Docs: run the api-extractor on master to update docs (#23726)

* regenerated packages docs.

* fixed spelling issues.

* fixed spelling issues.
This commit is contained in:
Marcus Andersson 2020-04-21 10:41:50 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 017767ae39
commit a2d741f60f
No known key found for this signature in database
275 changed files with 6448 additions and 2193 deletions

View File

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [DataSourceApi](./datasourceapi/) | The main data source abstraction interface, represents an instance of a data source<!-- -->Although this is a class, datasource implementations do not \*yet\* need to extend it. As such, we can not yet add functions with default implementations. |
| [DataSourcePlugin](./datasourceplugin/) | |
| [FieldCache](./fieldcache/) | |
| [FieldConfigEditorBuilder](./fieldconfigeditorbuilder/) | Fluent API for declarative creation of field config option editors |
| [FieldConfigOptionsRegistry](./fieldconfigoptionsregistry/) | |
| [GrafanaPlugin](./grafanaplugin/) | |
| [LanguageProvider](./languageprovider/) | |
| [MutableDataFrame](./mutabledataframe/) | |
| [PanelOptionsEditorBuilder](./paneloptionseditorbuilder/) | Fluent API for declarative creation of panel options |
| [PanelPlugin](./panelplugin/) | |
| [Registry](./registry/) | |
| [ScaledVector](./scaledvector/) | |
@ -46,11 +49,12 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [DataTransformerID](./datatransformerid/) | |
| [ExploreMode](./exploremode/) | |
| [FieldColorMode](./fieldcolormode/) | |
| [FieldConfigProperty](./fieldconfigproperty/) | |
| [FieldMatcherID](./fieldmatcherid/) | |
| [FieldType](./fieldtype/) | |
| [FrameMatcherID](./framematcherid/) | Field name matchers |
| [GrafanaThemeType](./grafanathemetype/) | |
| [LoadingState](./loadingstate/) | |
| [LoadingState](./loadingstate/) | Represent panel data loading state. |
| [LogLevel](./loglevel/) | Mapping of log level abbreviation to canonical log level. Supported levels are reduce to limit color variation. |
| [LogsDedupDescription](./logsdedupdescription/) | |
| [LogsDedupStrategy](./logsdedupstrategy/) | |
@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [PluginState](./pluginstate/) | |
| [PluginType](./plugintype/) | |
| [ReducerID](./reducerid/) | |
| [ThresholdsMode](./thresholdsmode/) | |
| [ThresholdsMode](./thresholdsmode/) | Display mode |
| [VariableOrigin](./variableorigin/) | |
| [VariableSuggestionsScope](./variablesuggestionsscope/) | |
| [VizOrientation](./vizorientation/) | |
@ -79,6 +83,7 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [calculateFieldStats(rows, extractor)](./calculatefieldstats/) | |
| [calculateLogsLabelStats(rows, label)](./calculatelogslabelstats/) | |
| [calculateStats(values)](./calculatestats/) | |
| [doStandardCalcs(field, ignoreNulls, nullAsZero)](./dostandardcalcs/) | |
| [eventFactory(name)](./eventfactory/) | |
| [findCommonLabels(labelsSets)](./findcommonlabels/) | Returns a map labels that are common to the given label sets. |
| [findHighlightChunksInText({ searchWords, textToHighlight, })](./findhighlightchunksintext/) | Adapt findMatchesInText for react-highlight-words findChunks handler. See\#props |
@ -104,6 +109,7 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [getValueFormatterIndex()](./getvalueformatterindex/) | |
| [grafanaDataFrameToArrowTable(data)](./grafanadataframetoarrowtable/) | |
| [guessFieldTypeForField(field)](./guessfieldtypeforfield/) | Looks at the data to guess the column type. This ignores any existing setting |
| [guessFieldTypeFromNameAndValue(name, v)](./guessfieldtypefromnameandvalue/) | Given a name and value, this will pick a reasonable field type |
| [guessFieldTypeFromValue(v)](./guessfieldtypefromvalue/) | Given a value this will guess the best column type<!-- -->TODO: better Date/Time support! Look for standard date strings? |
| [locale(value, decimals)](./locale/) | |
| [parseFlags(text)](./parseflags/) | Converts any mode modifiers in the text to the Javascript equivalent flag |
@ -131,8 +137,8 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [toNumberString(value)](./tonumberstring/) | |
| [transformDataFrame(options, data)](./transformdataframe/) | Apply configured transformations to the input data |
| [updateDatasourcePluginOption(props, key, val)](./updatedatasourcepluginoption/) | |
| [updateDatasourcePluginResetOption(props, key)](./updatedatasourcepluginresetoption/) | |
| [validateFieldConfig(config)](./validatefieldconfig/) | This checks that all options on FieldConfig make sense. It mutates any value that needs fixed. In particular this makes sure that the first threshold value is -Infinity (not valid in JSON) |
| [vectorator(vector)](./vectorator/) | Use functional programming with your vector |
## Interfaces
@ -143,23 +149,30 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [AnnotationEvent](./annotationevent/) | |
| [AnnotationQueryRequest](./annotationqueryrequest/) | Options passed to the datasource.annotationQuery method. See docs/plugins/developing/ |
| [AppEvent](./appevent/) | |
| [ApplyFieldOverrideOptions](./applyfieldoverrideoptions/) | |
| [AppPluginMeta](./apppluginmeta/) | |
| [AppRootProps](./approotprops/) | |
| [ArrowDataFrame](./arrowdataframe/) | |
| [BuildInfo](./buildinfo/) | Describes the build information that will be available via the Grafana configuration. |
| [CalculateFieldTransformerOptions](./calculatefieldtransformeroptions/) | |
| [ColorFieldConfigSettings](./colorfieldconfigsettings/) | |
| [Column](./column/) | |
| [ConfigOverrideRule](./configoverriderule/) | |
| [CreatePlotOverlay](./createplotoverlay/) | |
| [CSVConfig](./csvconfig/) | |
| [CSVOptions](./csvoptions/) | |
| [CSVParseCallbacks](./csvparsecallbacks/) | |
| [DataConfigSource](./dataconfigsource/) | Describes and API for exposing panel specific data configurations. |
| [DataFrame](./dataframe/) | |
| [DataFrameDTO](./dataframedto/) | Like a DataFrame, but fields may be a FieldDTO |
| [DataLink](./datalink/) | Link configuration. The values may contain variables that need to be processed before running |
| [DataLinkClickEvent](./datalinkclickevent/) | Callback info for DataLink click events |
| [DataQuery](./dataquery/) | |
| [DataLinksFieldConfigSettings](./datalinksfieldconfigsettings/) | |
| [DataQuery](./dataquery/) | These are the common properties available to all queries in all datasources Specific implementations will extend this interface adding the required properties for the given context |
| [DataQueryError](./dataqueryerror/) | |
| [DataQueryRequest](./dataqueryrequest/) | |
| [DataQueryResponse](./dataqueryresponse/) | |
| [DataQueryTimings](./dataquerytimings/) | |
| [DataSourceConstructor](./datasourceconstructor/) | |
| [DataSourceInstanceSettings](./datasourceinstancesettings/) | Frontend settings model that is passed to Datasource constructor. This differs a bit from the model above as this data model is available to every user who has access to a data source (Viewers+). This is loaded in bootData (on page load), or from: /api/frontend/settings |
| [DataSourceJsonData](./datasourcejsondata/) | |
@ -181,19 +194,20 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [DynamicConfigValue](./dynamicconfigvalue/) | |
| [ExploreQueryFieldProps](./explorequeryfieldprops/) | |
| [ExploreStartPageProps](./explorestartpageprops/) | |
| [FeatureToggles](./featuretoggles/) | Describes available feature toggles in Grafana. These can be configured via the <code>conf/custom.ini</code> to enable features under development or not yet available in stable version. |
| [Field](./field/) | |
| [FieldCalcs](./fieldcalcs/) | |
| [FieldColor](./fieldcolor/) | |
| [FieldConfig](./fieldconfig/) | Every property is optional<!-- -->Plugins may extend this with additional properties. Something like series overrides |
| [FieldConfigEditorConfig](./fieldconfigeditorconfig/) | |
| [FieldConfigEditorProps](./fieldconfigeditorprops/) | |
| [FieldConfigPropertyItem](./fieldconfigpropertyitem/) | |
| [FieldConfigSource](./fieldconfigsource/) | |
| [FieldDisplay](./fielddisplay/) | |
| [FieldDisplayOptions](./fielddisplayoptions/) | |
| [FieldDTO](./fielddto/) | Like a field, but properties are optional and values may be a simple array |
| [FieldMatcherInfo](./fieldmatcherinfo/) | |
| [FieldOverrideContext](./fieldoverridecontext/) | |
| [FieldOverrideEditorProps](./fieldoverrideeditorprops/) | |
| [FieldPropertyEditorItem](./fieldpropertyeditoritem/) | |
| [FieldReducerInfo](./fieldreducerinfo/) | |
| [FieldWithIndex](./fieldwithindex/) | |
| [FilterFieldsByNameTransformerOptions](./filterfieldsbynametransformeroptions/) | |
@ -202,12 +216,14 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [FormattedValue](./formattedvalue/) | |
| [FrameMatcherInfo](./framematcherinfo/) | |
| [GetFieldDisplayValuesOptions](./getfielddisplayvaluesoptions/) | |
| [GrafanaConfig](./grafanaconfig/) | Describes all the different Grafana configuration values available for an instance. |
| [GrafanaTheme](./grafanatheme/) | |
| [GrafanaThemeCommons](./grafanathemecommons/) | |
| [GraphSeriesXY](./graphseriesxy/) | View model projection of a series |
| [HistoryItem](./historyitem/) | |
| [IntervalValues](./intervalvalues/) | |
| [Labels](./labels/) | |
| [LicenseInfo](./licenseinfo/) | Describes the license information about the current running instance of Grafana. |
| [LinkModel](./linkmodel/) | Processed Link Model. The values are ready to use |
| [LinkModelSupplier](./linkmodelsupplier/) | Provides a way to produce links on demand<!-- -->TODO: ScopedVars in in GrafanaUI package! |
| [LogLabelStatsModel](./loglabelstatsmodel/) | |
@ -220,13 +236,18 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [MetadataInspectorProps](./metadatainspectorprops/) | |
| [MetricFindValue](./metricfindvalue/) | |
| [MutableVector](./mutablevector/) | Vector with standard manipulation functions |
| [NavModel](./navmodel/) | |
| [NavModel](./navmodel/) | Interface used to describe different kinds of page titles and page navigation. Navmodels are usually generated in the backend and stored in Redux. |
| [NavModelBreadcrumb](./navmodelbreadcrumb/) | |
| [NavModelItem](./navmodelitem/) | |
| [NumberFieldConfigSettings](./numberfieldconfigsettings/) | |
| [OrganizeFieldsTransformerOptions](./organizefieldstransformeroptions/) | |
| [PanelData](./paneldata/) | |
| [PanelEditorProps](./paneleditorprops/) | |
| [PanelMenuItem](./panelmenuitem/) | |
| [PanelModel](./panelmodel/) | |
| [PanelOptionsEditorConfig](./paneloptionseditorconfig/) | |
| [PanelOptionsEditorItem](./paneloptionseditoritem/) | |
| [PanelOptionsEditorProps](./paneloptionseditorprops/) | |
| [PanelPluginMeta](./panelpluginmeta/) | |
| [PanelProps](./panelprops/) | |
| [PluginBuildInfo](./pluginbuildinfo/) | |
@ -242,9 +263,12 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [QueryHint](./queryhint/) | |
| [QueryResultBase](./queryresultbase/) | |
| [QueryResultMeta](./queryresultmeta/) | |
| [QueryResultMetaNotice](./queryresultmetanotice/) | QueryResultMetaNotice is a structure that provides user notices for query result data |
| [QueryResultMetaStat](./queryresultmetastat/) | |
| [RangeMap](./rangemap/) | |
| [RawTimeRange](./rawtimerange/) | |
| [ReadWriteVector](./readwritevector/) | Apache arrow vectors are Read/Write |
| [ReduceDataOptions](./reducedataoptions/) | Options for how to turn DataFrames into an array of display values |
| [ReduceTransformerOptions](./reducetransformeroptions/) | |
| [RegistryItem](./registryitem/) | |
| [RegistryItemWithOptions](./registryitemwithoptions/) | |
@ -253,18 +277,30 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [ScopedVars](./scopedvars/) | |
| [ScreenshotInfo](./screenshotinfo/) | |
| [SelectableValue](./selectablevalue/) | Used in select elements |
| [SelectFieldConfigSettings](./selectfieldconfigsettings/) | |
| [SeriesToColumnsOptions](./seriestocolumnsoptions/) | |
| [StandardEditorProps](./standardeditorprops/) | |
| [StandardEditorsRegistryItem](./standardeditorsregistryitem/) | |
| [StringFieldConfigSettings](./stringfieldconfigsettings/) | |
| [TableData](./tabledata/) | |
| [TextMatch](./textmatch/) | |
| [Threshold](./threshold/) | |
| [ThresholdsConfig](./thresholdsconfig/) | |
| [ThresholdsConfig](./thresholdsconfig/) | Config that is passed to the ThresholdsEditor |
| [ThresholdsFieldConfigSettings](./thresholdsfieldconfigsettings/) | |
| [TimeOption](./timeoption/) | |
| [TimeOptions](./timeoptions/) | |
| [TimeRange](./timerange/) | |
| [TimeSeries](./timeseries/) | |
| [TransformerRegistyItem](./transformerregistyitem/) | |
| [TransformerUIProps](./transformeruiprops/) | |
| [UnitFieldConfigSettings](./unitfieldconfigsettings/) | |
| [UserOrgDTO](./userorgdto/) | |
| [ValueFormat](./valueformat/) | |
| [ValueFormatCategory](./valueformatcategory/) | |
| [ValueLinkConfig](./valuelinkconfig/) | |
| [ValueMap](./valuemap/) | |
| [ValueMappingFieldConfigSettings](./valuemappingfieldconfigsettings/) | |
| [VariableModel](./variablemodel/) | |
| [VariableSuggestion](./variablesuggestion/) | |
| [Vector](./vector/) | |
| [YAxis](./yaxis/) | |
@ -282,7 +318,11 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| Variable | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [booleanOverrideProcessor](./booleanoverrideprocessor/) | |
| [createDimension](./createdimension/) | |
| [createOrderFieldsComparer](./createorderfieldscomparer/) | |
| [DataLinkBuiltInVars](./datalinkbuiltinvars/) | |
| [dataLinksOverrideProcessor](./datalinksoverrideprocessor/) | |
| [dateTime](./datetime/) | |
| [dateTimeAsMoment](./datetimeasmoment/) | |
| [dateTimeForTimeZone](./datetimefortimezone/) | |
@ -315,31 +355,46 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [getValueFromDimension](./getvaluefromdimension/) | |
| [guessFieldTypes](./guessfieldtypes/) | |
| [hasMsResolution](./hasmsresolution/) | Checks if series time field has ms resolution |
| [identityOverrideProcessor](./identityoverrideprocessor/) | |
| [isDataFrame](./isdataframe/) | |
| [isDateTime](./isdatetime/) | |
| [ISO\_8601](./iso_8601/) | |
| [isTableData](./istabledata/) | |
| [locationUtil](./locationutil/) | |
| [LogsParsers](./logsparsers/) | |
| [MISSING\_VALUE](./missing_value/) | |
| [MS\_DATE\_TIME\_FORMAT](./ms_date_time_format/) | |
| [numberOverrideProcessor](./numberoverrideprocessor/) | |
| [objRemoveUndefined](./objremoveundefined/) | |
| [onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOption](./onupdatedatasourcejsondataoption/) | |
| [onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOptionChecked](./onupdatedatasourcejsondataoptionchecked/) | |
| [onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOptionSelect](./onupdatedatasourcejsondataoptionselect/) | |
| [onUpdateDatasourceOption](./onupdatedatasourceoption/) | |
| [onUpdateDatasourceResetOption](./onupdatedatasourceresetoption/) | |
| [onUpdateDatasourceSecureJsonDataOption](./onupdatedatasourcesecurejsondataoption/) | |
| [onUpdateDatasourceSecureJsonDataOptionSelect](./onupdatedatasourcesecurejsondataoptionselect/) | |
| [selectOverrideProcessor](./selectoverrideprocessor/) | |
| [setLocale](./setlocale/) | |
| [standardEditorsRegistry](./standardeditorsregistry/) | |
| [standardFieldConfigEditorRegistry](./standardfieldconfigeditorregistry/) | |
| [standardTransformers](./standardtransformers/) | |
| [standardTransformersRegistry](./standardtransformersregistry/) | Registry of transformation options that can be driven by stored configuration files. |
| [stringOverrideProcessor](./stringoverrideprocessor/) | |
| [textUtil](./textutil/) | |
| [thresholdsOverrideProcessor](./thresholdsoverrideprocessor/) | |
| [TIME\_FORMAT](./time_format/) | |
| [toDataFrame](./todataframe/) | |
| [toDuration](./toduration/) | |
| [toLegacyResponseData](./tolegacyresponsedata/) | |
| [toPascalCase](./topascalcase/) | |
| [toUtc](./toutc/) | |
| [transformersRegistry](./transformersregistry/) | |
| [unEscapeStringFromRegex](./unescapestringfromregex/) | |
| [unitOverrideProcessor](./unitoverrideprocessor/) | |
| [updateDatasourcePluginJsonDataOption](./updatedatasourcepluginjsondataoption/) | |
| [updateDatasourcePluginResetOption](./updatedatasourcepluginresetoption/) | |
| [updateDatasourcePluginSecureJsonDataOption](./updatedatasourcepluginsecurejsondataoption/) | |
| [urlUtil](./urlutil/) | |
| [valueMappingsOverrideProcessor](./valuemappingsoverrideprocessor/) | |
| [VAR\_CALC](./var_calc/) | |
| [VAR\_CELL\_PREFIX](./var_cell_prefix/) | |
| [VAR\_FIELD\_NAME](./var_field_name/) | |
@ -354,14 +409,13 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [DataQueryResponseData](./dataqueryresponsedata/) | |
| [DataSourceOptionsType](./datasourceoptionstype/) | |
| [DataSourceQueryType](./datasourcequerytype/) | |
| [DataTransformer](./datatransformer/) | Immutable data transformation |
| [DataTransformer](./datatransformer/) | Function that transform data frames (AKA transformer) |
| [DateTimeInput](./datetimeinput/) | |
| [DecimalCount](./decimalcount/) | |
| [Dimensions](./dimensions/) | |
| [DisplayProcessor](./displayprocessor/) | |
| [DurationInput](./durationinput/) | |
| [DurationUnit](./durationunit/) | |
| [FieldConfigEditorRegistry](./fieldconfigeditorregistry/) | |
| [FieldMatcher](./fieldmatcher/) | |
| [FormatInput](./formatinput/) | |
| [FrameMatcher](./framematcher/) | |
@ -372,9 +426,10 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [LinkTarget](./linktarget/) | |
| [MutableField](./mutablefield/) | |
| [NavIndex](./navindex/) | |
| [Omit](./omit/) | |
| [Omit\_2](./omit_2/) | |
| [PanelMigrationHandler](./panelmigrationhandler/) | Called when a panel is first loaded with current panel model |
| [PanelTypeChangedHandler](./paneltypechangedhandler/) | Called before a panel is initialized |
| [PanelOptionEditorsRegistry](./paneloptioneditorsregistry/) | |
| [PanelTypeChangedHandler](./paneltypechangedhandler/) | Called before a panel is initialized. Allows panel inspection for any updates before changing the panel type. |
| [ScaleCalculator](./scalecalculator/) | |
| [Subtract](./subtract/) | |
| [TimeFragment](./timefragment/) | |
@ -383,6 +438,10 @@ A library containing most of the core functionality and data types used in Grafa
| [TimeZone](./timezone/) | |
| [TimeZoneBrowser](./timezonebrowser/) | |
| [TimeZoneUtc](./timezoneutc/) | |
| [UrlQueryMap](./urlquerymap/) | Type to represent the values parsed from the query string. |
| [UrlQueryValue](./urlqueryvalue/) | Type to represent the value of a single query variable. |
| [ValueConverter](./valueconverter/) | |
| [ValueFormatter](./valueformatter/) | |
| [ValueMapping](./valuemapping/) | |
| [VariableType](./variabletype/) | |

