test(mqe): adds test for double function usage

This commit is contained in:
bergquist 2016-12-15 07:35:54 +01:00
parent 7dece3ff0c
commit e3b53fe599

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@ -49,6 +49,28 @@ func TestWildcardExpansion(t *testing.T) {
So(expandeQueries[2].RawQuery, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("`os.cpu.1.idle`|aggregate.min {cpu} where cluster in ('demoapp-1', 'demoapp-2') and host in ('staples-lab-1', 'staples-lab-2') from %v to %v", from, to))
Convey("With two aggregate functions", func() {
query := &Query{
Metrics: []Metric{
Metric{Metric: "os.cpu.3.idle", Alias: ""},
Hosts: []string{"staples-lab-1", "staples-lab-2"},
Cluster: []string{"demoapp-1", "demoapp-2"},
AddClusterToAlias: false,
AddHostToAlias: false,
FunctionList: []Function{
Function{Func: "aggregate.min"},
Function{Func: "aggregate.max"},
TimeRange: &tsdb.TimeRange{Now: now, From: "5m", To: "now"},
expandeQueries, err := query.Build(availableMetrics)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(expandeQueries), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(expandeQueries[0].RawQuery, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("`os.cpu.3.idle`|aggregate.min|aggregate.max where cluster in ('demoapp-1', 'demoapp-2') and host in ('staples-lab-1', 'staples-lab-2') from %v to %v", from, to))
Convey("Containg wildcard series", func() {
query := &Query{
Metrics: []Metric{