updated go-sql-driver

This commit is contained in:
Torkel Ödegaard 2017-03-31 12:50:07 +02:00
parent e5a5bef200
commit bd3f825a6e
20 changed files with 478 additions and 2747 deletions

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
sudo: false
language: go
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- tip
- mysql -e 'create database gotest;'

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@ -16,13 +16,16 @@ Arne Hormann <arnehormann at gmail.com>
Carlos Nieto <jose.carlos at menteslibres.net>
Chris Moos <chris at tech9computers.com>
Daniel Nichter <nil at codenode.com>
Daniël van Eeden <git at myname.nl>
DisposaBoy <disposaboy at dby.me>
Egor Smolyakov <egorsmkv at gmail.com>
Frederick Mayle <frederickmayle at gmail.com>
Gustavo Kristic <gkristic at gmail.com>
Hanno Braun <mail at hannobraun.com>
Henri Yandell <flamefew at gmail.com>
Hirotaka Yamamoto <ymmt2005 at gmail.com>
INADA Naoki <songofacandy at gmail.com>
Jacek Szwec <szwec.jacek at gmail.com>
James Harr <james.harr at gmail.com>
Jian Zhen <zhenjl at gmail.com>
Joshua Prunier <joshua.prunier at gmail.com>
@ -30,18 +33,24 @@ Julien Lefevre <julien.lefevr at gmail.com>
Julien Schmidt <go-sql-driver at julienschmidt.com>
Kamil Dziedzic <kamil at klecza.pl>
Kevin Malachowski <kevin at chowski.com>
Lennart Rudolph <lrudolph at hmc.edu>
Leonardo YongUk Kim <dalinaum at gmail.com>
Luca Looz <luca.looz92 at gmail.com>
Lucas Liu <extrafliu at gmail.com>
Luke Scott <luke at webconnex.com>
Michael Woolnough <michael.woolnough at gmail.com>
Nicola Peduzzi <thenikso at gmail.com>
Olivier Mengué <dolmen at cpan.org>
Paul Bonser <misterpib at gmail.com>
Peter Schultz <peter.schultz at classmarkets.com>
Runrioter Wung <runrioter at gmail.com>
Soroush Pour <me at soroushjp.com>
Stan Putrya <root.vagner at gmail.com>
Stanley Gunawan <gunawan.stanley at gmail.com>
Xiangyu Hu <xiangyu.hu at outlook.com>
Xiaobing Jiang <s7v7nislands at gmail.com>
Xiuming Chen <cc at cxm.cc>
Zhenye Xie <xiezhenye at gmail.com>
# Organizations

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@ -1,18 +1,35 @@
## Version 1.3 (2016-12-01)
- Go 1.1 is no longer supported
- Use decimals field from MySQL to format time types (#249)
- Use decimals fields in MySQL to format time types (#249)
- Buffer optimizations (#269)
- TLS ServerName defaults to the host (#283)
- Refactoring (#400, #410, #437)
- Adjusted documentation for second generation CloudSQL (#485)
- Documented DSN system var quoting rules (#502)
- Made statement.Close() calls idempotent to avoid errors in Go 1.6+ (#512)
New Features:
- Enable microsecond resolution on TIME, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP (#249)
- Support for returning table alias on Columns() (#289, #359, #382)
- Placeholder interpolation, can be actived with the DSN parameter `interpolateParams=true` (#309, #318, #490)
- Support for uint64 parameters with high bit set (#332, #345)
- Cleartext authentication plugin support (#327)
- Exported ParseDSN function and the Config struct (#403, #419, #429)
- Read / Write timeouts (#401)
- Support for JSON field type (#414)
- Support for multi-statements and multi-results (#411, #431)
- DSN parameter to set the driver-side max_allowed_packet value manually (#489)
- Native password authentication plugin support (#494, #524)
- Enable microsecond resolution on TIME, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP (#249)
- Fixed handling of queries without columns and rows (#255)
- Fixed a panic when SetKeepAlive() failed (#298)
- Support receiving ERR packet while reading rows (#321)
- Handle ERR packets while reading rows (#321)
- Fixed reading NULL length-encoded integers in MySQL 5.6+ (#349)
- Fixed absolute paths support in LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE (#356)
- Actually zero out bytes in handshake response (#378)
@ -20,13 +37,12 @@ Bugfixes:
- Fixed tests with MySQL 5.7.9+ (#380)
- QueryUnescape TLS config names (#397)
- Fixed "broken pipe" error by writing to closed socket (#390)
New Features:
- Support for returning table alias on Columns() (#289, #359, #382)
- Placeholder interpolation, can be actived with the DSN parameter `interpolateParams=true` (#309, #318)
- Support for uint64 parameters with high bit set (#332, #345)
- Cleartext authentication plugin support (#327)
- Fixed LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE buffering (#424)
- Fixed parsing of floats into float64 when placeholders are used (#434)
- Fixed DSN tests with Go 1.7+ (#459)
- Handle ERR packets while waiting for EOF (#473)
- Invalidate connection on error while discarding additional results (#513)
- Allow terminating packets of length 0 (#516)
## Version 1.2 (2014-06-03)

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@ -4,28 +4,11 @@
Before creating a new Issue, please check first if a similar Issue [already exists](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/issues?state=open) or was [recently closed](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/issues?direction=desc&page=1&sort=updated&state=closed).
Please provide the following minimum information:
* Your Go-MySQL-Driver version (or git SHA)
* Your Go version (run `go version` in your console)
* A detailed issue description
* Error Log if present
* If possible, a short example
## Contributing Code
By contributing to this project, you share your code under the Mozilla Public License 2, as specified in the LICENSE file.
Don't forget to add yourself to the AUTHORS file.
### Pull Requests Checklist
Please check the following points before submitting your pull request:
- [x] Code compiles correctly
- [x] Created tests, if possible
- [x] All tests pass
- [x] Extended the README / documentation, if necessary
- [x] Added yourself to the AUTHORS file
### Code Review
Everyone is invited to review and comment on pull requests.