View File

@ -10,19 +10,23 @@ draft = true
## AppEvents namespace
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
### AppEvents namespace
export declare namespace AppEvents
import { AppEvents } from '@grafana/data';
## Interfaces
| Interface | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [AppEvent](./appevent/) | |
## Variables
| Variable | Description |

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ draft = true
type AlertPayload = [string, string?];
export declare type AlertPayload = [string, string?];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "AppEvent"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## AppEvents.AppEvent interface
export interface AppEvent<T>
import { AppEvents } from '@grafana/data';
const { AppEvent } = AppEvents;
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [name](#name-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [payload](#payload-property) | <code>T</code> | |
### name property
readonly name: string;
### payload property
payload?: T;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "ApplyFieldOverrideOptions"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## ApplyFieldOverrideOptions interface
export interface ApplyFieldOverrideOptions
import { ApplyFieldOverrideOptions } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [autoMinMax](#autominmax-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [data](#data-property) | <code>DataFrame[]</code> | |
| [fieldConfig](#fieldconfig-property) | <code>FieldConfigSource</code> | |
| [fieldConfigRegistry](#fieldconfigregistry-property) | <code>FieldConfigOptionsRegistry</code> | |
| [replaceVariables](#replacevariables-property) | <code>InterpolateFunction</code> | |
| [theme](#theme-property) | <code>GrafanaTheme</code> | |
| [timeZone](#timezone-property) | <code>TimeZone</code> | |
### autoMinMax property
autoMinMax?: boolean;
### data property
data?: DataFrame[];
### fieldConfig property
fieldConfig: FieldConfigSource;
### fieldConfigRegistry property
fieldConfigRegistry?: FieldConfigOptionsRegistry;
### replaceVariables property
replaceVariables: InterpolateFunction;
### theme property
theme: GrafanaTheme;
### timeZone property
timeZone?: TimeZone;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ draft = true
export declare class ArrayVector<T = any> implements MutableVector<T>
export declare class ArrayVector<T = any> extends FunctionalVector<T> implements MutableVector<T>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "booleanOverrideProcessor"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## booleanOverrideProcessor variable
### booleanOverrideProcessor variable
booleanOverrideProcessor: (value: boolean, _context: FieldOverrideContext, _settings?: ThresholdsFieldConfigSettings | undefined) => boolean
import { booleanOverrideProcessor } from '@grafana/data';

View File

@ -3,13 +3,15 @@
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "BuildInfo"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/runtime"]
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## BuildInfo interface
Describes the build information that will be available via the Grafana configuration.
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ export interface BuildInfo
import { BuildInfo } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { BuildInfo } from '@grafana/data';
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ import { BuildInfo } from '@grafana/runtime';
| [edition](#edition-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [env](#env-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [hasUpdate](#hasupdate-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [isEnterprise](#isenterprise-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [isEnterprise](#isenterprise-property) | <code>boolean</code> | Is set to true when running Grafana Enterprise edition. |
| [latestVersion](#latestversion-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [version](#version-property) | <code>string</code> | |
@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ hasUpdate: boolean;
### isEnterprise property
Is set to true when running Grafana Enterprise edition.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "CalculateFieldTransformerOptions"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## CalculateFieldTransformerOptions interface
export interface CalculateFieldTransformerOptions
import { CalculateFieldTransformerOptions } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [alias](#alias-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [include](#include-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [nullValueMode](#nullvaluemode-property) | <code>NullValueMode</code> | |
| [reducer](#reducer-property) | <code>ReducerID</code> | |
| [replaceFields](#replacefields-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
### alias property
alias?: string;
### include property
include?: string;
### nullValueMode property
nullValueMode?: NullValueMode;
### reducer property
reducer: ReducerID;
### replaceFields property
replaceFields?: boolean;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ This supports addting to the 'head' or 'tail' and will grow the buffer to match
export declare class CircularVector<T = any> implements MutableVector<T>
export declare class CircularVector<T = any> extends FunctionalVector implements MutableVector<T>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "ColorFieldConfigSettings"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## ColorFieldConfigSettings interface
export interface ColorFieldConfigSettings
import { ColorFieldConfigSettings } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [enableNamedColors](#enablenamedcolors-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
### enableNamedColors property
enableNamedColors?: boolean;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "createOrderFieldsComparer"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## createOrderFieldsComparer variable
### createOrderFieldsComparer variable
createOrderFieldsComparer: (indexByName: Record<string, number>) => (a: string, b: string) => number
import { createOrderFieldsComparer } from '@grafana/data';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "DataConfigSource"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## DataConfigSource interface
Describes and API for exposing panel specific data configurations.
export interface DataConfigSource
import { DataConfigSource } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [getFieldOverrideOptions](#getfieldoverrideoptions-property) | <code>() =&gt; ApplyFieldOverrideOptions &#124; undefined</code> | |
| [getTransformations](#gettransformations-property) | <code>() =&gt; DataTransformerConfig[] &#124; undefined</code> | |
### getFieldOverrideOptions property
getFieldOverrideOptions: () => ApplyFieldOverrideOptions | undefined;
### getTransformations property
getTransformations: () => DataTransformerConfig[] | undefined;

