$ find . -type f | xargs misspell -locale US | grep -vi -e vendor -e devenv -e Unknwon -e Destory | grep pkg
./pkg/services/sqlstore/org_test.go:190:15: "frome" is a misspelling of "from"
./pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:544:24: "Unkown" is a misspelling of "Unknown"
./pkg/tsdb/opentsdb/opentsdb.go:87:20: "marshalling" is a misspelling of "marshaling"
./pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap_test.go:2:7: "Licence" is a misspelling of "License"
./pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:2:7: "Licence" is a misspelling of "License"
I removed some code, and commented out other one.
$ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --disable=gotype --enable=megacheck --deadline 6m ./... | grep unused
pkg/api/avatar/avatar.go💯26⚠️ func (*CacheServer).mustInt is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/api/folder_test.go:136:6⚠️ func callGetFolderByUID is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/api/folder_test.go:141:6⚠️ func callDeleteFolder is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/api/live/hub.go:40:15⚠️ func (*hub).removeConnection is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/components/imguploader/azureblobuploader.go:130:5⚠️ var client is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/middleware/middleware_test.go:438:28⚠️ func (*scenarioContext).withInvalidApiKey is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/alerting/ticker.go:40:18⚠️ func (*Ticker).updateOffset is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/notifications/notifications_test.go:12:6⚠️ type testTriggeredAlert is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_service_integration_test.go:935:6⚠️ type scenarioContext is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_service_integration_test.go:939:6⚠️ type scenarioFunc is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_service_integration_test.go:941:6⚠️ func dashboardGuardianScenario is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/transactions_test.go:13:6⚠️ type testQuery is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
$ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=goconst --disable=gotype --deadline=6m ./...
build.go:113:15⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:119:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst)
build.go:119:15⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst)
build.go:491:34⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:119:15 (goconst)
build.go:381:21⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:423:13 build.go:487:13 (goconst)
build.go:423:13⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:487:13 (goconst)
build.go:487:13⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:423:13 (goconst)
pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/folder.go:98:22⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/folder.go:98:35⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 (goconst)
pkg/api/index.go:63:47⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found
in: pkg/api/index.go:91:22 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst)
pkg/api/index.go:91:22⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst)
pkg/api/index.go:93:16⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:91:22 (goconst)
pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst)
pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst)
pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 (goconst)
pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst)
pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst)
pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 (goconst)
pkg/social/social.go:85:11⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:162:14 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst)
pkg/social/social.go:162:14⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst)
pkg/social/social.go:197:11⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:162:14 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17⚠️ 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8⚠️ 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31⚠️ 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9⚠️ 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 (goconst)
$ gometalinter --disable-all --enable misspell --deadline 10m --vendor ./...
pkg/api/dtos/alerting_test.go:32:13⚠️ "expectes" is a misspelling of "expects" (misspell)
pkg/api/static/static.go:2:18⚠️ "Unknwon" is a misspelling of "Unknown" (misspell)
pkg/components/imguploader/azureblobuploader.go:55:48⚠️ "conatiner" is a misspelling of "container" (misspell)
pkg/login/ldap_settings.go:51:115⚠️ "compatability" is a misspelling of "compatibility" (misspell)
pkg/middleware/auth_proxy_test.go:122:22⚠️ "Destory" is a misspelling of "Destroy" (misspell)
pkg/middleware/logger.go:2:18⚠️ "Unknwon" is a misspelling of "Unknown" (misspell)
pkg/services/notifications/codes.go:9:13⚠️ "Unknwon" is a misspelling of "Unknown" (misspell)
pkg/services/session/mysql.go:170:3⚠️ "Destory" is a misspelling of "Destroy" (misspell)
pkg/services/session/mysql.go:171:24⚠️ "Destory" is a misspelling of "Destroy" (misspell)
pkg/services/session/session.go:95:4⚠️ "Destory" is a misspelling of "Destroy" (misspell)
pkg/services/session/session.go:96:1⚠️ "Destory" is a misspelling of "Destroy" (misspell)
pkg/services/session/session.go:167:25⚠️ "Destory" is a misspelling of "Destroy" (misspell)
pkg/setting/setting.go:1:18⚠️ "Unknwon" is a misspelling of "Unknown" (misspell)
pkg/tsdb/cloudwatch/cloudwatch.go:199:14⚠️ "resolutin" is a misspelling of "resolutions" (misspell)
pkg/tsdb/cloudwatch/cloudwatch.go:270:15⚠️ "resolutin" is a misspelling of "resolutions" (misspell)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:531:24⚠️ "Unkown" is a misspelling of "Unknown" (misspell)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/client/search_request.go:113:7⚠️ "initaite" is a misspelling of "initiate" (misspell)
Note: Unknwon is a library name, and Destory a mysql typo.
