* fix: Lock version of dependencies
* fix: Lock version of devDependencies
* fix: Lock down grafana/ui npm versions + regenerate lockfile
* fix: Back some versions i tried to bump
* fix: Bump react and react-dom to latest
* chore: Remove types/react from resolutions
* fix: Lock eventemitter3 version in package.json
* Wip: virtualize suggestions list
* Refactor: Separate components to different files
* Refactor: Made TypeaheadItem a FunctionComponent using emotion
* Refactor: Use theme to calculate width instead of hardcoded values
* Refactor: Calculate list height and item size
* Style: Adds labels to emotion classes
* Refactor: Flattens CompletionItems to one list
* Chore: merge yarn.lock
* Refactor: Adds documentation popup on the side
* Refactor: Makes position of TypeaheadInfo dynamic
* Refactor: Calculations moved to separate file
* Migrated loki syntax and labels logic to useLokiSyntax hook
* Enable loki labels refresh after specified interval has passed
* Enable periodic loki labels refresh when labels selector is opened
* Fix prettier
* Add react-hooks-testing-library and disable lib check on typecheck
* Add tests for loki syntax/label hooks
* Move tsc's skipLibCheck option to tsconfig for webpack to pick it up
* Set log labels refresh marker variable when log labels fetch start
* Fix prettier issues
* Fix type on activeOption in useLokiLabel hook
* Typo fixes and types in useLokiSyntax hook test fixes
* Make sure effect's setState is not performed on unmounted component
* Extract logic for checking if is component mounted to a separate hook
* Readme update
* Update @grafana/ui Readme qith release process description. Allow version commit creation during release
* Run tests and checks for grafana/core before releasing grafana/ui
* Post review Readme updates
Importing ansicolor from node_modules or vendored as is failed because
there is no ES5 transpiler configured for ES6 libs.
- remove ansicolor from package.json
- add ansicolor to public/vendor/ansicolor and port to typescript
- adapt all ansicolor imports
- add `public/vendor` as a path to be considered by ts compiler
A logging query has a selector part and a regexp. The regexp matches are highlighted when results return.
This change adds live preview to matches when modifying the regexp in a search field.
- delegate retrieval of match query to datasource
- datasource returns search expressions to be used to highlight a live preview of matches
- logs row now takes preview highlights
- logs row renders preview highlights with dotted line to distinguish from query run matches (solid line)
- fix react-highlight-words version to ensure custom chunk matcher
- custom chunk matcher can now also take incomplete regexps, eg, `(level` without inifinte looping
- perf: debounce of live preview to 500ms
- perf: only top 100 rows get the live preview
- preview is only supported with one query row (multiple rows semantic makes this tricky: regexp for row n should only filter results for query n)
properties to void 0. This breaks angularjs preAssignBinding which
applies bindings to this before constructor is called. Fixed by
using fork of babel plugin.
- using grunt-newer to prefix precommit tasks
- only got it to work for tslint and tsc
Not applied to:
- sasslint does not take the file arguments in a way that grunt-newer
- no-only-tests throws an error when used with `newer`, but it's
sub-second runtime
- adds react-table as dependency
- replaces custom table component in Explore
- vendors react-table styles and overrides them (currently in
- the non-nested query field schema did not allow for multi-line
- added explicit code schema and a `makeValue` function that enforces
the nested structure
- replaced vendored prism-slate adapter with official slate-prism
- renamed language to syntax
- load all histogrammable metrics on start, based on `{le!=''}` series
- select dropdown shows all those metrics as well as histograms in a
special group
- select a metric will write fill the metric in the query box
- if a histogram is chosen, it will write a complete
`histogram_quantile` query
- added new dependency: rc-cascader
- using tslib reduces bundle sizes
- add compiler option for easier default imports of CJS modules
- remove double entry of fork-ts-checker-plugin
- speed up hot reload by using exprimental ts-loader API
* Webpack 4
* webpack: force angular version 1.6 as 1.7 has removed a legacy feature toggle Grafana needs, switched from awesome-typescript-loader to ts-loader & forked ts checker
* Webpack 4
* webpack: force angular version 1.6 as 1.7 has removed a legacy feature toggle Grafana needs, switched from awesome-typescript-loader to ts-loader & forked ts checker
* upgrade ts loader
* simplified splitChunks
* upgrade circle node image to v8
* webpack: minor changes, using the new mode option, removed unused awesome-typescript loader, investigating karma issue but no solution yet
* fix: change angular mocks version restriction to be more strict
* add babel-loader for HMR support, fix karma debug runner
* babel-loader to yarn.lock
* webpack: changed from ExtractTextPlugin to MiniCssExtractPlugin, and updated the minification step to use new webpack4 optimization config section
* webpack: remove css minifcation from general css processing as it's done in the webpack optimization step
* limit vendors chunk to .ts and .js files
* fix: removed typescript compile error, wanted to see if we still got test failure for that
* tech: upgrade uglify-js, should be faster now
* too many conditionals for config, better to be explicit
* different priorities: faster build for hot mode
* working SCSS sources for styles in hot mode
The biggest differences:
* removed linter from TS loader in hot (should be editor or precommit
or responsibility)
* simplified styles loading
* hot needs more extensions to resolve
* removed commons chunking for hot
* removed devServer from dev
Reduced HMR time from 8s to 4s on my machine.
