$ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=goconst --disable=gotype --deadline=6m ./...
build.go:113:15⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:119:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst)
build.go:119:15⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst)
build.go:491:34⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:119:15 (goconst)
build.go:381:21⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:423:13 build.go:487:13 (goconst)
build.go:423:13⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:487:13 (goconst)
build.go:487:13⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:423:13 (goconst)
pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/folder.go:98:22⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst)
pkg/api/folder.go:98:35⚠️ 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 (goconst)
pkg/api/index.go:63:47⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found
in: pkg/api/index.go:91:22 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst)
pkg/api/index.go:91:22⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst)
pkg/api/index.go:93:16⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:91:22 (goconst)
pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst)
pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst)
pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 (goconst)
pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst)
pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst)
pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 (goconst)
pkg/social/social.go:85:11⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:162:14 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst)
pkg/social/social.go:162:14⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst)
pkg/social/social.go:197:11⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:162:14 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17⚠️ 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8⚠️ 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31⚠️ 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9⚠️ 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst)
pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24⚠️ 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 (goconst)
$ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=megacheck --disable=gotype --deadline 6m ./... | grep ID
alert.go:193:15⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
alert.go:252:18⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
annotation.go:113:12⚠️ sess.Table("annotation").Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
org.go:136:24⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
org.go:169:16⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
org_users.go:24:21⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
org_users.go:88:12⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
org_users.go:141:21⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
plugin_setting.go:103:12⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
preferences.go:97:12⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
quota.go:119:17⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
quota.go:221:17⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
team.go:77:24⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:243:16⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:267:13⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:282:13⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:313:12⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:475:3⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:479:13⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:493:13⚠️ sess.Id is deprecated: use ID instead (SA1019) (megacheck)
$ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=megacheck --disable=gotype --deadline 6m ./... | grep SQL
alert.go:43:9⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
alert_notification.go:122:12⚠️ sess.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
annotation.go:226:12⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
dashboard.go:228:9⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
dashboard.go:302:10⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
dashboard.go:416:9⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
dashboard.go:635:12⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
migrations/user_mig.go:137:9⚠️ sess.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
plugin_setting.go:29:10⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
quota.go:41:12⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
quota.go:84:13⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
quota.go:143:12⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
quota.go:186:13⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
quota.go:234:12⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
team.go:172:12⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
team.go:199:17⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
team.go:223:9⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
temp_user.go:99:10⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
temp_user.go:124:10⚠️ x.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:375:3⚠️ sess.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:377:3⚠️ sess.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
user.go:379:3⚠️ sess.Sql is deprecated: use SQL instead. (SA1019) (megacheck)
* improve remote image rendering
- determine "domain" during Init() so we are not re-parsing settings
on every request
- if using http-mode via a rednererUrl, then use the AppUrl for the
page that the renderer loads. When in http-mode the renderer is likely
running on another server so trying to use the localhost or even the
specific IP:PORT grafana is listening on wont work.
- apply the request timeout via a context rather then directly on the http client.
- use a global http client so we can take advantage of connection re-use
- log and handle errors better.
* ensure imagesDir exists
* allow users to define callback_url for remote rendering
- allow users to define the url that a remote rendering service
should use for connecting back to the grafana instance.
By default the "root_url" is used.
* improve remote image rendering
- determine "domain" during Init() so we are not re-parsing settings
on every request
- if using http-mode via a rednererUrl, then use the AppUrl for the
page that the renderer loads. When in http-mode the renderer is likely
running on another server so trying to use the localhost or even the
specific IP:PORT grafana is listening on wont work.
- apply the request timeout via a context rather then directly on the http client.
- use a global http client so we can take advantage of connection re-use
- log and handle errors better.
* ensure imagesDir exists
* allow users to define callback_url for remote rendering
- allow users to define the url that a remote rendering service
should use for connecting back to the grafana instance.
By default the "root_url" is used.
