diff --git a/docs/sources/developers/kinds/composable/cloudwatchdataquery/schema-reference.md b/docs/sources/developers/kinds/composable/cloudwatchdataquery/schema-reference.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33ea2c59864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sources/developers/kinds/composable/cloudwatchdataquery/schema-reference.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  - grafana
+  - schema
+title: CloudWatchDataQuery kind
+> Both documentation generation and kinds schemas are in active development and subject to change without prior notice.
+## CloudWatchDataQuery
+#### Maturity: merged
+#### Version: 0.0
+| Property | Type | Required | Description |
diff --git a/pkg/kindsys/report.json b/pkg/kindsys/report.json
index 5c6caae2ba3..2c25b456b94 100644
--- a/pkg/kindsys/report.json
+++ b/pkg/kindsys/report.json
@@ -234,7 +234,9 @@
     "cloudwatchdataquery": {
       "category": "composable",
-      "codeowners": [],
+      "codeowners": [
+        "grafana/aws-plugins"
+      ],
       "currentVersion": [
@@ -242,13 +244,13 @@
       "grafanaMaturityCount": 0,
       "lineageIsGroup": false,
       "links": {
-        "docs": "n/a",
-        "go": "n/a",
-        "schema": "n/a",
-        "ts": "n/a"
+        "docs": "https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/next/developers/kinds/composable/cloudwatchdataquery/schema-reference",
+        "go": "https://github.com/grafana/grafana/tree/main/pkg/tsdb/cloudwatch/kinds/dataquery/types_dataquery_gen.go",
+        "schema": "https://github.com/grafana/grafana/tree/main/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/dataquery.cue",
+        "ts": "https://github.com/grafana/grafana/tree/main/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/dataquery.gen.ts"
       "machineName": "cloudwatchdataquery",
-      "maturity": "planned",
+      "maturity": "merged",
       "name": "CloudWatchDataQuery",
       "pluralMachineName": "cloudwatchdataquerys",
       "pluralName": "CloudWatchDataQuerys",
@@ -2012,13 +2014,14 @@
         "items": [
+          "cloudwatchdataquery",
-        "count": 7
+        "count": 8
       "planned": {
         "name": "planned",
@@ -2028,7 +2031,6 @@
-          "cloudwatchdataquery",
@@ -2074,7 +2076,7 @@
-        "count": 50
+        "count": 49
       "stable": {
         "name": "stable",
diff --git a/pkg/tsdb/cloudwatch/kinds/dataquery/types_dataquery_gen.go b/pkg/tsdb/cloudwatch/kinds/dataquery/types_dataquery_gen.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1b0520d2467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tsdb/cloudwatch/kinds/dataquery/types_dataquery_gen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+// Code generated - EDITING IS FUTILE. DO NOT EDIT.
+// Generated by:
+//     public/app/plugins/gen.go
+// Using jennies:
+//     PluginGoTypesJenny
+// Run 'make gen-cue' from repository root to regenerate.
+package dataquery
+// Defines values for CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryMode.
+const (
+	CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryModeAnnotations CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryMode = "Annotations"
+	CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryModeLogs CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryMode = "Logs"
+	CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryModeMetrics CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryMode = "Metrics"
+// Defines values for CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryMode.
+const (
+	CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryModeAnnotations CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryMode = "Annotations"
+	CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryModeLogs CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryMode = "Logs"
+	CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryModeMetrics CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryMode = "Metrics"
+// Defines values for CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricEditorMode.
+const (
+	CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricEditorModeN0 CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricEditorMode = 0
+	CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricEditorModeN1 CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricEditorMode = 1
+// Defines values for CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricQueryType.
+const (
+	CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricQueryTypeN0 CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricQueryType = 0
+	CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricQueryTypeN1 CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricQueryType = 1
+// Defines values for CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryMode.
+const (
+	CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryModeAnnotations CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryMode = "Annotations"
+	CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryModeLogs CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryMode = "Logs"
+	CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryModeMetrics CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryMode = "Metrics"
+// Defines values for CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlGroupByType.
+const (
+	CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlGroupByTypeAnd CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlGroupByType = "and"
+	CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlGroupByTypeOr CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlGroupByType = "or"
+// Defines values for CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByParametersType.
