mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
Chore: Refactor GoConvey in tsdb/es/client (#40846)
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,437 +8,445 @@ import (
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
func TestSearchRequest(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test elasticsearch search request", t, func() {
timeField := "@timestamp"
Convey("Given new search request builder for es version 5", func() {
version5, _ := semver.NewVersion("5.0.0")
b := NewSearchRequestBuilder(version5, intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
timeField := "@timestamp"
Convey("When building search request", func() {
sr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
setup := func() *SearchRequestBuilder {
version5, _ := semver.NewVersion("5.0.0")
return NewSearchRequestBuilder(version5, intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
Convey("Should have size of zero", func() {
So(sr.Size, ShouldEqual, 0)
t.Run("When building search request", func(t *testing.T) {
b := setup()
sr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
Convey("Should have no sorting", func() {
So(sr.Sort, ShouldHaveLength, 0)
t.Run("Should have size of zero", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, 0, sr.Size)
Convey("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func() {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(json.Get("size").MustInt(500), ShouldEqual, 0)
So(json.Get("sort").Interface(), ShouldBeNil)
So(json.Get("aggs").Interface(), ShouldBeNil)
So(json.Get("query").Interface(), ShouldBeNil)
t.Run("Should have no sorting", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, 0, len(sr.Sort))
t.Run("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
require.Nil(t, err)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, json.Get("size").MustInt(500))
require.Nil(t, json.Get("sort").Interface())
require.Nil(t, json.Get("aggs").Interface())
require.Nil(t, json.Get("query").Interface())
t.Run("When adding size, sort, filters", func(t *testing.T) {
b := setup()
b.SortDesc(timeField, "boolean")
filters := b.Query().Bool().Filter()
filters.AddDateRangeFilter(timeField, "$timeTo", "$timeFrom", DateFormatEpochMS)
filters.AddQueryStringFilter("test", true)
t.Run("When building search request", func(t *testing.T) {
sr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
t.Run("Should have correct size", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, 200, sr.Size)
Convey("When adding size, sort, filters", func() {
b.SortDesc(timeField, "boolean")
filters := b.Query().Bool().Filter()
filters.AddDateRangeFilter(timeField, "$timeTo", "$timeFrom", DateFormatEpochMS)
filters.AddQueryStringFilter("test", true)
Convey("When building search request", func() {
sr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Should have correct size", func() {
So(sr.Size, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("Should have correct sorting", func() {
sort, ok := sr.Sort[timeField].(map[string]string)
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(sort["order"], ShouldEqual, "desc")
So(sort["unmapped_type"], ShouldEqual, "boolean")
Convey("Should have range filter", func() {
f, ok := sr.Query.Bool.Filters[0].(*RangeFilter)
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(f.Gte, ShouldEqual, "$timeFrom")
So(f.Lte, ShouldEqual, "$timeTo")
So(f.Format, ShouldEqual, "epoch_millis")
Convey("Should have query string filter", func() {
f, ok := sr.Query.Bool.Filters[1].(*QueryStringFilter)
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(f.Query, ShouldEqual, "test")
So(f.AnalyzeWildcard, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func() {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(json.Get("size").MustInt(0), ShouldEqual, 200)
sort := json.GetPath("sort", timeField)
So(sort.Get("order").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "desc")
So(sort.Get("unmapped_type").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "boolean")
timeRangeFilter := json.GetPath("query", "bool", "filter").GetIndex(0).Get("range").Get(timeField)
So(timeRangeFilter.Get("gte").MustString(""), ShouldEqual, "$timeFrom")
So(timeRangeFilter.Get("lte").MustString(""), ShouldEqual, "$timeTo")
So(timeRangeFilter.Get("format").MustString(""), ShouldEqual, DateFormatEpochMS)
queryStringFilter := json.GetPath("query", "bool", "filter").GetIndex(1).Get("query_string")
So(queryStringFilter.Get("analyze_wildcard").MustBool(false), ShouldEqual, true)
So(queryStringFilter.Get("query").MustString(""), ShouldEqual, "test")
t.Run("Should have correct sorting", func(t *testing.T) {
sort, ok := sr.Sort[timeField].(map[string]string)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, "desc", sort["order"])
require.Equal(t, "boolean", sort["unmapped_type"])
Convey("When adding doc value field", func() {
Convey("should set correct props", func() {
So(b.customProps["fields"], ShouldBeNil)
scriptFields, ok := b.customProps["script_fields"].(map[string]interface{})
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(scriptFields, ShouldHaveLength, 0)
docValueFields, ok := b.customProps["docvalue_fields"].([]string)
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(docValueFields, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
So(docValueFields[0], ShouldEqual, timeField)
Convey("When building search request", func() {