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@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
# Go-MySQL-Driver
A MySQL-Driver for Go's [database/sql](http://golang.org/pkg/database/sql) package
A MySQL-Driver for Go's [database/sql](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/) package
![Go-MySQL-Driver logo](https://raw.github.com/wiki/go-sql-driver/mysql/gomysql_m.png "Golang Gopher holding the MySQL Dolphin")
**Latest stable Release:** [Version 1.2 (June 03, 2014)](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/releases)
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/go-sql-driver/mysql.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/go-sql-driver/mysql)
* [Features](#features)
* [Requirements](#requirements)
@ -19,6 +15,7 @@ A MySQL-Driver for Go's [database/sql](http://golang.org/pkg/database/sql) packa
* [Address](#address)
* [Parameters](#parameters)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Connection pool and timeouts](#connection-pool-and-timeouts)
* [LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE support](#load-data-local-infile-support)
* [time.Time support](#timetime-support)
* [Unicode support](#unicode-support)
@ -30,11 +27,11 @@ A MySQL-Driver for Go's [database/sql](http://golang.org/pkg/database/sql) packa
## Features
* Lightweight and [fast](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/sql-benchmark "golang MySQL-Driver performance")
* Native Go implementation. No C-bindings, just pure Go
* Connections over TCP/IPv4, TCP/IPv6, Unix domain sockets or [custom protocols](http://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#DialFunc)
* Connections over TCP/IPv4, TCP/IPv6, Unix domain sockets or [custom protocols](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#DialFunc)
* Automatic handling of broken connections
* Automatic Connection Pooling *(by database/sql package)*
* Supports queries larger than 16MB
* Full [`sql.RawBytes`](http://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/#RawBytes) support.
* Full [`sql.RawBytes`](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/#RawBytes) support.
* Intelligent `LONG DATA` handling in prepared statements
* Secure `LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE` support with file Whitelisting and `io.Reader` support
* Optional `time.Time` parsing
@ -47,14 +44,14 @@ A MySQL-Driver for Go's [database/sql](http://golang.org/pkg/database/sql) packa
## Installation
Simple install the package to your [$GOPATH](http://code.google.com/p/go-wiki/wiki/GOPATH "GOPATH") with the [go tool](http://golang.org/cmd/go/ "go command") from shell:
Simple install the package to your [$GOPATH](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/GOPATH "GOPATH") with the [go tool](https://golang.org/cmd/go/ "go command") from shell:
$ go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
Make sure [Git is installed](http://git-scm.com/downloads) on your machine and in your system's `PATH`.
Make sure [Git is installed](https://git-scm.com/downloads) on your machine and in your system's `PATH`.
## Usage
_Go MySQL Driver_ is an implementation of Go's `database/sql/driver` interface. You only need to import the driver and can use the full [`database/sql`](http://golang.org/pkg/database/sql) API then.
_Go MySQL Driver_ is an implementation of Go's `database/sql/driver` interface. You only need to import the driver and can use the full [`database/sql`](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/) API then.
Use `mysql` as `driverName` and a valid [DSN](#dsn-data-source-name) as `dataSourceName`:
@ -99,13 +96,13 @@ Alternatively, [Config.FormatDSN](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mys
Passwords can consist of any character. Escaping is **not** necessary.
#### Protocol
See [net.Dial](http://golang.org/pkg/net/#Dial) for more information which networks are available.
See [net.Dial](https://golang.org/pkg/net/#Dial) for more information which networks are available.
In general you should use an Unix domain socket if available and TCP otherwise for best performance.
#### Address
For TCP and UDP networks, addresses have the form `host:port`.
If `host` is a literal IPv6 address, it must be enclosed in square brackets.
The functions [net.JoinHostPort](http://golang.org/pkg/net/#JoinHostPort) and [net.SplitHostPort](http://golang.org/pkg/net/#SplitHostPort) manipulate addresses in this form.
The functions [net.JoinHostPort](https://golang.org/pkg/net/#JoinHostPort) and [net.SplitHostPort](https://golang.org/pkg/net/#SplitHostPort) manipulate addresses in this form.
For Unix domain sockets the address is the absolute path to the MySQL-Server-socket, e.g. `/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock` or `/tmp/mysql.sock`.
@ -135,6 +132,15 @@ Default: false
`allowCleartextPasswords=true` allows using the [cleartext client side plugin](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/en/cleartext-authentication-plugin.html) if required by an account, such as one defined with the [PAM authentication plugin](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/en/pam-authentication-plugin.html). Sending passwords in clear text may be a security problem in some configurations. To avoid problems if there is any possibility that the password would be intercepted, clients should connect to MySQL Server using a method that protects the password. Possibilities include [TLS / SSL](#tls), IPsec, or a private network.
##### `allowNativePasswords`
Type: bool
Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
`allowNativePasswords=true` allows the usage of the mysql native password method.
##### `allowOldPasswords`
@ -215,11 +221,19 @@ Valid Values: <escaped name>
Default: UTC
Sets the location for time.Time values (when using `parseTime=true`). *"Local"* sets the system's location. See [time.LoadLocation](http://golang.org/pkg/time/#LoadLocation) for details.
Sets the location for time.Time values (when using `parseTime=true`). *"Local"* sets the system's location. See [time.LoadLocation](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#LoadLocation) for details.
Note that this sets the location for time.Time values but does not change MySQL's [time_zone setting](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/time-zone-support.html). For that see the [time_zone system variable](#system-variables), which can also be set as a DSN parameter.
Please keep in mind, that param values must be [url.QueryEscape](http://golang.org/pkg/net/url/#QueryEscape)'ed. Alternatively you can manually replace the `/` with `%2F`. For example `US/Pacific` would be `loc=US%2FPacific`.
Please keep in mind, that param values must be [url.QueryEscape](https://golang.org/pkg/net/url/#QueryEscape)'ed. Alternatively you can manually replace the `/` with `%2F`. For example `US/Pacific` would be `loc=US%2FPacific`.
##### `maxAllowedPacket`
Type: decimal number
Default: 0
Max packet size allowed in bytes. Use `maxAllowedPacket=0` to automatically fetch the `max_allowed_packet` variable from server.
##### `multiStatements`
@ -231,6 +245,7 @@ Default: false
Allow multiple statements in one query. While this allows batch queries, it also greatly increases the risk of SQL injections. Only the result of the first query is returned, all other results are silently discarded.
When `multiStatements` is used, `?` parameters must only be used in the first statement.
##### `parseTime`
@ -246,12 +261,11 @@ Default: false
##### `readTimeout`
Type: decimal number
Type: duration
Default: 0
I/O read timeout. The value must be a decimal number with an unit suffix ( *"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"* ), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*.
I/O read timeout. The value must be a decimal number with a unit suffix (*"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"*), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*.
##### `strict`
@ -261,20 +275,20 @@ Valid Values: true, false
Default: false
`strict=true` enables the strict mode in which MySQL warnings are treated as errors.
`strict=true` enables a driver-side strict mode in which MySQL warnings are treated as errors. This mode should not be used in production as it may lead to data corruption in certain situations.
By default MySQL also treats notes as warnings. Use [`sql_notes=false`](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_sql_notes) to ignore notes. See the [examples](#examples) for an DSN example.
A server-side strict mode, which is safe for production use, can be set via the [`sql_mode`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html) system variable.
By default MySQL also treats notes as warnings. Use [`sql_notes=false`](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_sql_notes) to ignore notes.
##### `timeout`
Type: decimal number
Type: duration
Default: OS default
*Driver* side connection timeout. The value must be a decimal number with an unit suffix ( *"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"* ), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*. To set a server side timeout, use the parameter [`wait_timeout`](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_wait_timeout).
Timeout for establishing connections, aka dial timeout. The value must be a decimal number with a unit suffix (*"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"*), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*.
##### `tls`
@ -284,28 +298,35 @@ Valid Values: true, false, skip-verify, <name>
Default: false
`tls=true` enables TLS / SSL encrypted connection to the server. Use `skip-verify` if you want to use a self-signed or invalid certificate (server side). Use a custom value registered with [`mysql.RegisterTLSConfig`](http://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#RegisterTLSConfig).
`tls=true` enables TLS / SSL encrypted connection to the server. Use `skip-verify` if you want to use a self-signed or invalid certificate (server side). Use a custom value registered with [`mysql.RegisterTLSConfig`](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#RegisterTLSConfig).
##### `writeTimeout`
Type: decimal number
Type: duration
Default: 0
I/O write timeout. The value must be a decimal number with an unit suffix ( *"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"* ), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*.
I/O write timeout. The value must be a decimal number with a unit suffix (*"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"*), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*.
##### System Variables
All other parameters are interpreted as system variables:
* `autocommit`: `"SET autocommit=<value>"`
* [`time_zone`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/time-zone-support.html): `"SET time_zone=<value>"`
* [`tx_isolation`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_tx_isolation): `"SET tx_isolation=<value>"`
* `param`: `"SET <param>=<value>"`
Any other parameters are interpreted as system variables:
* `<boolean_var>=<value>`: `SET <boolean_var>=<value>`
* `<enum_var>=<value>`: `SET <enum_var>=<value>`
* `<string_var>=%27<value>%27`: `SET <string_var>='<value>'`
* The values for string variables must be quoted with '
* The values must also be [url.QueryEscape](http://golang.org/pkg/net/url/#QueryEscape)'ed!
(which implies values of string variables must be wrapped with `%27`)
* `autocommit=1`: `SET autocommit=1`
* [`time_zone=%27Europe%2FParis%27`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/time-zone-support.html): `SET time_zone='Europe/Paris'`
* [`tx_isolation=%27REPEATABLE-READ%27`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_tx_isolation): `SET tx_isolation='REPEATABLE-READ'`
*The values must be [url.QueryEscape](http://golang.org/pkg/net/url/#QueryEscape)'ed!*
#### Examples
@ -320,9 +341,9 @@ root:pw@unix(/tmp/mysql.sock)/myDatabase?loc=Local
Use the [strict mode](#strict) but ignore notes:
Treat warnings as errors by setting the system variable [`sql_mode`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html):
TCP via IPv6:
@ -335,11 +356,16 @@ TCP on a remote host, e.g. Amazon RDS:
Google Cloud SQL on App Engine:
Google Cloud SQL on App Engine (First Generation MySQL Server):
Google Cloud SQL on App Engine (Second Generation MySQL Server):
TCP using default port (3306) on localhost:
@ -355,6 +381,11 @@ No Database preselected:
### Connection pool and timeouts
The connection pool is managed by Go's database/sql package. For details on how to configure the size of the pool and how long connections stay in the pool see `*DB.SetMaxOpenConns`, `*DB.SetMaxIdleConns`, and `*DB.SetConnMaxLifetime` in the [database/sql documentation](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/). The read, write, and dial timeouts for each individual connection are configured with the DSN parameters [`readTimeout`](#readtimeout), [`writeTimeout`](#writetimeout), and [`timeout`](#timeout), respectively.
For this feature you need direct access to the package. Therefore you must change the import path (no `_`):
@ -365,17 +396,17 @@ Files must be whitelisted by registering them with `mysql.RegisterLocalFile(file
To use a `io.Reader` a handler function must be registered with `mysql.RegisterReaderHandler(name, handler)` which returns a `io.Reader` or `io.ReadCloser`. The Reader is available with the filepath `Reader::<name>` then. Choose different names for different handlers and `DeregisterReaderHandler` when you don't need it anymore.
See the [godoc of Go-MySQL-Driver](http://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql "golang mysql driver documentation") for details.
See the [godoc of Go-MySQL-Driver](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql "golang mysql driver documentation") for details.
### `time.Time` support
The default internal output type of MySQL `DATE` and `DATETIME` values is `[]byte` which allows you to scan the value into a `[]byte`, `string` or `sql.RawBytes` variable in your programm.
However, many want to scan MySQL `DATE` and `DATETIME` values into `time.Time` variables, which is the logical opposite in Go to `DATE` and `DATETIME` in MySQL. You can do that by changing the internal output type from `[]byte` to `time.Time` with the DSN parameter `parseTime=true`. You can set the default [`time.Time` location](http://golang.org/pkg/time/#Location) with the `loc` DSN parameter.
However, many want to scan MySQL `DATE` and `DATETIME` values into `time.Time` variables, which is the logical opposite in Go to `DATE` and `DATETIME` in MySQL. You can do that by changing the internal output type from `[]byte` to `time.Time` with the DSN parameter `parseTime=true`. You can set the default [`time.Time` location](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Location) with the `loc` DSN parameter.
**Caution:** As of Go 1.1, this makes `time.Time` the only variable type you can scan `DATE` and `DATETIME` values into. This breaks for example [`sql.RawBytes` support](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/Examples#rawbytes).
Alternatively you can use the [`NullTime`](http://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#NullTime) type as the scan destination, which works with both `time.Time` and `string` / `[]byte`.
Alternatively you can use the [`NullTime`](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#NullTime) type as the scan destination, which works with both `time.Time` and `string` / `[]byte`.
### Unicode support
@ -410,7 +441,7 @@ That means:
* When distributing, you **must publish** the source code of any **changed files** licensed under the MPL 2.0 under a) the MPL 2.0 itself or b) a compatible license (e.g. GPL 3.0 or Apache License 2.0)
* You **needn't publish** the source code of your library as long as the files licensed under the MPL 2.0 are **unchanged**
Please read the [MPL 2.0 FAQ](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/FAQ.html) if you have further questions regarding the license.
Please read the [MPL 2.0 FAQ](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/FAQ/) if you have further questions regarding the license.
You can read the full terms here: [LICENSE](https://raw.github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/master/LICENSE)

