mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
Admin: token expiration colors and calculations (#45231)
* token expiration colorign and calculations * Update public/app/features/serviceaccounts/ServiceAccountTokensTable.tsx * removed unused calculation for expiry * optional attribute * fix: typo * implement failing test :thumpsup: * tests * refactor: tests to use assertify * tiem * refactor: remote porntf * refactor: make test NOT sleep 1 sec for all builds :D Co-authored-by: J Guerreiro <joao.guerreiro@grafana.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,14 +17,13 @@ import (
accesscontrolmock "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/accesscontrol/mock"
var (
@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ func TestServiceAccountsAPI_DeleteServiceAccount(t *testing.T) {
serviceAccountRequestScenario(t, http.MethodDelete, serviceaccountIDPath, &testcase.user, func(httpmethod string, endpoint string, user *tests.TestUser) {
createduser := tests.SetupUserServiceAccount(t, store, testcase.user)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), testcase.acmock, store)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), testcase.acmock, store, database.NewServiceAccountsStore(store))
actual := requestResponse(server, httpmethod, fmt.Sprintf(endpoint, fmt.Sprint(createduser.Id))).Code
require.Equal(t, testcase.expectedCode, actual)
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ func TestServiceAccountsAPI_DeleteServiceAccount(t *testing.T) {
serviceAccountRequestScenario(t, http.MethodDelete, serviceaccountIDPath, &testcase.user, func(httpmethod string, endpoint string, user *tests.TestUser) {
createduser := tests.SetupUserServiceAccount(t, store, testcase.user)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), testcase.acmock, store)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), testcase.acmock, store, database.NewServiceAccountsStore(store))
actual := requestResponse(server, httpmethod, fmt.Sprintf(endpoint, createduser.Id)).Code
require.Equal(t, testcase.expectedCode, actual)
@ -99,8 +98,11 @@ func serviceAccountRequestScenario(t *testing.T, httpMethod string, endpoint str
fn(httpMethod, endpoint, user)
func setupTestServer(t *testing.T, svc *tests.ServiceAccountMock, routerRegister routing.RouteRegister, acmock *accesscontrolmock.Mock, sqlStore *sqlstore.SQLStore) *web.Mux {
a := NewServiceAccountsAPI(setting.NewCfg(), svc, acmock, routerRegister, database.NewServiceAccountsStore(sqlStore), sqlStore)
func setupTestServer(t *testing.T, svc *tests.ServiceAccountMock,
routerRegister routing.RouteRegister,
acmock *accesscontrolmock.Mock,
sqlStore *sqlstore.SQLStore, saStore serviceaccounts.Store) *web.Mux {
a := NewServiceAccountsAPI(setting.NewCfg(), svc, acmock, routerRegister, saStore, sqlStore)
a.cfg.ApiKeyMaxSecondsToLive = -1 // disable api key expiration
@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ func TestServiceAccountsAPI_RetrieveServiceAccount(t *testing.T) {
createdUser := tests.SetupUserServiceAccount(t, store, *tc.user)
scopeID = int(createdUser.Id)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), tc.acmock, store)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), tc.acmock, store, database.NewServiceAccountsStore(store))
actual := requestResponse(server, httpmethod, fmt.Sprintf(endpoint, scopeID))
@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ func TestServiceAccountsAPI_UpdateServiceAccount(t *testing.T) {
createdUser := tests.SetupUserServiceAccount(t, store, *tc.user)
scopeID = int(createdUser.Id)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), tc.acmock, store)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), tc.acmock, store, database.NewServiceAccountsStore(store))
var rawBody io.Reader = http.NoBody
if tc.body != nil {
@ -16,6 +16,26 @@ import (
const failedToDeleteMsg = "Failed to delete API key"
type TokenDTO struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Role models.RoleType `json:"role"`
Created *time.Time `json:"created"`
Expiration *time.Time `json:"expiration"`
SecondsUntilExpiration *float64 `json:"secondsUntilExpiration"`
HasExpired bool `json:"hasExpired"`
func hasExpired(expiration *int64) bool {
if expiration == nil {
return false
v := time.Unix(*expiration, 0)
return (v).Before(time.Now())
const sevenDaysAhead = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
func (api *ServiceAccountsAPI) ListTokens(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
saID, err := strconv.ParseInt(web.Params(ctx.Req)[":serviceAccountId"], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
@ -23,18 +43,28 @@ func (api *ServiceAccountsAPI) ListTokens(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Respo
if saTokens, err := api.store.ListTokens(ctx.Req.Context(), ctx.OrgId, saID); err == nil {
result := make([]*models.ApiKeyDTO, len(saTokens))
result := make([]*TokenDTO, len(saTokens))
for i, t := range saTokens {
var expiration *time.Time = nil
var secondsUntilExpiration float64 = 0
isExpired := hasExpired(t.Expires)
if t.Expires != nil {
v := time.Unix(*t.Expires, 0)
expiration = &v
if !isExpired && (*expiration).Before(time.Now().Add(sevenDaysAhead)) {
secondsUntilExpiration = time.Until(*expiration).Seconds()
result[i] = &models.ApiKeyDTO{
Id: t.Id,
Name: t.Name,
Role: t.Role,
Expiration: expiration,
result[i] = &TokenDTO{
Id: t.Id,
Name: t.Name,
Role: t.Role,
Created: &t.Created,
Expiration: expiration,
SecondsUntilExpiration: &secondsUntilExpiration,
HasExpired: isExpired,
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import (
accesscontrolmock "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/accesscontrol/mock"
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ const (