+const (
+	CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByParametersTypeFunctionParameter CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByParametersType = "functionParameter"
+// Defines values for CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByType.
+const (
+	CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByTypeFunction CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByType = "function"
+// Defines values for CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectParametersType.
+const (
+	CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectParametersTypeFunctionParameter CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectParametersType = "functionParameter"
+// Defines values for CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectType.
+const (
+	CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectTypeFunction CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectType = "function"
+// Defines values for CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlWhereType.
+const (
+	CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlWhereTypeAnd CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlWhereType = "and"
+	CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlWhereTypeOr CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlWhereType = "or"
+// Defines values for CloudWatchQueryMode.
+const (
+	CloudWatchQueryModeAnnotations CloudWatchQueryMode = "Annotations"
+	CloudWatchQueryModeLogs CloudWatchQueryMode = "Logs"
+	CloudWatchQueryModeMetrics CloudWatchQueryMode = "Metrics"
+// Defines values for MetricEditorMode.
+const (
+	MetricEditorModeN0 MetricEditorMode = 0
+	MetricEditorModeN1 MetricEditorMode = 1
+// Defines values for MetricQueryType.
+const (
+	MetricQueryTypeN0 MetricQueryType = 0
+	MetricQueryTypeN1 MetricQueryType = 1
+// Defines values for QueryEditorArrayExpressionType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorArrayExpressionTypeAnd QueryEditorArrayExpressionType = "and"
+	QueryEditorArrayExpressionTypeOr QueryEditorArrayExpressionType = "or"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorExpressionType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorExpressionTypeAnd QueryEditorExpressionType = "and"
+	QueryEditorExpressionTypeFunction QueryEditorExpressionType = "function"
+	QueryEditorExpressionTypeFunctionParameter QueryEditorExpressionType = "functionParameter"
+	QueryEditorExpressionTypeGroupBy QueryEditorExpressionType = "groupBy"
+	QueryEditorExpressionTypeOperator QueryEditorExpressionType = "operator"
+	QueryEditorExpressionTypeOr QueryEditorExpressionType = "or"
+	QueryEditorExpressionTypeProperty QueryEditorExpressionType = "property"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorFunctionExpressionParametersType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorFunctionExpressionParametersTypeFunctionParameter QueryEditorFunctionExpressionParametersType = "functionParameter"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorFunctionExpressionType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorFunctionExpressionTypeFunction QueryEditorFunctionExpressionType = "function"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpressionType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpressionTypeFunctionParameter QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpressionType = "functionParameter"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorGroupByExpressionPropertyType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorGroupByExpressionPropertyTypeString QueryEditorGroupByExpressionPropertyType = "string"
+	QueryEditorGroupByExpressionPropertyTypeTest QueryEditorGroupByExpressionPropertyType = "test"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorGroupByExpressionType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorGroupByExpressionTypeGroupBy QueryEditorGroupByExpressionType = "groupBy"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorOperatorExpressionPropertyType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorOperatorExpressionPropertyTypeString QueryEditorOperatorExpressionPropertyType = "string"
+	QueryEditorOperatorExpressionPropertyTypeTest QueryEditorOperatorExpressionPropertyType = "test"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorOperatorExpressionType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorOperatorExpressionTypeOperator QueryEditorOperatorExpressionType = "operator"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorPropertyType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorPropertyTypeString QueryEditorPropertyType = "string"
+	QueryEditorPropertyTypeTest QueryEditorPropertyType = "test"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorPropertyExpressionPropertyType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorPropertyExpressionPropertyTypeString QueryEditorPropertyExpressionPropertyType = "string"
+	QueryEditorPropertyExpressionPropertyTypeTest QueryEditorPropertyExpressionPropertyType = "test"
+// Defines values for QueryEditorPropertyExpressionType.
+const (
+	QueryEditorPropertyExpressionTypeProperty QueryEditorPropertyExpressionType = "property"
+// Defines values for SQLExpressionGroupByType.
+const (
+	SQLExpressionGroupByTypeAnd SQLExpressionGroupByType = "and"
+	SQLExpressionGroupByTypeOr SQLExpressionGroupByType = "or"
+// Defines values for SQLExpressionOrderByParametersType.
+const (
+	SQLExpressionOrderByParametersTypeFunctionParameter SQLExpressionOrderByParametersType = "functionParameter"
+// Defines values for SQLExpressionOrderByType.