For some reason a newer version of this sub-dependency makes phantomjs
rendering unable to generate and save a png image, however without
any error message logged
* adds `npm start` / `yarn start` script
* starts a webpack-dev-server using the dev config, served on :3333
* hot reloading (HMR) for react/styles, not working for angular code
* new entry `dev.ts` for dynamic imports of CSS theme (ExtractText does
not work with HMR)
* TS loader pipeline moved out of common to add HMR for react
* applied `hot()` to some react containers (that's their new default
export, named exports remains for testing)
* added sections to README
* updated yarn.lock
It is the only js package that is installed directly from
GitHub - this changes it to download the tarball instead of doing a
git clone.
Background: Git clones against GitHub does currently does not work
with the container build which uses CentOS 6.6. It does not have support for
TLS 1.2 and cannot git clone against GitHub since they removed support for
TLS 1.0 and 1.1.
* added var to check if modal is open and an if for escape fullview
* moved showconfirmmodal to utils, showconfirmmodal now uses showmodal, esc works in textinput
* made esc global
* poc: Use react-popper for tooltips #10389
* poc: Add popover component and use a hoc() for Tooltip + Popover to avoid code duplication #10389
* jest: Add snapshot tests to Popover and Tooltip #10389
* poc: Move target from hoc into Popover/Tooltip-component #10389
* poc: Clean up unused styles and use the existing Grafana style/colors on popper tooltip #10389
* poc: Remove test code before PR
* poc: Remove imports used in poc but shouldn't be included anymore #10389
* tech: annotations refactor, add tests for regions processing
* tech: move d3 to npm and webpack, #9480
* tech: move color scale functions to separate module
* fix opacity legend rendering
* tech: investigating karma + jest mix
* tech: migrating tests to jest
* tech: moved anoter test file to jest
* test: migrated two more test files to jest
* test: updated readme and made test fail to verify that it causes CI build failure
* tech: added code coverage for jest tests
* tech: testing codecov coverage
* tech: migrated more tests
* tech: migrated template srv to typescript and the tests to jest
* tech: minor build fix
* tech: build fixes
* build: another attempt at fixing go test with coverage
* colorpicker: fix opening error when color is undefined
* colorpicker: replace spectrum picker by new color picker
* colorpicker: remove old spectrum picker directive
* annotations: use tinycolor for working with region colors
* annotations: add 25px space for events section
* annotations: restored create annotation action
* annotations: able to use fa icons as event markers
* annotations: initial emoji support from twemoji lib
* annotations: adjust fa icon position
* annotations: initial emoji picker
* annotation: include user info into annotation requests
* annotation: add icon info
* annotation: display user info in tooltip
* annotation: fix region saving
* annotation: initial region markers
* annotation: fix region clearing (add flot-temp-elem class)
* annotation: adjust styles a bit
* annotations: minor fixes
* annoations: removed userId look in loop, need a sql join or a user cache for this
* annotation: fix invisible events
* lib: changed twitter emoij lib to be npm dependency
* annotation: add icon picker to Add Annotation dialog
* annotation: save icon to annotation table
* annotation: able to set custom icon for annotation added by user
* annotations: fix emoji after library upgrade (switch to 72px)
* emoji: temporary remove bad code points
* annotations: improve icon picker
* annotations: icon show icon picker at the top
* annotations: use svg for emoji
* annotations: fix region drawing when add annotation editor opened
* annotations: use flot lib for drawing region fill
* annotations: move regions building into event_manager
* annotations: don't draw additional space if no events are got
* annotations: deduplicate events
* annotations: properly render cut regions
* annotations: fix cut region building
* annotations: refactor
* annotations: adjust event section size
* add-annotations: fix undefined default icon
* create-annotations: edit event (frontend part)
* fixed bug causes error when hover event marker
* create-annotations: update event (backend)
* ignore grafana-server debug binary in git (created VS Code)
* create-annotations: use PUT request for updating annotation.