* rendering: fixed issue with renderKey where userId and orgId was in mixed up, added test for RenderCallbackUrl reading logic
* Rewriting team pages in react
* teams to react progress
* teams: getting team by id returns same DTO as search, needed for AvatarUrl
* teams: progress on new team pages
* fix: team test
* listing team members and removing team members now works
* teams: team member page now works
* ux: fixed adding team member issue
* refactoring TeamPicker to conform to react coding styles better
* teams: very close to being done with team page rewrite
* minor style tweak
* ux: polish to team pages
* feature: team pages in react & everything working
* fix: removed flickering when changing tabs by always rendering PageHeader
* enable ee build on pr/master
* step1: of including group sync
* disable commit pinning for now
* fixes broken build
* enable team to ldap group sync
* avoid returning error for missing external handler
* services: allow routes to be added before http server start
* services: allows services to add their own migrations
* moves db migrations to ee code base
* build using master branch in ee
* disable enterprise build in .bra.toml
[skip ci]
* removes team sync extensions
* removes commented line
* master: (95 commits)
registry: adds more comments
registry: adds comments to interfaces
changelog: update
changelog: update
changelog: add notes about closing #12438
alerting: only log when screenshot been uploaded
fixes typos
changelog: add notes about closing #12444
Revert "auth proxy: use real ip when validating white listed ip's"
changelog: adds note for #11892
changelog: add notes about closing #12430
fix footer css issue
Karma to Jest: 3 test files (#12414)
fix: log close/flush was done too early, before server shutdown log message was called, fixes#12438
Karma to Jest: value_select_dropdown (#12435)
support passing api token in Basic auth password (#12416)
Add disabled styles for checked checkbox (#12422)
changelog: add notes about closing #11920
changelog: add notes about closing #11920
changelog: update
* master:
changelog: add notes about closing #11076
snapshot: copy correct props when creating a snapshot
set current org when adding/removing user to org
changelog: add notes about closing #10707
Include the vendor directory when copying source in to Docker (#12305)
changelog: adds note about closing #12199
adds inTransactionCtx that calls inTransactionWithRetryCtx
merge create user handlers
transactions: start sessions and transactions at the same place
cloudwatch: handle invalid time range
make sure to use real ip when validating white listed ip's
changelog: adds note about closing #12286
To not get into a situation where a user has a current organization assign which he is
not a member of we try to always make sure that a user has a valid current organization
this make it possible for handler to use `withSession` when
transactions is not nedded and `inTransactionCtx` if its needed
without knowing who owns the session/transaction
* fork/bus_multi_dispatch:
sql: adds tests for InTransaction
bus: noop should still execute fn
removes unused code
bus: Dispatch now passes empty ctx if handler require it
bus: dont start transaction when creating session
bus: dont mix ctx/classic handlers
bus: DispatchCtx can now invoke any handler
refactoring: renamed AddCtxHandler to AddHandlerCtx PR #12203
refactoring: transaction manager PR #12203
fixes typo in code
check if admin exists or create one in one transaction
replace begin/end with wrapper function
bus: support multiple dispatch in one transaction
this makes it possible to run multiple DispatchCtx
in one transaction. The TransactionManager will
start/end the transaction and pass the dbsession
in the context.Context variable
* master: (84 commits)
docs: adds info about grafana-dev container
changelog: add notes about closing #12282
Added Litre/min and milliLitre/min in Flow (#12282)
remove papaparse dependency
list name is deleteDatasources, not delete_datasources
remove internal influx ifql datasource
Document the endpoint for deleting an org
tests: rewrite into table tests
influxdb: adds mode func to backend
changelog: add notes about closing #11484
changelog: add notes about closing #11233
Remove import
Fix PR feedback
Removed papaparse from external plugin exports
Karma to Jest: query_builder
dsproxy: move http client variable back
Karma to Jest: threshold_mapper
Expose react and slate to external plugins
Karma to Jest: threshold_manager
Karma to Jest: query_def, index_pattern
* master: (30 commits)
changelog: add notes about closing #11882
renamed variable in tests
added comment, variableChange -> variableValueChange
added a test
added if to check if new variable has been added
Gravatar fallback does not respect 'AppSubUrl'-setting (#12149)
change admin password after first login
changelog: adds note about closing #11958
revert: reverted singlestat panel position change PR #12004
Revert "provisioning: turn relative symlinked path into absolut paths"
provisioning: turn relative symlinked path into absolut paths
changelog: adds note about closing #11670
elasticsearch: sort bucket keys to fix issue wth response parser tests
docs: what's new in v5.2
changelog: add notes about closing #11167
docs: docker secrets support. (#12141)
alerting: show alerts for user with Viewer role
datasource: added option no-direct-access to ds-http-settings diretive, closes#12138
provisioning: adds fallback if evalsymlink/abs fails
tests: uses different paths depending on os
* rendering: headless chrome progress
* renderer: minor change
* grpc: version hell
* updated grpc libs
* wip: minor progess
* rendering: new image rendering plugin is starting to work
* feat: now phantomjs works as well and updated alerting to use new rendering service
* refactor: renamed renderer package and service to rendering to make renderer name less confusing (rendering is internal service that handles the renderer plugin now)
* rendering: now render key is passed and render auth is working in plugin mode
* removed unneeded lines from gitignore
* rendering: now plugin mode supports waiting for all panels to complete rendering
* fix: LastSeenAt fix for render calls, was not set which causes a lot of updates to Last Seen at during rendering, this should fix sqlite db locked issues in seen in previous releases
* change: changed render tz url parameter to use proper timezone name as chrome does not handle UTC offset TZ values
* fix: another update to tz param generation
* renderer: added http mode to renderer service, new ini setting [rendering] server_url
* refactor: tracing service refactoring
* refactor: sqlstore to instance service
* refactor: sqlstore & registory priority
* refactor: sqlstore refactor wip
* sqlstore: progress on getting tests to work again
* sqlstore: progress on refactoring and getting tests working
* sqlstore: connection string fix
* fix: not sure why this test is not working and required changing expires
* fix: updated grafana-cli