$ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=golint ./...
build/release_publisher/externalrelease.go:55:6⚠️ type getHttpContents should be getHTTPContents (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:18:2⚠️ struct field apiUri should be apiURI (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:66:6⚠️ exported type ReleaseType should have comment or be unexported (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:69:2⚠️ exported const STABLE should have comment (or a comment on this block) or be unexported (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:185:16⚠️ should replace errors.New(fmt.Sprintf(...)) with fmt.Errorf(...) (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher_test.go:102:6⚠️ type mockHttpGetter should be mockHTTPGetter (golint)
$ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=golint ./... | grep -i URL
build/publish.go:18:5⚠️ var apiUrl should be apiURL (golint)
build/publish.go:184:2⚠️ struct field WhatsNewUrl should be WhatsNewURL (golint)
build/publish.go:185:2⚠️ struct field ReleaseNotesUrl should be ReleaseNotesURL (golint)
build/publish.go:191:2⚠️ struct field Url should be URL (golint)
build/release_publisher/externalrelease.go:17:53⚠️ method parameter baseArchiveUrl should be baseArchiveURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/externalrelease.go:17:69⚠️ method parameter whatsNewUrl should be whatsNewURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/externalrelease.go:17:89⚠️ method parameter releaseNotesUrl should be releaseNotesURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/localrelease.go:20:45⚠️ method parameter baseArchiveUrl should be baseArchiveURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/localrelease.go:20:61⚠️ method parameter whatsNewUrl should be whatsNewURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/localrelease.go:20:81⚠️ method parameter releaseNotesUrl should be releaseNotesURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/localrelease.go:45:41⚠️ method parameter baseArchiveUrl should be baseArchiveURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/localrelease.go:51:84⚠️ func parameter baseArchiveUrl should be baseArchiveURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/main.go:12:6⚠️ var whatsNewUrl should be whatsNewURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/main.go:13:6⚠️ var releaseNotesUrl should be releaseNotesURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/main.go:40:6⚠️ var baseUrl should be baseURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/main.go:94:6⚠️ func createBaseUrl should be createBaseURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:21:2⚠️ struct field baseArchiveUrl should be baseArchiveURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:26:17⚠️ interface method parameter baseArchiveUrl should be baseArchiveURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:26:33⚠️ interface method parameter whatsNewUrl should be whatsNewURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:26:53⚠️ interface method parameter releaseNotesUrl should be releaseNotesURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:29:31⚠️ method parameter whatsNewUrl should be whatsNewURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:29:51⚠️ method parameter releaseNotesUrl should be releaseNotesURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:91:24⚠️ method getUrl should be getURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:91:31⚠️ method parameter baseArchiveUrl should be baseArchiveURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:190:15⚠️ func parameter baseArchiveUrl should be baseArchiveURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:199:21⚠️ method apiUrl should be apiURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:257:2⚠️ struct field WhatsNewUrl should be WhatsNewURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:258:2⚠️ struct field ReleaseNotesUrl should be ReleaseNotesURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher.go:264:2⚠️ struct field Url should be URL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher_test.go:10:3⚠️ struct field whatsNewUrl should be whatsNewURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher_test.go:11:3⚠️ struct field relNotesUrl should be relNotesURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher_test.go:17:3⚠️ struct field expectedUrl should be expectedURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher_test.go:18:3⚠️ struct field baseArchiveUrl should be baseArchiveURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher_test.go:109:2⚠️ var whatsNewUrl should be whatsNewURL (golint)
build/release_publisher/publisher_test.go:110:2⚠️ var relNotesUrl should be relNotesURL (golint)
properties to void 0. This breaks angularjs preAssignBinding which
applies bindings to this before constructor is called. Fixed by
using fork of babel plugin.
$ gometalinter --disable-all --enable=gofmt --deadline 10m --vendor ./...
build.go:1:⚠️ file is not gofmted with -s (gofmt)
scripts/build/release_publisher/externalrelease.go:1:⚠️ file is not gofmted with -s (gofmt)
scripts/build/release_publisher/localrelease.go:1:⚠️ file is not gofmted with -s (gofmt)
scripts/build/release_publisher/main.go:1:⚠️ file is not gofmted with -s (gofmt)
scripts/build/release_publisher/publisher_test.go:1:⚠️ file is not gofmted with -s (gofmt)
$ gometalinter --vendor --deadline 6m --disable-all --enable=megacheck ./...
scripts/build/release_publisher/publisher_test.go:14:2⚠️ should merge variable declaration with assignment on next line (S1021) (megacheck)
* build: use build workflow id instead of build number.
