abc/", false, "/get/test/abc/", nil},
{"/get/te/abc/", false, "/get/:param/abc/", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "te"}}},
{"/get/testaa/abc/", false, "/get/:param/abc/", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "testaa"}}},
{"/get/xx/abc/", false, "/get/:param/abc/", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "xx"}}},
{"/get/tt/abc/", false, "/get/:param/abc/", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "tt"}}},
{"/get/a/abc/", false, "/get/:param/abc/", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "a"}}},
{"/get/t/abc/", false, "/get/:param/abc/", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "t"}}},
{"/get/aa/abc/", false, "/get/:param/abc/", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "aa"}}},
{"/get/abas/abc/", false, "/get/:param/abc/", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "abas"}}},
{"/something/secondthing/test", false, "/something/secondthing/test", nil},
{"/something/abcdad/thirdthing", false, "/something/:paramname/thirdthing", Params{Param{Key: "paramname", Value: "abcdad"}}},
{"/something/secondthingaaaa/thirdthing", false, "/something/:paramname/thirdthing", Params{Param{Key: "paramname", Value: "secondthingaaaa"}}},
{"/something/se/thirdthing", false, "/something/:paramname/thirdthing", Params{Param{Key: "paramname", Value: "se"}}},
{"/something/s/thirdthing", false, "/something/:paramname/thirdthing", Params{Param{Key: "paramname", Value: "s"}}},
{"/c/d/ee", false, "/:cc/:dd/ee", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "c"}, Param{Key: "dd", Value: "d"}}},
{"/c/d/e/ff", false, "/:cc/:dd/:ee/ff", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "c"}, Param{Key: "dd", Value: "d"}, Param{Key: "ee", Value: "e"}}},
{"/c/d/e/f/gg", false, "/:cc/:dd/:ee/:ff/gg", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "c"}, Param{Key: "dd", Value: "d"}, Param{Key: "ee", Value: "e"}, Param{Key: "ff", Value: "f"}}},
{"/c/d/e/f/g/hh", false, "/:cc/:dd/:ee/:ff/:gg/hh", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "c"}, Param{Key: "dd", Value: "d"}, Param{Key: "ee", Value: "e"}, Param{Key: "ff", Value: "f"}, Param{Key: "gg", Value: "g"}}},
{"/cc/dd/ee/ff/gg/hh", false, "/:cc/:dd/:ee/:ff/:gg/hh", Params{Param{Key: "cc", Value: "cc"}, Param{Key: "dd", Value: "dd"}, Param{Key: "ee", Value: "ee"}, Param{Key: "ff", Value: "ff"}, Param{Key: "gg", Value: "gg"}}},
{"/get/abc", false, "/get/abc", nil},
{"/get/a", false, "/get/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "a"}}},
{"/get/abz", false, "/get/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "abz"}}},
{"/get/12a", false, "/get/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "12a"}}},
{"/get/abcd", false, "/get/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "abcd"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc", false, "/get/abc/123abc", nil},
{"/get/abc/12", false, "/get/abc/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "12"}}},
{"/get/abc/123ab", false, "/get/abc/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "123ab"}}},
{"/get/abc/xyz", false, "/get/abc/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "xyz"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abcddxx", false, "/get/abc/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "123abcddxx"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8", nil},
{"/get/abc/123abc/x", false, "/get/abc/123abc/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "x"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx", false, "/get/abc/123abc/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "xxx"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/abc", false, "/get/abc/123abc/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "abc"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8xxas", false, "/get/abc/123abc/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "xxx8xxas"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234", nil},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "1"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/123", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "123"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/78k", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "78k"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234xxxd", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "1234xxxd"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/ffas", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