* enables overwrite if dashboard allready exist in folder
* dashboard: Don't allow creating a folder named General
* dashboards: update logic for save/update dashboard
No id and uid creates a new dashboard/folder.
No id and uid, with an existing title in folder allows overwrite
of dashboard.
Id without uid, allows update of existing dashboard/folder without
Uid without id allows update of existing dashboard/folder without
Id without uid, with an existing title in folder allows overwrite
of dashboard/folder and updated will have the uid of overwritten.
Uid without id, with an existing title in folder allows overwrite
of dashboard/folder and new will have the same uid as provided.
Trying to change an existing folder to a dashboard yields error.
Trying to change an existing dashboard to a folder yields error.
* dashboards: include folder id when confirmed to save with overwrite
* dashboards: fixes due to new url structure
Return importedUrl property in response to importing dashboards and
getting plugin dashboards and use this for redirects/links in the
* dashfolders: hide permissions in settings if folder has changed
and the dashboard has not been saved yet. Otherwise the use will
see stale permissions from the original folder.
* dashfolders: return folder url for inherited permissions
Change the front end route for folders to /dashboards/f/<uid>/<slug of folder title>.
Use new route for deleting dashboard/folder by uid.
Retrieve dashboard/folder by uid when moving or deleting dashboards/folders.
If the selected folder is not in the options then manually create it. This
can happen in some edge cases (if an user has been given access to a
dashboard but does not have access to its parent folder)
New default route /d-solo/<uid>/<slug of dashboard title> where dashboard
panel are rendered by unique identifier and panel identifier.
If old route /dashboard-solo/db/<slug of dashboard tile> are used,
try to lookup dashboard by slug and redirect to new default route.
Change url logic for sharing a panel so that the new default route
for rendering a dashboard panel are used.
New default route /d/<uid>/<slug of dashboard title> where dashboard
are loaded by unique identifier.
If old route /dashboard/db/<slug of dashboard tile> are used,
try to lookup dashboard by slug and redirect to new default route.
In the permissions view in dashboard settings, this adds a
link to the parent folder for inherited permissions. Which
allows the user to easily navigate to the folder and change
inherited permissions.
Instead of returning all folders a user has some sort of access to,
this change creates a new end point that returns folders the user
has write access to. This new endpoint is used in the folder picker