View File

@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package mysql
import (
type TB testing.B
func (tb *TB) check(err error) {
if err != nil {
func (tb *TB) checkDB(db *sql.DB, err error) *sql.DB {
return db
func (tb *TB) checkRows(rows *sql.Rows, err error) *sql.Rows {
return rows
func (tb *TB) checkStmt(stmt *sql.Stmt, err error) *sql.Stmt {
return stmt
func initDB(b *testing.B, queries ...string) *sql.DB {
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := tb.checkDB(sql.Open("mysql", dsn))
for _, query := range queries {
if _, err := db.Exec(query); err != nil {
if w, ok := err.(MySQLWarnings); ok {
b.Logf("warning on %q: %v", query, w)
} else {
b.Fatalf("error on %q: %v", query, err)
return db
const concurrencyLevel = 10
func BenchmarkQuery(b *testing.B) {
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := initDB(b,
`INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, "one")`,
`INSERT INTO foo VALUES (2, "two")`,
defer db.Close()
stmt := tb.checkStmt(db.Prepare("SELECT val FROM foo WHERE id=?"))
defer stmt.Close()
remain := int64(b.N)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
for i := 0; i < concurrencyLevel; i++ {
go func() {
for {
if atomic.AddInt64(&remain, -1) < 0 {
var got string
if got != "one" {
b.Errorf("query = %q; want one", got)
func BenchmarkExec(b *testing.B) {
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := tb.checkDB(sql.Open("mysql", dsn))
defer db.Close()
stmt := tb.checkStmt(db.Prepare("DO 1"))
defer stmt.Close()
remain := int64(b.N)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
for i := 0; i < concurrencyLevel; i++ {
go func() {
for {
if atomic.AddInt64(&remain, -1) < 0 {
if _, err := stmt.Exec(); err != nil {
// data, but no db writes
var roundtripSample []byte
func initRoundtripBenchmarks() ([]byte, int, int) {
if roundtripSample == nil {
roundtripSample = []byte(strings.Repeat("0123456789abcdef", 1024*1024))
return roundtripSample, 16, len(roundtripSample)
func BenchmarkRoundtripTxt(b *testing.B) {
sample, min, max := initRoundtripBenchmarks()
sampleString := string(sample)
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := tb.checkDB(sql.Open("mysql", dsn))
defer db.Close()
var result string
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
length := min + i
if length > max {
length = max
test := sampleString[0:length]
rows := tb.checkRows(db.Query(`SELECT "` + test + `"`))
if !rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&result)
if err != nil {
if result != test {
func BenchmarkRoundtripBin(b *testing.B) {
sample, min, max := initRoundtripBenchmarks()
tb := (*TB)(b)
db := tb.checkDB(sql.Open("mysql", dsn))
defer db.Close()
stmt := tb.checkStmt(db.Prepare("SELECT ?"))
defer stmt.Close()
var result sql.RawBytes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
length := min + i
if length > max {
length = max
test := sample[0:length]
rows := tb.checkRows(stmt.Query(test))
if !rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&result)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(result, test) {
func BenchmarkInterpolation(b *testing.B) {
mc := &mysqlConn{
cfg: &Config{
InterpolateParams: true,
Loc: time.UTC,
maxPacketAllowed: maxPacketSize,
maxWriteSize: maxPacketSize - 1,
buf: newBuffer(nil),
args := []driver.Value{
time.Unix(1423411542, 807015000),
[]byte("bytes containing special chars ' \" \a \x00"),
"string containing special chars ' \" \a \x00",
q := "SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?"
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err := mc.interpolateParams(q, args)
if err != nil {