sr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func() {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
scriptFields, err := json.Get("script_fields").Map()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scriptFields, ShouldHaveLength, 0)
_, err = json.Get("fields").StringArray()
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
docValueFields, err := json.Get("docvalue_fields").StringArray()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(docValueFields, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
So(docValueFields[0], ShouldEqual, timeField)
t.Run("Should have range filter", func(t *testing.T) {
f, ok := sr.Query.Bool.Filters[0].(*RangeFilter)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, "$timeFrom", f.Gte)
require.Equal(t, "$timeTo", f.Lte)
require.Equal(t, "epoch_millis", f.Format)
Convey("and adding multiple top level aggs", func() {
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Terms("1", "@hostname", nil)
aggBuilder.DateHistogram("2", "@timestamp", nil)
Convey("When building search request", func() {
sr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Should have 2 top level aggs", func() {
aggs := sr.Aggs
So(aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 2)
So(aggs[0].Key, ShouldEqual, "1")
So(aggs[0].Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "terms")
So(aggs[1].Key, ShouldEqual, "2")
So(aggs[1].Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "date_histogram")
Convey("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func() {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(json.Get("aggs").MustMap(), ShouldHaveLength, 2)
So(json.GetPath("aggs", "1", "terms", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@hostname")
So(json.GetPath("aggs", "2", "date_histogram", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@timestamp")
t.Run("Should have query string filter", func(t *testing.T) {
f, ok := sr.Query.Bool.Filters[1].(*QueryStringFilter)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, "test", f.Query)
require.True(t, f.AnalyzeWildcard)
Convey("and adding top level agg with child agg", func() {
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Terms("1", "@hostname", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.DateHistogram("2", "@timestamp", nil)
t.Run("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
require.Nil(t, err)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 200, json.Get("size").MustInt(0))
Convey("When building search request", func() {
sr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
sort := json.GetPath("sort", timeField)
require.Equal(t, "desc", sort.Get("order").MustString())
require.Equal(t, "boolean", sort.Get("unmapped_type").MustString())
Convey("Should have 1 top level agg and one child agg", func() {
aggs := sr.Aggs
So(aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
timeRangeFilter := json.GetPath("query", "bool", "filter").GetIndex(0).Get("range").Get(timeField)
require.Equal(t, "$timeFrom", timeRangeFilter.Get("gte").MustString(""))
require.Equal(t, "$timeTo", timeRangeFilter.Get("lte").MustString(""))
require.Equal(t, DateFormatEpochMS, timeRangeFilter.Get("format").MustString(""))
topAgg := aggs[0]
So(topAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "1")
So(topAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "terms")
So(topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
queryStringFilter := json.GetPath("query", "bool", "filter").GetIndex(1).Get("query_string")
require.Equal(t, true, queryStringFilter.Get("analyze_wildcard").MustBool(false))
require.Equal(t, "test", queryStringFilter.Get("query").MustString(""))
childAgg := aggs[0].Aggregation.Aggs[0]
So(childAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "2")
So(childAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "date_histogram")
t.Run("When adding doc value field", func(t *testing.T) {
b := setup()
Convey("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func() {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
t.Run("should set correct props", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Nil(t, b.customProps["fields"])
So(json.Get("aggs").MustMap(), ShouldHaveLength, 1)
firstLevelAgg := json.GetPath("aggs", "1")
secondLevelAgg := firstLevelAgg.GetPath("aggs", "2")
So(firstLevelAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@hostname")
So(secondLevelAgg.GetPath("date_histogram", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@timestamp")
scriptFields, ok := b.customProps["script_fields"].(map[string]interface{})
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(scriptFields))
docValueFields, ok := b.customProps["docvalue_fields"].([]string)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(docValueFields))
require.Equal(t, timeField, docValueFields[0])
t.Run("When building search request", func(t *testing.T) {
sr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
t.Run("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
require.Nil(t, err)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
require.Nil(t, err)
scriptFields, err := json.Get("script_fields").Map()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(scriptFields))
_, err = json.Get("fields").StringArray()
require.Error(t, err)
docValueFields, err := json.Get("docvalue_fields").StringArray()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(docValueFields))
