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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
Prometheus: Enable prometheusDataplane by default (#67100)
* Prometheus: Enable prometheusDataplane by default and related mitigation toggle dataplaneFrontendFallback original PRs with the toggles: - https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/65237 - https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/62694
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,23 +19,25 @@ This page contains a list of available feature toggles. To learn how to turn on
Some stable features are enabled by default. You can disable a stable feature by setting the feature flag to "false" in the configuration.
| Feature toggle name | Description | Enabled by default |
| ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
| `disableEnvelopeEncryption` | Disable envelope encryption (emergency only) | |
| `database_metrics` | Add Prometheus metrics for database tables | |
| `featureHighlights` | Highlight Grafana Enterprise features | |
| `cloudWatchDynamicLabels` | Use dynamic labels instead of alias patterns in CloudWatch datasource | Yes |
| `dataConnectionsConsole` | Enables a new top-level page called Connections. This page is an experiment that provides a better experience when you install and configure data sources and other plugins. | Yes |
| `internationalization` | Enables internationalization | Yes |
| `topnav` | Enables new top navigation and page layouts | Yes |
| `cloudWatchCrossAccountQuerying` | Enables cross-account querying in CloudWatch datasources | Yes |
| `newPanelChromeUI` | Show updated look and feel of grafana-ui PanelChrome: panel header, icons, and menu | Yes |
| `accessTokenExpirationCheck` | Enable OAuth access_token expiration check and token refresh using the refresh_token | |
| `emptyDashboardPage` | Enable the redesigned user interface of a dashboard page that includes no panels | Yes |
| `disablePrometheusExemplarSampling` | Disable Prometheus exemplar sampling | |
| `logsSampleInExplore` | Enables access to the logs sample feature in Explore | Yes |
| `logsContextDatasourceUi` | Allow datasource to provide custom UI for context view | Yes |
| `useCachingService` | When turned on, the new query and resource caching implementation using a wire service inject will be used in place of the previous middleware implementation | |
| Feature toggle name | Description | Enabled by default |
| ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
| `disableEnvelopeEncryption` | Disable envelope encryption (emergency only) | |
| `database_metrics` | Add Prometheus metrics for database tables | |
| `featureHighlights` | Highlight Grafana Enterprise features | |
| `cloudWatchDynamicLabels` | Use dynamic labels instead of alias patterns in CloudWatch datasource | Yes |
| `dataConnectionsConsole` | Enables a new top-level page called Connections. This page is an experiment that provides a better experience when you install and configure data sources and other plugins. | Yes |
| `internationalization` | Enables internationalization | Yes |
| `topnav` | Enables new top navigation and page layouts | Yes |
| `cloudWatchCrossAccountQuerying` | Enables cross-account querying in CloudWatch datasources | Yes |
| `newPanelChromeUI` | Show updated look and feel of grafana-ui PanelChrome: panel header, icons, and menu | Yes |
| `accessTokenExpirationCheck` | Enable OAuth access_token expiration check and token refresh using the refresh_token | |
| `emptyDashboardPage` | Enable the redesigned user interface of a dashboard page that includes no panels | Yes |
| `disablePrometheusExemplarSampling` | Disable Prometheus exemplar sampling | |
| `logsSampleInExplore` | Enables access to the logs sample feature in Explore | Yes |
| `logsContextDatasourceUi` | Allow datasource to provide custom UI for context view | Yes |
| `prometheusDataplane` | Changes responses to from Prometheus to be compliant with the dataplane specification. In particular it sets the numeric Field.Name from 'Value' to the value of the `__name__` label when present. | Yes |
| `dataplaneFrontendFallback` | Support dataplane contract field name change for transformations and field name matchers where the name is different | Yes |
| `useCachingService` | When turned on, the new query and resource caching implementation using a wire service inject will be used in place of the previous middleware implementation | |
## Beta feature toggles
@ -64,54 +66,52 @@ Some stable features are enabled by default. You can disable a stable feature by
These features are early in their development lifecycle and so are not yet supported in Grafana Cloud.