/ffas", nil},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/f", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "f"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/ffa", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "ffa"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kka", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "kka"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/ffas321", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "ffas321"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/12c", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/12c", nil},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/1", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "1"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/12", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "12"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/12b", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "12b"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/34", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "34"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/12c2e3", false, "/get/abc/123abc/xxx8/1234/kkdd/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "12c2e3"}}},
{"/get/abc/12/test", false, "/get/abc/:param/test", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "12"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abdd/test", false, "/get/abc/:param/test", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "123abdd"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abdddf/test", false, "/get/abc/:param/test", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "123abdddf"}}},
{"/get/abc/123ab/test", false, "/get/abc/:param/test", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "123ab"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abgg/test", false, "/get/abc/:param/test", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "123abgg"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abff/test", false, "/get/abc/:param/test", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "123abff"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abffff/test", false, "/get/abc/:param/test", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "123abffff"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abd/test", false, "/get/abc/123abd/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "test"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abddd/test", false, "/get/abc/123abddd/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "test"}}},
{"/get/abc/123/test22", false, "/get/abc/123/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "test22"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abg/test", false, "/get/abc/123abg/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "test"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abf/testss", false, "/get/abc/123abf/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "testss"}}},
{"/get/abc/123abfff/te", false, "/get/abc/123abfff/:param", Params{Param{Key: "param", Value: "te"}}},
checkPriorities(t, tree)
func TestUnescapeParameters(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
routes := [...]string{
for _, route := range routes {
tree.addRoute(route, fakeHandler(route))
checkRequests(t, tree, testRequests{
{"/", false, "/", nil},
{"/cmd/test/", false, "/cmd/:tool/", Params{Param{Key: "tool", Value: "test"}}},
{"/cmd/test", true, "", Params{Param{Key: "tool", Value: "test"}}},
{"/src/some/file.png", false, "/src/*filepath", Params{Param{Key: "filepath", Value: "/some/file.png"}}},
{"/src/some/file+test.png", false, "/src/*filepath", Params{Param{Key: "filepath", Value: "/some/file test.png"}}},
{"/src/some/file++++%%%%test.png", false, "/src/*filepath", Params{Param{Key: "filepath", Value: "/some/file++++%%%%test.png"}}},
{"/src/some/file%2Ftest.png", false, "/src/*filepath", Params{Param{Key: "filepath", Value: "/some/file/test.png"}}},
{"/search/someth!ng+in+ünìcodé", false, "/search/:query", Params{Param{Key: "query", Value: "someth!ng in ünìcodé"}}},
{"/info/gordon/project/go", false, "/info/:user/project/:project", Params{Param{Key: "user", Value: "gordon"}, Param{Key: "project", Value: "go"}}},
{"/info/slash%2Fgordon", false, "/info/:user", Params{Param{Key: "user", Value: "slash/gordon"}}},
{"/info/slash%2Fgordon/project/Project%20%231", false, "/info/:user/project/:project", Params{Param{Key: "user", Value: "slash/gordon"}, Param{Key: "project", Value: "Project #1"}}},