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ This abstraction will present the contents of a DataFrame as if it were a well t
export declare class DataFrameView<T = any> implements Vector<T>
export declare class DataFrameView<T = any> extends FunctionalVector<T>
@ -47,12 +47,9 @@ The [DataFrameView.get()](./data/dataframeview/ is optimized for use in a
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [forEachRow(iterator)](#foreachrow-method) | | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> |
| [get(idx)](#get-method) | | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> The contents of the object returned from this function are optimized for use in a loop. All calls return the same object but the index has changed. |
| [getFieldDisplayProcessor(colIndex)](#getfielddisplayprocessor-method) | | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> Helper function to return the [DisplayProcessor](./data/ for a given field column. |
| [map(iterator)](#map-method) | | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> |
| [toArray()](#toarray-method) | | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> |
| [toJSON()](#tojson-method) | | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> |
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
@ -95,26 +92,6 @@ get length(): number;
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
### forEachRow method
forEachRow(iterator: (row: T) => void): void;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| iterator | <code>(row: T) =&gt; void</code> | |
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
### get method
The contents of the object returned from this function are optimized for use in a loop. All calls return the same object but the index has changed.
@ -175,26 +152,6 @@ getFieldDisplayProcessor(colIndex: number): DisplayProcessor | null;
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
### map method
map<V>(iterator: (item: T, index: number) => V): V[];
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| iterator | <code>(item: T, index: number) =&gt; V</code> | |
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
### toArray method
@ -206,17 +163,3 @@ toArray(): T[];
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
### toJSON method
toJSON(): T[];

View File

@ -26,12 +26,23 @@ import { DataLink } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [meta](#meta-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> datasourceUid?: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [onBuildUrl](#onbuildurl-property) | <code>(event: DataLinkClickEvent) =&gt; string</code> | |
| [onClick](#onclick-property) | <code>(event: DataLinkClickEvent) =&gt; void</code> | |
| [targetBlank](#targetblank-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [title](#title-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [url](#url-property) | <code>string</code> | |
### meta property
meta?: {
datasourceUid?: string;
### onBuildUrl property

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
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title = "DataLinkBuiltInVars"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/ui"]
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
@ -32,5 +32,5 @@ DataLinkBuiltInVars: {
import { DataLinkBuiltInVars } from '@grafana/ui';
import { DataLinkBuiltInVars } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "DataLinksFieldConfigSettings"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
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## DataLinksFieldConfigSettings interface
export interface DataLinksFieldConfigSettings
import { DataLinksFieldConfigSettings } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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title = "dataLinksOverrideProcessor"
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## dataLinksOverrideProcessor variable
### dataLinksOverrideProcessor variable
dataLinksOverrideProcessor: (value: any, _context: FieldOverrideContext, _settings?: DataLinksFieldConfigSettings | undefined) => DataLink[]
import { dataLinksOverrideProcessor } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ draft = true
## DataQuery interface
These are the common properties available to all queries in all datasources Specific implementations will extend this interface adding the required properties for the given context
@ -25,10 +27,9 @@ import { DataQuery } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [datasource](#datasource-property) | <code>string &#124; null</code> | For mixed data sources the selected datasource is on the query level. For non mixed scenarios this is undefined. |
| [hide](#hide-property) | <code>boolean</code> | true if query is disabled (ie not executed / sent to TSDB) |
| [hide](#hide-property) | <code>boolean</code> | true if query is disabled (ie should not be returned to the dashboard) |
| [key](#key-property) | <code>string</code> | Unique, guid like, string used in explore mode |
| [maxLines](#maxlines-property) | <code>number</code> | For limiting result lines. |
| [metric](#metric-property) | <code>any</code> | |
| [queryType](#querytype-property) | <code>string</code> | Specify the query flavor |
| [refId](#refid-property) | <code>string</code> | A - Z |
### datasource property
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ datasource?: string | null;
### hide property
true if query is disabled (ie not executed / sent to TSDB)
true if query is disabled (ie should not be returned to the dashboard)
@ -61,22 +62,14 @@ Unique, guid like, string used in explore mode
key?: string;
### maxLines property
### queryType property
For limiting result lines.
Specify the query flavor
maxLines?: number;
### metric property
metric?: any;
queryType?: string;
### refId property

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
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title = "DataQueryTimings"
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## DataQueryTimings interface
export interface DataQueryTimings
import { DataQueryTimings } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [dataProcessingTime](#dataprocessingtime-property) | <code>number</code> | |
### dataProcessingTime property
dataProcessingTime: number;

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@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static information about the datasource
meta?: DataSourcePluginMeta;
meta: DataSourcePluginMeta;
### name property

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import { DataSourceInstanceSettings } from '@grafana/data';
| [name](#name-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [password](#password-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [type](#type-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [uid](#uid-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [url](#url-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [username](#username-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [withCredentials](#withcredentials-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
@ -104,6 +105,14 @@ password?: string;
type: string;
### uid property
uid: string;
### url property

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import { DataSourcePluginMeta } from '@grafana/data';
| [queryOptions](#queryoptions-property) | <code>PluginMetaQueryOptions</code> | |
| [sort](#sort-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [streaming](#streaming-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [tracing](#tracing-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
### alerting property
@ -123,3 +124,11 @@ sort?: number;
streaming?: boolean;
### tracing property
tracing?: boolean;

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ draft = true
### DataTransformer type
Immutable data transformation
Function that transform data frames (AKA transformer)

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@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ import { DataTransformerConfig } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [id](#id-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [options](#options-property) | <code>TOptions</code> | |
| [id](#id-property) | <code>string</code> | Unique identifier of transformer |
| [options](#options-property) | <code>TOptions</code> | Options to be passed to the transformer |
### id property
Unique identifier of transformer
@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ id: string;
### options property
Options to be passed to the transformer

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@ -28,10 +28,15 @@ import { DataTransformerID } from '@grafana/data';
| Member | Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| append | <code>&quot;append&quot;</code> | |
| calculateField | <code>&quot;calculateField&quot;</code> | |
| filterByRefId | <code>&quot;filterByRefId&quot;</code> | |
| filterFields | <code>&quot;filterFields&quot;</code> | |
| filterFieldsByName | <code>&quot;filterFieldsByName&quot;</code> | |
| filterFrames | <code>&quot;filterFrames&quot;</code> | |
| noop | <code>&quot;noop&quot;</code> | |
| order | <code>&quot;order&quot;</code> | |
| organize | <code>&quot;organize&quot;</code> | |
| reduce | <code>&quot;reduce&quot;</code> | |
| rename | <code>&quot;rename&quot;</code> | |
| seriesToColumns | <code>&quot;seriesToColumns&quot;</code> | |

View File

@ -24,10 +24,12 @@ import { DataTransformerInfo } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [transformer](#transformer-property) | <code>(options: TOptions) =&gt; DataTransformer</code> | |
| [transformer](#transformer-property) | <code>(options: TOptions) =&gt; DataTransformer</code> | Function that configures transformation and returns a transformer |
### transformer property
Function that configures transformation and returns a transformer

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@ -10,13 +10,11 @@ draft = true
## dateMath namespace
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
### dateMath namespace
export declare namespace dateMath

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ draft = true
function isMathString(text: string | DateTime | Date): boolean;
export declare function isMathString(text: string | DateTime | Date): boolean;

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Checks if text is a valid date which in this context means that it is either a M
function isValid(text: string | DateTime): boolean;
export declare function isValid(text: string | DateTime): boolean;

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Parses different types input to a moment instance. There is a specific formattin
function parse(text: string | DateTime | Date, roundUp?: boolean, timezone?: TimeZone): DateTime | undefined;
export declare function parse(text?: string | DateTime | Date | null, roundUp?: boolean, timezone?: TimeZone): DateTime | undefined;
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ const { parse } = dateMath;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| text | <code>string &#124; DateTime &#124; Date</code> | |
| roundUp | <code>boolean</code> | |
| timezone | <code>TimeZone</code> | |
| text | <code>string &#124; DateTime &#124; Date &#124; null</code> | |
| roundUp | <code>boolean</code> | See parseDateMath function. |
| timezone | <code>TimeZone</code> | Only string 'utc' is acceptable here, for anything else, local timezone is used. |

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Parses math part of the time string and shifts supplied time according to that m
function parseDateMath(mathString: string, time: any, roundUp?: boolean): DateTime | undefined;
export declare function parseDateMath(mathString: string, time: any, roundUp?: boolean): DateTime | undefined;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ const { parseDateMath } = dateMath;
| --- | --- | --- |
| mathString | <code>string</code> | |
| time | <code>any</code> | |
| roundUp | <code>boolean</code> | |
| roundUp | <code>boolean</code> | If true it will round the time to endOf time unit, otherwise to startOf time unit. |

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@ -24,13 +24,15 @@ import { DisplayValue } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [color](#color-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [numeric](#numeric-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [percent](#percent-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [color](#color-property) | <code>string</code> | Color based on configs or Threshold |
| [numeric](#numeric-property) | <code>number</code> | Use isNaN to check if it is a real number |
| [percent](#percent-property) | <code>number</code> | 0-1 between min &amp; max |
| [title](#title-property) | <code>string</code> | |
### color property
Color based on configs or Threshold
@ -39,6 +41,8 @@ color?: string;
### numeric property
Use isNaN to check if it is a real number
@ -47,6 +51,8 @@ numeric: number;
### percent property
0-1 between min &amp; max

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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title = "doStandardCalcs"
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type = "docs"
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## doStandardCalcs() function
### doStandardCalcs() function
export declare function doStandardCalcs(field: Field, ignoreNulls: boolean, nullAsZero: boolean): FieldCalcs;
import { doStandardCalcs } from '@grafana/data';
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| field | <code>Field</code> | |
| ignoreNulls | <code>boolean</code> | |
| nullAsZero | <code>boolean</code> | |

View File

@ -24,24 +24,15 @@ import { DynamicConfigValue } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [custom](#custom-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [prop](#prop-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [id](#id-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [value](#value-property) | <code>any</code> | |
### custom property
### id property
custom?: boolean;
### prop property
prop: string;
id: string;
### value property

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@ -29,4 +29,5 @@ import { ExploreMode } from '@grafana/data';
| --- | --- | --- |
| Logs | <code>&quot;Logs&quot;</code> | |
| Metrics | <code>&quot;Metrics&quot;</code> | |
| Tracing | <code>&quot;Tracing&quot;</code> | |

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
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title = "FeatureToggles"
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## FeatureToggles interface
Describes available feature toggles in Grafana. These can be configured via the `conf/custom.ini` to enable features under development or not yet available in stable version.
export interface FeatureToggles
import { FeatureToggles } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [expressions](#expressions-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [meta](#meta-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [newEdit](#newedit-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [newVariables](#newvariables-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [tracingIntegration](#tracingintegration-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [transformations](#transformations-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
### expressions property
expressions: boolean;
### meta property
meta: boolean;
## Remarks
Available only in Grafana Enterprise
### newEdit property
newEdit: boolean;
### newVariables property
newVariables: boolean;
### tracingIntegration property
tracingIntegration: boolean;
### transformations property
transformations: boolean;

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import { Field } from '@grafana/data';
| [calcs](#calcs-property) | <code>FieldCalcs</code> | Cache of reduced values |
| [config](#config-property) | <code>FieldConfig</code> | Meta info about how field and how to display it |
| [display](#display-property) | <code>DisplayProcessor</code> | Convert a value for display |
| [getLinks](#getlinks-property) | <code>(config: ValueLinkConfig) =&gt; Array&lt;LinkModel&lt;Field&gt;&gt;</code> | Get value data links with variables interpolated |
| [labels](#labels-property) | <code>Labels</code> | |
| [name](#name-property) | <code>string</code> | Name of the field (column) |
| [parse](#parse-property) | <code>(value: any) =&gt; T</code> | Convert text to the field value |
@ -63,6 +64,16 @@ Convert a value for display
display?: DisplayProcessor;
### getLinks property
Get value data links with variables interpolated
getLinks?: (config: ValueLinkConfig) => Array<LinkModel<Field>>;
### labels property

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Plugins may extend this with additional properties. Something like series overri
export interface FieldConfig
export interface FieldConfig<TOptions extends object = any>
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import { FieldConfig } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [color](#color-property) | <code>FieldColor</code> | |
| [custom](#custom-property) | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | |
| [custom](#custom-property) | <code>TOptions</code> | |
| [decimals](#decimals-property) | <code>number &#124; null</code> | |
| [filterable](#filterable-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [links](#links-property) | <code>DataLink[]</code> | |
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ color?: FieldColor;
custom?: Record<string, any>;
custom?: TOptions;
### decimals property