+const (
+	SQLExpressionOrderByTypeFunction SQLExpressionOrderByType = "function"
+// Defines values for SQLExpressionSelectParametersType.
+const (
+	SQLExpressionSelectParametersTypeFunctionParameter SQLExpressionSelectParametersType = "functionParameter"
+// Defines values for SQLExpressionSelectType.
+const (
+	SQLExpressionSelectTypeFunction SQLExpressionSelectType = "function"
+// Defines values for SQLExpressionWhereType.
+const (
+	SQLExpressionWhereTypeAnd SQLExpressionWhereType = "and"
+	SQLExpressionWhereTypeOr SQLExpressionWhereType = "or"
+// CloudWatchAnnotationQuery defines model for CloudWatchAnnotationQuery.
+type CloudWatchAnnotationQuery struct {
+	AccountId       *string                            `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
+	ActionPrefix    *string                            `json:"actionPrefix,omitempty"`
+	AlarmNamePrefix *string                            `json:"alarmNamePrefix,omitempty"`
+	Dimensions      map[string]interface{}             `json:"dimensions,omitempty"`
+	MatchExact      *bool                              `json:"matchExact,omitempty"`
+	MetricName      *string                            `json:"metricName,omitempty"`
+	Namespace       string                             `json:"namespace"`
+	Period          *string                            `json:"period,omitempty"`
+	PrefixMatching  *bool                              `json:"prefixMatching,omitempty"`
+	QueryMode       CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryMode `json:"queryMode"`
+	Region          string                             `json:"region"`
+	Statistic       *string                            `json:"statistic,omitempty"`
+	// @deprecated use statistic
+	Statistics *[]string `json:"statistics,omitempty"`
+// CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryMode defines model for CloudWatchAnnotationQuery.QueryMode.
+type CloudWatchAnnotationQueryQueryMode string
+// CloudWatchDataQuery defines model for CloudWatchDataQuery.
+type CloudWatchDataQuery map[string]interface{}
+// CloudWatchLogsQuery defines model for CloudWatchLogsQuery.
+type CloudWatchLogsQuery struct {
+	// For mixed data sources the selected datasource is on the query level.
+	// For non mixed scenarios this is undefined.
+	// TODO find a better way to do this ^ that's friendly to schema
+	// TODO this shouldn't be unknown but DataSourceRef | null
+	Datasource *interface{} `json:"datasource,omitempty"`
+	Expression *string      `json:"expression,omitempty"`
+	// true if query is disabled (ie should not be returned to the dashboard)
+	Hide *bool  `json:"hide,omitempty"`
+	Id   string `json:"id"`
+	// Unique, guid like, string used in explore mode
+	Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"`
+	// deprecated, use logGroups instead
+	LogGroupNames *[]string `json:"logGroupNames,omitempty"`
+	LogGroups     *[]struct {
+		AccountId    *string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
+		AccountLabel *string `json:"accountLabel,omitempty"`
+		Arn          string  `json:"arn"`
+		Name         string  `json:"name"`
+	} `json:"logGroups,omitempty"`
+	QueryMode CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryMode `json:"queryMode"`
+	// Specify the query flavor
+	// TODO make this required and give it a default
+	QueryType *string `json:"queryType,omitempty"`
+	// A - Z
+	RefId       string    `json:"refId"`
+	Region      string    `json:"region"`
+	StatsGroups *[]string `json:"statsGroups,omitempty"`
+// CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryMode defines model for CloudWatchLogsQuery.QueryMode.
+type CloudWatchLogsQueryQueryMode string
+// CloudWatchMetricsQuery defines model for CloudWatchMetricsQuery.