{"/info/slash%%%%", false, "/info/:user", Params{Param{Key: "user", Value: "slash%%%%"}}},
{"/info/slash%%%%2Fgordon/project/Project%%%%20%231", false, "/info/:user/project/:project", Params{Param{Key: "user", Value: "slash%%%%2Fgordon"}, Param{Key: "project", Value: "Project%%%%20%231"}}},
}, true)
checkPriorities(t, tree)
func catchPanic(testFunc func()) (recv interface{}) {
defer func() {
recv = recover()
type testRoute struct {
path string
conflict bool
func testRoutes(t *testing.T, routes []testRoute) {
tree := &Node{}
for _, route := range routes {
recv := catchPanic(func() {
tree.addRoute(route.path, nil)
if route.conflict {
if recv == nil {
t.Errorf("no panic for conflicting route '%s'", route.path)
} else if recv != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected panic for route '%s': %v", route.path, recv)
func TestTreeWildcardConflict(t *testing.T) {
routes := []testRoute{
{"/cmd/:tool/:sub", false},
{"/cmd/vet", false},
{"/foo/bar", false},
{"/foo/:name", false},
{"/foo/:names", true},
{"/cmd/*path", true},
{"/cmd/:badvar", true},
{"/cmd/:tool/names", false},
{"/cmd/:tool/:badsub/details", true},
{"/src/*filepath", false},
{"/src/:file", true},
{"/src/static.json", true},
{"/src/*filepathx", true},
{"/src/", true},
{"/src/foo/bar", true},
{"/src1/", false},
{"/src1/*filepath", true},
{"/src2*filepath", true},
{"/src2/*filepath", false},
{"/search/:query", false},
{"/search/valid", false},
{"/user_:name", false},
{"/user_x", false},
{"/user_:name", false},
{"/id:id", false},
{"/id/:id", false},
testRoutes(t, routes)
func TestCatchAllAfterSlash(t *testing.T) {
routes := []testRoute{
{"/non-leading-*catchall", true},
testRoutes(t, routes)
func TestTreeChildConflict(t *testing.T) {
routes := []testRoute{
{"/cmd/vet", false},
{"/cmd/:tool", false},
{"/cmd/:tool/:sub", false},
{"/cmd/:tool/misc", false},
{"/cmd/:tool/:othersub", true},
{"/src/AUTHORS", false},
{"/src/*filepath", true},
{"/user_x", false},
{"/user_:name", false},
{"/id/:id", false},
{"/id:id", false},
{"/:id", false},
{"/*filepath", true},
testRoutes(t, routes)
func TestTreeDuplicatePath(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
routes := [...]string{
for _, route := range routes {
recv := catchPanic(func() {
tree.addRoute(route, fakeHandler(route))
if recv != nil {
t.Fatalf("panic inserting route '%s': %v", route, recv)
// Add again
recv = catchPanic(func() {
tree.addRoute(route, nil)
if recv == nil {
t.Fatalf("no panic while inserting duplicate route '%s", route)
//printChildren(tree, "")
checkRequests(t, tree, testRequests{
{"/", false, "/", nil},
{"/doc/", false, "/doc/", nil},
{"/src/some/file.png", false, "/src/*filepath", Params{Param{"filepath", "/some/file.png"}}},
{"/search/someth!ng+in+ünìcodé", false, "/search/:query", Params{Param{"query", "someth!ng+in+ünìcodé"}}},
{"/user_gopher", false, "/user_:name", Params{Param{"name", "gopher"}}},
func TestEmptyWildcardName(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
routes := [...]string{
for _, route := range routes {
recv := catchPanic(func() {
tree.addRoute(route, nil)
if recv == nil {
t.Fatalf("no panic while inserting route with empty wildcard name '%s", route)
func TestTreeCatchAllConflict(t *testing.T) {
routes := []testRoute{
{"/src/*filepath/x", true},
{"/src2/", false},
{"/src2/*filepath/x", true},
{"/src3/*filepath", false},
{"/src3/*filepath/x", true},
testRoutes(t, routes)
func TestTreeCatchAllConflictRoot(t *testing.T) {
routes := []testRoute{
{"/", false},
{"/*filepath", true},
testRoutes(t, routes)
func TestTreeCatchMaxParams(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
var route = "/cmd/*filepath"
tree.addRoute(route, fakeHandler(route))
func TestTreeDoubleWildcard(t *testing.T) {
const panicMsg = "only one wildcard per path segment is allowed"
routes := [...]string{
for _, route := range routes {
tree := &Node{}
recv := catchPanic(func() {
tree.addRoute(route, nil)
if rs, ok := recv.(string); !ok || !strings.HasPrefix(rs, panicMsg) {
t.Fatalf(`"Expected panic "%s" for route '%s', got "%v"`, panicMsg, route, recv)
/*func TestTreeDuplicateWildcard(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
routes := [...]string{
for _, route := range routes {
func TestTreeTrailingSlashRedirect(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
routes := [...]string{
for _, route := range routes {
recv := catchPanic(func() {
tree.addRoute(route, fakeHandler(route))