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ package mysql
import (
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ type mysqlConn struct {
affectedRows uint64
insertId uint64
cfg *Config
maxPacketAllowed int
maxAllowedPacket int
maxWriteSize int
writeTimeout time.Duration
flags clientFlag
@ -135,6 +136,11 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) Prepare(query string) (driver.Stmt, error) {
func (mc *mysqlConn) interpolateParams(query string, args []driver.Value) (string, error) {
// Number of ? should be same to len(args)
if strings.Count(query, "?") != len(args) {
return "", driver.ErrSkip
buf := mc.buf.takeCompleteBuffer()
if buf == nil {
// can not take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection
@ -241,7 +247,7 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) interpolateParams(query string, args []driver.Value) (strin
return "", driver.ErrSkip
if len(buf)+4 > mc.maxPacketAllowed {
if len(buf)+4 > mc.maxAllowedPacket {
return "", driver.ErrSkip
@ -284,22 +290,29 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) Exec(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Result, err
// Internal function to execute commands
func (mc *mysqlConn) exec(query string) error {
// Send command
err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comQuery, query)
if err != nil {
if err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comQuery, query); err != nil {
return err
// Read Result
resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket()
if err == nil && resLen > 0 {
if err = mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
if resLen > 0 {
// columns
if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return err
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
// rows
if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return err
return err
return mc.discardResults()
func (mc *mysqlConn) Query(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
@ -330,11 +343,17 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) Query(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, erro
rows.mc = mc
if resLen == 0 {
// no columns, no more data
return emptyRows{}, nil
rows.rs.done = true
switch err := rows.NextResultSet(); err {
case nil, io.EOF:
return rows, nil
return nil, err
// Columns
rows.columns, err = mc.readColumns(resLen)
rows.rs.columns, err = mc.readColumns(resLen)
return rows, err
@ -354,7 +373,7 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) getSystemVar(name string) ([]byte, error) {
if err == nil {
rows := new(textRows)
rows.mc = mc
rows.columns = []mysqlField{{fieldType: fieldTypeVarChar}}
rows.rs.columns = []mysqlField{{fieldType: fieldTypeVarChar}}
if resLen > 0 {
// Columns

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func (d MySQLDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) {
// New mysqlConn
mc := &mysqlConn{
maxPacketAllowed: maxPacketSize,
maxAllowedPacket: maxPacketSize,
maxWriteSize: maxPacketSize - 1,
mc.cfg, err = ParseDSN(dsn)
@ -109,15 +109,19 @@ func (d MySQLDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) {
return nil, err
// Get max allowed packet size
maxap, err := mc.getSystemVar("max_allowed_packet")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if mc.cfg.MaxAllowedPacket > 0 {
mc.maxAllowedPacket = mc.cfg.MaxAllowedPacket
} else {
// Get max allowed packet size
maxap, err := mc.getSystemVar("max_allowed_packet")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mc.maxAllowedPacket = stringToInt(maxap) - 1
mc.maxPacketAllowed = stringToInt(maxap) - 1
if mc.maxPacketAllowed < maxPacketSize {
mc.maxWriteSize = mc.maxPacketAllowed
if mc.maxAllowedPacket < maxPacketSize {
mc.maxWriteSize = mc.maxAllowedPacket
// Handle DSN Params
@ -130,9 +134,9 @@ func (d MySQLDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) {
return mc, nil
func handleAuthResult(mc *mysqlConn, cipher []byte) error {
func handleAuthResult(mc *mysqlConn, oldCipher []byte) error {
// Read Result Packet
err := mc.readResultOK()
cipher, err := mc.readResultOK()
if err == nil {
return nil // auth successful
@ -146,10 +150,17 @@ func handleAuthResult(mc *mysqlConn, cipher []byte) error {
// Retry with old authentication method. Note: there are edge cases
// where this should work but doesn't; this is currently "wontfix":
// https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/issues/184
// If CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH capability is not supported, no new cipher is
// sent and we have to keep using the cipher sent in the init packet.
if cipher == nil {
cipher = oldCipher
if err = mc.writeOldAuthPacket(cipher); err != nil {
return err
err = mc.readResultOK()
_, err = mc.readResultOK()
} else if mc.cfg.AllowCleartextPasswords && err == ErrCleartextPassword {
// Retry with clear text password for
// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cleartext-authentication-plugin.html
@ -157,7 +168,12 @@ func handleAuthResult(mc *mysqlConn, cipher []byte) error {
if err = mc.writeClearAuthPacket(); err != nil {
return err
err = mc.readResultOK()
_, err = mc.readResultOK()
} else if mc.cfg.AllowNativePasswords && err == ErrNativePassword {
if err = mc.writeNativeAuthPacket(cipher); err != nil {
return err
_, err = mc.readResultOK()
return err

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
@ -28,22 +29,24 @@ var (
// Config is a configuration parsed from a DSN string
type Config struct {
User string // Username
Passwd string // Password
Net string // Network type
Addr string // Network address
DBName string // Database name
Params map[string]string // Connection parameters
Collation string // Connection collation
Loc *time.Location // Location for time.Time values
TLSConfig string // TLS configuration name
tls *tls.Config // TLS configuration
Timeout time.Duration // Dial timeout
ReadTimeout time.Duration // I/O read timeout
WriteTimeout time.Duration // I/O write timeout
User string // Username
Passwd string // Password (requires User)
Net string // Network type
Addr string // Network address (requires Net)
DBName string // Database name
Params map[string]string // Connection parameters
Collation string // Connection collation
Loc *time.Location // Location for time.Time values
MaxAllowedPacket int // Max packet size allowed
TLSConfig string // TLS configuration name
tls *tls.Config // TLS configuration
Timeout time.Duration // Dial timeout
ReadTimeout time.Duration // I/O read timeout
WriteTimeout time.Duration // I/O write timeout
AllowAllFiles bool // Allow all files to be used with LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
AllowCleartextPasswords bool // Allows the cleartext client side plugin
AllowNativePasswords bool // Allows the native password authentication method
AllowOldPasswords bool // Allows the old insecure password method
ClientFoundRows bool // Return number of matching rows instead of rows changed
ColumnsWithAlias bool // Prepend table alias to column names
@ -99,6 +102,15 @@ func (cfg *Config) FormatDSN() string {
if cfg.AllowNativePasswords {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
if cfg.AllowOldPasswords {
if hasParam {
@ -222,6 +234,17 @@ func (cfg *Config) FormatDSN() string {
if cfg.MaxAllowedPacket > 0 {
if hasParam {
} else {
hasParam = true
// other params
if cfg.Params != nil {
for param, value := range cfg.Params {
@ -368,6 +391,14 @@ func parseDSNParams(cfg *Config, params string) (err error) {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Use native password authentication
case "allowNativePasswords":
var isBool bool
cfg.AllowNativePasswords, isBool = readBool(value)
if !isBool {
return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value)
// Use old authentication mode (pre MySQL 4.1)
case "allowOldPasswords":
var isBool bool
@ -496,7 +527,11 @@ func parseDSNParams(cfg *Config, params string) (err error) {
if err != nil {
case "maxAllowedPacket":
cfg.MaxAllowedPacket, err = strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
// lazy init
if cfg.Params == nil {