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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title = "FieldConfigEditorBuilder"
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## FieldConfigEditorBuilder class
Fluent API for declarative creation of field config option editors
export declare class FieldConfigEditorBuilder<TOptions> extends OptionsUIRegistryBuilder<TOptions, FieldConfigEditorProps<any, any>, FieldConfigPropertyItem<TOptions>>
import { FieldConfigEditorBuilder } from '@grafana/data';
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [addBooleanSwitch(config)](#addbooleanswitch-method) | | |
| [addColorPicker(config)](#addcolorpicker-method) | | |
| [addNumberInput(config)](#addnumberinput-method) | | |
| [addRadio(config)](#addradio-method) | | |
| [addSelect(config)](#addselect-method) | | |
| [addTextInput(config)](#addtextinput-method) | | |
| [addUnitPicker(config)](#addunitpicker-method) | | |
### addBooleanSwitch method
addBooleanSwitch<TSettings = any>(config: FieldConfigEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings, boolean>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>FieldConfigEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings, boolean&gt;</code> | |
### addColorPicker method
addColorPicker<TSettings = any>(config: FieldConfigEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings & ColorFieldConfigSettings, string>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>FieldConfigEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings &amp; ColorFieldConfigSettings, string&gt;</code> | |
### addNumberInput method
addNumberInput<TSettings>(config: FieldConfigEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings & NumberFieldConfigSettings, number>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>FieldConfigEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings &amp; NumberFieldConfigSettings, number&gt;</code> | |
### addRadio method
addRadio<TOption, TSettings = any>(config: FieldConfigEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings, TOption>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>FieldConfigEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings, TOption&gt;</code> | |
### addSelect method
addSelect<TOption, TSettings extends SelectFieldConfigSettings<TOption>>(config: FieldConfigEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings, TOption>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>FieldConfigEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings, TOption&gt;</code> | |
### addTextInput method
addTextInput<TSettings>(config: FieldConfigEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings & StringFieldConfigSettings, string>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>FieldConfigEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings &amp; StringFieldConfigSettings, string&gt;</code> | |
### addUnitPicker method
addUnitPicker<TSettings = any>(config: FieldConfigEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings & UnitFieldConfigSettings, string>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>FieldConfigEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings &amp; UnitFieldConfigSettings, string&gt;</code> | |

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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type = "docs"
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## FieldConfigEditorConfig interface
export interface FieldConfigEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings = any, TValue = any>
import { FieldConfigEditorConfig } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [category](#category-property) | <code>string[]</code> | Array of strings representing category of the field config property. First element in the array will make option render as collapsible section. |
| [defaultValue](#defaultvalue-property) | <code>TValue</code> | |
| [description](#description-property) | <code>string</code> | Description of the field config property. Will be displayed in the UI as form element description. |
| [name](#name-property) | <code>string</code> | Name of the field config property. Will be displayed in the UI as form element label. |
| [path](#path-property) | <code>(keyof TOptions &amp; string) &#124; string</code> | Path of the field config property to control. |
| [settings](#settings-property) | <code>TSettings</code> | Custom settings of the editor. |
| [shouldApply](#shouldapply-property) | <code>(field: Field) =&gt; boolean</code> | Function that allows specifying whether or not this field config should apply to a given field. |
| [showIf](#showif-property) | <code>(currentConfig: TOptions) =&gt; boolean</code> | Function that enables configuration of when field config property editor should be shown based on current panel field config. |
### category property
Array of strings representing category of the field config property. First element in the array will make option render as collapsible section.
category?: string[];
### defaultValue property
defaultValue?: TValue;
### description property
Description of the field config property. Will be displayed in the UI as form element description.
description?: string;
### name property
Name of the field config property. Will be displayed in the UI as form element label.
name: string;
### path property
Path of the field config property to control.
path: (keyof TOptions & string) | string;
## Example
Given field config object of a type:
interface CustomFieldConfig {
a: {
b: string;
path can be either 'a' or 'a.b'.
### settings property
Custom settings of the editor.
settings?: TSettings;
### shouldApply property
Function that allows specifying whether or not this field config should apply to a given field.
shouldApply?: (field: Field) => boolean;
### showIf property
Function that enables configuration of when field config property editor should be shown based on current panel field config.
showIf?: (currentConfig: TOptions) => boolean;

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ draft = true
export interface FieldConfigEditorProps<TValue, TSettings>
export interface FieldConfigEditorProps<TValue, TSettings> extends Omit<StandardEditorProps<TValue, TSettings>, 'item'>
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import { FieldConfigEditorProps } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [context](#context-property) | <code>FieldOverrideContext</code> | |
| [item](#item-property) | <code>FieldPropertyEditorItem&lt;TValue, TSettings&gt;</code> | |
| [item](#item-property) | <code>FieldConfigPropertyItem&lt;TValue, TSettings&gt;</code> | |
| [onChange](#onchange-property) | <code>(value?: TValue) =&gt; void</code> | |
| [value](#value-property) | <code>TValue</code> | |
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ context: FieldOverrideContext;
item: FieldPropertyEditorItem<TValue, TSettings>;
item: FieldConfigPropertyItem<TValue, TSettings>;
### onChange property

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
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title = "FieldConfigOptionsRegistry"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## FieldConfigOptionsRegistry class
export declare class FieldConfigOptionsRegistry extends Registry<FieldConfigPropertyItem>
import { FieldConfigOptionsRegistry } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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title = "FieldConfigProperty"
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type = "docs"
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## FieldConfigProperty enum
### FieldConfigProperty enum
export declare enum FieldConfigProperty
import { FieldConfigProperty } from '@grafana/data';
## Enumeration Members
| Member | Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Color | <code>&quot;color&quot;</code> | |
| Decimals | <code>&quot;decimals&quot;</code> | |
| Links | <code>&quot;links&quot;</code> | |
| Mappings | <code>&quot;mappings&quot;</code> | |
| Max | <code>&quot;max&quot;</code> | |
| Min | <code>&quot;min&quot;</code> | |
| NoValue | <code>&quot;noValue&quot;</code> | |
| Thresholds | <code>&quot;thresholds&quot;</code> | |
| Title | <code>&quot;title&quot;</code> | |
| Unit | <code>&quot;unit&quot;</code> | |

View File

@ -2,40 +2,41 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "FieldPropertyEditorItem"
title = "FieldConfigPropertyItem"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## FieldPropertyEditorItem interface
## FieldConfigPropertyItem interface
export interface FieldPropertyEditorItem<TValue = any, TSettings = any> extends RegistryItem
export interface FieldConfigPropertyItem<TOptions = any, TValue = any, TSettings extends {} = any> extends OptionsEditorItem<TOptions, TSettings, FieldConfigEditorProps<TValue, TSettings>, TValue>
import { FieldPropertyEditorItem } from '@grafana/data';
import { FieldConfigPropertyItem } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [editor](#editor-property) | <code>ComponentType&lt;FieldConfigEditorProps&lt;TValue, TSettings&gt;&gt;</code> | |
| [isCustom](#iscustom-property) | <code>boolean</code> | true for plugin field config properties |
| [override](#override-property) | <code>ComponentType&lt;FieldOverrideEditorProps&lt;TValue, TSettings&gt;&gt;</code> | |
| [process](#process-property) | <code>(value: any, context: FieldOverrideContext, settings: TSettings) =&gt; TValue</code> | |
| [settings](#settings-property) | <code>TSettings</code> | |
| [process](#process-property) | <code>(value: any, context: FieldOverrideContext, settings?: TSettings) =&gt; TValue &#124; undefined &#124; null</code> | |
| [shouldApply](#shouldapply-property) | <code>(field: Field) =&gt; boolean</code> | |
### editor property
### isCustom property
true for plugin field config properties
editor: ComponentType<FieldConfigEditorProps<TValue, TSettings>>;
isCustom?: boolean;
### override property
@ -51,15 +52,7 @@ override: ComponentType<FieldOverrideEditorProps<TValue, TSettings>>;
process: (value: any, context: FieldOverrideContext, settings: TSettings) => TValue;
### settings property
settings: TSettings;
process: (value: any, context: FieldOverrideContext, settings?: TSettings) => TValue | undefined | null;
### shouldApply property

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ draft = true
export interface FieldConfigSource
export interface FieldConfigSource<TOptions extends object = any>
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { FieldConfigSource } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [defaults](#defaults-property) | <code>FieldConfig</code> | |
| [defaults](#defaults-property) | <code>FieldConfig&lt;TOptions&gt;</code> | |
| [overrides](#overrides-property) | <code>ConfigOverrideRule[]</code> | |
### defaults property
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import { FieldConfigSource } from '@grafana/data';
defaults: FieldConfig;
defaults: FieldConfig<TOptions>;
### overrides property

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import { FieldDisplay } from '@grafana/data';
| [colIndex](#colindex-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [display](#display-property) | <code>DisplayValue</code> | |
| [field](#field-property) | <code>FieldConfig</code> | |
| [getLinks](#getlinks-property) | <code>() =&gt; LinkModel[]</code> | |
| [name](#name-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [rowIndex](#rowindex-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [sparkline](#sparkline-property) | <code>GraphSeriesValue[][]</code> | |
@ -56,6 +57,14 @@ display: DisplayValue;
field: FieldConfig;
### getLinks property
getLinks?: () => LinkModel[];
### name property

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ draft = true
export interface FieldOverrideEditorProps<TValue, TSettings>
export interface FieldOverrideEditorProps<TValue, TSettings> extends Omit<StandardEditorProps<TValue>, 'item'>
@ -25,9 +25,7 @@ import { FieldOverrideEditorProps } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [context](#context-property) | <code>FieldOverrideContext</code> | |
| [item](#item-property) | <code>FieldPropertyEditorItem&lt;TValue, TSettings&gt;</code> | |
| [onChange](#onchange-property) | <code>(value?: any) =&gt; void</code> | |
| [value](#value-property) | <code>TValue</code> | |
| [item](#item-property) | <code>FieldConfigPropertyItem&lt;TValue, TSettings&gt;</code> | |
### context property
@ -42,21 +40,5 @@ context: FieldOverrideContext;
item: FieldPropertyEditorItem<TValue, TSettings>;
### onChange property
onChange: (value?: any) => void;
### value property
value: TValue;
item: FieldConfigPropertyItem<TValue, TSettings>;

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@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ import { FieldType } from '@grafana/data';
| other | <code>&quot;other&quot;</code> | |
| string | <code>&quot;string&quot;</code> | |
| time | <code>&quot;time&quot;</code> | |
| trace | <code>&quot;trace&quot;</code> | |

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Returns a map of labels that are in `labels`<!-- -->, but not in `commonLabels`<
export declare function findUniqueLabels(labels: Labels, commonLabels: Labels): Labels;
export declare function findUniqueLabels(labels: Labels | undefined, commonLabels: Labels): Labels;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import { findUniqueLabels } from '@grafana/data';
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| labels | <code>Labels</code> | |
| labels | <code>Labels &#124; undefined</code> | |
| commonLabels | <code>Labels</code> | |

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@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ import { GetFieldDisplayValuesOptions } from '@grafana/data';
| --- | --- | --- |
| [autoMinMax](#autominmax-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [data](#data-property) | <code>DataFrame[]</code> | |
| [fieldOptions](#fieldoptions-property) | <code>FieldDisplayOptions</code> | |
| [fieldConfig](#fieldconfig-property) | <code>FieldConfigSource</code> | |
| [reduceOptions](#reduceoptions-property) | <code>ReduceDataOptions</code> | |
| [replaceVariables](#replacevariables-property) | <code>InterpolateFunction</code> | |
| [sparkline](#sparkline-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [theme](#theme-property) | <code>GrafanaTheme</code> | |
@ -47,12 +48,20 @@ autoMinMax?: boolean;
data?: DataFrame[];
### fieldOptions property
### fieldConfig property
fieldOptions: FieldDisplayOptions;
fieldConfig: FieldConfigSource;
### reduceOptions property
reduceOptions: ReduceDataOptions;
### replaceVariables property

View File

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import { getFlotPairsConstant } from '@grafana/data';
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| seriesData | <code>GraphSeriesValue[][]</code> | |
| range | <code>TimeRange</code> | |
| seriesData | <code>GraphSeriesValue[][]</code> | Series |
| range | <code>TimeRange</code> | Start and end time for the constant series |

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ draft = true
export declare function getLogLevelFromKey(key: string): LogLevel;
export declare function getLogLevelFromKey(key: string | number): LogLevel;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import { getLogLevelFromKey } from '@grafana/data';
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| key | <code>string</code> | |
| key | <code>string &#124; number</code> | |