require.Equal(t, timeField, docValueFields[0])
t.Run("and adding multiple top level aggs", func(t *testing.T) {
b := setup()
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Terms("1", "@hostname", nil)
aggBuilder.DateHistogram("2", "@timestamp", nil)
t.Run("When building search request", func(t *testing.T) {
sr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
t.Run("Should have 2 top level aggs", func(t *testing.T) {
aggs := sr.Aggs
require.Equal(t, 2, len(aggs))
require.Equal(t, "1", aggs[0].Key)
require.Equal(t, "terms", aggs[0].Aggregation.Type)
require.Equal(t, "2", aggs[1].Key)
require.Equal(t, "date_histogram", aggs[1].Aggregation.Type)
Convey("and adding two top level aggs with child agg", func() {
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Histogram("1", "@hostname", func(a *HistogramAgg, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.DateHistogram("2", "@timestamp", nil)
aggBuilder.Filters("3", func(a *FiltersAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Terms("4", "@test", nil)
t.Run("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
require.Nil(t, err)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
require.Nil(t, err)
Convey("When building search request", func() {
sr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(json.Get("aggs").MustMap()))
require.Equal(t, "@hostname", json.GetPath("aggs", "1", "terms", "field").MustString())
require.Equal(t, "@timestamp", json.GetPath("aggs", "2", "date_histogram", "field").MustString())
Convey("Should have 2 top level aggs with one child agg each", func() {
aggs := sr.Aggs
So(aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 2)
t.Run("and adding top level agg with child agg", func(t *testing.T) {
b := setup()
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Terms("1", "@hostname", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.DateHistogram("2", "@timestamp", nil)
topAggOne := aggs[0]
So(topAggOne.Key, ShouldEqual, "1")
So(topAggOne.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "histogram")
So(topAggOne.Aggregation.Aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
t.Run("When building search request", func(t *testing.T) {
sr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
topAggOnechildAgg := topAggOne.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
So(topAggOnechildAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "2")
So(topAggOnechildAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "date_histogram")
t.Run("Should have 1 top level agg and one child agg", func(t *testing.T) {
aggs := sr.Aggs
require.Equal(t, 1, len(aggs))
topAggTwo := aggs[1]
So(topAggTwo.Key, ShouldEqual, "3")
So(topAggTwo.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "filters")
So(topAggTwo.Aggregation.Aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
topAgg := aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "1", topAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "terms", topAgg.Aggregation.Type)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs))
topAggTwochildAgg := topAggTwo.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
So(topAggTwochildAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "4")
So(topAggTwochildAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "terms")
Convey("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func() {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
topAggOne := json.GetPath("aggs", "1")
So(topAggOne.GetPath("histogram", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@hostname")
topAggOnechildAgg := topAggOne.GetPath("aggs", "2")
So(topAggOnechildAgg.GetPath("date_histogram", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@timestamp")
topAggTwo := json.GetPath("aggs", "3")
topAggTwochildAgg := topAggTwo.GetPath("aggs", "4")
So(topAggTwo.GetPath("filters").MustArray(), ShouldHaveLength, 0)
So(topAggTwochildAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@test")
childAgg := aggs[0].Aggregation.Aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "2", childAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "date_histogram", childAgg.Aggregation.Type)
Convey("and adding top level agg with child agg with child agg", func() {
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Terms("1", "@hostname", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Terms("2", "@app", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.DateHistogram("3", "@timestamp", nil)
t.Run("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
require.Nil(t, err)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
require.Nil(t, err)
Convey("When building search request", func() {
sr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(json.Get("aggs").MustMap()))
firstLevelAgg := json.GetPath("aggs", "1")
secondLevelAgg := firstLevelAgg.GetPath("aggs", "2")
require.Equal(t, "@hostname", firstLevelAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString())
require.Equal(t, "@timestamp", secondLevelAgg.GetPath("date_histogram", "field").MustString())
Convey("Should have 1 top level agg with one child having a child", func() {
aggs := sr.Aggs
So(aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
t.Run("and adding two top level aggs with child agg", func(t *testing.T) {
b := setup()