View File

@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2016 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package mysql
import (
var testDSNs = []struct {
in string
out string
{"username:password@protocol(address)/dbname?param=value", "&{User:username Passwd:password Net:protocol Addr:address DBName:dbname Params:map[param:value] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"username:password@protocol(address)/dbname?param=value&columnsWithAlias=true", "&{User:username Passwd:password Net:protocol Addr:address DBName:dbname Params:map[param:value] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:true InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"username:password@protocol(address)/dbname?param=value&columnsWithAlias=true&multiStatements=true", "&{User:username Passwd:password Net:protocol Addr:address DBName:dbname Params:map[param:value] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:true InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:true ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"user@unix(/path/to/socket)/dbname?charset=utf8", "&{User:user Passwd: Net:unix Addr:/path/to/socket DBName:dbname Params:map[charset:utf8] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"user:password@tcp(localhost:5555)/dbname?charset=utf8&tls=true", "&{User:user Passwd:password Net:tcp Addr:localhost:5555 DBName:dbname Params:map[charset:utf8] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig:true tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"user:password@tcp(localhost:5555)/dbname?charset=utf8mb4,utf8&tls=skip-verify", "&{User:user Passwd:password Net:tcp Addr:localhost:5555 DBName:dbname Params:map[charset:utf8mb4,utf8] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig:skip-verify tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"user:password@/dbname?loc=UTC&timeout=30s&readTimeout=1s&writeTimeout=1s&allowAllFiles=1&clientFoundRows=true&allowOldPasswords=TRUE&collation=utf8mb4_unicode_ci", "&{User:user Passwd:password Net:tcp Addr: DBName:dbname Params:map[] Collation:utf8mb4_unicode_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:30s ReadTimeout:1s WriteTimeout:1s AllowAllFiles:true AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:true ClientFoundRows:true ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"user:p@ss(word)@tcp([de:ad:be:ef::ca:fe]:80)/dbname?loc=Local", "&{User:user Passwd:p@ss(word) Net:tcp Addr:[de:ad:be:ef::ca:fe]:80 DBName:dbname Params:map[] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:Local TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"/dbname", "&{User: Passwd: Net:tcp Addr: DBName:dbname Params:map[] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"@/", "&{User: Passwd: Net:tcp Addr: DBName: Params:map[] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"/", "&{User: Passwd: Net:tcp Addr: DBName: Params:map[] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"", "&{User: Passwd: Net:tcp Addr: DBName: Params:map[] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"user:p@/ssword@/", "&{User:user Passwd:p@/ssword Net:tcp Addr: DBName: Params:map[] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
{"unix/?arg=%2Fsome%2Fpath.ext", "&{User: Passwd: Net:unix Addr:/tmp/mysql.sock DBName: Params:map[arg:/some/path.ext] Collation:utf8_general_ci Loc:UTC TLSConfig: tls:<nil> Timeout:0 ReadTimeout:0 WriteTimeout:0 AllowAllFiles:false AllowCleartextPasswords:false AllowOldPasswords:false ClientFoundRows:false ColumnsWithAlias:false InterpolateParams:false MultiStatements:false ParseTime:false Strict:false}"},
func TestDSNParser(t *testing.T) {
var cfg *Config
var err error
var res string
for i, tst := range testDSNs {
cfg, err = ParseDSN(tst.in)
if err != nil {
// pointer not static
cfg.tls = nil
res = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", cfg)
if res != tst.out {
t.Errorf("%d. ParseDSN(%q) => %q, want %q", i, tst.in, res, tst.out)
func TestDSNParserInvalid(t *testing.T) {
var invalidDSNs = []string{
"@net(addr/", // no closing brace
"@tcp(/", // no closing brace
"tcp(/", // no closing brace
"(/", // no closing brace
"net(addr)//", // unescaped
"User:pass@tcp(", // no trailing slash
for i, tst := range invalidDSNs {
if _, err := ParseDSN(tst); err == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid DSN #%d. (%s) didn't error!", i, tst)
func TestDSNReformat(t *testing.T) {
for i, tst := range testDSNs {
dsn1 := tst.in
cfg1, err := ParseDSN(dsn1)
if err != nil {
cfg1.tls = nil // pointer not static
res1 := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", cfg1)
dsn2 := cfg1.FormatDSN()
cfg2, err := ParseDSN(dsn2)
if err != nil {
cfg2.tls = nil // pointer not static
res2 := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", cfg2)
if res1 != res2 {
t.Errorf("%d. %q does not match %q", i, res2, res1)
func TestDSNWithCustomTLS(t *testing.T) {
baseDSN := "User:password@tcp(localhost:5555)/dbname?tls="
tlsCfg := tls.Config{}
RegisterTLSConfig("utils_test", &tlsCfg)
// Custom TLS is missing
tst := baseDSN + "invalid_tls"
cfg, err := ParseDSN(tst)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid custom TLS in DSN (%s) but did not error. Got config: %#v", tst, cfg)
tst = baseDSN + "utils_test"
// Custom TLS with a server name
name := "foohost"
tlsCfg.ServerName = name
cfg, err = ParseDSN(tst)
if err != nil {
} else if cfg.tls.ServerName != name {
t.Errorf("did not get the correct TLS ServerName (%s) parsing DSN (%s).", name, tst)
// Custom TLS without a server name
name = "localhost"
tlsCfg.ServerName = ""
cfg, err = ParseDSN(tst)
if err != nil {
} else if cfg.tls.ServerName != name {
t.Errorf("did not get the correct ServerName (%s) parsing DSN (%s).", name, tst)
func TestDSNWithCustomTLSQueryEscape(t *testing.T) {
const configKey = "&%!:"
dsn := "User:password@tcp(localhost:5555)/dbname?tls=" + url.QueryEscape(configKey)
name := "foohost"
tlsCfg := tls.Config{ServerName: name}
RegisterTLSConfig(configKey, &tlsCfg)
cfg, err := ParseDSN(dsn)
if err != nil {
} else if cfg.tls.ServerName != name {
t.Errorf("did not get the correct TLS ServerName (%s) parsing DSN (%s).", name, dsn)
func TestDSNUnsafeCollation(t *testing.T) {
_, err := ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=gbk_chinese_ci&interpolateParams=true")
if err != errInvalidDSNUnsafeCollation {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", errInvalidDSNUnsafeCollation, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=gbk_chinese_ci&interpolateParams=false")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=gbk_chinese_ci")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=ascii_bin&interpolateParams=true")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=latin1_german1_ci&interpolateParams=true")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=utf8_general_ci&interpolateParams=true")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
_, err = ParseDSN("/dbname?collation=utf8mb4_general_ci&interpolateParams=true")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", nil, err)
func BenchmarkParseDSN(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, tst := range testDSNs {
if _, err := ParseDSN(tst.in); err != nil {

View File

@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ var (
ErrInvalidConn = errors.New("invalid connection")
ErrMalformPkt = errors.New("malformed packet")
ErrNoTLS = errors.New("TLS requested but server does not support TLS")
ErrOldPassword = errors.New("this user requires old password authentication. If you still want to use it, please add 'allowOldPasswords=1' to your DSN. See also https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/old_passwords")
ErrCleartextPassword = errors.New("this user requires clear text authentication. If you still want to use it, please add 'allowCleartextPasswords=1' to your DSN")
ErrNativePassword = errors.New("this user requires mysql native password authentication.")
ErrOldPassword = errors.New("this user requires old password authentication. If you still want to use it, please add 'allowOldPasswords=1' to your DSN. See also https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/old_passwords")
ErrUnknownPlugin = errors.New("this authentication plugin is not supported")
ErrOldProtocol = errors.New("MySQL server does not support required protocol 41+")
ErrPktSync = errors.New("commands out of sync. You can't run this command now")

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package mysql
import (
func TestErrorsSetLogger(t *testing.T) {
previous := errLog
defer func() {
errLog = previous
// set up logger
const expected = "prefix: test\n"
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 64))
logger := log.New(buffer, "prefix: ", 0)
// print
// check result
if actual := buffer.String(); actual != expected {
t.Errorf("expected %q, got %q", expected, actual)
func TestErrorsStrictIgnoreNotes(t *testing.T) {
runTests(t, dsn+"&sql_notes=false", func(dbt *DBTest) {
dbt.mustExec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS does_not_exist")

