Explore now uses the timezone of the user to decide if local browser
time or UTC should be used.
- Now uses TimeRange instead of RawTimeRange in explore item
state tree and only parsing actual time in a few action
- Time picker should now properly handle moving back/forward and
apply time range when both utc and non utc time zone.
- URL range representation is changed from YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
to epoch ms.
- Now uses AbsoluteTimeRange in graph component instead of moment.
- Makes a copy of the time range passed to timeSrv to make sure immutability
of explore time range when for example elasticsearch test datasources uses
timeSrv and sets a time range of last 1 min.
- Various refactorings and cleanup.
* added new variables for height in theme, added height to gui button large, replaced add gicon with regular gicon, replaced + with gicon, changed button display to flex
* set fixed height to large button, removed xlarge button and replaced with large button
* removed button-mini and replaced with button-small, set fixed height to default button and button-small
* fixed padding for default and large button, fixed height for navbar button, fixed snapshots
* fixed padding and margin on navbar buttons
* gave special height to login btn-primary
* readded btn-mini class with same styling as btn-small and a deprecated notice
* fixed add panel widget buttons