* colorpicker: fix opening error when color is undefined
* colorpicker: replace spectrum picker by new color picker
* colorpicker: remove old spectrum picker directive
* annotations: use tinycolor for working with region colors
* table-panel: clickable cell link - draft
* table-panel: clickable cell link - fix link target option
* table-panel: fix undefined columnStyle.link
* table-panel: option to highlight cell with link
* table-panel: render variables for all cells in row
* table-panel: remove cell highlighting
* table-panel: add help for URL field
* linkPopover directive for link info in table panel
* table-panel: add link info popover to cells
* table-panel: use native popover instead directive
* table-panel: link drop refactor, remove unused code
* table-panel: fix unclickable link when drop is opened
* refactoring: minor refactoring to #8738, do not think we need a full blown popover for the links, simple tooltip is enough and more efficient, sadly we do not have a modern tooltip framework, still using old bootstrap 2.3 tooltip
* table-panel: add tests for link rendering
* table_panel: add option for preserving text formatting
* table_panel: fix undefined style error
* table_panel: fix class adding (add space before 'class')
* table_panel: aligin Type options labels