Alpha features might be changed or removed without prior notice.
| Feature toggle name | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `live-service-web-worker` | This will use a webworker thread to processes events rather than the main thread |
| `queryOverLive` | Use Grafana Live WebSocket to execute backend queries |
| `publicDashboards` | Enables public access to dashboards |
| `publicDashboardsEmailSharing` | Enables public dashboard sharing to be restricted to only allowed emails |
| `lokiLive` | Support WebSocket streaming for loki (early prototype) |
| `storage` | Configurable storage for dashboards, datasources, and resources |
| `newTraceViewHeader` | Shows the new trace view header |
| `datasourceQueryMultiStatus` | Introduce HTTP 207 Multi Status for api/ds/query |
| `traceToMetrics` | Enable trace to metrics links |
| `prometheusWideSeries` | Enable wide series responses in the Prometheus datasource |
| `canvasPanelNesting` | Allow elements nesting |
| `scenes` | Experimental framework to build interactive dashboards |
| `disableSecretsCompatibility` | Disable duplicated secret storage in legacy tables |
| `logRequestsInstrumentedAsUnknown` | Logs the path for requests that are instrumented as unknown |
| `redshiftAsyncQueryDataSupport` | Enable async query data support for Redshift |
| `athenaAsyncQueryDataSupport` | Enable async query data support for Athena |
| `showDashboardValidationWarnings` | Show warnings when dashboards do not validate against the schema |
| `mysqlAnsiQuotes` | Use double quotes to escape keyword in a MySQL query |
| `showTraceId` | Show trace ids for requests |
| `datasourceOnboarding` | Enable data source onboarding page |
| `authnService` | Use new auth service to perform authentication |
| `alertingBacktesting` | Rule backtesting API for alerting |
| `editPanelCSVDragAndDrop` | Enables drag and drop for CSV and Excel files |
| `lokiQuerySplitting` | Split large interval queries into subqueries with smaller time intervals |
| `lokiQuerySplittingConfig` | Give users the option to configure split durations for Loki queries |
| `individualCookiePreferences` | Support overriding cookie preferences per user |
| `onlyExternalOrgRoleSync` | Prohibits a user from changing organization roles synced with external auth providers |
| `traceqlSearch` | Enables the 'TraceQL Search' tab for the Tempo datasource which provides a UI to generate TraceQL queries |
| `prometheusMetricEncyclopedia` | Replaces the Prometheus query builder metric select option with a paginated and filterable component |
| `timeSeriesTable` | Enable time series table transformer & sparkline cell type |
| `prometheusResourceBrowserCache` | Displays browser caching options in Prometheus data source configuration |
| `influxdbBackendMigration` | Query InfluxDB InfluxQL without the proxy |
| `clientTokenRotation` | Replaces the current in-request token rotation so that the client initiates the rotation |
| `prometheusDataplane` | Changes responses to from Prometheus to be compliant with the dataplane specification. In particular it sets the numeric Field.Name from 'Value' to the value of the `__name__` label when present. |
| `lokiMetricDataplane` | Changes responses from Loki to be compliant with the dataplane specification. |
| `alertStateHistoryLokiSecondary` | Enable Grafana to write alert state history to an external Loki instance in addition to Grafana annotations. |
| `alertStateHistoryLokiPrimary` | Enable a remote Loki instance as the primary source for state history reads. |
| `alertStateHistoryLokiOnly` | Disable Grafana alerts from emitting annotations when a remote Loki instance is available. |
| `disableSSEDataplane` | Disables dataplane specific processing in server side expressions. |
| `unifiedRequestLog` | Writes error logs to the request logger |
| `pyroscopeFlameGraph` | Changes flame graph to pyroscope one |
| `dataplaneFrontendFallback` | Support dataplane contract field name change for transformations and field name matchers where the name is different |
| `authenticationConfigUI` | Enables authentication configuration UI |
| `pluginsAPIManifestKey` | Use grafana.com API to retrieve the public manifest key |
| `advancedDataSourcePicker` | Enable a new data source picker with contextual information, recently used order, CSV upload and advanced mode |
| `opensearchDetectVersion` | Enable version detection in OpenSearch |