View File

@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ func deferredClose(err *error, closer io.Closer) {
func (mc *mysqlConn) handleInFileRequest(name string) (err error) {
var rdr io.Reader
var data []byte
packetSize := 16 * 1024 // 16KB is small enough for disk readahead and large enough for TCP
if mc.maxWriteSize < packetSize {
packetSize = mc.maxWriteSize
if idx := strings.Index(name, "Reader::"); idx == 0 || (idx > 0 && name[idx-1] == '/') { // io.Reader
// The server might return an an absolute path. See issue #355.
@ -108,8 +112,6 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) handleInFileRequest(name string) (err error) {
if inMap {
rdr = handler()
if rdr != nil {
data = make([]byte, 4+mc.maxWriteSize)
if cl, ok := rdr.(io.Closer); ok {
defer deferredClose(&err, cl)
@ -134,12 +136,8 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) handleInFileRequest(name string) (err error) {
// get file size
if fi, err = file.Stat(); err == nil {
rdr = file
if fileSize := int(fi.Size()); fileSize <= mc.maxWriteSize {
data = make([]byte, 4+fileSize)
} else if fileSize <= mc.maxPacketAllowed {
data = make([]byte, 4+mc.maxWriteSize)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("local file '%s' too large: size: %d, max: %d", name, fileSize, mc.maxPacketAllowed)
if fileSize := int(fi.Size()); fileSize < packetSize {
packetSize = fileSize
@ -150,6 +148,7 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) handleInFileRequest(name string) (err error) {
// send content packets
if err == nil {
data := make([]byte, 4+packetSize)
var n int
for err == nil {
n, err = rdr.Read(data[4:])
@ -174,7 +173,8 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) handleInFileRequest(name string) (err error) {
// read OK packet
if err == nil {
return mc.readResultOK()
_, err = mc.readResultOK()
return err

View File

@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ import (
// Read packet to buffer 'data'
func (mc *mysqlConn) readPacket() ([]byte, error) {
var payload []byte
var prevData []byte
for {
// Read packet header
// read packet header
data, err := mc.buf.readNext(4)
if err != nil {
@ -35,16 +35,10 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) readPacket() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
// Packet Length [24 bit]
// packet length [24 bit]
pktLen := int(uint32(data[0]) | uint32(data[1])<<8 | uint32(data[2])<<16)
if pktLen < 1 {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
// Check Packet Sync [8 bit]
// check packet sync [8 bit]
if data[3] != mc.sequence {
if data[3] > mc.sequence {
return nil, ErrPktSyncMul
@ -53,7 +47,20 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) readPacket() ([]byte, error) {
// Read packet body [pktLen bytes]
// packets with length 0 terminate a previous packet which is a
// multiple of (2^24)1 bytes long
if pktLen == 0 {
// there was no previous packet
if prevData == nil {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
return prevData, nil
// read packet body [pktLen bytes]
data, err = mc.buf.readNext(pktLen)
if err != nil {
@ -61,18 +68,17 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) readPacket() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
isLastPacket := (pktLen < maxPacketSize)
// return data if this was the last packet
if pktLen < maxPacketSize {
// zero allocations for non-split packets
if prevData == nil {
return data, nil
// Zero allocations for non-splitting packets
if isLastPacket && payload == nil {
return data, nil
return append(prevData, data...), nil
payload = append(payload, data...)
if isLastPacket {
return payload, nil
prevData = append(prevData, data...)
@ -80,7 +86,7 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) readPacket() ([]byte, error) {
func (mc *mysqlConn) writePacket(data []byte) error {
pktLen := len(data) - 4
if pktLen > mc.maxPacketAllowed {
if pktLen > mc.maxAllowedPacket {
return ErrPktTooLarge
@ -372,6 +378,26 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) writeClearAuthPacket() error {
return mc.writePacket(data)
// Native password authentication method
// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::AuthSwitchResponse
func (mc *mysqlConn) writeNativeAuthPacket(cipher []byte) error {
scrambleBuff := scramblePassword(cipher, []byte(mc.cfg.Passwd))
// Calculate the packet length and add a tailing 0
pktLen := len(scrambleBuff)
data := mc.buf.takeSmallBuffer(4 + pktLen)
if data == nil {
// can not take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection
return driver.ErrBadConn
// Add the scramble
copy(data[4:], scrambleBuff)
return mc.writePacket(data)
* Command Packets *
@ -445,36 +471,43 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) writeCommandPacketUint32(command byte, arg uint32) error {
// Returns error if Packet is not an 'Result OK'-Packet
func (mc *mysqlConn) readResultOK() error {
func (mc *mysqlConn) readResultOK() ([]byte, error) {
data, err := mc.readPacket()
if err == nil {
// packet indicator
switch data[0] {
case iOK:
return mc.handleOkPacket(data)
return nil, mc.handleOkPacket(data)
case iEOF:
if len(data) > 1 {
plugin := string(data[1:bytes.IndexByte(data, 0x00)])
pluginEndIndex := bytes.IndexByte(data, 0x00)
plugin := string(data[1:pluginEndIndex])
cipher := data[pluginEndIndex+1 : len(data)-1]
if plugin == "mysql_old_password" {
// using old_passwords
return ErrOldPassword
return cipher, ErrOldPassword
} else if plugin == "mysql_clear_password" {
// using clear text password
return ErrCleartextPassword
return cipher, ErrCleartextPassword
} else if plugin == "mysql_native_password" {
// using mysql default authentication method
return cipher, ErrNativePassword
} else {
return ErrUnknownPlugin
return cipher, ErrUnknownPlugin
} else {
return ErrOldPassword
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::OldAuthSwitchRequest
return nil, ErrOldPassword
default: // Error otherwise
return mc.handleErrorPacket(data)
return nil, mc.handleErrorPacket(data)
return err
return nil, err
// Result Set Header Packet
@ -551,8 +584,8 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) handleOkPacket(data []byte) error {
// server_status [2 bytes]
mc.status = readStatus(data[1+n+m : 1+n+m+2])
if err := mc.discardResults(); err != nil {
return err
if mc.status&statusMoreResultsExists != 0 {
return nil
// warning count [2 bytes]
@ -665,6 +698,10 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) readColumns(count int) ([]mysqlField, error) {
func (rows *textRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
mc := rows.mc
if rows.rs.done {
return io.EOF
data, err := mc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
return err
@ -674,10 +711,10 @@ func (rows *textRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
if data[0] == iEOF && len(data) == 5 {
// server_status [2 bytes]
rows.mc.status = readStatus(data[3:])
if err := rows.mc.discardResults(); err != nil {
return err
rows.rs.done = true
if !rows.HasNextResultSet() {
rows.mc = nil
rows.mc = nil
return io.EOF
if data[0] == iERR {
@ -699,7 +736,7 @@ func (rows *textRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
if !mc.parseTime {
} else {
switch rows.columns[i].fieldType {
switch rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType {
case fieldTypeTimestamp, fieldTypeDateTime,
fieldTypeDate, fieldTypeNewDate:
dest[i], err = parseDateTime(
@ -729,16 +766,19 @@ func (rows *textRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
func (mc *mysqlConn) readUntilEOF() error {
for {
data, err := mc.readPacket()
// No Err and no EOF Packet
if err == nil && data[0] != iEOF {
if err == nil && data[0] == iEOF && len(data) == 5 {
mc.status = readStatus(data[3:])
if err != nil {
return err
return err // Err or EOF
switch data[0] {
case iERR:
return mc.handleErrorPacket(data)
case iEOF:
if len(data) == 5 {
mc.status = readStatus(data[3:])
return nil
@ -783,7 +823,7 @@ func (stmt *mysqlStmt) readPrepareResultPacket() (uint16, error) {
// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-stmt-send-long-data.html
func (stmt *mysqlStmt) writeCommandLongData(paramID int, arg []byte) error {
maxLen := stmt.mc.maxPacketAllowed - 1
maxLen := stmt.mc.maxAllowedPacket - 1
pktLen := maxLen
// After the header (bytes 0-3) follows before the data:
@ -974,7 +1014,7 @@ func (stmt *mysqlStmt) writeExecutePacket(args []driver.Value) error {
paramTypes[i+i] = fieldTypeString
paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00
if len(v) < mc.maxPacketAllowed-pos-len(paramValues)-(len(args)-(i+1))*64 {
if len(v) < mc.maxAllowedPacket-pos-len(paramValues)-(len(args)-(i+1))*64 {
paramValues = appendLengthEncodedInteger(paramValues,
@ -996,7 +1036,7 @@ func (stmt *mysqlStmt) writeExecutePacket(args []driver.Value) error {
paramTypes[i+i] = fieldTypeString
paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00
if len(v) < mc.maxPacketAllowed-pos-len(paramValues)-(len(args)-(i+1))*64 {
if len(v) < mc.maxAllowedPacket-pos-len(paramValues)-(len(args)-(i+1))*64 {
paramValues = appendLengthEncodedInteger(paramValues,
@ -1057,8 +1097,6 @@ func (mc *mysqlConn) discardResults() error {
if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
mc.status &^= statusMoreResultsExists
return nil
@ -1076,10 +1114,10 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
// EOF Packet
if data[0] == iEOF && len(data) == 5 {
rows.mc.status = readStatus(data[3:])
if err := rows.mc.discardResults(); err != nil {
return err
rows.rs.done = true
if !rows.HasNextResultSet() {
rows.mc = nil
rows.mc = nil
return io.EOF
rows.mc = nil
@ -1101,14 +1139,14 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
// Convert to byte-coded string
switch rows.columns[i].fieldType {
switch rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType {
case fieldTypeNULL:
dest[i] = nil
// Numeric Types
case fieldTypeTiny:
if rows.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 {
if rows.rs.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 {
dest[i] = int64(data[pos])
} else {
dest[i] = int64(int8(data[pos]))
@ -1117,7 +1155,7 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
case fieldTypeShort, fieldTypeYear:
if rows.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 {
if rows.rs.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 {
dest[i] = int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[pos : pos+2]))
} else {
dest[i] = int64(int16(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[pos : pos+2])))
@ -1126,7 +1164,7 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
case fieldTypeInt24, fieldTypeLong:
if rows.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 {
if rows.rs.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 {
dest[i] = int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[pos : pos+4]))
} else {
dest[i] = int64(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[pos : pos+4])))
@ -1135,7 +1173,7 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
case fieldTypeLongLong:
if rows.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 {
if rows.rs.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 {
val := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data[pos : pos+8])
if val > math.MaxInt64 {
dest[i] = uint64ToString(val)
@ -1149,7 +1187,7 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
case fieldTypeFloat:
dest[i] = float64(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[pos : pos+4])))
dest[i] = float32(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[pos : pos+4])))
pos += 4
@ -1189,10 +1227,10 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
case isNull:
dest[i] = nil
case rows.columns[i].fieldType == fieldTypeTime:
case rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType == fieldTypeTime:
// database/sql does not support an equivalent to TIME, return a string
var dstlen uint8
switch decimals := rows.columns[i].decimals; decimals {
switch decimals := rows.rs.columns[i].decimals; decimals {
case 0x00, 0x1f:
dstlen = 8
case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:
@ -1200,7 +1238,7 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
return fmt.Errorf(
"protocol error, illegal decimals value %d",
dest[i], err = formatBinaryDateTime(data[pos:pos+int(num)], dstlen, true)
@ -1208,10 +1246,10 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
dest[i], err = parseBinaryDateTime(num, data[pos:], rows.mc.cfg.Loc)
var dstlen uint8
if rows.columns[i].fieldType == fieldTypeDate {
if rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType == fieldTypeDate {
dstlen = 10
} else {
switch decimals := rows.columns[i].decimals; decimals {
switch decimals := rows.rs.columns[i].decimals; decimals {
case 0x00, 0x1f:
dstlen = 19
case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:
@ -1219,7 +1257,7 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
return fmt.Errorf(
"protocol error, illegal decimals value %d",
@ -1235,7 +1273,7 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error {
// Please report if this happens!
return fmt.Errorf("unknown field type %d", rows.columns[i].fieldType)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown field type %d", rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType)