if recv != nil {
t.Fatalf("panic inserting route '%s': %v", route, recv)
tsrRoutes := [...]string{
for _, route := range tsrRoutes {
value := tree.getValue(route, nil, false)
if value.Handler != nil {
t.Fatalf("non-nil handler for TSR route '%s", route)
} else if !value.Tsr {
t.Errorf("expected TSR recommendation for route '%s'", route)
noTsrRoutes := [...]string{
for _, route := range noTsrRoutes {
value := tree.getValue(route, nil, false)
if value.Handler != nil {
t.Fatalf("non-nil handler for No-TSR route '%s", route)
} else if value.Tsr {
t.Errorf("expected no TSR recommendation for route '%s'", route)
func TestTreeRootTrailingSlashRedirect(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
recv := catchPanic(func() {
tree.addRoute("/:test", fakeHandler("/:test"))
if recv != nil {
t.Fatalf("panic inserting test route: %v", recv)
value := tree.getValue("/", nil, false)
if value.Handler != nil {
t.Fatalf("non-nil handler")
} else if value.Tsr {
t.Errorf("expected no TSR recommendation")
func TestTreeFindCaseInsensitivePath(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
longPath := "/l" + strings.Repeat("o", 128) + "ng"
lOngPath := "/l" + strings.Repeat("O", 128) + "ng/"
routes := [...]string{
"/w/♬", // 3 byte
"/w/♭/", // 3 byte, last byte differs
"/w/𠜎", // 4 byte
"/w/𠜏/", // 4 byte
for _, route := range routes {
recv := catchPanic(func() {
tree.addRoute(route, fakeHandler(route))
if recv != nil {
t.Fatalf("panic inserting route '%s': %v", route, recv)
// Check out == in for all registered routes
// With fixTrailingSlash = true
for _, route := range routes {
out, found := tree.findCaseInsensitivePath(route, true)
if !found {
t.Errorf("Route '%s' not found!", route)
} else if string(out) != route {
t.Errorf("Wrong result for route '%s': %s", route, string(out))
// With fixTrailingSlash = false
for _, route := range routes {
out, found := tree.findCaseInsensitivePath(route, false)
if !found {
t.Errorf("Route '%s' not found!", route)
} else if string(out) != route {
t.Errorf("Wrong result for route '%s': %s", route, string(out))
tests := []struct {
in string
out string
found bool
slash bool
{"/HI", "/hi", true, false},
{"/HI/", "/hi", true, true},
{"/B", "/b/", true, true},
{"/B/", "/b/", true, false},
{"/abc", "/ABC/", true, true},
{"/abc/", "/ABC/", true, false},
{"/aBc", "/ABC/", true, true},
{"/aBc/", "/ABC/", true, false},
{"/abC", "/ABC/", true, true},
{"/abC/", "/ABC/", true, false},
{"/SEARCH/QUERY", "/search/QUERY", true, false},
{"/SEARCH/QUERY/", "/search/QUERY", true, true},
{"/CMD/TOOL/", "/cmd/TOOL/", true, false},
{"/CMD/TOOL", "/cmd/TOOL/", true, true},
{"/SRC/FILE/PATH", "/src/FILE/PATH", true, false},
{"/x/Y", "/x/y", true, false},
{"/x/Y/", "/x/y", true, true},
{"/X/y", "/x/y", true, false},
{"/X/y/", "/x/y", true, true},
{"/X/Y", "/x/y", true, false},
{"/X/Y/", "/x/y", true, true},
{"/Y/", "/y/", true, false},
{"/Y", "/y/", true, true},
{"/Y/z", "/y/z", true, false},
{"/Y/z/", "/y/z", true, true},
{"/Y/Z", "/y/z", true, false},
{"/Y/Z/", "/y/z", true, true},
{"/y/Z", "/y/z", true, false},
{"/y/Z/", "/y/z", true, true},
{"/Aa", "/aa", true, false},
{"/Aa/", "/aa", true, true},
{"/AA", "/aa", true, false},
{"/AA/", "/aa", true, true},
{"/aA", "/aa", true, false},
{"/aA/", "/aa", true, true},
{"/A/", "/a/", true, false},
{"/A", "/a/", true, true},
{"/DOC", "/doc", true, false},
{"/DOC/", "/doc", true, true},
{"/NO", "", false, true},
{"/DOC/GO", "", false, true},
{"/π", "/Π", true, false},
{"/π/", "/Π", true, true},
{"/u/ÄPFÊL/", "/u/äpfêl/", true, false},
{"/u/ÄPFÊL", "/u/äpfêl/", true, true},
{"/u/ÖPFÊL/", "/u/öpfêl", true, true},
{"/u/ÖPFÊL", "/u/öpfêl", true, false},
{"/v/äpfêL/", "/v/Äpfêl/", true, false},
{"/v/äpfêL", "/v/Äpfêl/", true, true},
{"/v/öpfêL/", "/v/Öpfêl", true, true},
{"/v/öpfêL", "/v/Öpfêl", true, false},
{"/w/♬/", "/w/♬", true, true},
{"/w/♭", "/w/♭/", true, true},
{"/w/𠜎/", "/w/𠜎", true, true},
{"/w/𠜏", "/w/𠜏/", true, true},
{lOngPath, longPath, true, true},
// With fixTrailingSlash = true
for _, test := range tests {
out, found := tree.findCaseInsensitivePath(test.in, true)
if found != test.found || (found && (string(out) != test.out)) {
t.Errorf("Wrong result for '%s': got %s, %t; want %s, %t",
test.in, string(out), found, test.out, test.found)
// With fixTrailingSlash = false
for _, test := range tests {
out, found := tree.findCaseInsensitivePath(test.in, false)
if test.slash {
if found { // test needs a trailingSlash fix. It must not be found!
