diff --git a/.betterer.results b/.betterer.results
index 1746f2acc6d..055f09fc45a 100644
--- a/.betterer.results
+++ b/.betterer.results
@@ -76,9 +76,6 @@ exports[`no enzyme tests`] = {
"public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/components/ConfigEditor.test.tsx:4057721851": [
[1, 19, 13, "RegExp match", "2409514259"]
- ],
- "public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedFields.test.tsx:2402631398": [
- [0, 17, 13, "RegExp match", "2409514259"]
@@ -6928,16 +6925,6 @@ exports[`better eslint`] = {
[0, 0, 0, "Do not use any type assertions.", "0"],
[0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "1"]
- "public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedFields.test.tsx:5381": [
- [0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "0"],
- [0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "1"],
- [0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "2"],
- [0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "3"],
- [0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "4"],
- [0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "5"],
- [0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "6"],
- [0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "7"]
- ],
"public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/datasource.ts:5381": [
[0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "0"],
[0, 0, 0, "Unexpected any. Specify a different type.", "1"],
diff --git a/public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedField.tsx b/public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedField.tsx
index 34997247f3d..03623ae59b1 100644
--- a/public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedField.tsx
+++ b/public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedField.tsx
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ export const DerivedField = (props: Props) => {
return (
@@ -18,65 +14,38 @@ describe('DerivedFields', () => {
window.getSelection = originalGetSelection;
- it('renders correctly when no fields', async () => {
- let wrapper: any;
- //@ts-ignore
- await act(async () => {
- wrapper = await mount( {}} />);
- });
- expect(wrapper.find(Button).length).toBe(1);
- expect(wrapper.find(Button).contains('Add')).toBeTruthy();
- expect(wrapper.find(DerivedField).length).toBe(0);
+ it('renders correctly when no fields', () => {
+ render( {}} />);
+ expect(screen.getByText('Add')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.queryByText(/example log message/)).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.queryByTestId('derived-field')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
it('renders correctly when there are fields', async () => {
- let wrapper: any;
- //@ts-ignore
- await act(async () => {
- wrapper = await mount( {}} />);
- });
+ render( {}} />);
- expect(wrapper.find(Button).filterWhere((button: any) => button.contains('Add')).length).toBe(1);
- expect(wrapper.find(Button).filterWhere((button: any) => button.contains('Show example log message')).length).toBe(
- 1
- );
- expect(
- wrapper
- .find(Button)
- .filterWhere((button: any) => button.contains('Show example log message'))
- .getDOMNode()
- ).toHaveAttribute('type', 'button');
- expect(wrapper.find(DerivedField).length).toBe(2);
+ await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getAllByTestId('derived-field')).toHaveLength(2));
+ expect(screen.getByText('Add')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.getByText('Show example log message')).toBeInTheDocument();
- it('adds new field', async () => {
- const onChangeMock = jest.fn();
- let wrapper: any;
- //@ts-ignore
- await act(async () => {
- wrapper = await mount();
- });
- const addButton = wrapper.find(Button).filterWhere((button: any) => button.contains('Add'));
- addButton.simulate('click');
- expect(onChangeMock.mock.calls[0][0].length).toBe(1);
+ it('adds a new field', async () => {
+ const onChange = jest.fn();
+ render();
+ fireEvent.click(screen.getByText('Add'));
+ await waitFor(() => expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1));
- it('removes field', async () => {
- const onChangeMock = jest.fn();
- let wrapper: any;
- //@ts-ignore
- await act(async () => {
- wrapper = await mount();
- });
- const removeButton = wrapper.find(DerivedField).at(0).find(Button);
- removeButton.simulate('click');
- const newValue = onChangeMock.mock.calls[0][0];
- expect(newValue.length).toBe(1);
- expect(newValue[0]).toMatchObject({
- matcherRegex: 'regex2',
- name: 'test2',
- url: 'localhost2',
- });
+ it('removes a field', async () => {
+ const onChange = jest.fn();
+ render();
+ fireEvent.click((await screen.findAllByTitle('Remove field'))[0]);
+ await waitFor(() => expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith([testValue[1]]));
diff --git a/public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedFields.tsx b/public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedFields.tsx
index fd7ef7ff1b5..d513177b1de 100644
--- a/public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedFields.tsx
+++ b/public/app/plugins/datasource/loki/configuration/DerivedFields.tsx
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ type Props = {
onChange: (value: DerivedFieldConfig[]) => void;
-export const DerivedFields = (props: Props) => {
- const { value, onChange } = props;
+export const DerivedFields = ({ value = [], onChange }: Props) => {
const theme = useTheme2();
const styles = getStyles(theme);
@@ -40,34 +39,33 @@ export const DerivedFields = (props: Props) => {
- {value &&
- value.map((field, index) => {
- return (
- const newDerivedFields = [...value];
- newDerivedFields.splice(index, 1, newField);
- onChange(newDerivedFields);
- }}
- onDelete={() => {
- const newDerivedFields = [...value];
- newDerivedFields.splice(index, 1);
- onChange(newDerivedFields);
- }}
- suggestions={[
- {
- value: DataLinkBuiltInVars.valueRaw,
- label: 'Raw value',
- documentation: 'Exact string captured by the regular expression',
- origin: VariableOrigin.Value,
- },
- ]}
- />
- );
- })}
+ {value.map((field, index) => {
+ return (
+ {
+ const newDerivedFields = [...value];
+ newDerivedFields.splice(index, 1, newField);
+ onChange(newDerivedFields);
+ }}
+ onDelete={() => {
+ const newDerivedFields = [...value];
+ newDerivedFields.splice(index, 1);
+ onChange(newDerivedFields);
+ }}
+ suggestions={[
+ {
+ value: DataLinkBuiltInVars.valueRaw,
+ label: 'Raw value',
+ documentation: 'Exact string captured by the regular expression',
+ origin: VariableOrigin.Value,
+ },
+ ]}
+ />
+ );
+ })}
- {value && value.length > 0 && (
+ {value.length > 0 && (