+type CloudWatchMetricsQuery struct {
+	AccountId  *string                `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
+	Alias      *string                `json:"alias,omitempty"`
+	Dimensions map[string]interface{} `json:"dimensions,omitempty"`
+	// Math expression query
+	Expression *string `json:"expression,omitempty"`
+	// common props
+	Id               string                                  `json:"id"`
+	Label            *string                                 `json:"label,omitempty"`
+	MatchExact       *bool                                   `json:"matchExact,omitempty"`
+	MetricEditorMode *CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricEditorMode `json:"metricEditorMode,omitempty"`
+	MetricName       *string                                 `json:"metricName,omitempty"`
+	MetricQueryType  *CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricQueryType  `json:"metricQueryType,omitempty"`
+	Namespace        string                                  `json:"namespace"`
+	Period           *string                                 `json:"period,omitempty"`
+	QueryMode        *CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryMode        `json:"queryMode,omitempty"`
+	Region           string                                  `json:"region"`
+	Sql              *struct {
+		From    *interface{} `json:"from,omitempty"`
+		GroupBy *struct {
+			// TODO should be QueryEditorExpression[] | QueryEditorArrayExpression[], extend in veneer
+			Expressions interface{} `json:"expressions"`
+			// TODO this doesn't work
+			Type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlGroupByType `json:"type"`
+		} `json:"groupBy,omitempty"`
+		Limit   *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`
+		OrderBy *struct {
+			Name       *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
+			Parameters *[]struct {
+				Name *string                                        `json:"name,omitempty"`
+				Type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByParametersType `json:"type"`
+			} `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
+			Type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByType `json:"type"`
+		} `json:"orderBy,omitempty"`
+		OrderByDirection *string `json:"orderByDirection,omitempty"`
+		Select           *struct {
+			Name       *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
+			Parameters *[]struct {
+				Name *string                                       `json:"name,omitempty"`
+				Type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectParametersType `json:"type"`
+			} `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
+			Type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectType `json:"type"`
+		} `json:"select,omitempty"`
+		Where *struct {
+			// TODO should be QueryEditorExpression[] | QueryEditorArrayExpression[], extend in veneer
+			Expressions interface{} `json:"expressions"`
+			// TODO this doesn't work
+			Type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlWhereType `json:"type"`
+		} `json:"where,omitempty"`
+	} `json:"sql,omitempty"`
+	SqlExpression *string `json:"sqlExpression,omitempty"`
+	Statistic     *string `json:"statistic,omitempty"`
+	// @deprecated use statistic
+	Statistics *[]string `json:"statistics,omitempty"`
+// CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricEditorMode defines model for CloudWatchMetricsQuery.MetricEditorMode.
+type CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricEditorMode int
+// CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricQueryType defines model for CloudWatchMetricsQuery.MetricQueryType.
+type CloudWatchMetricsQueryMetricQueryType int
+// CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryMode defines model for CloudWatchMetricsQuery.QueryMode.
+type CloudWatchMetricsQueryQueryMode string
+// TODO this doesn't work
+type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlGroupByType string
+// CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByParametersType defines model for CloudWatchMetricsQuery.Sql.OrderBy.Parameters.Type.
+type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByParametersType string
+// CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByType defines model for CloudWatchMetricsQuery.Sql.OrderBy.Type.
+type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlOrderByType string
+// CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectParametersType defines model for CloudWatchMetricsQuery.Sql.Select.Parameters.Type.
+type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectParametersType string
+// CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectType defines model for CloudWatchMetricsQuery.Sql.Select.Type.
+type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlSelectType string
+// TODO this doesn't work
+type CloudWatchMetricsQuerySqlWhereType string
+// CloudWatchQueryMode defines model for CloudWatchQueryMode.
+type CloudWatchQueryMode string
+// LogGroup defines model for LogGroup.
+type LogGroup struct {
+	AccountId    *string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
+	AccountLabel *string `json:"accountLabel,omitempty"`
+	Arn          string  `json:"arn"`
+	Name         string  `json:"name"`
+// MetricEditorMode defines model for MetricEditorMode.
+type MetricEditorMode int
+// MetricQueryType defines model for MetricQueryType.
+type MetricQueryType int
+// MetricStat defines model for MetricStat.
+type MetricStat struct {
+	AccountId  *string                `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
+	Dimensions map[string]interface{} `json:"dimensions,omitempty"`
+	MatchExact *bool                  `json:"matchExact,omitempty"`
+	MetricName *string                `json:"metricName,omitempty"`
+	Namespace  string                 `json:"namespace"`
+	Period     *string                `json:"period,omitempty"`
+	Region     string                 `json:"region"`
+	Statistic  *string                `json:"statistic,omitempty"`
+	// @deprecated use statistic
+	Statistics *[]string `json:"statistics,omitempty"`
+// QueryEditorArrayExpression defines model for QueryEditorArrayExpression.
