* update authz to exclude entire group if user does not have access to rule
* change rule update authz to not return changes because if user does not have access to any rule in group, they do not have access to the rule
* a new query that returns alerts in group by UID of alert that belongs to that group
* collect all affected groups during calculate changes
* update authorize to check access to groups
* update tests for calculateChanges to assert new fields
* add authorization tests
* Alerting: unwrap upsert into insert and update function
* add changelog entry
* remove changelog entry
* rename upsertrule to updaterule
* use directly alertrule model for inserts
* add test for updating a rule with a conflicting name
* add check for access to rule's data source in GET APIs
* use more general method GetAlertRules instead of GetNamespaceAlertRules.
* remove unused GetNamespaceAlertRules.
* create a method to generate permissions for rules
* extract method to create RuleSrv
* add tests for RouteGetNamespaceRulesConfig
* move validation at the beginning of method
* remove usage of GetOrgRuleGroups because it is not necessary. All information is already available in memory.
* remove unused method
* Use alert:create action for folder search with edit permissions. This matches the action that is used to query dashboards (the update will be addressed later)
* Update rule store to use FindDashboards instead of folder service to list folders the user has access to view alerts. Folder service does not support query type and additional filters.
* Do not check whether the user can save to folder if FGAC is enabled because it is checked on API level.
* rename GetRuleGroupAlertRules to GetAlertRules
* make rule group optional in GetAlertRulesQuery
* simplify FakeStore. the current structure did not support optional rule group
* Update API controller
- add validation of rules API model
- add function to calculate changes between the submitted alerts and existing alerts
- update RoutePostNameRulesConfig to validate input models, calculate changes and apply in a transaction
* Update DBStore
- delete unused storage method. All the logic is moved upstream.
- upsert to not modify fields of new by values from the existing alert
- if rule has UID do not try to pull it from db. (it is done upstream)
* Add rule generator