serviceaccountIDTokensDetailPath = "/api/serviceaccounts/%v/tokens/%v" // #nosec G101
func createTokenforSA(t *testing.T, keyName string, orgID int64, saID int64) *models.ApiKey {
func createTokenforSA(t *testing.T, keyName string, orgID int64, saID int64, secondsToLive int64) *models.ApiKey {
key, err := apikeygen.New(orgID, keyName)
require.NoError(t, err)
cmd := models.AddApiKeyCommand{
@ -37,13 +39,12 @@ func createTokenforSA(t *testing.T, keyName string, orgID int64, saID int64) *mo
Role: "Viewer",
OrgId: orgID,
Key: key.HashedKey,
SecondsToLive: 0,
SecondsToLive: secondsToLive,
ServiceAccountId: &saID,
Result: &models.ApiKey{},
err = bus.Dispatch(context.Background(), &cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
return cmd.Result
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ func TestServiceAccountsAPI_CreateToken(t *testing.T) {
bodyString = string(b)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), tc.acmock, store)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), tc.acmock, store, database.NewServiceAccountsStore(store))
actual := requestResponse(server, http.MethodPost, endpoint, strings.NewReader(bodyString))
actualCode := actual.Code
@ -215,11 +216,11 @@ func TestServiceAccountsAPI_DeleteToken(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
token := createTokenforSA(t, tc.keyName, sa.OrgId, sa.Id)
token := createTokenforSA(t, tc.keyName, sa.OrgId, sa.Id, 1)
endpoint := fmt.Sprintf(serviceaccountIDTokensDetailPath, sa.Id, token.Id)
bodyString := ""
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), tc.acmock, store)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), tc.acmock, store, database.NewServiceAccountsStore(store))
actual := requestResponse(server, http.MethodDelete, endpoint, strings.NewReader(bodyString))
actualCode := actual.Code
@ -238,3 +239,122 @@ func TestServiceAccountsAPI_DeleteToken(t *testing.T) {
type saStoreMockTokens struct {
saAPIKeys []*models.ApiKey
func (s *saStoreMockTokens) ListTokens(ctx context.Context, orgID, saID int64) ([]*models.ApiKey, error) {
return s.saAPIKeys, nil
func TestServiceAccountsAPI_ListTokens(t *testing.T) {
store := sqlstore.InitTestDB(t)
svcmock := tests.ServiceAccountMock{}
sa := tests.SetupUserServiceAccount(t, store, tests.TestUser{Login: "sa", IsServiceAccount: true})
type testCreateSAToken struct {
desc string
tokens []*models.ApiKey
expectedHasExpired bool
expectedResponseBodyField string
expectedCode int
acmock *accesscontrolmock.Mock
var saId int64 = 1
var timeInFuture = time.Now().Add(time.Second * 100).Unix()
var timeInPast = time.Now().Add(-time.Second * 100).Unix()
testCases := []testCreateSAToken{
desc: "should be able to list serviceaccount with no expiration date",
tokens: []*models.ApiKey{{
Id: 1,
OrgId: 1,
ServiceAccountId: &saId,
Expires: nil,
Name: "Test1",
acmock: tests.SetupMockAccesscontrol(
func(c context.Context, siu *models.SignedInUser, _ accesscontrol.Options) ([]*accesscontrol.Permission, error) {
return []*accesscontrol.Permission{{Action: serviceaccounts.ActionRead, Scope: "serviceaccounts:id:1"}}, nil
expectedHasExpired: false,
expectedResponseBodyField: "hasExpired",
expectedCode: http.StatusOK,
desc: "should be able to list serviceaccount with secondsUntilExpiration",
tokens: []*models.ApiKey{{
Id: 1,
OrgId: 1,
ServiceAccountId: &saId,
Expires: &timeInFuture,
Name: "Test2",
acmock: tests.SetupMockAccesscontrol(
func(c context.Context, siu *models.SignedInUser, _ accesscontrol.Options) ([]*accesscontrol.Permission, error) {
return []*accesscontrol.Permission{{Action: serviceaccounts.ActionRead, Scope: "serviceaccounts:id:1"}}, nil
expectedHasExpired: false,
expectedResponseBodyField: "secondsUntilExpiration",
expectedCode: http.StatusOK,
desc: "should be able to list serviceaccount with expired token",
tokens: []*models.ApiKey{{
Id: 1,
OrgId: 1,
ServiceAccountId: &saId,
Expires: &timeInPast,
Name: "Test3",
acmock: tests.SetupMockAccesscontrol(
func(c context.Context, siu *models.SignedInUser, _ accesscontrol.Options) ([]*accesscontrol.Permission, error) {
return []*accesscontrol.Permission{{Action: serviceaccounts.ActionRead, Scope: "serviceaccounts:id:1"}}, nil
expectedHasExpired: true,
expectedResponseBodyField: "secondsUntilExpiration",
expectedCode: http.StatusOK,
var requestResponse = func(server *web.Mux, httpMethod, requestpath string, requestBody io.Reader) *httptest.ResponseRecorder {
req, err := http.NewRequest(httpMethod, requestpath, requestBody)
require.NoError(t, err)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
server.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
return recorder
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
endpoint := fmt.Sprintf(serviceaccountIDPath+"/tokens", sa.Id)
server := setupTestServer(t, &svcmock, routing.NewRouteRegister(), tc.acmock, store, &saStoreMockTokens{saAPIKeys: tc.tokens})
actual := requestResponse(server, http.MethodGet, endpoint, http.NoBody)
actualCode := actual.Code
actualBody := []map[string]interface{}{}
_ = json.Unmarshal(actual.Body.Bytes(), &actualBody)
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedCode, actualCode, endpoint, actualBody)
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedCode, actualCode)
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHasExpired, actualBody[0]["hasExpired"])
_, exists := actualBody[0][tc.expectedResponseBodyField]
require.Equal(t, exists, true)
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ func (s *ServiceAccountsStoreImpl) ListTokens(ctx context.Context, orgID int64,
err := s.sqlStore.WithDbSession(ctx, func(dbSession *sqlstore.DBSession) error {
var sess *xorm.Session
sess = dbSession.Limit(100, 0).