t.Errorf("Found without fixTrailingSlash: %s; got %s", test.in, string(out))
} else {
if found != test.found || (found && (string(out) != test.out)) {
t.Errorf("Wrong result for '%s': got %s, %t; want %s, %t",
test.in, string(out), found, test.out, test.found)
func TestTreeInvalidNodeType(t *testing.T) {
const panicMsg = "invalid Node type"
tree := &Node{}
tree.addRoute("/", fakeHandler("/"))
tree.addRoute("/:page", fakeHandler("/:page"))
// set invalid Node type
tree.children[0].nType = 42
// normal lookup
recv := catchPanic(func() {
tree.getValue("/test", nil, false)
if rs, ok := recv.(string); !ok || rs != panicMsg {
t.Fatalf("Expected panic '"+panicMsg+"', got '%v'", recv)
// case-insensitive lookup
recv = catchPanic(func() {
tree.findCaseInsensitivePath("/test", true)
if rs, ok := recv.(string); !ok || rs != panicMsg {
t.Fatalf("Expected panic '"+panicMsg+"', got '%v'", recv)
func TestTreeInvalidParamsType(t *testing.T) {
tree := &Node{}
tree.wildChild = true
tree.children = append(tree.children, &Node{})
tree.children[0].nType = 2
// set invalid Params type
params := make(Params, 0)
// try to trigger slice bounds out of range with capacity 0
tree.getValue("/test", ¶ms, false)
func TestTreeWildcardConflictEx(t *testing.T) {
conflicts := [...]struct {
route string
segPath string
existPath string
existSegPath string
{"/who/are/foo", "/foo", `/who/are/\*you`, `/\*you`},
{"/who/are/foo/", "/foo/", `/who/are/\*you`, `/\*you`},
{"/who/are/foo/bar", "/foo/bar", `/who/are/\*you`, `/\*you`},
{"/con:nection", ":nection", `/con:tact`, `:tact`},
for _, conflict := range conflicts {
// I have to re-create a 'tree', because the 'tree' will be
// in an inconsistent state when the loop recovers from the
// panic which threw by 'addRoute' function.
tree := &Node{}
routes := [...]string{
for _, route := range routes {
tree.addRoute(route, fakeHandler(route))
recv := catchPanic(func() {
tree.addRoute(conflict.route, fakeHandler(conflict.route))
if !regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("'%s' in new path .* conflicts with existing wildcard '%s' in existing prefix '%s'", conflict.segPath, conflict.existSegPath, conflict.existPath)).MatchString(fmt.Sprint(recv)) {
t.Fatalf("invalid wildcard conflict error (%v)", recv)
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import (
liveDto "github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-sdk-go/live"
var (
@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ func (g *Gateway) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
func (g *Gateway) Handle(ctx *models.ReqContext) {
streamID := ctx.Params(":streamId")
stream, err := g.GrafanaLive.ManagedStreamRunner.GetOrCreateStream(ctx.SignedInUser.OrgId, streamID)
stream, err := g.GrafanaLive.ManagedStreamRunner.GetOrCreateStream(ctx.SignedInUser.OrgId, liveDto.ScopeStream, streamID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error getting stream", "error", err)
@ -92,3 +94,39 @@ func (g *Gateway) Handle(ctx *models.ReqContext) {
func (g *Gateway) HandlePath(ctx *models.ReqContext) {
streamID := ctx.Params(":streamId")
path := ctx.Params(":path")
body, err := io.ReadAll(ctx.Req.Body)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error reading body", "error", err)
logger.Debug("Live channel push request",
"protocol", "http",
"streamId", streamID,
"path", path,
"bodyLength", len(body),
channelID := "stream/" + streamID + "/" + path
ruleFound, err := g.GrafanaLive.Pipeline.ProcessInput(ctx.Req.Context(), ctx.OrgId, channelID, body)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Pipeline input processing error", "error", err, "body", string(body))
