* Added RefreshButton
* Added RefreshSelect
* Added RefreshSelectButton
* Added RefreshPicker
* Removed the magic string Paused
* Minor style changes and using Off instead of Pause
* Added HeadlessSelect
* Added HeadlessSelect story
* Added SelectButton
* Removed RefreshSelectButton
* Added TimePicker and moved ClickOutsideWrapper to ui/components
* Added TimePickerPopOver
* Added react-calendar
* Missed yarn lock file
* Added inputs to popover
* Added TimePicker and RefreshPicker to DashNav
* Moved TimePicker and RefreshPicker to app/core
* Added react-calendar to app and removed from ui/components
* Fixed PopOver onClick
* Moved everything back to ui components because of typings problems
* Exporing RefreshPicker and TimePicker
* Added Apply and inputs
* Added typings
* Added TimePickerInput and logic
* Fixed parsing of string to Moments
* Fixed range string
* Styling and connecting the calendars and inputs
* Changed Calendar styling
* Added backward forward and zoom
* Fixed responsive styles
* Moved TimePicker and RefreshPicker into app core
* Renamed menuIsOpen to isOpen
* Changed from className={} to className=""
* Moved Popover to TimePickerOptionGroup
* Renamed all PopOver to Popover
* Renamed popOver to popover and some minor refactorings
* Renamed files with git mv
* Added ButtonSelect and refactored RefreshPicker
* Refactored TimePicker to use new ButtonSelect
* Removed HeadlessSelect as suggested
* fix: Fix typings and misc errors after rebase
* wip: Enable time picker on dashboard and add tooltip
* Merge branch 'master' into hugoh/new-timepicker-and-unified-component
# Conflicts:
# packages/grafana-ui/package.json
# packages/grafana-ui/src/components/Input/Input.test.tsx
# packages/grafana-ui/src/components/Input/Input.tsx
# packages/grafana-ui/src/utils/validate.ts
# public/app/features/dashboard/panel_editor/QueryOptions.tsx
# yarn.lock
* fix: Snapshot update
* Move TimePicker default options into the TimePicker as statics, pass the tooltipContent down the line when wanted and wrap the button in a tooltip element
* fix: Override internal state prop if we provide one in a prop
* Updated snapshots
* Let dashnav control refreshPicker state
* feat: Add a stringToMs function
* wip: RefreshPicker
* wip: Move RefreshPicker to @grafana/ui
* wip: Move TimePicker to @grafana/ui
* wip: Remove comments
* wip: Add refreshPicker to explore
* wip: Use default intervals if the prop is missing
* wip: Nicer way of setting defaults
* fix: Control the select component
* wip: Add onMoveForward/onMoveBack
* Remove code related to the new time picker and refresh picker from dashnav
* Fix: Typings after merge
* chore: Minor fix after merge
* chore: Remove _.map usage
* chore: Moved refresh-picker logic out of the refresh picker since it will work a little differently in explore and dashboards until we have replaced the TimeSrv
* feat: Add an Interval component to @grafana/ui
* chore: Remove intervalId from redux state and move setInterval logic from ExploreToolbar to its own Interval component
* feat: Add refreshInterval to Explore's URL state
* feat: Pick up refreshInterval from url on page load
* fix: Set default refreshInterval when no value can be retained from URL
* fix: Update test initial state with refreshInterval
* fix: Handle URLs before RefreshPicker
* fix: Move RefreshInterval to url position 3 since the segments can take multiple positions
* fix: A better way of detecting urls without RefreshInterval in Explore
* chore: Some Explore typings
* fix: Attach refresh picker to interval picker
* chore: Sass fix for refresh button border radius
* fix: Remove refreshInterval from URL
* fix: Intervals now start when previous interval is finished
* fix: Use clearTimeout instead of clearInterval
* fix: Make sure there's a delay set before adding a timeout when we have slow explore queries
* wip: Add refresh picker to dashboard
* feat: Add util for removing keys with empty values
* feat: RefreshPicker in dashboards and tmp rem out old RefreshPicker
* fix: Remove the jumpy:ness in the refreshpicker
* Changed placement and made it hide when your in dashboard settings
* chore: Move logic related to refresh picker out of DashNav to its own component
* feat: Add tooltip to refreshpicker
* fix: Fix bug with refreshpicker not updating when setting to 'off'
* fix: Make it possible to override refresh intervals using the dashboard intervals
* chore: Change name of Interval to SetInterval to align with ecmascripts naming since its basically the same but declarative and async
* fix: Use default intervals when auto refresh is empty in dashboard settings
* fix: Hide time/interval picker when hidden is true on the model, such as on the home dashboard
* fix: Interval picker will have to handle location changes since timeSrv wont
* RefreshPicker: Refactoring refresh picker
* RefreshPicker: minor refactoring
* added new variables for height in theme, added height to gui button large, replaced add gicon with regular gicon, replaced + with gicon, changed button display to flex
* set fixed height to large button, removed xlarge button and replaced with large button
* removed button-mini and replaced with button-small, set fixed height to default button and button-small
* fixed padding for default and large button, fixed height for navbar button, fixed snapshots
* fixed padding and margin on navbar buttons
* gave special height to login btn-primary
* readded btn-mini class with same styling as btn-small and a deprecated notice
* fixed add panel widget buttons
* Style: made outlined buttons and used it in Alert component
* Refactor: clean up state on load data source failure
* Refactor: test data source thunk created
* Refactor: move logic to changeDatasource and call that from intialize
* Refactor: move load explore datasources to own thunk
* Refactor: move logic to updateDatasourceInstanceAction
* Tests: reducer tests
* Test(Explore): Added tests and made thunkTester async
* Fix(Explore): Fixed so that we do not render StartPage if there is no StartPage
* Fix(Explore): Missed type in merge
* Refactor: Thunktester did not fail tests on async failures and prevented queires from running on datasource failures
* Feat: Fadein error alert to prevent flickering
* Feat: Refresh labels after reconnect
* Refactor: Move useLokiForceLabels into useLokiLabels from PR comments
* Feat: adds refresh metrics to Prometheus languageprovider
* Style: removes padding for connected datasources
* Chore: remove implicit anys
A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes#1504.
1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved.
2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard.
3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard.
4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard.
Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click
the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this
view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each
entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable
checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created
that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a
button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that
dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their
dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button.
If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they
can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions,
then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard.
From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the
dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can
be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by
Overview of Changes
Backend Changes
- A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard
version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent
the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API
- API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard
- Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard
versions in the database.
- Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and
display it to the user.
- The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version
1" of each existing dashboard in the database.
Frontend Changes
- New views
- Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints
New API Endpoints
Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in
the format,
Authorization: Bearer <jwt>
where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana
admin panel.
`GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"`
Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts
three URL parameters:
- `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values
are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default
is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order.
- `limit` Maximum number of results to return
- `start` Position in results to start from
`GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"`
Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given
dashboard ID.
`POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"`
Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of
content-type `application/json`, and must contain.
"dashboardId": <int>,
"version": <int>
`GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"`
Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given
dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted
representation of the diff. The URL format follows
what GitHub does. For example, visiting
will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for
the dashboard ID 18.
Dependencies Added
- The Go package [gojsondiff](https://github.com/yudai/gojsondiff)
was added and vendored.