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Returns minimal time step from series time field
getSeriesTimeStep: (timeField: Field<any, import("..").Vector<any>>) => number | undefined
getSeriesTimeStep: (timeField: Field<any, import("..").Vector<any>>) => number

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ draft = true
export declare function getValueFormat(id: string): ValueFormatter;
export declare function getValueFormat(id?: string | null): ValueFormatter;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import { getValueFormat } from '@grafana/data';
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| id | <code>string</code> | |
| id | <code>string &#124; null</code> | |

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@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "GrafanaConfig"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## GrafanaConfig interface
Describes all the different Grafana configuration values available for an instance.
export interface GrafanaConfig
import { GrafanaConfig } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [alertingEnabled](#alertingenabled-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [alertingErrorOrTimeout](#alertingerrorortimeout-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [alertingMinInterval](#alertingmininterval-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [alertingNoDataOrNullValues](#alertingnodataornullvalues-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [allowOrgCreate](#alloworgcreate-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [appSubUrl](#appsuburl-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [authProxyEnabled](#authproxyenabled-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [autoAssignOrg](#autoassignorg-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [bootData](#bootdata-property) | <code>any</code> | |
| [buildInfo](#buildinfo-property) | <code>BuildInfo</code> | |
| [datasources](#datasources-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> [str: string]: DataSourceInstanceSettings;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [defaultDatasource](#defaultdatasource-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [disableLoginForm](#disableloginform-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [disableSanitizeHtml](#disablesanitizehtml-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [disableUserSignUp](#disableusersignup-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [editorsCanAdmin](#editorscanadmin-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [exploreEnabled](#exploreenabled-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [externalUserMngInfo](#externalusermnginfo-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [externalUserMngLinkName](#externalusermnglinkname-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [externalUserMngLinkUrl](#externalusermnglinkurl-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [featureToggles](#featuretoggles-property) | <code>FeatureToggles</code> | |
| [ldapEnabled](#ldapenabled-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [licenseInfo](#licenseinfo-property) | <code>LicenseInfo</code> | |
| [loginError](#loginerror-property) | <code>any</code> | |
| [loginHint](#loginhint-property) | <code>any</code> | |
| [minRefreshInterval](#minrefreshinterval-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [navTree](#navtree-property) | <code>any</code> | |
| [newPanelTitle](#newpaneltitle-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [oauth](#oauth-property) | <code>any</code> | |
| [panels](#panels-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> [key: string]: PanelPluginMeta;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [passwordHint](#passwordhint-property) | <code>any</code> | |
| [pluginsToPreload](#pluginstopreload-property) | <code>string[]</code> | |
| [samlEnabled](#samlenabled-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [theme](#theme-property) | <code>GrafanaTheme</code> | |
| [verifyEmailEnabled](#verifyemailenabled-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [viewersCanEdit](#viewerscanedit-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [windowTitlePrefix](#windowtitleprefix-property) | <code>string</code> | |
### alertingEnabled property
alertingEnabled: boolean;
### alertingErrorOrTimeout property
alertingErrorOrTimeout: string;
### alertingMinInterval property
alertingMinInterval: number;
### alertingNoDataOrNullValues property
alertingNoDataOrNullValues: string;
### allowOrgCreate property
allowOrgCreate: boolean;
### appSubUrl property
appSubUrl: string;
### authProxyEnabled property
authProxyEnabled: boolean;
### autoAssignOrg property
autoAssignOrg: boolean;
### bootData property
bootData: any;
### buildInfo property
buildInfo: BuildInfo;
### datasources property
datasources: {
[str: string]: DataSourceInstanceSettings;
### defaultDatasource property
defaultDatasource: string;
### disableLoginForm property
disableLoginForm: boolean;
### disableSanitizeHtml property
disableSanitizeHtml: boolean;
### disableUserSignUp property
disableUserSignUp: boolean;
### editorsCanAdmin property
editorsCanAdmin: boolean;
### exploreEnabled property
exploreEnabled: boolean;
### externalUserMngInfo property
externalUserMngInfo: string;
### externalUserMngLinkName property
externalUserMngLinkName: string;
### externalUserMngLinkUrl property
externalUserMngLinkUrl: string;
### featureToggles property
featureToggles: FeatureToggles;
### ldapEnabled property
ldapEnabled: boolean;
### licenseInfo property
licenseInfo: LicenseInfo;
### loginError property
loginError: any;
### loginHint property
loginHint: any;
### minRefreshInterval property
minRefreshInterval: string;
### navTree property
navTree: any;
### newPanelTitle property
newPanelTitle: string;
### oauth property
oauth: any;
### panels property
panels: {
[key: string]: PanelPluginMeta;
### passwordHint property
passwordHint: any;
### pluginsToPreload property
pluginsToPreload: string[];
### samlEnabled property
samlEnabled: boolean;
### theme property
theme: GrafanaTheme;
### verifyEmailEnabled property
verifyEmailEnabled: boolean;
### viewersCanEdit property
viewersCanEdit: boolean;
### windowTitlePrefix property
windowTitlePrefix: string;

View File

@ -24,111 +24,49 @@ import { GrafanaTheme } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [background](#background-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> dropdown: string;</code><br/><code> scrollbar: string;</code><br/><code> scrollbar2: string;</code><br/><code> pageHeader: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [colors](#colors-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> black: string;</code><br/><code> white: string;</code><br/><code> dark1: string;</code><br/><code> dark2: string;</code><br/><code> dark3: string;</code><br/><code> dark4: string;</code><br/><code> dark5: string;</code><br/><code> dark6: string;</code><br/><code> dark7: string;</code><br/><code> dark8: string;</code><br/><code> dark9: string;</code><br/><code> dark10: string;</code><br/><code> gray1: string;</code><br/><code> gray2: string;</code><br/><code> gray3: string;</code><br/><code> gray4: string;</code><br/><code> gray5: string;</code><br/><code> gray6: string;</code><br/><code> gray7: string;</code><br/><code> gray98: string;</code><br/><code> gray95: string;</code><br/><code> gray85: string;</code><br/><code> gray70: string;</code><br/><code> gray33: string;</code><br/><code> gray25: string;</code><br/><code> gray15: string;</code><br/><code> gray10: string;</code><br/><code> gray05: string;</code><br/><code> blue95: string;</code><br/><code> blue85: string;</code><br/><code> blue77: string;</code><br/><code> red88: string;</code><br/><code> grayBlue: string;</code><br/><code> inputBlack: string;</code><br/><code> blue: string;</code><br/><code> blue80: string;</code><br/><code> blue77: string;</code><br/><code> blue95: string;</code><br/><code> blueFaint: string;</code><br/><code> redBase: string;</code><br/><code> redShade: string;</code><br/><code> greenBase: string;</code><br/><code> greenShade: string;</code><br/><code> red: string;</code><br/><code> yellow: string;</code><br/><code> purple: string;</code><br/><code> variable: string;</code><br/><code> orange: string;</code><br/><code> orangeDark: string;</code><br/><code> queryRed: string;</code><br/><code> queryGreen: string;</code><br/><code> queryPurple: string;</code><br/><code> queryKeyword: string;</code><br/><code> queryOrange: string;</code><br/><code> brandPrimary: string;</code><br/><code> brandSuccess: string;</code><br/><code> brandWarning: string;</code><br/><code> brandDanger: string;</code><br/><code> online: string;</code><br/><code> warn: string;</code><br/><code> critical: string;</code><br/><code> link: string;</code><br/><code> linkDisabled: string;</code><br/><code> linkHover: string;</code><br/><code> linkExternal: string;</code><br/><code> body: string;</code><br/><code> text: string;</code><br/><code> textStrong: string;</code><br/><code> textWeak: string;</code><br/><code> textFaint: string;</code><br/><code> textEmphasis: string;</code><br/><code> panelBg: string;</code><br/><code> bodyBg: string;</code><br/><code> pageBg: string;</code><br/><code> headingColor: string;</code><br/><code> pageHeaderBorder: string;</code><br/><code> formLabel: string;</code><br/><code> formDescription: string;</code><br/><code> formLegend: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBg: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBgDisabled: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBorder: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBorderHover: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBorderActive: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBorderInvalid: string;</code><br/><code> formFocusOutline: string;</code><br/><code> formInputText: string;</code><br/><code> formInputDisabledText: string;</code><br/><code> formInputTextStrong: string;</code><br/><code> formInputTextWhite: string;</code><br/><code> formValidationMessageText: string;</code><br/><code> formValidationMessageBg: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBg: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBgActive: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBgActiveHover: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBgHover: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBgDisabled: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchDot: string;</code><br/><code> formCheckboxBg: string;</code><br/><code> formCheckboxBgChecked: string;</code><br/><code> formCheckboxBgCheckedHover: string;</code><br/><code> formCheckboxCheckmark: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [colors](#colors-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> bg1: string;</code><br/><code> bg2: string;</code><br/><code> bg3: string;</code><br/><code> border1: string;</code><br/><code> border2: string;</code><br/><code> border3: string;</code><br/><code> bgBlue1: string;</code><br/><code> bgBlue2: string;</code><br/><code> dashboardBg: string;</code><br/><code> bodyBg: string;</code><br/><code> panelBg: string;</code><br/><code> panelBorder: string;</code><br/><code> pageHeaderBg: string;</code><br/><code> pageHeaderBorder: string;</code><br/><code> dropdownBg: string;</code><br/><code> dropdownShadow: string;</code><br/><code> dropdownOptionHoverBg: string;</code><br/><code> link: string;</code><br/><code> linkDisabled: string;</code><br/><code> linkHover: string;</code><br/><code> linkExternal: string;</code><br/><code> textStrong: string;</code><br/><code> textHeading: string;</code><br/><code> text: string;</code><br/><code> textSemiWeak: string;</code><br/><code> textWeak: string;</code><br/><code> textFaint: string;</code><br/><code> textBlue: string;</code><br/><code> formLabel: string;</code><br/><code> formDescription: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBg: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBgDisabled: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBorder: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBorderHover: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBorderActive: string;</code><br/><code> formInputBorderInvalid: string;</code><br/><code> formFocusOutline: string;</code><br/><code> formInputText: string;</code><br/><code> formInputDisabledText: string;</code><br/><code> formInputPlaceholderText: string;</code><br/><code> formValidationMessageText: string;</code><br/><code> formValidationMessageBg: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBg: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBgActive: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBgActiveHover: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBgHover: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchBgDisabled: string;</code><br/><code> formSwitchDot: string;</code><br/><code> formCheckboxBg: string;</code><br/><code> formCheckboxBgChecked: string;</code><br/><code> formCheckboxBgCheckedHover: string;</code><br/><code> formCheckboxCheckmark: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [isDark](#isdark-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [isLight](#islight-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [shadow](#shadow-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> pageHeader: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [palette](#palette-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> black: string;</code><br/><code> white: string;</code><br/><code> dark1: string;</code><br/><code> dark2: string;</code><br/><code> dark3: string;</code><br/><code> dark4: string;</code><br/><code> dark5: string;</code><br/><code> dark6: string;</code><br/><code> dark7: string;</code><br/><code> dark8: string;</code><br/><code> dark9: string;</code><br/><code> dark10: string;</code><br/><code> gray1: string;</code><br/><code> gray2: string;</code><br/><code> gray3: string;</code><br/><code> gray4: string;</code><br/><code> gray5: string;</code><br/><code> gray6: string;</code><br/><code> gray7: string;</code><br/><code> gray98: string;</code><br/><code> gray95: string;</code><br/><code> gray85: string;</code><br/><code> gray70: string;</code><br/><code> gray60: string;</code><br/><code> gray33: string;</code><br/><code> gray25: string;</code><br/><code> gray15: string;</code><br/><code> gray10: string;</code><br/><code> gray05: string;</code><br/><code> blue95: string;</code><br/><code> blue85: string;</code><br/><code> blue80: string;</code><br/><code> blue77: string;</code><br/><code> red88: string;</code><br/><code> redBase: string;</code><br/><code> redShade: string;</code><br/><code> greenBase: string;</code><br/><code> greenShade: string;</code><br/><code> red: string;</code><br/><code> yellow: string;</code><br/><code> purple: string;</code><br/><code> orange: string;</code><br/><code> orangeDark: string;</code><br/><code> queryRed: string;</code><br/><code> queryGreen: string;</code><br/><code> queryPurple: string;</code><br/><code> queryOrange: string;</code><br/><code> brandPrimary: string;</code><br/><code> brandSuccess: string;</code><br/><code> brandWarning: string;</code><br/><code> brandDanger: string;</code><br/><code> online: string;</code><br/><code> warn: string;</code><br/><code> critical: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [shadows](#shadows-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> listItem: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [type](#type-property) | <code>GrafanaThemeType</code> | |
### background property
background: {
dropdown: string;
scrollbar: string;
scrollbar2: string;
pageHeader: string;
### colors property
colors: {
black: string;
white: string;
dark1: string;
dark2: string;
dark3: string;
dark4: string;
dark5: string;
dark6: string;
dark7: string;
dark8: string;
dark9: string;
dark10: string;
gray1: string;
gray2: string;
gray3: string;
gray4: string;
gray5: string;
gray6: string;
gray7: string;
gray98: string;
gray95: string;
gray85: string;
gray70: string;
gray33: string;
gray25: string;
gray15: string;
gray10: string;
gray05: string;
blue95: string;
blue85: string;
blue77: string;
red88: string;
grayBlue: string;
inputBlack: string;
blue: string;
blue80: string;
blue77: string;
blue95: string;
blueFaint: string;
redBase: string;
redShade: string;
greenBase: string;
greenShade: string;
red: string;
yellow: string;
purple: string;
variable: string;
orange: string;
orangeDark: string;
queryRed: string;
queryGreen: string;
queryPurple: string;
queryKeyword: string;
queryOrange: string;
brandPrimary: string;
brandSuccess: string;
brandWarning: string;
brandDanger: string;
online: string;
warn: string;
critical: string;
bg1: string;
bg2: string;
bg3: string;
border1: string;
border2: string;
border3: string;
bgBlue1: string;
bgBlue2: string;
dashboardBg: string;
bodyBg: string;
panelBg: string;
panelBorder: string;
pageHeaderBg: string;
pageHeaderBorder: string;
dropdownBg: string;
dropdownShadow: string;
dropdownOptionHoverBg: string;
link: string;
linkDisabled: string;
linkHover: string;
linkExternal: string;
body: string;
text: string;
textStrong: string;
textHeading: string;
text: string;
textSemiWeak: string;
textWeak: string;
textFaint: string;
textEmphasis: string;
panelBg: string;
bodyBg: string;
pageBg: string;
headingColor: string;
pageHeaderBorder: string;
textBlue: string;
formLabel: string;
formDescription: string;
formLegend: string;
formInputBg: string;
formInputBgDisabled: string;
formInputBorder: string;
@ -138,8 +76,7 @@ colors: {
formFocusOutline: string;
formInputText: string;
formInputDisabledText: string;
formInputTextStrong: string;
formInputTextWhite: string;
formInputPlaceholderText: string;
formValidationMessageText: string;
formValidationMessageBg: string;
formSwitchBg: string;
@ -171,13 +108,76 @@ isDark: boolean;
isLight: boolean;
### shadow property
### palette property
shadow: {
pageHeader: string;
palette: {
black: string;
white: string;
dark1: string;
dark2: string;
dark3: string;
dark4: string;
dark5: string;
dark6: string;
dark7: string;
dark8: string;
dark9: string;
dark10: string;
gray1: string;
gray2: string;
gray3: string;
gray4: string;
gray5: string;
gray6: string;
gray7: string;
gray98: string;
gray95: string;
gray85: string;
gray70: string;
gray60: string;
gray33: string;
gray25: string;
gray15: string;
gray10: string;
gray05: string;
blue95: string;
blue85: string;
blue80: string;
blue77: string;
red88: string;
redBase: string;
redShade: string;
greenBase: string;
greenShade: string;
red: string;
yellow: string;
purple: string;
orange: string;
orangeDark: string;
queryRed: string;
queryGreen: string;
queryPurple: string;
queryOrange: string;
brandPrimary: string;
brandSuccess: string;
brandWarning: string;
brandDanger: string;
online: string;
warn: string;
critical: string;
### shadows property
shadows: {
listItem: string;

