* poc: Use react-popper for tooltips #10389
* poc: Add popover component and use a hoc() for Tooltip + Popover to avoid code duplication #10389
* jest: Add snapshot tests to Popover and Tooltip #10389
* poc: Move target from hoc into Popover/Tooltip-component #10389
* poc: Clean up unused styles and use the existing Grafana style/colors on popper tooltip #10389
* poc: Remove test code before PR
* poc: Remove imports used in poc but shouldn't be included anymore #10389
* mobx: poc in using each store as individual prop on the react containers
* prettier test
* fix: end the war between prettier vs tslint.
* mobx: Move stores into their own folders
* mobx: Refactor the AlertRule into its own file and add a helper-file
* mobx: Move NavItem out of NavStore and remove lodash dependancy
* mobx: Move ResultItem and SearchResultSection models out of the SearchStore
* mobx: ServerStatsStore rename .tsx => .ts. And move ServerStat-model to its own file.
* mobx: Remove lodash and jquery dependancy from ViewStore
* mobx: Remove issue with double question mark