+type QueryEditorArrayExpression struct {
+	// TODO should be QueryEditorExpression[] | QueryEditorArrayExpression[], extend in veneer
+	Expressions interface{} `json:"expressions"`
+	// TODO this doesn't work
+	Type QueryEditorArrayExpressionType `json:"type"`
+// TODO this doesn't work
+type QueryEditorArrayExpressionType string
+// QueryEditorExpressionType defines model for QueryEditorExpressionType.
+type QueryEditorExpressionType string
+// QueryEditorFunctionExpression defines model for QueryEditorFunctionExpression.
+type QueryEditorFunctionExpression struct {
+	Name       *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
+	Parameters *[]struct {
+		Name *string                                     `json:"name,omitempty"`
+		Type QueryEditorFunctionExpressionParametersType `json:"type"`
+	} `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
+	Type QueryEditorFunctionExpressionType `json:"type"`
+// QueryEditorFunctionExpressionParametersType defines model for QueryEditorFunctionExpression.Parameters.Type.
+type QueryEditorFunctionExpressionParametersType string
+// QueryEditorFunctionExpressionType defines model for QueryEditorFunctionExpression.Type.
+type QueryEditorFunctionExpressionType string
+// QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpression defines model for QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpression.
+type QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpression struct {
+	Name *string                                    `json:"name,omitempty"`
+	Type QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpressionType `json:"type"`
+// QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpressionType defines model for QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpression.Type.
+type QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpressionType string
+// QueryEditorGroupByExpression defines model for QueryEditorGroupByExpression.
+type QueryEditorGroupByExpression struct {
+	Property struct {
+		Name *string                                  `json:"name,omitempty"`
+		Type QueryEditorGroupByExpressionPropertyType `json:"type"`
+	} `json:"property"`
+	Type QueryEditorGroupByExpressionType `json:"type"`
+// QueryEditorGroupByExpressionPropertyType defines model for QueryEditorGroupByExpression.Property.Type.
+type QueryEditorGroupByExpressionPropertyType string
+// QueryEditorGroupByExpressionType defines model for QueryEditorGroupByExpression.Type.
+type QueryEditorGroupByExpressionType string
+// TODO <T extends QueryEditorOperatorValueType>, extend in veneer
+type QueryEditorOperator struct {
+	Name  *string      `json:"name,omitempty"`
+	Value *interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`
+// QueryEditorOperatorExpression defines model for QueryEditorOperatorExpression.
+type QueryEditorOperatorExpression struct {
+	// TODO QueryEditorOperator<QueryEditorOperatorValueType>, extend in veneer
+	Operator struct {
+		Name  *string      `json:"name,omitempty"`
+		Value *interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`
+	} `json:"operator"`
+	Property struct {
+		Name *string                                   `json:"name,omitempty"`
+		Type QueryEditorOperatorExpressionPropertyType `json:"type"`
+	} `json:"property"`
+	Type QueryEditorOperatorExpressionType `json:"type"`
+// QueryEditorOperatorExpressionPropertyType defines model for QueryEditorOperatorExpression.Property.Type.
+type QueryEditorOperatorExpressionPropertyType string
+// QueryEditorOperatorExpressionType defines model for QueryEditorOperatorExpression.Type.
+type QueryEditorOperatorExpressionType string
+// QueryEditorOperatorType defines model for QueryEditorOperatorType.
+type QueryEditorOperatorType interface{}
+// QueryEditorOperatorValueType defines model for QueryEditorOperatorValueType.
+type QueryEditorOperatorValueType interface{}
+// QueryEditorProperty defines model for QueryEditorProperty.
+type QueryEditorProperty struct {
+	Name *string                 `json:"name,omitempty"`
+	Type QueryEditorPropertyType `json:"type"`
+// QueryEditorPropertyType defines model for QueryEditorProperty.Type.
+type QueryEditorPropertyType string
+// QueryEditorPropertyExpression defines model for QueryEditorPropertyExpression.
+type QueryEditorPropertyExpression struct {
+	Property struct {
+		Name *string                                   `json:"name,omitempty"`
+		Type QueryEditorPropertyExpressionPropertyType `json:"type"`
+	} `json:"property"`
+	Type QueryEditorPropertyExpressionType `json:"type"`
+// QueryEditorPropertyExpressionPropertyType defines model for QueryEditorPropertyExpression.Property.Type.