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import { GrafanaThemeCommons } from '@grafana/data';
| [name](#name-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [panelHeaderHeight](#panelheaderheight-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [panelPadding](#panelpadding-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [spacing](#spacing-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> insetSquishMd: string;</code><br/><code> d: string;</code><br/><code> xxs: string;</code><br/><code> xs: string;</code><br/><code> sm: string;</code><br/><code> md: string;</code><br/><code> lg: string;</code><br/><code> xl: string;</code><br/><code> gutter: string;</code><br/><code> formSpacingBase: number;</code><br/><code> formMargin: string;</code><br/><code> formFieldsetMargin: string;</code><br/><code> formLegendMargin: string;</code><br/><code> formInputHeight: string;</code><br/><code> formButtonHeight: number;</code><br/><code> formInputPaddingHorizontal: string;</code><br/><code> formInputAffixPaddingHorizontal: string;</code><br/><code> formInputMargin: string;</code><br/><code> formLabelPadding: string;</code><br/><code> formLabelMargin: string;</code><br/><code> formValidationMessagePadding: string;</code><br/><code> formValidationMessageMargin: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [spacing](#spacing-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> insetSquishMd: string;</code><br/><code> d: string;</code><br/><code> xxs: string;</code><br/><code> xs: string;</code><br/><code> sm: string;</code><br/><code> md: string;</code><br/><code> lg: string;</code><br/><code> xl: string;</code><br/><code> gutter: string;</code><br/><code> formSpacingBase: number;</code><br/><code> formMargin: string;</code><br/><code> formFieldsetMargin: string;</code><br/><code> formInputHeight: number;</code><br/><code> formButtonHeight: number;</code><br/><code> formInputPaddingHorizontal: string;</code><br/><code> formInputAffixPaddingHorizontal: string;</code><br/><code> formInputMargin: string;</code><br/><code> formLabelPadding: string;</code><br/><code> formLabelMargin: string;</code><br/><code> formValidationMessagePadding: string;</code><br/><code> formValidationMessageMargin: string;</code><br/><code> inlineFormMargin: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [typography](#typography-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> fontFamily: {</code><br/><code> sansSerif: string;</code><br/><code> monospace: string;</code><br/><code> };</code><br/><code> size: {</code><br/><code> base: string;</code><br/><code> xs: string;</code><br/><code> sm: string;</code><br/><code> md: string;</code><br/><code> lg: string;</code><br/><code> };</code><br/><code> weight: {</code><br/><code> light: number;</code><br/><code> regular: number;</code><br/><code> semibold: number;</code><br/><code> bold: number;</code><br/><code> };</code><br/><code> lineHeight: {</code><br/><code> xs: number;</code><br/><code> sm: number;</code><br/><code> md: number;</code><br/><code> lg: number;</code><br/><code> };</code><br/><code> heading: {</code><br/><code> h1: string;</code><br/><code> h2: string;</code><br/><code> h3: string;</code><br/><code> h4: string;</code><br/><code> h5: string;</code><br/><code> h6: string;</code><br/><code> };</code><br/><code> link: {</code><br/><code> decoration: string;</code><br/><code> hoverDecoration: string;</code><br/><code> };</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [zIndex](#zindex-property) | <code>{</code><br/><code> dropdown: string;</code><br/><code> navbarFixed: string;</code><br/><code> sidemenu: string;</code><br/><code> tooltip: string;</code><br/><code> modalBackdrop: string;</code><br/><code> modal: string;</code><br/><code> typeahead: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
@ -119,8 +119,7 @@ spacing: {
formSpacingBase: number;
formMargin: string;
formFieldsetMargin: string;
formLegendMargin: string;
formInputHeight: string;
formInputHeight: number;
formButtonHeight: number;
formInputPaddingHorizontal: string;
formInputAffixPaddingHorizontal: string;
@ -129,6 +128,7 @@ spacing: {
formLabelMargin: string;
formValidationMessagePadding: string;
formValidationMessageMargin: string;
inlineFormMargin: string;

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import { GraphSeriesXY } from '@grafana/data';
color: string;
color?: string;
### data property

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "guessFieldTypeFromNameAndValue"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## guessFieldTypeFromNameAndValue() function
### guessFieldTypeFromNameAndValue() function
Given a name and value, this will pick a reasonable field type
export declare function guessFieldTypeFromNameAndValue(name: string, v: any): FieldType;
import { guessFieldTypeFromNameAndValue } from '@grafana/data';
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| name | <code>string</code> | |
| v | <code>any</code> | |

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "identityOverrideProcessor"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## identityOverrideProcessor variable
### identityOverrideProcessor variable
identityOverrideProcessor: <T>(value: T, _context: FieldOverrideContext, _settings: any) => T
import { identityOverrideProcessor } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "LicenseInfo"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## LicenseInfo interface
Describes the license information about the current running instance of Grafana.
export interface LicenseInfo
import { LicenseInfo } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [expiry](#expiry-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [hasLicense](#haslicense-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [licenseUrl](#licenseurl-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [stateInfo](#stateinfo-property) | <code>string</code> | |
### expiry property
expiry: number;
### hasLicense property
hasLicense: boolean;
### licenseUrl property
licenseUrl: string;
### stateInfo property
stateInfo: string;

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Processed Link Model. The values are ready to use
export interface LinkModel<T>
export interface LinkModel<T = any>

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ draft = true
### LoadingState enum
Represent panel data loading state.

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "locationUtil"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## locationUtil variable
### locationUtil variable
locationUtil: {
initialize: ({ getConfig, buildParamsFromVariables, getTimeRangeForUrl }: LocationUtilDependencies) => void;
stripBaseFromUrl: (url: string) => string;
assureBaseUrl: (url: string) => string;
getTimeRangeUrlParams: () => string | null;
getVariablesUrlParams: (scopedVars?: ScopedVars | undefined) => string | null;
processUrl: (url: string) => string;
import { locationUtil } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ draft = true
export declare class MutableDataFrame<T = any> implements DataFrame, MutableVector<T>
export declare class MutableDataFrame<T = any> extends FunctionalVector<T> implements DataFrame, MutableVector<T>
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ import { MutableDataFrame } from '@grafana/data';
| [get(idx)](#get-method) | | Get an object with a property for each field in the DataFrame |
| [reverse()](#reverse-method) | | Reverse all values |
| [set(index, value, addMissingFields)](#set-method) | | |
| [toArray()](#toarray-method) | | |
| [toJSON()](#tojson-method) | | The simplified JSON values used in JSON.stringify() |
| [validate()](#validate-method) | | |
@ -242,17 +241,6 @@ set(index: number, value: T, addMissingFields?: boolean): void;
### toArray method
toArray(): T[];
### toJSON method
The simplified JSON values used in JSON.stringify()

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ draft = true
## NavModel interface
Interface used to describe different kinds of page titles and page navigation. Navmodels are usually generated in the backend and stored in Redux.
@ -24,12 +26,14 @@ import { NavModel } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [breadcrumbs](#breadcrumbs-property) | <code>NavModelItem[]</code> | |
| [main](#main-property) | <code>NavModelItem</code> | |
| [node](#node-property) | <code>NavModelItem</code> | |
| [breadcrumbs](#breadcrumbs-property) | <code>NavModelItem[]</code> | Describes breadcrumbs that are used in places such as data source settings., folder page and plugins page. |
| [main](#main-property) | <code>NavModelItem</code> | Main page. that wraps the navigation. Generate the <code>children</code> property generate tabs when used with the Page component. |
| [node](#node-property) | <code>NavModelItem</code> | This is the current active tab/navigation. |
### breadcrumbs property
Describes breadcrumbs that are used in places such as data source settings., folder page and plugins page.
@ -38,6 +42,8 @@ breadcrumbs?: NavModelItem[];
### main property
Main page. that wraps the navigation. Generate the `children` property generate tabs when used with the Page component.
@ -46,6 +52,8 @@ main: NavModelItem;
### node property
This is the current active tab/navigation.

