With live tailing introduced in Explore we now have a lot of actions dispatching and the Redux Dev Tools doesn't cope with the amount and rate of actions and crashes. This PR turns on redux action logging when you add logActions=true in the url and turns it off if you refresh the page or add logActions=false in the url.
* creating types, actions, reducer
* load teams and store in redux
* delete team
* set search query action and tests
* Teampages page
* team members, bug in fetching team
* flattened team state, tests for TeamMembers
* test for team member selector
* team settings
* actions for group sync
* tests for team groups
* removed comment
* remove old stores
* fix: formating of datasource.go
* fix: minor changes to imports
* adding debounce and fixing issue in teamlist
* refactoring: moving types to their own files