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Histogram("1", "@hostname", func(a *HistogramAgg, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.DateHistogram("2", "@timestamp", nil)
aggBuilder.Filters("3", func(a *FiltersAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Terms("4", "@test", nil)
topAgg := aggs[0]
So(topAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "1")
So(topAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "terms")
So(topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
t.Run("When building search request", func(t *testing.T) {
sr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
childAgg := topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
So(childAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "2")
So(childAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "terms")
t.Run("Should have 2 top level aggs with one child agg each", func(t *testing.T) {
aggs := sr.Aggs
require.Equal(t, 2, len(aggs))
childChildAgg := childAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
So(childChildAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "3")
So(childChildAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "date_histogram")
topAggOne := aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "1", topAggOne.Key)
require.Equal(t, "histogram", topAggOne.Aggregation.Type)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(topAggOne.Aggregation.Aggs))
Convey("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func() {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
topAggOnechildAgg := topAggOne.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "2", topAggOnechildAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "date_histogram", topAggOnechildAgg.Aggregation.Type)
topAgg := json.GetPath("aggs", "1")
So(topAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@hostname")
topAggTwo := aggs[1]
require.Equal(t, "3", topAggTwo.Key)
require.Equal(t, "filters", topAggTwo.Aggregation.Type)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(topAggTwo.Aggregation.Aggs))
childAgg := topAgg.GetPath("aggs", "2")
So(childAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@app")
childChildAgg := childAgg.GetPath("aggs", "3")
So(childChildAgg.GetPath("date_histogram", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@timestamp")
topAggTwochildAgg := topAggTwo.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "4", topAggTwochildAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "terms", topAggTwochildAgg.Aggregation.Type)
Convey("and adding bucket and metric aggs", func() {
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Terms("1", "@hostname", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Terms("2", "@app", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Metric("4", "avg", "@value", nil)
ib.DateHistogram("3", "@timestamp", func(a *DateHistogramAgg, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Metric("4", "avg", "@value", nil)
ib.Metric("5", "max", "@value", nil)
t.Run("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
require.Nil(t, err)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
require.Nil(t, err)
Convey("When building search request", func() {
sr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
topAggOne := json.GetPath("aggs", "1")
require.Equal(t, "@hostname", topAggOne.GetPath("histogram", "field").MustString())
topAggOnechildAgg := topAggOne.GetPath("aggs", "2")
require.Equal(t, "@timestamp", topAggOnechildAgg.GetPath("date_histogram", "field").MustString())
Convey("Should have 1 top level agg with one child having a child", func() {
aggs := sr.Aggs
So(aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
topAggTwo := json.GetPath("aggs", "3")
topAggTwochildAgg := topAggTwo.GetPath("aggs", "4")
require.Equal(t, 0, len(topAggTwo.GetPath("filters").MustArray()))
require.Equal(t, "@test", topAggTwochildAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString())
topAgg := aggs[0]
So(topAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "1")
So(topAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "terms")
So(topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
t.Run("and adding top level agg with child agg with child agg", func(t *testing.T) {
b := setup()
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Terms("1", "@hostname", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Terms("2", "@app", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.DateHistogram("3", "@timestamp", nil)
childAgg := topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
So(childAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "2")
So(childAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "terms")
t.Run("When building search request", func(t *testing.T) {
sr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
childChildOneAgg := childAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
So(childChildOneAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "4")
So(childChildOneAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "avg")
t.Run("Should have 1 top level agg with one child having a child", func(t *testing.T) {
aggs := sr.Aggs
require.Equal(t, 1, len(aggs))
childChildTwoAgg := childAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[1]
So(childChildTwoAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "3")
So(childChildTwoAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "date_histogram")