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "NumberFieldConfigSettings"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/ui"]
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export interface NumberFieldConfigSettings
import { NumberFieldConfigSettings } from '@grafana/ui';
import { NumberFieldConfigSettings } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "numberOverrideProcessor"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/ui"]
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ draft = true
numberOverrideProcessor: (value: any, context: FieldOverrideContext, settings: NumberFieldConfigSettings) => number
numberOverrideProcessor: (value: any, context: FieldOverrideContext, settings?: NumberFieldConfigSettings | undefined) => number | undefined
import { numberOverrideProcessor } from '@grafana/ui';
import { numberOverrideProcessor } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "Omit"
title = "Omit_2"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## Omit type
## Omit\_2 type
### Omit type
### Omit\_2 type
@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ export declare type Omit<T, K> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
import { Omit } from '@grafana/data';
import { Omit_2 } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOptionChecked"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOptionChecked variable
### onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOptionChecked variable
onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOptionChecked: <J, S, K extends keyof J>(props: DataSourcePluginOptionsEditorProps<J, S>, key: K) => (event: import("react").SyntheticEvent<HTMLInputElement, Event>) => void
import { onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOptionChecked } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ draft = true
onUpdateDatasourceOption: (props: DataSourcePluginOptionsEditorProps<import("../types").DataSourceJsonData, {}>, key: "id" | "orgId" | "name" | "typeLogoUrl" | "type" | "access" | "url" | "password" | "user" | "database" | "basicAuth" | "basicAuthPassword" | "basicAuthUser" | "isDefault" | "jsonData" | "secureJsonData" | "secureJsonFields" | "readOnly" | "withCredentials" | "version") => (event: import("react").SyntheticEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement, Event>) => void
onUpdateDatasourceOption: (props: DataSourcePluginOptionsEditorProps<import("../types").DataSourceJsonData, {}>, key: "type" | "name" | "id" | "orgId" | "typeLogoUrl" | "access" | "url" | "password" | "user" | "database" | "basicAuth" | "basicAuthPassword" | "basicAuthUser" | "isDefault" | "jsonData" | "secureJsonData" | "secureJsonFields" | "readOnly" | "withCredentials" | "version") => (event: import("react").SyntheticEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement, Event>) => void

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "OrganizeFieldsTransformerOptions"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## OrganizeFieldsTransformerOptions interface
export interface OrganizeFieldsTransformerOptions extends OrderFieldsTransformerOptions, RenameFieldsTransformerOptions
import { OrganizeFieldsTransformerOptions } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [excludeByName](#excludebyname-property) | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | |
### excludeByName property
excludeByName: Record<string, boolean>;

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@ -24,14 +24,17 @@ import { PanelData } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [error](#error-property) | <code>DataQueryError</code> | |
| [request](#request-property) | <code>DataQueryRequest</code> | |
| [series](#series-property) | <code>DataFrame[]</code> | |
| [state](#state-property) | <code>LoadingState</code> | |
| [timeRange](#timerange-property) | <code>TimeRange</code> | |
| [error](#error-property) | <code>DataQueryError</code> | Any query errors |
| [request](#request-property) | <code>DataQueryRequest</code> | Request contains the queries and properties sent to the datasource |
| [series](#series-property) | <code>DataFrame[]</code> | Contains data frames with field overrides applied |
| [state](#state-property) | <code>LoadingState</code> | State of the data (loading, done, error, streaming) |
| [timeRange](#timerange-property) | <code>TimeRange</code> | Contains the range from the request or a shifted time range if a request uses relative time |
| [timings](#timings-property) | <code>DataQueryTimings</code> | Timing measurements |
### error property
Any query errors
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@ error?: DataQueryError;
### request property
Request contains the queries and properties sent to the datasource
@ -48,6 +53,8 @@ request?: DataQueryRequest;
### series property
Contains data frames with field overrides applied
@ -56,6 +63,8 @@ series: DataFrame[];
### state property
State of the data (loading, done, error, streaming)
@ -64,8 +73,20 @@ state: LoadingState;
### timeRange property
Contains the range from the request or a shifted time range if a request uses relative time
timeRange: TimeRange;
### timings property
Timing measurements
timings?: DataQueryTimings;

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@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ import { PanelEditorProps } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [data](#data-property) | <code>PanelData</code> | |
| [fieldConfig](#fieldconfig-property) | <code>FieldConfigSource</code> | Panel fields configuration - temporart solution TODO\[FieldConfig\]: Remove when we switch old editor to new |
| [onFieldConfigChange](#onfieldconfigchange-property) | <code>(config: FieldConfigSource) =&gt; void</code> | Enables panel field config manipulation TODO\[FieldConfig\]: Remove when we switch old editor to new |
| [onOptionsChange](#onoptionschange-property) | <code>(options: T, callback?: () =&gt; void) =&gt; void</code> | |
| [options](#options-property) | <code>T</code> | |
@ -36,6 +38,26 @@ import { PanelEditorProps } from '@grafana/data';
data: PanelData;
### fieldConfig property
Panel fields configuration - temporart solution TODO\[FieldConfig\]: Remove when we switch old editor to new
fieldConfig: FieldConfigSource;
### onFieldConfigChange property
Enables panel field config manipulation TODO\[FieldConfig\]: Remove when we switch old editor to new
onFieldConfigChange: (config: FieldConfigSource) => void;
### onOptionsChange property

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@ -10,13 +10,11 @@ draft = true
## PanelEvents namespace
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
### PanelEvents namespace
export declare namespace PanelEvents

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Payloads
interface PanelChangeViewPayload
export interface PanelChangeViewPayload

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@ -24,11 +24,20 @@ import { PanelModel } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [fieldConfig](#fieldconfig-property) | <code>FieldConfigSource</code> | |
| [id](#id-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [options](#options-property) | <code>TOptions</code> | |
| [pluginVersion](#pluginversion-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [scopedVars](#scopedvars-property) | <code>ScopedVars</code> | |
### fieldConfig property
fieldConfig: FieldConfigSource;
### id property

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "PanelOptionEditorsRegistry"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## PanelOptionEditorsRegistry type
### PanelOptionEditorsRegistry type
export declare type PanelOptionEditorsRegistry = Registry<PanelOptionsEditorItem>;
import { PanelOptionEditorsRegistry } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "PanelOptionsEditorBuilder"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## PanelOptionsEditorBuilder class
Fluent API for declarative creation of panel options
export declare class PanelOptionsEditorBuilder<TOptions> extends OptionsUIRegistryBuilder<TOptions, StandardEditorProps, PanelOptionsEditorItem<TOptions>>
import { PanelOptionsEditorBuilder } from '@grafana/data';
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [addBooleanSwitch(config)](#addbooleanswitch-method) | | |
| [addColorPicker(config)](#addcolorpicker-method) | | |
| [addNumberInput(config)](#addnumberinput-method) | | |
| [addRadio(config)](#addradio-method) | | |
| [addSelect(config)](#addselect-method) | | |
| [addTextInput(config)](#addtextinput-method) | | |
| [addUnitPicker(config)](#addunitpicker-method) | | |
### addBooleanSwitch method
addBooleanSwitch<TSettings = any>(config: PanelOptionsEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings, boolean>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>PanelOptionsEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings, boolean&gt;</code> | |
### addColorPicker method
addColorPicker<TSettings = any>(config: PanelOptionsEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings & ColorFieldConfigSettings, string>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>PanelOptionsEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings &amp; ColorFieldConfigSettings, string&gt;</code> | |
### addNumberInput method
addNumberInput<TSettings>(config: PanelOptionsEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings & NumberFieldConfigSettings, number>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>PanelOptionsEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings &amp; NumberFieldConfigSettings, number&gt;</code> | |
### addRadio method
addRadio<TOption, TSettings extends SelectFieldConfigSettings<TOption>>(config: PanelOptionsEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings, TOption>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>PanelOptionsEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings, TOption&gt;</code> | |
### addSelect method
addSelect<TOption, TSettings extends SelectFieldConfigSettings<TOption>>(config: PanelOptionsEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings, TOption>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>PanelOptionsEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings, TOption&gt;</code> | |
### addTextInput method
addTextInput<TSettings>(config: PanelOptionsEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings & StringFieldConfigSettings, string>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>PanelOptionsEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings &amp; StringFieldConfigSettings, string&gt;</code> | |
### addUnitPicker method
addUnitPicker<TSettings = any>(config: PanelOptionsEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings & UnitFieldConfigSettings, string>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>PanelOptionsEditorConfig&lt;TOptions, TSettings &amp; UnitFieldConfigSettings, string&gt;</code> | |

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "PanelOptionsEditorConfig"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## PanelOptionsEditorConfig interface
export interface PanelOptionsEditorConfig<TOptions, TSettings = any, TValue = any>
import { PanelOptionsEditorConfig } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [category](#category-property) | <code>string[]</code> | Array of strings representing category of the option. First element in the array will make option render as collapsible section. |
| [defaultValue](#defaultvalue-property) | <code>TValue</code> | |
| [description](#description-property) | <code>string</code> | Description of the option. Will be displayed in the UI as form element description. |
| [name](#name-property) | <code>string</code> | Name of the option. Will be displayed in the UI as form element label. |
| [path](#path-property) | <code>(keyof TOptions &amp; string) &#124; string</code> | Path of the option property to control. |
| [settings](#settings-property) | <code>TSettings</code> | al Custom settings of the editor. |
| [showIf](#showif-property) | <code>(currentConfig: TOptions) =&gt; boolean</code> | Function that enables configuration of when option editor should be shown based on current panel option properties. |
### category property
Array of strings representing category of the option. First element in the array will make option render as collapsible section.
category?: string[];
### defaultValue property
defaultValue?: TValue;
### description property
Description of the option. Will be displayed in the UI as form element description.
description?: string;
### name property
Name of the option. Will be displayed in the UI as form element label.
name: string;
### path property
Path of the option property to control.
path: (keyof TOptions & string) | string;
## Example
Given options object of a type:
interface Options {
a: {
b: string;
path can be either 'a' or 'a.b'.
### settings property
al Custom settings of the editor.
settings?: TSettings;
### showIf property
Function that enables configuration of when option editor should be shown based on current panel option properties.
showIf?: (currentConfig: TOptions) => boolean;