* rendering: headless chrome progress
* renderer: minor change
* grpc: version hell
* updated grpc libs
* wip: minor progess
* rendering: new image rendering plugin is starting to work
* feat: now phantomjs works as well and updated alerting to use new rendering service
* refactor: renamed renderer package and service to rendering to make renderer name less confusing (rendering is internal service that handles the renderer plugin now)
* rendering: now render key is passed and render auth is working in plugin mode
* removed unneeded lines from gitignore
* rendering: now plugin mode supports waiting for all panels to complete rendering
* fix: LastSeenAt fix for render calls, was not set which causes a lot of updates to Last Seen at during rendering, this should fix sqlite db locked issues in seen in previous releases
* change: changed render tz url parameter to use proper timezone name as chrome does not handle UTC offset TZ values
* fix: another update to tz param generation
* renderer: added http mode to renderer service, new ini setting [rendering] server_url
* wip: start on refactoring settings
* settings: progress on settings refactor
* refactor: progress on settings refactoring
* fix: fixed failing test
* settings: moved smtp settings from global to instance
This commit fixes the following unindent findings:
pkg/api/common.go:102:2: "if x { if y" should be "if x && y"
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:642:2: invert condition and early return
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:681:2: invert condition and early return
pkg/components/simplejson/simplejson.go:171:2: "if x { if y" should be "if x && y"
pkg/middleware/dashboard_redirect.go:42:3: invert condition and early return
pkg/tsdb/mssql/mssql.go:301:3: invert condition and early break
pkg/tsdb/mysql/mysql.go:312:3: invert condition and early break
pkg/tsdb/postgres/postgres.go:292:3: invert condition and early break
pkg/tsdb/sql_engine.go:144:2: invert condition and early return
This commit fixes the following golint warnings:
pkg/bus/bus.go:64:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/bus/bus.go:84:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:137:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:177:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:183:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:199:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:208:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:236:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:242:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:257:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:263:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:278:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:284:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:299:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:331:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:350:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:356:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:366:12: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:390:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:396:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:405:12: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:427:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:433:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:442:12: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:459:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:465:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:474:12: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:491:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:497:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:506:12: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:523:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:529:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:538:12: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:555:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:561:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap.go:570:12: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/login/ldap.go:55:11: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/login/ldap_test.go:372:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/middleware/middleware_test.go:213:12: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/plugins/dashboard_importer.go:153:11: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/plugins/dashboards_updater.go:39:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/plugins/dashboards_updater.go:121:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/plugins/plugins.go:210:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/plugins/plugins.go:235:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/alerting/eval_context.go:111:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/alerting/notifier.go:92:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/alerting/notifier.go:98:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/alerting/notifier.go:122:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/alerting/rule.go:108:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/alerting/rule.go:118:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/alerting/rule.go:121:11: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/telegram.go:94:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/services/sqlstore/annotation.go:34:11: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/sqlstore/annotation.go:99:11: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_test.go:107:13: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/services/sqlstore/plugin_setting.go:78:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/services/sqlstore/preferences.go:91:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/services/sqlstore/user.go:50:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/services/sqlstore/migrator/migrator.go:106:11: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/services/sqlstore/migrator/postgres_dialect.go:48:10: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/tsdb/time_range.go:59:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/tsdb/time_range.go:67:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
pkg/tsdb/cloudwatch/metric_find_query.go:225:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
pkg/util/filepath.go:68:11: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
This fixes:
build.go:553:6: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !strings.Contains(path, ".sha256") (S1002)
pkg/cmd/grafana-cli/commands/ls_command.go:27:5: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !pluginDirInfo.IsDir() (S1002)
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap_test.go:24:5: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !value (S1002)
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap_test.go:122:14: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to b (S1002)
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap_test.go:125:14: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !b (S1002)
pkg/components/dynmap/dynmap_test.go:128:14: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !b (S1002)
pkg/models/org_user.go:51:5: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !(*r).IsValid() (S1002)
pkg/plugins/datasource/wrapper/datasource_plugin_wrapper_test.go:77:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !haveBool (S1002)
pkg/services/alerting/conditions/evaluator.go:23:9: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !reducedValue.Valid (S1002)
pkg/services/alerting/conditions/evaluator.go:48:5: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !reducedValue.Valid (S1002)
pkg/services/alerting/conditions/evaluator.go:91:5: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !reducedValue.Valid (S1002)
pkg/services/alerting/conditions/query.go:56:6: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !reducedValue.Valid (S1002)
pkg/services/alerting/extractor.go:107:20: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !enabled.MustBool() (S1002)
pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/telegram.go:222:41: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to this.UploadImage (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/apikey.go:58:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/apikey.go:72:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard.go:66:33: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !cmd.Overwrite (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard.go:175:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard.go:311:13: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard.go:444:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !exists (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard.go:472:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !exists (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard.go:554:32: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !cmd.Overwrite (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_snapshot.go:83:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/plugin_setting.go:39:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/quota.go:34:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/quota.go:111:6: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/quota.go:136:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/quota.go:213:6: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/temp_user.go:129:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/user.go:157:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/user.go:182:5: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/user.go:191:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/user.go:212:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/services/sqlstore/user.go:307:12: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !has (S1002)
pkg/social/generic_oauth.go:185:5: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !s.extractToken(&data, token) (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/mssql/mssql.go:148:39: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to ok (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/mssql/mssql.go:212:6: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !query.Model.Get("fillNull").MustBool(false) (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/mssql/mssql.go:247:56: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to ok (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/mssql/mssql.go:274:7: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !exist (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/mssql/mssql.go:282:8: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !exist (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/mysql/mysql.go:221:6: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !query.Model.Get("fillNull").MustBool(false) (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/mysql/mysql.go:256:56: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to ok (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/mysql/mysql.go:283:7: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !exist (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/mysql/mysql.go:291:8: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !exist (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/postgres/postgres.go:134:39: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to ok (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/postgres/postgres.go:201:6: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !query.Model.Get("fillNull").MustBool(false) (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/postgres/postgres.go:236:56: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to ok (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/postgres/postgres.go:263:7: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !exist (S1002)
pkg/tsdb/postgres/postgres.go:271:8: should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to !exist (S1002)
* Add add adapter between io.Writer and log.Logger
* Add phantomjs output to grafana log
* Unexport LogWriterImpl
* Add test for LogWriter
* Make it possible to get phantomjs debug output
* Make it possible to get the configured log level