topAgg := aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "1", topAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "terms", topAgg.Aggregation.Type)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs))
childChildTwoChildOneAgg := childChildTwoAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
So(childChildTwoChildOneAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "4")
So(childChildTwoChildOneAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "avg")
childAgg := topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "2", childAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "terms", childAgg.Aggregation.Type)
childChildTwoChildTwoAgg := childChildTwoAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[1]
So(childChildTwoChildTwoAgg.Key, ShouldEqual, "5")
So(childChildTwoChildTwoAgg.Aggregation.Type, ShouldEqual, "max")
childChildAgg := childAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "3", childChildAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "date_histogram", childChildAgg.Aggregation.Type)
Convey("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func() {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
t.Run("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
require.Nil(t, err)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
require.Nil(t, err)
termsAgg := json.GetPath("aggs", "1")
So(termsAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@hostname")
topAgg := json.GetPath("aggs", "1")
require.Equal(t, "@hostname", topAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString())
termsAggTwo := termsAgg.GetPath("aggs", "2")
So(termsAggTwo.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@app")
childAgg := topAgg.GetPath("aggs", "2")
require.Equal(t, "@app", childAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString())
termsAggTwoAvg := termsAggTwo.GetPath("aggs", "4")
So(termsAggTwoAvg.GetPath("avg", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@value")
childChildAgg := childAgg.GetPath("aggs", "3")
require.Equal(t, "@timestamp", childChildAgg.GetPath("date_histogram", "field").MustString())
dateHistAgg := termsAggTwo.GetPath("aggs", "3")
So(dateHistAgg.GetPath("date_histogram", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@timestamp")
avgAgg := dateHistAgg.GetPath("aggs", "4")
So(avgAgg.GetPath("avg", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@value")
maxAgg := dateHistAgg.GetPath("aggs", "5")
So(maxAgg.GetPath("max", "field").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "@value")
t.Run("and adding bucket and metric aggs", func(t *testing.T) {
b := setup()
aggBuilder := b.Agg()
aggBuilder.Terms("1", "@hostname", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Terms("2", "@app", func(a *TermsAggregation, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Metric("4", "avg", "@value", nil)
ib.DateHistogram("3", "@timestamp", func(a *DateHistogramAgg, ib AggBuilder) {
ib.Metric("4", "avg", "@value", nil)
ib.Metric("5", "max", "@value", nil)
Convey("Given new search request builder for es version 2", func() {
version2, _ := semver.NewVersion("2.0.0")
b := NewSearchRequestBuilder(version2, intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
t.Run("When building search request", func(t *testing.T) {
sr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
Convey("When adding doc value field", func() {
t.Run("Should have 1 top level agg with one child having a child", func(t *testing.T) {
aggs := sr.Aggs
require.Equal(t, 1, len(aggs))
Convey("should set correct props", func() {
fields, ok := b.customProps["fields"].([]string)
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(fields, ShouldHaveLength, 2)
So(fields[0], ShouldEqual, "*")
So(fields[1], ShouldEqual, "_source")
topAgg := aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "1", topAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "terms", topAgg.Aggregation.Type)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs))
scriptFields, ok := b.customProps["script_fields"].(map[string]interface{})
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(scriptFields, ShouldHaveLength, 0)
childAgg := topAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "2", childAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "terms", childAgg.Aggregation.Type)
fieldDataFields, ok := b.customProps["fielddata_fields"].([]string)
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(fieldDataFields, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
So(fieldDataFields[0], ShouldEqual, timeField)
childChildOneAgg := childAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "4", childChildOneAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "avg", childChildOneAgg.Aggregation.Type)
Convey("When building search request", func() {
sr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
childChildTwoAgg := childAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[1]
require.Equal(t, "3", childChildTwoAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "date_histogram", childChildTwoAgg.Aggregation.Type)
Convey("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func() {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
childChildTwoChildOneAgg := childChildTwoAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[0]