View File

@ -21,40 +21,49 @@ type mysqlField struct {
decimals byte
type mysqlRows struct {
mc *mysqlConn
type resultSet struct {
columns []mysqlField
done bool
type mysqlRows struct {
mc *mysqlConn
rs resultSet
type binaryRows struct {
// stmtCols is a pointer to the statement's cached columns for different
// result sets.
stmtCols *[][]mysqlField
// i is a number of the current result set. It is used to fetch proper
// columns from stmtCols.
i int
type textRows struct {
type emptyRows struct{}
func (rows *mysqlRows) Columns() []string {
columns := make([]string, len(rows.columns))
columns := make([]string, len(rows.rs.columns))
if rows.mc != nil && rows.mc.cfg.ColumnsWithAlias {
for i := range columns {
if tableName := rows.columns[i].tableName; len(tableName) > 0 {
columns[i] = tableName + "." + rows.columns[i].name
if tableName := rows.rs.columns[i].tableName; len(tableName) > 0 {
columns[i] = tableName + "." + rows.rs.columns[i].name
} else {
columns[i] = rows.columns[i].name
columns[i] = rows.rs.columns[i].name
} else {
for i := range columns {
columns[i] = rows.columns[i].name
columns[i] = rows.rs.columns[i].name
return columns
func (rows *mysqlRows) Close() error {
func (rows *mysqlRows) Close() (err error) {
mc := rows.mc
if mc == nil {
return nil
@ -64,7 +73,9 @@ func (rows *mysqlRows) Close() error {
// Remove unread packets from stream
err := mc.readUntilEOF()
if !rows.rs.done {
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
if err == nil {
if err = mc.discardResults(); err != nil {
return err
@ -75,6 +86,73 @@ func (rows *mysqlRows) Close() error {
return err
func (rows *mysqlRows) HasNextResultSet() (b bool) {
if rows.mc == nil {
return false
return rows.mc.status&statusMoreResultsExists != 0
func (rows *mysqlRows) nextResultSet() (int, error) {
if rows.mc == nil {
return 0, io.EOF
if rows.mc.netConn == nil {
return 0, ErrInvalidConn
// Remove unread packets from stream
if !rows.rs.done {
if err := rows.mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return 0, err
rows.rs.done = true
if !rows.HasNextResultSet() {
rows.mc = nil
return 0, io.EOF
rows.rs = resultSet{}
return rows.mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket()
func (rows *mysqlRows) nextNotEmptyResultSet() (int, error) {
for {
resLen, err := rows.nextResultSet()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if resLen > 0 {
return resLen, nil
rows.rs.done = true
func (rows *binaryRows) NextResultSet() (err error) {
resLen, err := rows.nextNotEmptyResultSet()
if err != nil {
return err
// get columns, if not cached, read them and cache them.
if rows.i >= len(*rows.stmtCols) {
rows.rs.columns, err = rows.mc.readColumns(resLen)
*rows.stmtCols = append(*rows.stmtCols, rows.rs.columns)
} else {
rows.rs.columns = (*rows.stmtCols)[rows.i]
if err := rows.mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (rows *binaryRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
if mc := rows.mc; mc != nil {
if mc.netConn == nil {
@ -87,6 +165,16 @@ func (rows *binaryRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
return io.EOF
func (rows *textRows) NextResultSet() (err error) {
resLen, err := rows.nextNotEmptyResultSet()
if err != nil {
return err
rows.rs.columns, err = rows.mc.readColumns(resLen)
return err
func (rows *textRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
if mc := rows.mc; mc != nil {
if mc.netConn == nil {
@ -98,15 +186,3 @@ func (rows *textRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
return io.EOF
func (rows emptyRows) Columns() []string {
return nil
func (rows emptyRows) Close() error {
return nil
func (rows emptyRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
return io.EOF

