* Performance/Webpack: Introduces more aggressive code-splitting and other perf improvements
- Introduces dynamic imports for built-in plugins
- Uses dynamic imports for various packages (rst2html, brace)
- Introduces route-based dynamic imports
- Splits angular and moment into separate bundles
* Build: Removed typescript checking from dev bundler
- when switching branches and trying out features, TS checking and bundling are eating up a lot
of CPU
- most of us are using an editor with typechecking support
- this commit removes type checking from the dev bundler
- we still have type checking enabled as a precommit hook and as part of
the prod bundler
* Adds new npm script: start:noTsCheck
properties to void 0. This breaks angularjs preAssignBinding which
applies bindings to this before constructor is called. Fixed by
using fork of babel plugin.
- when instantiating a datasource, the datasource service checks if the
plugin module exports Explore components, and if so, attaches them to
the datasource
- Explore component makes all major internal pluggable from a datasource
`exploreComponents` property
- Moved Prometheus query field to promehteus datasource and registered
it as an exported Explore component
- Added new Start page for Explore, also exported from the datasource
- using tslib reduces bundle sizes
- add compiler option for easier default imports of CJS modules
- remove double entry of fork-ts-checker-plugin
- speed up hot reload by using exprimental ts-loader API
* Webpack 4
* webpack: force angular version 1.6 as 1.7 has removed a legacy feature toggle Grafana needs, switched from awesome-typescript-loader to ts-loader & forked ts checker
* Webpack 4
* webpack: force angular version 1.6 as 1.7 has removed a legacy feature toggle Grafana needs, switched from awesome-typescript-loader to ts-loader & forked ts checker
* upgrade ts loader
* simplified splitChunks
* upgrade circle node image to v8
* webpack: minor changes, using the new mode option, removed unused awesome-typescript loader, investigating karma issue but no solution yet
* fix: change angular mocks version restriction to be more strict
* add babel-loader for HMR support, fix karma debug runner
* babel-loader to yarn.lock
* webpack: changed from ExtractTextPlugin to MiniCssExtractPlugin, and updated the minification step to use new webpack4 optimization config section
* webpack: remove css minifcation from general css processing as it's done in the webpack optimization step
* limit vendors chunk to .ts and .js files
* fix: removed typescript compile error, wanted to see if we still got test failure for that
* tech: upgrade uglify-js, should be faster now
* too many conditionals for config, better to be explicit
* different priorities: faster build for hot mode
* working SCSS sources for styles in hot mode
The biggest differences:
* removed linter from TS loader in hot (should be editor or precommit
or responsibility)
* simplified styles loading
* hot needs more extensions to resolve
* removed commons chunking for hot
* removed devServer from dev
Reduced HMR time from 8s to 4s on my machine.
* moved babel rules for hot reloading into TS loader
* toggling use of babel via HOT variable (true with `yarn start`)
* overriding webpack output when HOT to fix asset paths in dashboard
urls like http://localhost:3333/d/...