* style header like other grafana components
* use panel container for graph and same styles for query field
* fix typeahead CSS selector (was created outside of .explore)
* use navbar buttons for +/- of rows
* moved elapsed time under run query button
* fix JS error on multiple timeseries being returned
* fix color for graph lines
* show prometheus query errors
* panel container menu gets new Explore entry (between Edit and Share)
* entry only shows if datasource has `supportsExplore` set to true (set
for Prometheus only for now)
* click on Explore entry changes url to `/explore/state` via location provider
* `state` is a JSON representation of the panel queries
* datasources implement `getExploreState()` how to turn a panel config into explore initial
* Explore can parse the state and initialize its query expressions
* ReactContainer now forwards route parameters as props to component
* `pluginlist` and `singlestat` panel subclasses needed to be adapted because
`panel_ctrl` now has the location provider as a property already
* adds +/- buttons to query rows in the Explore section
* on Run Query all query expressions are submitted
* `generateQueryKey` and `ensureQueries` are helpers to ensure each
query field has a unique key for react.