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ package mysql
import (
@ -19,12 +20,15 @@ type mysqlStmt struct {
mc *mysqlConn
id uint32
paramCount int
columns []mysqlField // cached from the first query
columns [][]mysqlField // cached from the first query
func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Close() error {
if stmt.mc == nil || stmt.mc.netConn == nil {
// driver.Stmt.Close can be called more than once, thus this function
// has to be idempotent.
// See also Issue #450 and golang/go#16019.
return driver.ErrBadConn
@ -59,26 +63,30 @@ func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Exec(args []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) {
// Read Result
resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket()
if err == nil {
if resLen > 0 {
// Columns
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Rows
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
if resLen > 0 {
// Columns
if err = mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err == nil {
return &mysqlResult{
affectedRows: int64(mc.affectedRows),
insertId: int64(mc.insertId),
}, nil
// Rows
if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
if err := mc.discardResults(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &mysqlResult{
affectedRows: int64(mc.affectedRows),
insertId: int64(mc.insertId),
}, nil
func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Query(args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
@ -101,18 +109,29 @@ func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Query(args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
rows := new(binaryRows)
rows.stmtCols = &stmt.columns
if resLen > 0 {
rows.mc = mc
// Columns
// If not cached, read them and cache them
if stmt.columns == nil {
rows.columns, err = mc.readColumns(resLen)
stmt.columns = rows.columns
if len(stmt.columns) == 0 {
rows.rs.columns, err = mc.readColumns(resLen)
stmt.columns = append(stmt.columns, rows.rs.columns)
} else {
rows.columns = stmt.columns
rows.rs.columns = stmt.columns[0]
err = mc.readUntilEOF()
} else {
rows.rs.done = true
switch err := rows.NextResultSet(); err {
case nil, io.EOF:
return rows, nil
return nil, err
return rows, err

View File

@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package mysql
import (
func TestScanNullTime(t *testing.T) {
var scanTests = []struct {
in interface{}
error bool
valid bool
time time.Time
{tDate, false, true, tDate},
{sDate, false, true, tDate},
{[]byte(sDate), false, true, tDate},
{tDateTime, false, true, tDateTime},
{sDateTime, false, true, tDateTime},
{[]byte(sDateTime), false, true, tDateTime},
{tDate0, false, true, tDate0},
{sDate0, false, true, tDate0},
{[]byte(sDate0), false, true, tDate0},
{sDateTime0, false, true, tDate0},
{[]byte(sDateTime0), false, true, tDate0},
{"", true, false, tDate0},
{"1234", true, false, tDate0},
{0, true, false, tDate0},
var nt = NullTime{}
var err error
for _, tst := range scanTests {
err = nt.Scan(tst.in)
if (err != nil) != tst.error {
t.Errorf("%v: expected error status %t, got %t", tst.in, tst.error, (err != nil))
if nt.Valid != tst.valid {
t.Errorf("%v: expected valid status %t, got %t", tst.in, tst.valid, nt.Valid)
if nt.Time != tst.time {
t.Errorf("%v: expected time %v, got %v", tst.in, tst.time, nt.Time)
func TestLengthEncodedInteger(t *testing.T) {
var integerTests = []struct {
num uint64
encoded []byte
{0x0000000000000000, []byte{0x00}},
{0x0000000000000012, []byte{0x12}},
{0x00000000000000fa, []byte{0xfa}},
{0x0000000000000100, []byte{0xfc, 0x00, 0x01}},
{0x0000000000001234, []byte{0xfc, 0x34, 0x12}},
{0x000000000000ffff, []byte{0xfc, 0xff, 0xff}},
{0x0000000000010000, []byte{0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}},
{0x0000000000123456, []byte{0xfd, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12}},
{0x0000000000ffffff, []byte{0xfd, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}},
{0x0000000001000000, []byte{0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}},
{0x123456789abcdef0, []byte{0xfe, 0xf0, 0xde, 0xbc, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12}},
{0xffffffffffffffff, []byte{0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}},
for _, tst := range integerTests {
num, isNull, numLen := readLengthEncodedInteger(tst.encoded)
if isNull {
t.Errorf("%x: expected %d, got NULL", tst.encoded, tst.num)
if num != tst.num {
t.Errorf("%x: expected %d, got %d", tst.encoded, tst.num, num)
if numLen != len(tst.encoded) {
t.Errorf("%x: expected size %d, got %d", tst.encoded, len(tst.encoded), numLen)
encoded := appendLengthEncodedInteger(nil, num)
if !bytes.Equal(encoded, tst.encoded) {
t.Errorf("%v: expected %x, got %x", num, tst.encoded, encoded)
func TestOldPass(t *testing.T) {
scramble := []byte{9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2}
vectors := []struct {
pass string
out string
{" pass", "47575c5a435b4251"},
{"pass ", "47575c5a435b4251"},
{"123\t456", "575c47505b5b5559"},
{"C0mpl!ca ted#PASS123", "5d5d554849584a45"},
for _, tuple := range vectors {
ours := scrambleOldPassword(scramble, []byte(tuple.pass))
if tuple.out != fmt.Sprintf("%x", ours) {
t.Errorf("Failed old password %q", tuple.pass)
func TestFormatBinaryDateTime(t *testing.T) {
rawDate := [11]byte{}
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(rawDate[:2], 1978) // years
rawDate[2] = 12 // months
rawDate[3] = 30 // days
rawDate[4] = 15 // hours
rawDate[5] = 46 // minutes
rawDate[6] = 23 // seconds
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(rawDate[7:], 987654) // microseconds
expect := func(expected string, inlen, outlen uint8) {
actual, _ := formatBinaryDateTime(rawDate[:inlen], outlen, false)
bytes, ok := actual.([]byte)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("formatBinaryDateTime must return []byte, was %T", actual)
if string(bytes) != expected {
"expected %q, got %q for length in %d, out %d",
bytes, actual, inlen, outlen,
expect("0000-00-00", 0, 10)
expect("0000-00-00 00:00:00", 0, 19)
expect("1978-12-30", 4, 10)
expect("1978-12-30 15:46:23", 7, 19)
expect("1978-12-30 15:46:23.987654", 11, 26)
func TestEscapeBackslash(t *testing.T) {
expect := func(expected, value string) {
actual := string(escapeBytesBackslash([]byte{}, []byte(value)))
if actual != expected {
"expected %s, got %s",
expected, actual,
actual = string(escapeStringBackslash([]byte{}, value))
if actual != expected {
"expected %s, got %s",
expected, actual,
expect("foo\\0bar", "foo\x00bar")
expect("foo\\nbar", "foo\nbar")
expect("foo\\rbar", "foo\rbar")
expect("foo\\Zbar", "foo\x1abar")
expect("foo\\\"bar", "foo\"bar")
expect("foo\\\\bar", "foo\\bar")
expect("foo\\'bar", "foo'bar")
func TestEscapeQuotes(t *testing.T) {
expect := func(expected, value string) {
actual := string(escapeBytesQuotes([]byte{}, []byte(value)))
if actual != expected {
"expected %s, got %s",
expected, actual,
actual = string(escapeStringQuotes([]byte{}, value))
if actual != expected {
"expected %s, got %s",
expected, actual,
expect("foo\x00bar", "foo\x00bar") // not affected
expect("foo\nbar", "foo\nbar") // not affected
expect("foo\rbar", "foo\rbar") // not affected
expect("foo\x1abar", "foo\x1abar") // not affected
expect("foo''bar", "foo'bar") // affected
expect("foo\"bar", "foo\"bar") // not affected

vendor/vendor.json vendored
View File

@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
"comment": "",
"ignore": "test",
"package": [
"path": "appengine/cloudsql",
"revision": ""
"checksumSHA1": "QLOmSL4B0UFqEIFwCe0TMwehlfE=",
"path": "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go",
@ -322,6 +326,12 @@
"version": "v1.21.1",
"versionExact": "v1.21.1"
"checksumSHA1": "42vkdsxNaLyPu+FktCzZ/8zsNSE=",
"path": "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql",
"revision": "9dee4ca50b83acdf57a35fb9e6fb4be640afa2f3",
"revisionTime": "2017-03-27T11:30:21Z"
"checksumSHA1": "B4bk7vdV9aD7AhrtATXfgEacdqE=",
"path": "github.com/gorilla/websocket",