+type QueryEditorPropertyExpressionPropertyType string
+// QueryEditorPropertyExpressionType defines model for QueryEditorPropertyExpression.Type.
+type QueryEditorPropertyExpressionType string
+// SQLExpression defines model for SQLExpression.
+type SQLExpression struct {
+	From    *interface{} `json:"from,omitempty"`
+	GroupBy *struct {
+		// TODO should be QueryEditorExpression[] | QueryEditorArrayExpression[], extend in veneer
+		Expressions interface{} `json:"expressions"`
+		// TODO this doesn't work
+		Type SQLExpressionGroupByType `json:"type"`
+	} `json:"groupBy,omitempty"`
+	Limit   *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`
+	OrderBy *struct {
+		Name       *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
+		Parameters *[]struct {
+			Name *string                            `json:"name,omitempty"`
+			Type SQLExpressionOrderByParametersType `json:"type"`
+		} `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
+		Type SQLExpressionOrderByType `json:"type"`
+	} `json:"orderBy,omitempty"`
+	OrderByDirection *string `json:"orderByDirection,omitempty"`
+	Select           *struct {
+		Name       *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
+		Parameters *[]struct {
+			Name *string                           `json:"name,omitempty"`
+			Type SQLExpressionSelectParametersType `json:"type"`
+		} `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
+		Type SQLExpressionSelectType `json:"type"`
+	} `json:"select,omitempty"`
+	Where *struct {
+		// TODO should be QueryEditorExpression[] | QueryEditorArrayExpression[], extend in veneer
+		Expressions interface{} `json:"expressions"`
+		// TODO this doesn't work
+		Type SQLExpressionWhereType `json:"type"`
+	} `json:"where,omitempty"`
+// TODO this doesn't work
+type SQLExpressionGroupByType string
+// SQLExpressionOrderByParametersType defines model for SQLExpression.OrderBy.Parameters.Type.
+type SQLExpressionOrderByParametersType string
+// SQLExpressionOrderByType defines model for SQLExpression.OrderBy.Type.
+type SQLExpressionOrderByType string
+// SQLExpressionSelectParametersType defines model for SQLExpression.Select.Parameters.Type.
+type SQLExpressionSelectParametersType string
+// SQLExpressionSelectType defines model for SQLExpression.Select.Type.
+type SQLExpressionSelectType string
+// TODO this doesn't work
+type SQLExpressionWhereType string
diff --git a/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/dataquery.cue b/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/dataquery.cue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c7626da43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/dataquery.cue
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Grafana Labs
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package grafanaplugin
+import (
+	common "github.com/grafana/grafana/packages/grafana-schema/src/common"
+	"github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/plugins/pfs"
+// This file (with its sibling .cue files) implements pfs.GrafanaPlugin
+composableKinds: DataQuery: {
+	maturity: "merged"
+	lineage: {
+		seqs: [
+			{
+				schemas: [
+					{
+						#MetricStat: {
+							region:      string
+							namespace:   string
+							metricName?: string
+							dimensions?: #Dimensions
+							matchExact?: bool
+							period?:     string
+							accountId?:  string
+							statistic?:  string
+							// @deprecated use statistic
+							statistics?: [...string]
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#Dimensions: {[string]: string | [...string]} @cuetsy(kind="type")
+						#CloudWatchMetricsQuery: {
+							// TODO extend common.DataQuery when the issues with redundant fields is fixed
+							// common.DataQuery
+							#MetricStat
+							queryMode?:        #CloudWatchQueryMode
+							metricQueryType?:  #MetricQueryType
+							metricEditorMode?: #MetricEditorMode
+							// common props
+							id: string
+							alias?: string
+							label?: string
+							// Math expression query
+							expression?: string
+							sqlExpression?: string
+							sql?:           #SQLExpression
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#CloudWatchQueryMode: "Metrics" | "Logs" | "Annotations" @cuetsy(kind="type")
+						#MetricQueryType:     0 | 1                              @cuetsy(kind="enum", memberNames="Search|Query")
+						#MetricEditorMode:    0 | 1                              @cuetsy(kind="enum", memberNames="Builder|Code")
+						#SQLExpression: {
+							select?:           #QueryEditorFunctionExpression
