I removed some code, and commented out other one.
$ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --disable=gotype --enable=megacheck --deadline 6m ./... | grep unused
pkg/api/avatar/avatar.go💯26⚠️ func (*CacheServer).mustInt is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/api/folder_test.go:136:6⚠️ func callGetFolderByUID is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/api/folder_test.go:141:6⚠️ func callDeleteFolder is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/api/live/hub.go:40:15⚠️ func (*hub).removeConnection is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/components/imguploader/azureblobuploader.go:130:5⚠️ var client is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/middleware/middleware_test.go:438:28⚠️ func (*scenarioContext).withInvalidApiKey is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/alerting/ticker.go:40:18⚠️ func (*Ticker).updateOffset is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/notifications/notifications_test.go:12:6⚠️ type testTriggeredAlert is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_service_integration_test.go:935:6⚠️ type scenarioContext is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_service_integration_test.go:939:6⚠️ type scenarioFunc is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_service_integration_test.go:941:6⚠️ func dashboardGuardianScenario is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/transactions_test.go:13:6⚠️ type testQuery is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
- extends handlers for panel menu and keypress 'x'
- in a mixed-datasource panel finds first datasource that supports
explore and collects its targets
- passes those targets to the found datasource to be serialized for
explore state
- removed `supportMetrics` and `supportsExplore`
- use datasource metadata instead (set in plugin.json)
- Use angular timeout to wrap url change for explore jump
- Extract getExploreUrl into core/utils/explore
If notification state is pending and last update of state was made
less than a minute ago. In the case of a grafana instance is shut down/crashes
between setting pending state and before sending the notification/marks as complete
this logic should allow the notification to be sent after some time instead of
being left in an inconsistent state where no notifications are being sent.
Storing queries, split state, and time range in URL.
- harmonize query serialization when generating Explore URLs in
dashboards (use of `renderUrl`)
- move URL parse/serialization to Wrapper
- keep UI states under two keys, one for left and one for right Explore
- add option to angular router to not reload page on search change
- add lots of types
- fix time service function that gets triggered by URL change