if errors.Is(err, liveDto.ErrInvalidChannelID) {
} else {
if !ruleFound {
logger.Error("No conversion rule for a channel", "error", err, "channel", channelID)
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
liveDto "github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-sdk-go/live"
var (
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ func (s *Handler) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
stream, err := s.managedStreamRunner.GetOrCreateStream(user.OrgId, streamID)
stream, err := s.managedStreamRunner.GetOrCreateStream(user.OrgId, liveDto.ScopeStream, streamID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error getting stream", "error", err)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package remotewrite
import (
type table struct {
First *unicode.RangeTable
Rest *unicode.RangeTable
var metricNameTable = table{
First: &unicode.RangeTable{
R16: []unicode.Range16{
{0x003A, 0x003A, 1}, // :
{0x0041, 0x005A, 1}, // A-Z
{0x005F, 0x005F, 1}, // _
{0x0061, 0x007A, 1}, // a-z
LatinOffset: 4,
Rest: &unicode.RangeTable{
R16: []unicode.Range16{
{0x0030, 0x003A, 1}, // 0-:
{0x0041, 0x005A, 1}, // A-Z
{0x005F, 0x005F, 1}, // _
{0x0061, 0x007A, 1}, // a-z
LatinOffset: 4,
var labelNameTable = table{
First: &unicode.RangeTable{
R16: []unicode.Range16{
{0x0041, 0x005A, 1}, // A-Z
{0x005F, 0x005F, 1}, // _
{0x0061, 0x007A, 1}, // a-z
LatinOffset: 3,
Rest: &unicode.RangeTable{
R16: []unicode.Range16{
{0x0030, 0x0039, 1}, // 0-9
{0x0041, 0x005A, 1}, // A-Z
{0x005F, 0x005F, 1}, // _
{0x0061, 0x007A, 1}, // a-z
LatinOffset: 4,
func isValid(name string, table table) bool {
if name == "" {
return false
for i, r := range name {
switch {
case i == 0:
if !unicode.In(r, table.First) {
return false
if !unicode.In(r, table.Rest) {
return false
return true
// Sanitize checks if the name is valid according to the table. If not, it
// attempts to replaces invalid runes with an underscore to create a valid
// name.
func sanitize(name string, table table) (string, bool) {
if isValid(name, table) {
return name, true
var b strings.Builder
for i, r := range name {
switch {
case i == 0:
if unicode.In(r, table.First) {
if unicode.In(r, table.Rest) {
} else {
name = strings.Trim(b.String(), "_")
if name == "" {
return "", false
return name, true
// sanitizeMetricName checks if the name is a valid Prometheus metric name. If
// not, it attempts to replaces invalid runes with an underscore to create a
// valid name.
func sanitizeMetricName(name string) (string, bool) {
return sanitize(name, metricNameTable)
// sanitizeLabelName checks if the name is a valid Prometheus label name. If
// not, it attempts to replaces invalid runes with an underscore to create a
// valid name.
func sanitizeLabelName(name string) (string, bool) {
return sanitize(name, labelNameTable)
// sampleValue converts a field value into a value suitable for a simple sample value.
func sampleValue(value interface{}) (float64, bool) {
switch v := value.(type) {
case float64:
return v, true
case int64:
return float64(v), true
case uint64:
return float64(v), true
case bool:
if v {
return 1.0, true
return 0.0, true
return 0, false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
package remotewrite
import (
type metricKey uint64
// Serialize frames to Prometheus remote write format.
func Serialize(frames ...*data.Frame) ([]byte, error) {
return TimeSeriesToBytes(TimeSeriesFromFrames(frames...))
// SerializeLabelsColumn frames to Prometheus remote write format.
func SerializeLabelsColumn(frames ...*data.Frame) ([]byte, error) {
return TimeSeriesToBytes(TimeSeriesFromFramesLabelsColumn(frames...))