The workflow id is unique across the whole workflow
while the build number is unique to every job in the
workflow. This change means that jobs that build
artifacts for the same commit but in different jobs
will now have the same id.
* build: fixes pkgver generation.
- using grunt-newer to prefix precommit tasks
- only got it to work for tslint and tsc
Not applied to:
- sasslint does not take the file arguments in a way that grunt-newer
- no-only-tests throws an error when used with `newer`, but it's
sub-second runtime
- when instantiating a datasource, the datasource service checks if the
plugin module exports Explore components, and if so, attaches them to
the datasource
- Explore component makes all major internal pluggable from a datasource
`exploreComponents` property
- Moved Prometheus query field to promehteus datasource and registered
it as an exported Explore component
- Added new Start page for Explore, also exported from the datasource
$ gometalinter --vendor --deadline 10m --disable-all --enable=megacheck ./...
scripts/build/publish.go:126:48⚠️ argument err is overwritten before first use (SA4009) (megacheck)
- using tslib reduces bundle sizes
- add compiler option for easier default imports of CJS modules
- remove double entry of fork-ts-checker-plugin
- speed up hot reload by using exprimental ts-loader API
* enable ee build on pr/master
* step1: of including group sync
* disable commit pinning for now
* fixes broken build
* enable team to ldap group sync
* avoid returning error for missing external handler
* services: allow routes to be added before http server start
* services: allows services to add their own migrations
* moves db migrations to ee code base
* build using master branch in ee
* disable enterprise build in .bra.toml
[skip ci]
* removes team sync extensions
* removes commented line
* Webpack 4
* webpack: force angular version 1.6 as 1.7 has removed a legacy feature toggle Grafana needs, switched from awesome-typescript-loader to ts-loader & forked ts checker
* Webpack 4
* webpack: force angular version 1.6 as 1.7 has removed a legacy feature toggle Grafana needs, switched from awesome-typescript-loader to ts-loader & forked ts checker
* upgrade ts loader
* simplified splitChunks
* upgrade circle node image to v8
* webpack: minor changes, using the new mode option, removed unused awesome-typescript loader, investigating karma issue but no solution yet
* fix: change angular mocks version restriction to be more strict
* add babel-loader for HMR support, fix karma debug runner
* babel-loader to yarn.lock
* webpack: changed from ExtractTextPlugin to MiniCssExtractPlugin, and updated the minification step to use new webpack4 optimization config section
* webpack: remove css minifcation from general css processing as it's done in the webpack optimization step
* limit vendors chunk to .ts and .js files
* fix: removed typescript compile error, wanted to see if we still got test failure for that
* tech: upgrade uglify-js, should be faster now
* too many conditionals for config, better to be explicit
* different priorities: faster build for hot mode
* working SCSS sources for styles in hot mode
The biggest differences:
* removed linter from TS loader in hot (should be editor or precommit
or responsibility)
* simplified styles loading
* hot needs more extensions to resolve
* removed commons chunking for hot
* removed devServer from dev
Reduced HMR time from 8s to 4s on my machine.
* moved babel rules for hot reloading into TS loader
* toggling use of babel via HOT variable (true with `yarn start`)
* overriding webpack output when HOT to fix asset paths in dashboard
urls like http://localhost:3333/d/...
* extensions: import and build
* bus: use predefined error
* enterprise: build script for enterprise packages
* poc: auto registering services and dependency injection
(cherry picked from commit b5b1ef875f905473af41e49f8071cb9028edc845)
* poc: backend services registry progress
(cherry picked from commit 97be69725881241bfbf1e7adf0e66801d6b0af3d)
* poc: minor update
(cherry picked from commit 03d7a6888b81403f458b94305792e075568f0794)
* ioc: introduce manuel ioc
* enterprise: adds setting for enterprise
* build: test and build specific ee commit
* cleanup: test testing code
* removes example hello service
* adds `npm start` / `yarn start` script
* starts a webpack-dev-server using the dev config, served on :3333
* hot reloading (HMR) for react/styles, not working for angular code
* new entry `dev.ts` for dynamic imports of CSS theme (ExtractText does
not work with HMR)
* TS loader pipeline moved out of common to add HMR for react
* applied `hot()` to some react containers (that's their new default
export, named exports remains for testing)
* added sections to README
* updated yarn.lock