+							from?:             #QueryEditorPropertyExpression | #QueryEditorFunctionExpression
+							where?:            #QueryEditorArrayExpression
+							groupBy?:          #QueryEditorArrayExpression
+							orderBy?:          #QueryEditorFunctionExpression
+							orderByDirection?: string
+							limit?:            int64
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#QueryEditorFunctionExpression: {
+							type:  #QueryEditorExpressionType & "function"
+							name?: string
+							parameters?: [...#QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpression]
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#QueryEditorExpressionType: "property" | "operator" | "or" | "and" | "groupBy" | "function" | "functionParameter" @cuetsy(kind="enum")
+						#QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpression: {
+							type:  #QueryEditorExpressionType & "functionParameter"
+							name?: string
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#QueryEditorPropertyExpression: {
+							type:     #QueryEditorExpressionType & "property"
+							property: #QueryEditorProperty
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#QueryEditorGroupByExpression: {
+							type:     #QueryEditorExpressionType & "groupBy"
+							property: #QueryEditorProperty
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#QueryEditorOperatorExpression: {
+							type:     #QueryEditorExpressionType & "operator"
+							property: #QueryEditorProperty
+							// TODO QueryEditorOperator<QueryEditorOperatorValueType>, extend in veneer
+							operator: #QueryEditorOperator
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						// TODO <T extends QueryEditorOperatorValueType>, extend in veneer
+						#QueryEditorOperator: {
+							name?:  string
+							value?: #QueryEditorOperatorType | [...#QueryEditorOperatorType]
+						}
+						#QueryEditorOperatorValueType: #QueryEditorOperatorType | [...#QueryEditorOperatorType] @cuetsy(kind="type")
+						#QueryEditorOperatorType:      string | bool | int64                                    @cuetsy(kind="type")
+						#QueryEditorProperty: {
+							type:  #QueryEditorPropertyType
+							name?: string
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#QueryEditorPropertyType: "string" | "test" @cuetsy(kind="enum")
+						#QueryEditorArrayExpression: {
+							// TODO this doesn't work
+							type: (#QueryEditorExpressionType & "and") | (#QueryEditorExpressionType & "or")
+							// TODO should be QueryEditorExpression[] | QueryEditorArrayExpression[], extend in veneer
+							expressions: _ // TODO modify this in veneer
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#CloudWatchLogsQuery: {
+							common.DataQuery
+							queryMode:   #CloudWatchQueryMode
+							id:          string
+							region:      string
+							expression?: string
+							statsGroups?: [...string]
+							logGroups?: [...#LogGroup]
+							// deprecated, use logGroups instead
+							logGroupNames?: [...string]
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#LogGroup: {
+							arn:           string
+							name:          string
+							accountId?:    string
+							accountLabel?: string
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						#CloudWatchQueryMode: "Metrics" | "Logs" | "Annotations" @cuetsy(kind="type")
+						#CloudWatchAnnotationQuery: {
+							// TODO extend common.DataQuery when the issues with redundant fields is fixed
+							//common.DataQuery
+							#MetricStat
+							queryMode:        #CloudWatchQueryMode
+							prefixMatching?:  bool
+							actionPrefix?:    string
+							alarmNamePrefix?: string
+						} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
+						// TODO this doesn't work. Also the type is CloudWatchDefaultQuery = Omit<CloudWatchLogsQuery, 'queryMode'> & CloudWatchMetricsQuery;
+						// #CloudWatchDefaultQuery: #CloudWatchLogsQuery & #CloudWatchMetricsQuery @cuetsy(kind="type")
+					},
+				]
+			},
+		]
+	}
diff --git a/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/dataquery.gen.ts b/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/dataquery.gen.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f50fed07594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/dataquery.gen.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// Code generated - EDITING IS FUTILE. DO NOT EDIT.
+// Generated by:
+//     public/app/plugins/gen.go
+// Using jennies:
+//     TSTypesJenny
+//     PluginTSTypesJenny
+// Run 'make gen-cue' from repository root to regenerate.