require.Equal(t, "4", childChildTwoChildOneAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "avg", childChildTwoChildOneAgg.Aggregation.Type)
scriptFields, err := json.Get("script_fields").Map()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(scriptFields, ShouldHaveLength, 0)
childChildTwoChildTwoAgg := childChildTwoAgg.Aggregation.Aggs[1]
require.Equal(t, "5", childChildTwoChildTwoAgg.Key)
require.Equal(t, "max", childChildTwoChildTwoAgg.Aggregation.Type)
fields, err := json.Get("fields").StringArray()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(fields, ShouldHaveLength, 2)
So(fields[0], ShouldEqual, "*")
So(fields[1], ShouldEqual, "_source")
t.Run("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
require.Nil(t, err)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
require.Nil(t, err)
fieldDataFields, err := json.Get("fielddata_fields").StringArray()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(fieldDataFields, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
So(fieldDataFields[0], ShouldEqual, timeField)
termsAgg := json.GetPath("aggs", "1")
require.Equal(t, "@hostname", termsAgg.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString())
termsAggTwo := termsAgg.GetPath("aggs", "2")
require.Equal(t, "@app", termsAggTwo.GetPath("terms", "field").MustString())
termsAggTwoAvg := termsAggTwo.GetPath("aggs", "4")
require.Equal(t, "@value", termsAggTwoAvg.GetPath("avg", "field").MustString())
dateHistAgg := termsAggTwo.GetPath("aggs", "3")
require.Equal(t, "@timestamp", dateHistAgg.GetPath("date_histogram", "field").MustString())
avgAgg := dateHistAgg.GetPath("aggs", "4")
require.Equal(t, "@value", avgAgg.GetPath("avg", "field").MustString())
maxAgg := dateHistAgg.GetPath("aggs", "5")
require.Equal(t, "@value", maxAgg.GetPath("max", "field").MustString())
t.Run("Given new search request builder for es version 2", func(t *testing.T) {
version2, _ := semver.NewVersion("2.0.0")
b := NewSearchRequestBuilder(version2, intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
t.Run("When adding doc value field", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("should set correct props", func(t *testing.T) {
fields, ok := b.customProps["fields"].([]string)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(fields))
require.Equal(t, "*", fields[0])
require.Equal(t, "_source", fields[1])
scriptFields, ok := b.customProps["script_fields"].(map[string]interface{})
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(scriptFields))
fieldDataFields, ok := b.customProps["fielddata_fields"].([]string)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(fieldDataFields))
require.Equal(t, timeField, fieldDataFields[0])
t.Run("When building search request", func(t *testing.T) {
sr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
t.Run("When marshal to JSON should generate correct json", func(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(sr)
require.Nil(t, err)
json, err := simplejson.NewJson(body)
require.Nil(t, err)
scriptFields, err := json.Get("script_fields").Map()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(scriptFields))
fields, err := json.Get("fields").StringArray()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(fields))
require.Equal(t, "*", fields[0])
require.Equal(t, "_source", fields[1])
fieldDataFields, err := json.Get("fielddata_fields").StringArray()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(fieldDataFields))
require.Equal(t, timeField, fieldDataFields[0])
@ -446,31 +454,28 @@ func TestSearchRequest(t *testing.T) {
func TestMultiSearchRequest(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test elasticsearch multi search request", t, func() {
Convey("Given new multi search request builder", func() {
version2, _ := semver.NewVersion("2.0.0")
b := NewMultiSearchRequestBuilder(version2)
t.Run("When adding one search request", func(t *testing.T) {
version2, _ := semver.NewVersion("2.0.0")
b := NewMultiSearchRequestBuilder(version2)
b.Search(intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
Convey("When adding one search request", func() {
b.Search(intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
t.Run("When building search request should contain one search request", func(t *testing.T) {
mr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(mr.Requests))
Convey("When building search request should contain one search request", func() {
mr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(mr.Requests, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
t.Run("When adding two search requests", func(t *testing.T) {
version2, _ := semver.NewVersion("2.0.0")
b := NewMultiSearchRequestBuilder(version2)
b.Search(intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
b.Search(intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
Convey("When adding two search requests", func() {
b.Search(intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
b.Search(intervalv2.Interval{Value: 15 * time.Second, Text: "15s"})
Convey("When building search request should contain two search requests", func() {
mr, err := b.Build()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(mr.Requests, ShouldHaveLength, 2)
t.Run("When building search request should contain two search requests", func(t *testing.T) {
mr, err := b.Build()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(mr.Requests))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user