// TimeSeriesFromFrames converts frames to slice of Prometheus TimeSeries.
func TimeSeriesFromFrames(frames ...*data.Frame) []prompb.TimeSeries {
var entries = make(map[metricKey]prompb.TimeSeries)
var keys []metricKey // sorted keys.
for _, frame := range frames {
timeFieldIndex, ok := timeFieldIndex(frame)
if !ok {
// Skipping frames without time field.
for _, field := range frame.Fields {
if !field.Type().Numeric() {
metricName := makeMetricName(frame, field)
metricName, ok := sanitizeMetricName(metricName)
if !ok {
var samples []prompb.Sample
labels := createLabels(field.Labels)
key := makeMetricKey(metricName, labels)
for i := 0; i < field.Len(); i++ {
val, ok := field.ConcreteAt(i)
if !ok {
value, ok := sampleValue(val)
if !ok {
tm, ok := frame.Fields[timeFieldIndex].ConcreteAt(i)
if !ok {
sample := prompb.Sample{
// Timestamp is int milliseconds for remote write.
Timestamp: toSampleTime(tm.(time.Time)),
Value: value,
samples = append(samples, sample)
labelsCopy := make([]prompb.Label, len(labels), len(labels)+1)
copy(labelsCopy, labels)
labelsCopy = append(labelsCopy, prompb.Label{
Name: "__name__",
Value: metricName,
promTimeSeries := prompb.TimeSeries{Labels: labelsCopy, Samples: samples}
entries[key] = promTimeSeries
keys = append(keys, key)
var promTimeSeriesBatch = make([]prompb.TimeSeries, 0, len(entries))
for _, key := range keys {
promTimeSeriesBatch = append(promTimeSeriesBatch, entries[key])
return promTimeSeriesBatch
// TimeSeriesFromFramesLabelsColumn converts frames to slice of Prometheus TimeSeries.
func TimeSeriesFromFramesLabelsColumn(frames ...*data.Frame) []prompb.TimeSeries {
var entries = make(map[metricKey]prompb.TimeSeries)
var keys []metricKey // sorted keys.
for _, frame := range frames {
timeFieldIndex, ok := timeFieldIndex(frame)
if !ok {
// Skipping frames without time field.
// Labels column frames have first column called "labels".
isLabelsColumnFrame := frame.Fields[0].Type() == data.FieldTypeString && frame.Fields[0].Name == "labels"
var labels [][]prompb.Label
if isLabelsColumnFrame {
labelsField := frame.Fields[0]
labels = make([][]prompb.Label, labelsField.Len())
for i := 0; i < labelsField.Len(); i++ {
val, ok := labelsField.ConcreteAt(i)
if !ok {
parts := strings.Split(val.(string), ", ")
promLabels := make([]prompb.Label, 0)
for _, part := range parts {
labelParts := strings.SplitN(part, "=", 2)
if len(labelParts) != 2 {
promLabels = append(promLabels, prompb.Label{Name: labelParts[0], Value: labelParts[1]})
labels[i] = promLabels
for _, field := range frame.Fields {
if !field.Type().Numeric() {
metricName := makeMetricName(frame, field)
metricName, ok := sanitizeMetricName(metricName)
if !ok {
for i := 0; i < field.Len(); i++ {
var labelsCopy []prompb.Label
if isLabelsColumnFrame && labels != nil {
labelsCopy = make([]prompb.Label, len(labels[i]), len(labels[i])+1)
copy(labelsCopy, labels[i])
} else {
labelsCopy = make([]prompb.Label, 0, len(field.Labels)+1)
for k, v := range field.Labels {
labelsCopy = append(labelsCopy, prompb.Label{Name: k, Value: v})
val, ok := field.ConcreteAt(i)
if !ok {
value, ok := sampleValue(val)
if !ok {
tm, ok := frame.Fields[timeFieldIndex].ConcreteAt(i)
if !ok {
sample := prompb.Sample{
// Timestamp is int milliseconds for remote write.