| Feature toggle name | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `live-service-web-worker` | This will use a webworker thread to processes events rather than the main thread |
| `queryOverLive` | Use Grafana Live WebSocket to execute backend queries |
| `publicDashboards` | Enables public access to dashboards |
| `publicDashboardsEmailSharing` | Enables public dashboard sharing to be restricted to only allowed emails |
| `lokiLive` | Support WebSocket streaming for loki (early prototype) |
| `storage` | Configurable storage for dashboards, datasources, and resources |
| `newTraceViewHeader` | Shows the new trace view header |
| `datasourceQueryMultiStatus` | Introduce HTTP 207 Multi Status for api/ds/query |
| `traceToMetrics` | Enable trace to metrics links |
| `prometheusWideSeries` | Enable wide series responses in the Prometheus datasource |
| `canvasPanelNesting` | Allow elements nesting |
| `scenes` | Experimental framework to build interactive dashboards |
| `disableSecretsCompatibility` | Disable duplicated secret storage in legacy tables |
| `logRequestsInstrumentedAsUnknown` | Logs the path for requests that are instrumented as unknown |
| `redshiftAsyncQueryDataSupport` | Enable async query data support for Redshift |
| `athenaAsyncQueryDataSupport` | Enable async query data support for Athena |
| `showDashboardValidationWarnings` | Show warnings when dashboards do not validate against the schema |
| `mysqlAnsiQuotes` | Use double quotes to escape keyword in a MySQL query |
| `showTraceId` | Show trace ids for requests |
| `datasourceOnboarding` | Enable data source onboarding page |
| `authnService` | Use new auth service to perform authentication |
| `alertingBacktesting` | Rule backtesting API for alerting |
| `editPanelCSVDragAndDrop` | Enables drag and drop for CSV and Excel files |
| `lokiQuerySplitting` | Split large interval queries into subqueries with smaller time intervals |
| `lokiQuerySplittingConfig` | Give users the option to configure split durations for Loki queries |
| `individualCookiePreferences` | Support overriding cookie preferences per user |
| `onlyExternalOrgRoleSync` | Prohibits a user from changing organization roles synced with external auth providers |
| `traceqlSearch` | Enables the 'TraceQL Search' tab for the Tempo datasource which provides a UI to generate TraceQL queries |
| `prometheusMetricEncyclopedia` | Replaces the Prometheus query builder metric select option with a paginated and filterable component |
| `timeSeriesTable` | Enable time series table transformer & sparkline cell type |
| `prometheusResourceBrowserCache` | Displays browser caching options in Prometheus data source configuration |
| `influxdbBackendMigration` | Query InfluxDB InfluxQL without the proxy |
| `clientTokenRotation` | Replaces the current in-request token rotation so that the client initiates the rotation |
| `lokiMetricDataplane` | Changes responses from Loki to be compliant with the dataplane specification. |
| `disableSSEDataplane` | Disables dataplane specific processing in server side expressions. |
| `alertStateHistoryLokiSecondary` | Enable Grafana to write alert state history to an external Loki instance in addition to Grafana annotations. |
| `alertStateHistoryLokiPrimary` | Enable a remote Loki instance as the primary source for state history reads. |
| `alertStateHistoryLokiOnly` | Disable Grafana alerts from emitting annotations when a remote Loki instance is available. |
| `unifiedRequestLog` | Writes error logs to the request logger |
| `pyroscopeFlameGraph` | Changes flame graph to pyroscope one |
| `authenticationConfigUI` | Enables authentication configuration UI |
| `pluginsAPIManifestKey` | Use grafana.com API to retrieve the public manifest key |
| `advancedDataSourcePicker` | Enable a new data source picker with contextual information, recently used order, CSV upload and advanced mode |
| `opensearchDetectVersion` | Enable version detection in OpenSearch |
## Development feature toggles
@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ export interface FeatureToggles {
clientTokenRotation?: boolean;
prometheusDataplane?: boolean;
lokiMetricDataplane?: boolean;
dataplaneFrontendFallback?: boolean;
disableSSEDataplane?: boolean;
alertStateHistoryLokiSecondary?: boolean;
alertStateHistoryLokiPrimary?: boolean;
alertStateHistoryLokiOnly?: boolean;