* create-annotations: fixed time format when editing existing event
* create-annotations: support for region update
* create-annotations: fix bug with limit and event type
* create-annotations: delete annotation
* create-annotations: show only selected icon in edit mode
* create-annotations: show event editor only for users with at least Editor role
* create-annotations: handle double-sized emoji codepoints
* create-annotations: refactor
use CP_SEPARATOR from emojiDef
* create-annotations: update emoji list, add categories.
* create-annotations: copy SVG emoji into public/vendor/npm and use it as a base path
* create-annotations: initial tabs for emoji picker
* emoji-picker: adjust styles
* emoji-picker: minor refactor
* emoji-picker: refactor - rename and move into one directory
* emoji-picker: build emoji elements on app load, not on picker open
* emoji-picker: fix emoji searching
* emoji-picker: refactor
* emoji-picker: capitalize category name
* emoji-picker: refactor
move buildEmojiElem() into emoji_converter.ts for future reuse.
* jquery.flot.events: refactor
use buildEmojiElem() for making emojis, remove unused code for font awesome based icons.
* emoji_converter: handle converting error
* tech: updated
* merged with master
* shore: clean up some stuff
* annotation: wip tags
* annotation: filtering by tags
* tags: parse out spaces etc. from a tags string
* annotations: use tagsinput component for tag filtering
* annotation: wip work on how we query alert & panel annotations
* annotations: support for updating tags in an annotation
* linting
* annotations: work on unifying how alert history annotations and manual panel annotations are created
* tslint: fixes
* tags: create tag on blur as well
Currently, the tags directive only creates the tag when the
user presses enter. This change means the tag is created on
blur as well (when the user clicks outside the input field).
* annotations: fix update after refactoring
* annotations: progress on how alert annotations are fetched
* annotations: minor progress
* annotations: progress
* annotation: minor progress
* annotations: move tag parsing from tooltip to ds
Instead of parsing a tag string into an array in the annotation_tooltip
class, this moves the parsing to the datasources. InfluxDB ds already
does that parsing. Graphite now has it.
* annotations: more work on querying
* annotations: change from tags as string to array
when saving in the db and in the api.
* annotations: delete tag link if removed on edit
* annotation: more work on depricating annotation title
* annotations: delete tag links on delete
* annotations: fix for find
* annotation: added user to annotation tooltip and added alertName to annoation dto
* annotations: use id from route instead from cmd for updating
* annotations: http api docs
* create annotation: last edits
* annotations: minor fix for querying annotations before dashboard saved
* annotations: fix for popover placement when legend is on the side (and doubel render pass is causing original marker to be removed)
* annotations: changing how the built in query gets added
* annotation: added time to header in edit mode
* tests: fixed jshint built issue
* webpack poc, this is not going to work for plugins, dam
* tech: webpack and systemjs for plugins starting to work
* tech: webpack and systemjs combo starting to work
* tech: webpack + karma tests progress
* tech: webpack + karma progress
* tech: working on tests
* tech: webpack
* tech: webpack + karma, all tests pass
* tech: webpack + karma, all tests pass
* tech: webpack all tests pass
* webpack: getting closer
* tech: webpack progress
* webpack: further build refinements
* webpack: ng annotate fixes
* webpack: optimized build fix
* tech: minor fix for elasticsearch
* tech: webpack + ace editor
* tech: restored lodash move mixin compatability
* tech: added enzyme react test and upgraded to react v16
* tech: package version fix
* tech: added testdata to built in bundle
* webpack: sass progress
* tech: prod & dev build is working for the sass
* tech: clean up unused grunt stuff and moved to scripts folder
* tech: added vendor and manifest chunks, updated readme and docs
* tech: webpack finishing touches