sess = dbSession.
Join("inner", "user", "user.id = api_key.service_account_id").
Where("user.org_id=? AND user.id=? AND ( expires IS NULL or expires >= ?)", orgID, serviceAccountID, time.Now().Unix()).
Where("user.org_id=? AND user.id=?", orgID, serviceAccountID).
return sess.Find(&result)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import React, { FC } from 'react';
import { DeleteButton, Icon, Tooltip, useTheme2 } from '@grafana/ui';
import { DeleteButton, Icon, Tooltip, useStyles2, useTheme2 } from '@grafana/ui';
import { dateTimeFormat, GrafanaTheme2, TimeZone } from '@grafana/data';
import { ApiKey } from '../../types';
@ -22,25 +22,19 @@ export const ServiceAccountTokensTable: FC<Props> = ({ tokens, timeZone, onDelet
<th style={{ width: '34px' }} />
{tokens.map((key) => {
const isExpired = !!(key.expiration && Date.now() > new Date(key.expiration).getTime());
return (
<tr key={key.id} className={styles.tableRow(isExpired)}>
<tr key={key.id} className={styles.tableRow(key.hasExpired)}>
{formatDate(timeZone, key.expiration)}
{isExpired && (
<span className={styles.tooltipContainer}>
<Tooltip content="This API key has expired.">
<Icon name="exclamation-triangle" />
<TokenExpiration timeZone={timeZone} token={key} />
<td>{formatDate(timeZone, key.created)}</td>
<DeleteButton aria-label="Delete API key" size="sm" onConfirm={() => onDelete(key)} />
@ -60,11 +54,61 @@ function formatDate(timeZone: TimeZone, expiration?: string): string {
return dateTimeFormat(expiration, { timeZone });
function formatSecondsLeftUntilExpiration(secondsUntilExpiration: number): string {
const days = Math.floor(secondsUntilExpiration / (3600 * 24));
const daysFormat = days > 1 ? `${days} days` : `${days} day`;
return `Expires in ${daysFormat}`;
interface TokenExpirationProps {
timeZone: TimeZone;
token: ApiKey;
const TokenExpiration = ({ timeZone, token }: TokenExpirationProps) => {
const styles = useStyles2(getStyles);
if (!token.expiration) {
return <span className={styles.neverExpire}>Never</span>;
if (token.secondsUntilExpiration) {
return (
<span className={styles.secondsUntilExpiration}>
if (token.hasExpired) {
return (
<span className={styles.hasExpired}>
<span className={styles.tooltipContainer}>
<Tooltip content="This API key has expired.">
<Icon name="exclamation-triangle" className={styles.toolTipIcon} />
return <span>{formatDate(timeZone, token.expiration)}</span>;
const getStyles = (theme: GrafanaTheme2) => ({
tableRow: (isExpired: boolean) => css`
color: ${isExpired ? theme.colors.text.secondary : theme.colors.text.primary};
tableRow: (hasExpired: boolean | undefined) => css`
color: ${hasExpired ? theme.colors.text.secondary : theme.colors.text.primary};
tooltipContainer: css`
margin-left: ${theme.spacing(1)};
toolTipIcon: css`
color: ${theme.colors.error.text};
secondsUntilExpiration: css`
color: ${theme.colors.warning.text};
hasExpired: css`
color: ${theme.colors.error.text};
neverExpire: css`
color: ${theme.colors.text.secondary};
@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ export interface ApiKey {
role: OrgRole;
secondsToLive: number | null;
expiration?: string;
secondsUntilExpiration?: number;
hasExpired?: boolean;
created?: string;
export interface NewApiKey {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user