disableSSEDataplane?: boolean;
unifiedRequestLog?: boolean;
renderAuthJWT?: boolean;
pyroscopeFlameGraph?: boolean;
externalServiceAuth?: boolean;
dataplaneFrontendFallback?: boolean;
useCachingService?: boolean;
enableElasticsearchBackendQuerying?: boolean;
authenticationConfigUI?: boolean;
@ -429,7 +429,8 @@ var (
Name: "prometheusDataplane",
Description: "Changes responses to from Prometheus to be compliant with the dataplane specification. In particular it sets the numeric Field.Name from 'Value' to the value of the `__name__` label when present.",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Expression: "true",
State: FeatureStateStable,
Owner: grafanaObservabilityMetricsSquad,
@ -438,6 +439,20 @@ var (
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Owner: grafanaObservabilityLogsSquad,
Name: "dataplaneFrontendFallback",
Description: "Support dataplane contract field name change for transformations and field name matchers where the name is different",
State: FeatureStateStable,
FrontendOnly: true,
Expression: "true",
Owner: grafanaObservabilityMetricsSquad,
Name: "disableSSEDataplane",
Description: "Disables dataplane specific processing in server side expressions.",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Owner: grafanaObservabilityMetricsSquad,
Name: "alertStateHistoryLokiSecondary",
Description: "Enable Grafana to write alert state history to an external Loki instance in addition to Grafana annotations.",
@ -456,12 +471,6 @@ var (
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Owner: grafanaAlertingSquad,
Name: "disableSSEDataplane",
Description: "Disables dataplane specific processing in server side expressions.",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Owner: grafanaObservabilityMetricsSquad,
Name: "unifiedRequestLog",
Description: "Writes error logs to the request logger",
@ -487,13 +496,6 @@ var (
RequiresDevMode: true,
Owner: grafanaAuthnzSquad,
Name: "dataplaneFrontendFallback",
Description: "Support dataplane contract field name change for transformations and field name matchers where the name is different",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Owner: grafanaObservabilityMetricsSquad,
Name: "useCachingService",
Description: "When turned on, the new query and resource caching implementation using a wire service inject will be used in place of the previous middleware implementation",
@ -62,17 +62,17 @@ timeSeriesTable,alpha,@grafana/app-o11y,false,false,false,true
@ -267,6 +267,14 @@ const (
// Changes responses from Loki to be compliant with the dataplane specification.
FlagLokiMetricDataplane = "lokiMetricDataplane"
// FlagDataplaneFrontendFallback
// Support dataplane contract field name change for transformations and field name matchers where the name is different
FlagDataplaneFrontendFallback = "dataplaneFrontendFallback"
// FlagDisableSSEDataplane
// Disables dataplane specific processing in server side expressions.
FlagDisableSSEDataplane = "disableSSEDataplane"
// FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiSecondary
// Enable Grafana to write alert state history to an external Loki instance in addition to Grafana annotations.
FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiSecondary = "alertStateHistoryLokiSecondary"
@ -279,10 +287,6 @@ const (
// Disable Grafana alerts from emitting annotations when a remote Loki instance is available.
FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiOnly = "alertStateHistoryLokiOnly"
// FlagDisableSSEDataplane
// Disables dataplane specific processing in server side expressions.
FlagDisableSSEDataplane = "disableSSEDataplane"
// FlagUnifiedRequestLog
// Writes error logs to the request logger
FlagUnifiedRequestLog = "unifiedRequestLog"
@ -299,10 +303,6 @@ const (
// Starts an OAuth2 authentication provider for external services
FlagExternalServiceAuth = "externalServiceAuth"
// FlagDataplaneFrontendFallback
// Support dataplane contract field name change for transformations and field name matchers where the name is different
FlagDataplaneFrontendFallback = "dataplaneFrontendFallback"
// FlagUseCachingService
// When turned on, the new query and resource caching implementation using a wire service inject will be used in place of the previous middleware implementation
FlagUseCachingService = "useCachingService"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user