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "PanelOptionsEditorItem"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## PanelOptionsEditorItem interface
export interface PanelOptionsEditorItem<TOptions = any, TValue = any, TSettings = any> extends OptionsEditorItem<TOptions, TSettings, PanelOptionsEditorProps<TValue>, TValue>
import { PanelOptionsEditorItem } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "PanelOptionsEditorProps"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## PanelOptionsEditorProps interface
export interface PanelOptionsEditorProps<TValue> extends StandardEditorProps<TValue>
import { PanelOptionsEditorProps } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ draft = true
export declare class PanelPlugin<TOptions = any> extends GrafanaPlugin<PanelPluginMeta>
export declare class PanelPlugin<TOptions = any, TFieldConfigOptions extends object = any> extends GrafanaPlugin<PanelPluginMeta>
@ -31,24 +31,27 @@ import { PanelPlugin } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [angularPanelCtrl](#angularpanelctrl-property) | | <code>any</code> | Legacy angular ctrl. If this exists it will be used instead of the panel |
| [customFieldConfigs](#customfieldconfigs-property) | | <code>FieldConfigEditorRegistry</code> | |
| [defaults](#defaults-property) | | <code>TOptions</code> | |
| [defaults](#defaults-property) | | <code>{} &#124; null</code> | |
| [editor](#editor-property) | | <code>ComponentClass&lt;PanelEditorProps&lt;TOptions&gt;&gt;</code> | |
| [fieldConfigDefaults](#fieldconfigdefaults-property) | | <code>FieldConfigSource&lt;TFieldConfigOptions&gt;</code> | |
| [fieldConfigRegistry](#fieldconfigregistry-property) | | <code>FieldConfigOptionsRegistry</code> | |
| [noPadding](#nopadding-property) | | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [onPanelMigration](#onpanelmigration-property) | | <code>PanelMigrationHandler&lt;TOptions&gt;</code> | |
| [onPanelTypeChanged](#onpaneltypechanged-property) | | <code>PanelTypeChangedHandler&lt;TOptions&gt;</code> | |
| [panel](#panel-property) | | <code>ComponentType&lt;PanelProps&lt;TOptions&gt;&gt;</code> | |
| [optionEditors](#optioneditors-property) | | <code>PanelOptionEditorsRegistry &#124; undefined</code> | |
| [panel](#panel-property) | | <code>ComponentType&lt;PanelProps&lt;TOptions&gt;&gt; &#124; null</code> | |
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [setCustomFieldConfigs(registry)](#setcustomfieldconfigs-method) | | |
| [setDefaults(defaults)](#setdefaults-method) | | |
| [setEditor(editor)](#seteditor-method) | | |
| [setMigrationHandler(handler)](#setmigrationhandler-method) | | This function is called before the panel first loads if the current version is different than the version that was saved.<!-- -->This is a good place to support any changes to the options model |
| [setNoPadding()](#setnopadding-method) | | |
| [setPanelChangeHandler(handler)](#setpanelchangehandler-method) | | This function is called when the visualization was changed. This passes in the options that were used in the previous visualization |
| [setPanelChangeHandler(handler)](#setpanelchangehandler-method) | | This function is called when the visualization was changed. This passes in the panel model for previous visualisation options inspection and panel model updates.<!-- -->This is useful for supporting PanelModel API updates when changing between Angular and React panels. |
| [setPanelOptions(builder)](#setpaneloptions-method) | | Enables panel options editor creation |
| [useFieldConfig(config)](#usefieldconfig-method) | | Allows specyfing which standard field config options panel should use and defining default values |
### constructor(panel)
@ -57,13 +60,13 @@ Constructs a new instance of the `PanelPlugin` class
constructor(panel: ComponentType<PanelProps<TOptions>>);
constructor(panel: ComponentType<PanelProps<TOptions>> | null);
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| panel | <code>ComponentType&lt;PanelProps&lt;TOptions&gt;&gt;</code> | |
| panel | <code>ComponentType&lt;PanelProps&lt;TOptions&gt;&gt; &#124; null</code> | |
### angularPanelCtrl property
@ -75,20 +78,12 @@ Legacy angular ctrl. If this exists it will be used instead of the panel
angularPanelCtrl?: any;
### customFieldConfigs property
customFieldConfigs?: FieldConfigEditorRegistry;
### defaults property
defaults?: TOptions;
get defaults(): {} | null;
### editor property
@ -99,6 +94,22 @@ defaults?: TOptions;
editor?: ComponentClass<PanelEditorProps<TOptions>>;
### fieldConfigDefaults property
get fieldConfigDefaults(): FieldConfigSource<TFieldConfigOptions>;
### fieldConfigRegistry property
get fieldConfigRegistry(): FieldConfigOptionsRegistry;
### noPadding property
@ -123,31 +134,22 @@ onPanelMigration?: PanelMigrationHandler<TOptions>;
onPanelTypeChanged?: PanelTypeChangedHandler<TOptions>;
### optionEditors property
get optionEditors(): PanelOptionEditorsRegistry | undefined;
### panel property
panel: ComponentType<PanelProps<TOptions>>;
panel: ComponentType<PanelProps<TOptions>> | null;
### setCustomFieldConfigs method
setCustomFieldConfigs(registry: FieldConfigEditorRegistry): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| registry | <code>FieldConfigEditorRegistry</code> | |
### setDefaults method
@ -216,7 +218,9 @@ setNoPadding(): this;
### setPanelChangeHandler method
This function is called when the visualization was changed. This passes in the options that were used in the previous visualization
This function is called when the visualization was changed. This passes in the panel model for previous visualisation options inspection and panel model updates.
This is useful for supporting PanelModel API updates when changing between Angular and React panels.
@ -233,3 +237,127 @@ setPanelChangeHandler(handler: PanelTypeChangedHandler): this;
### setPanelOptions method
Enables panel options editor creation
setPanelOptions(builder: (builder: PanelOptionsEditorBuilder<TOptions>) => void): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| builder | <code>(builder: PanelOptionsEditorBuilder&lt;TOptions&gt;) =&gt; void</code> | |
## Example
import { ShapePanel } from './ShapePanel';
interface ShapePanelOptions {}
export const plugin = new PanelPlugin<ShapePanelOptions>(ShapePanel)
.setPanelOptions(builder => {
id: 'shape',
name: 'Shape',
description: 'Select shape to render'
settings: {
options: [
{value: 'circle', label: 'Circle' },
{value: 'square', label: 'Square },
{value: 'triangle', label: 'Triangle }
### useFieldConfig method
Allows specyfing which standard field config options panel should use and defining default values
useFieldConfig(config?: SetFieldConfigOptionsArgs<TFieldConfigOptions>): this;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config | <code>SetFieldConfigOptionsArgs&lt;TFieldConfigOptions&gt;</code> | |
## Example
import { ShapePanel } from './ShapePanel';
interface ShapePanelOptions {}
// when plugin should use all standard options
export const plugin = new PanelPlugin<ShapePanelOptions>(ShapePanel)
// when plugin should only display specific standard options
// note, that options will be displayed in the order they are provided
export const plugin = new PanelPlugin<ShapePanelOptions>(ShapePanel)
standardOptions: [FieldConfigProperty.Min, FieldConfigProperty.Max]
// when standard option's default value needs to be provided
export const plugin = new PanelPlugin<ShapePanelOptions>(ShapePanel)
standardOptions: [FieldConfigProperty.Min, FieldConfigProperty.Max],
standardOptionsDefaults: {
[FieldConfigProperty.Min]: 20,
[FieldConfigProperty.Max]: 100
// when custom field config options needs to be provided
export const plugin = new PanelPlugin<ShapePanelOptions>(ShapePanel)
useCustomConfig: builder => {
id: 'shapeBorderWidth',
name: 'Border width',
description: 'Border width of the shape',
settings: {
min: 1,
max: 5,
id: 'displayMode',
name: 'Display mode',
description: 'How the shape shout be rendered'
settings: {
options: [{value: 'fill', label: 'Fill' }, {value: 'transparent', label: 'Transparent }]

View File

@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ import { PanelProps } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [data](#data-property) | <code>PanelData</code> | |
| [fieldConfig](#fieldconfig-property) | <code>FieldConfigSource</code> | Panel fields configuration |
| [height](#height-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [id](#id-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [onChangeTimeRange](#onchangetimerange-property) | <code>(timeRange: AbsoluteTimeRange) =&gt; void</code> | |
| [onFieldConfigChange](#onfieldconfigchange-property) | <code>(config: FieldConfigSource) =&gt; void</code> | Enables panel field config manipulation |
| [onOptionsChange](#onoptionschange-property) | <code>(options: T) =&gt; void</code> | |
| [options](#options-property) | <code>T</code> | |
| [renderCounter](#rendercounter-property) | <code>number</code> | |
@ -45,6 +47,16 @@ import { PanelProps } from '@grafana/data';
data: PanelData;
### fieldConfig property
Panel fields configuration
fieldConfig: FieldConfigSource;
### height property
@ -69,6 +81,16 @@ id: number;
onChangeTimeRange: (timeRange: AbsoluteTimeRange) => void;
### onFieldConfigChange property
Enables panel field config manipulation
onFieldConfigChange: (config: FieldConfigSource) => void;
### onOptionsChange property

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@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ draft = true
### PanelTypeChangedHandler type
Called before a panel is initialized
Called before a panel is initialized. Allows panel inspection for any updates before changing the panel type.
export declare type PanelTypeChangedHandler<TOptions = any> = (options: Partial<TOptions>, prevPluginId: string, prevOptions: any) => Partial<TOptions>;
export declare type PanelTypeChangedHandler<TOptions = any> = (panel: PanelModel<TOptions>, prevPluginId: string, prevOptions: any) => Partial<TOptions>;

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import { PluginMeta } from '@grafana/data';
| [defaultNavUrl](#defaultnavurl-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [dependencies](#dependencies-property) | <code>PluginDependencies</code> | |
| [enabled](#enabled-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [enterprise](#enterprise-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [hasUpdate](#hasupdate-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [id](#id-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [includes](#includes-property) | <code>PluginInclude[]</code> | |
@ -73,6 +74,14 @@ dependencies?: PluginDependencies;
enabled?: boolean;
### enterprise property
enterprise?: boolean;
### hasUpdate property

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@ -29,4 +29,5 @@ import { PluginState } from '@grafana/data';
| --- | --- | --- |
| alpha | <code>&quot;alpha&quot;</code> | |
| beta | <code>&quot;beta&quot;</code> | |
| deprecated | <code>&quot;deprecated&quot;</code> | |

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@ -24,19 +24,54 @@ import { QueryResultMeta } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [custom](#custom-property) | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | |
| [alignmentPeriod](#alignmentperiod-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [custom](#custom-property) | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | DatasSource Specific Values |
| [gmdMeta](#gmdmeta-property) | <code>any[]</code> | Legacy data source specific, should be moved to custom |
| [json](#json-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [limit](#limit-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [requestId](#requestid-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [notices](#notices-property) | <code>QueryResultMetaNotice[]</code> | Meta Notices |
| [query](#query-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [rawQuery](#rawquery-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [searchWords](#searchwords-property) | <code>string[]</code> | |
| [stats](#stats-property) | <code>QueryResultMetaStat[]</code> | Stats |
| [transformations](#transformations-property) | <code>string[]</code> | Used to track transformation ids that where part of the processing |
### alignmentPeriod property
alignmentPeriod?: string;
### custom property
DatasSource Specific Values
custom?: Record<string, any>;
### gmdMeta property
Legacy data source specific, should be moved to custom
gmdMeta?: any[];
### json property
json?: boolean;
### limit property
@ -45,12 +80,30 @@ custom?: Record<string, any>;
limit?: number;
### requestId property
### notices property
Meta Notices
requestId?: string;
notices?: QueryResultMetaNotice[];
### query property
query?: string;
### rawQuery property
rawQuery?: string;
### searchWords property
@ -60,3 +113,23 @@ requestId?: string;
searchWords?: string[];
### stats property
stats?: QueryResultMetaStat[];
### transformations property
Used to track transformation ids that where part of the processing
transformations?: string[];

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "QueryResultMetaNotice"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## QueryResultMetaNotice interface
QueryResultMetaNotice is a structure that provides user notices for query result data
export interface QueryResultMetaNotice
import { QueryResultMetaNotice } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [inspect](#inspect-property) | <code>'meta' &#124; 'error' &#124; 'data' &#124; 'stats'</code> | Optionally suggest an appropriate tab for the panel inspector |
| [link](#link-property) | <code>string</code> | An optional link that may be displayed in the UI. This value may be an absolute URL or relative to grafana root |
| [severity](#severity-property) | <code>'info' &#124; 'warning' &#124; 'error'</code> | Specify the notice severity |
| [text](#text-property) | <code>string</code> | Notice descriptive text |
### inspect property
Optionally suggest an appropriate tab for the panel inspector
inspect?: 'meta' | 'error' | 'data' | 'stats';
### link property
An optional link that may be displayed in the UI. This value may be an absolute URL or relative to grafana root
link?: string;
### severity property
Specify the notice severity
severity: 'info' | 'warning' | 'error';
### text property
Notice descriptive text
text: string;

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "QueryResultMetaStat"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## QueryResultMetaStat interface
export interface QueryResultMetaStat extends FieldConfig
import { QueryResultMetaStat } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [title](#title-property) | <code>string</code> | |
| [value](#value-property) | <code>number</code> | |
### title property
title: string;
### value property
value: number;

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@ -10,13 +10,11 @@ draft = true
## rangeUtil namespace
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
### rangeUtil namespace
export declare namespace rangeUtil

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ draft = true
function describeTextRange(expr: any): any;
export declare function describeTextRange(expr: any): any;

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ draft = true
function getRelativeTimesList(timepickerSettings: any, currentDisplay: any): import("lodash").Dictionary<(number | {
export declare function getRelativeTimesList(timepickerSettings: any, currentDisplay: any): import("lodash").Dictionary<(number | {
from: string;
to: string;
display: string;

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@ -2,34 +2,38 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "FieldDisplayOptions"
title = "ReduceDataOptions"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## FieldDisplayOptions interface
## ReduceDataOptions interface
Options for how to turn DataFrames into an array of display values
export interface FieldDisplayOptions extends FieldConfigSource
export interface ReduceDataOptions
import { FieldDisplayOptions } from '@grafana/data';
import { ReduceDataOptions } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [calcs](#calcs-property) | <code>string[]</code> | |
| [limit](#limit-property) | <code>number</code> | |
| [calcs](#calcs-property) | <code>string[]</code> | When !values, pick one value for the whole field |
| [limit](#limit-property) | <code>number</code> | if showing all values limit |
| [values](#values-property) | <code>boolean</code> | |
### calcs property
When !values, pick one value for the whole field
@ -38,6 +42,8 @@ calcs: string[];
### limit property
if showing all values limit

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import { Registry } from '@grafana/data';
| --- | --- | --- |
| [get(id)](#get-method) | | |
| [getIfExists(id)](#getifexists-method) | | |
| [isEmpty()](#isempty-method) | | |
| [list(ids)](#list-method) | | Return a list of values by ID, or all values if not specified |
| [register(ext)](#register-method) | | |
| [selectOptions(current, filter)](#selectoptions-method) | | |
@ -99,6 +100,17 @@ getIfExists(id: string | undefined): T | undefined;
`T | undefined`
### isEmpty method
isEmpty(): boolean;
### list method
Return a list of values by ID, or all values if not specified

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ aliasIds?: string[];
description: string;
description?: string;
### excludeFromPicker property

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "SelectFieldConfigSettings"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## SelectFieldConfigSettings interface
export interface SelectFieldConfigSettings<T>
import { SelectFieldConfigSettings } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [options](#options-property) | <code>Array&lt;SelectableValue&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | |
### options property
options: Array<SelectableValue<T>>;

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "selectOverrideProcessor"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## selectOverrideProcessor variable
### selectOverrideProcessor variable
selectOverrideProcessor: (value: any, _context: FieldOverrideContext, _settings?: SelectFieldConfigSettings<any> | undefined) => any
import { selectOverrideProcessor } from '@grafana/data';

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "SeriesToColumnsOptions"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/data"]
type = "docs"
draft = true
## SeriesToColumnsOptions interface
export interface SeriesToColumnsOptions
import { SeriesToColumnsOptions } from '@grafana/data';
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [byField](#byfield-property) | <code>string</code> | |
### byField property
byField?: string;

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