Timestamp: toSampleTime(tm.(time.Time)),
Value: value,
labelsCopy = append(labelsCopy, prompb.Label{
Name: "__name__",
Value: metricName,
key := makeMetricKey(metricName, labelsCopy)
promTimeSeries := prompb.TimeSeries{Labels: labelsCopy, Samples: []prompb.Sample{sample}}
entries[key] = promTimeSeries
keys = append(keys, key)
var promTimeSeriesBatch = make([]prompb.TimeSeries, 0, len(entries))
for _, key := range keys {
promTimeSeriesBatch = append(promTimeSeriesBatch, entries[key])
return promTimeSeriesBatch
func timeFieldIndex(frame *data.Frame) (int, bool) {
timeFieldIndex := -1
for i, field := range frame.Fields {
if field.Type().Time() {
timeFieldIndex = i
return timeFieldIndex, timeFieldIndex > -1
func makeMetricName(frame *data.Frame, field *data.Field) string {
return frame.Name + "_" + field.Name
func toSampleTime(tm time.Time) int64 {
return tm.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
// TimeSeriesToBytes converts Prometheus TimeSeries to snappy compressed byte slice.
func TimeSeriesToBytes(ts []prompb.TimeSeries) ([]byte, error) {
writeRequestData, err := proto.Marshal(&prompb.WriteRequest{Timeseries: ts})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to marshal protobuf: %v", err)
return snappy.Encode(nil, writeRequestData), nil
func makeMetricKey(name string, labels []prompb.Label) metricKey {
h := fnv.New64a()
_, _ = h.Write([]byte(name))
for _, label := range labels {
_, _ = h.Write([]byte(label.Name))
_, _ = h.Write([]byte("\x00"))
_, _ = h.Write([]byte(label.Value))
_, _ = h.Write([]byte("\x00"))
return metricKey(h.Sum64())
func createLabels(fieldLabels map[string]string) []prompb.Label {
labels := make([]prompb.Label, 0, len(fieldLabels))
for k, v := range fieldLabels {
sanitizedName, ok := sanitizeLabelName(k)
if !ok {
labels = append(labels, prompb.Label{Name: sanitizedName, Value: v})
return labels
@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ import (
type testStreamHandler struct {
logger log.Logger
frame *data.Frame
// If Live Pipeline enabled we are sending the whole frame to have a chance to process stream with rules.
livePipelineEnabled bool
func newTestStreamHandler(logger log.Logger) *testStreamHandler {
func newTestStreamHandler(logger log.Logger, livePipelineEnabled bool) *testStreamHandler {
frame := data.NewFrame("testdata",
data.NewField("Time", nil, make([]time.Time, 1)),
data.NewField("Value", nil, make([]float64, 1)),
@ -26,8 +28,9 @@ func newTestStreamHandler(logger log.Logger) *testStreamHandler {
data.NewField("Max", nil, make([]float64, 1)),
return &testStreamHandler{
frame: frame,
logger: logger,
frame: frame,
logger: logger,
livePipelineEnabled: livePipelineEnabled,
@ -117,9 +120,14 @@ func (p *testStreamHandler) runTestStream(ctx context.Context, path string, conf
mode := data.IncludeDataOnly
if p.livePipelineEnabled {
mode = data.IncludeAll
if flight != nil {
flight.set(0, conf.Flight.getNextPoint(t))
if err := sender.SendFrame(flight.frame, data.IncludeDataOnly); err != nil {
if err := sender.SendFrame(flight.frame, mode); err != nil {
return err
} else {
@ -130,7 +138,7 @@ func (p *testStreamHandler) runTestStream(ctx context.Context, path string, conf
p.frame.Fields[1].Set(0, walker) // Value
p.frame.Fields[2].Set(0, walker-((rand.Float64()*spread)+0.01)) // Min
p.frame.Fields[3].Set(0, walker+((rand.Float64()*spread)+0.01)) // Max
if err := sender.SendFrame(p.frame, data.IncludeDataOnly); err != nil {
if err := sender.SendFrame(p.frame, mode); err != nil {
return err
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ func ProvideService(cfg *setting.Cfg, manager backendplugin.Manager) (*TestDataP
factory := coreplugin.New(backend.ServeOpts{
QueryDataHandler: p.queryMux,
CallResourceHandler: httpadapter.New(resourceMux),
StreamHandler: newTestStreamHandler(p.logger),
StreamHandler: newTestStreamHandler(p.logger, cfg.FeatureToggles["live-pipeline"]),
err := manager.Register("testdata", factory)
if err != nil {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user