+import * as common from '@grafana/schema';
+export const DataQueryModelVersion = Object.freeze([0, 0]);
+export interface MetricStat {
+  accountId?: string;
+  dimensions?: Dimensions;
+  matchExact?: boolean;
+  metricName?: string;
+  namespace: string;
+  period?: string;
+  region: string;
+  statistic?: string;
+  /**
+   * @deprecated use statistic
+   */
+  statistics?: Array<string>;
+export const defaultMetricStat: Partial<MetricStat> = {
+  statistics: [],
+export type Dimensions = Record<string, (string | Array<string>)>;
+export interface CloudWatchMetricsQuery extends MetricStat {
+  alias?: string;
+  /**
+   * Math expression query
+   */
+  expression?: string;
+  /**
+   * common props
+   */
+  id: string;
+  label?: string;
+  metricEditorMode?: MetricEditorMode;
+  metricQueryType?: MetricQueryType;
+  queryMode?: CloudWatchQueryMode;
+  sql?: SQLExpression;
+  sqlExpression?: string;
+export type CloudWatchQueryMode = ('Metrics' | 'Logs' | 'Annotations');
+export enum MetricQueryType {
+  Query = 1,
+  Search = 0,
+export enum MetricEditorMode {
+  Builder = 0,
+  Code = 1,
+export interface SQLExpression {
+  from?: (QueryEditorPropertyExpression | QueryEditorFunctionExpression);
+  groupBy?: QueryEditorArrayExpression;
+  limit?: number;
+  orderBy?: QueryEditorFunctionExpression;
+  orderByDirection?: string;
+  select?: QueryEditorFunctionExpression;
+  where?: QueryEditorArrayExpression;
+export interface QueryEditorFunctionExpression {
+  name?: string;
+  parameters?: Array<QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpression>;
+  type: QueryEditorExpressionType.Function;
+export const defaultQueryEditorFunctionExpression: Partial<QueryEditorFunctionExpression> = {
+  parameters: [],
+export enum QueryEditorExpressionType {
+  And = 'and',
+  Function = 'function',
+  FunctionParameter = 'functionParameter',
+  GroupBy = 'groupBy',
+  Operator = 'operator',
+  Or = 'or',
+  Property = 'property',
+export interface QueryEditorFunctionParameterExpression {
+  name?: string;
+  type: QueryEditorExpressionType.FunctionParameter;
+export interface QueryEditorPropertyExpression {
+  property: QueryEditorProperty;
+  type: QueryEditorExpressionType.Property;
+export interface QueryEditorGroupByExpression {
+  property: QueryEditorProperty;
+  type: QueryEditorExpressionType.GroupBy;
+export interface QueryEditorOperatorExpression {
+  /**
+   * TODO QueryEditorOperator<QueryEditorOperatorValueType>, extend in veneer
+   */
+  operator: {
+    name?: string;
+    value?: (QueryEditorOperatorType | Array<QueryEditorOperatorType>);
+  };
+  property: QueryEditorProperty;
+  type: QueryEditorExpressionType.Operator;
+export type QueryEditorOperatorValueType = (QueryEditorOperatorType | Array<QueryEditorOperatorType>);
+export type QueryEditorOperatorType = (string | boolean | number);
+export interface QueryEditorProperty {
+  name?: string;
+  type: QueryEditorPropertyType;
+export enum QueryEditorPropertyType {
+  String = 'string',
+  Test = 'test',
+export interface QueryEditorArrayExpression {
+  /**
+   * TODO should be QueryEditorExpression[] | QueryEditorArrayExpression[], extend in veneer
+   */
+  expressions: unknown;
+  /**
+   * TODO this doesn't work
+   */
+  type: QueryEditorExpressionType;
+export interface CloudWatchLogsQuery extends common.DataQuery {
+  expression?: string;
+  id: string;
+  /**
+   * deprecated, use logGroups instead
+   */
+  logGroupNames?: Array<string>;
+  logGroups?: Array<LogGroup>;
+  queryMode: CloudWatchQueryMode;
+  region: string;
+  statsGroups?: Array<string>;
+export const defaultCloudWatchLogsQuery: Partial<CloudWatchLogsQuery> = {
+  logGroupNames: [],
+  logGroups: [],
+  statsGroups: [],
+export interface LogGroup {
+  accountId?: string;
+  accountLabel?: string;
+  arn: string;
+  name: string;
+export interface CloudWatchAnnotationQuery extends MetricStat {
+  actionPrefix?: string;
+  alarmNamePrefix?: string;
+  prefixMatching?: boolean;
+  queryMode: CloudWatchQueryMode;
+export interface CloudWatch {}