* Always use cache: stop passing skipCache among ngalert functions
* Add updated column
* Scheduler initial draft
* Add retry on failure
* Allow settting/updating alert definition interval
Set default interval if no interval is provided during alert definition creation.
Keep existing alert definition interval if no interval is provided during alert definition update.
* Parameterise alerting.Ticker to run on custom interval
* Allow updating alert definition interval without having to provide the queries and expressions
* Add schedule tests
* Use xorm tags for having initialisms with consistent case in Go
* Add ability to pause/unpause the scheduler
* Add alert definition versioning
* Optimise scheduler to fetch alert definition only when it's necessary
* Change MySQL data column to mediumtext
* Delete alert definition versions
* Increase default scheduler interval to 10 seconds
* Fix setting OrgID on updates
* Add validation for alert definition name length
* Recreate tables
I removed some code, and commented out other one.
$ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --disable=gotype --enable=megacheck --deadline 6m ./... | grep unused
pkg/api/avatar/avatar.go💯26⚠️ func (*CacheServer).mustInt is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/api/folder_test.go:136:6⚠️ func callGetFolderByUID is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/api/folder_test.go:141:6⚠️ func callDeleteFolder is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/api/live/hub.go:40:15⚠️ func (*hub).removeConnection is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/components/imguploader/azureblobuploader.go:130:5⚠️ var client is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/middleware/middleware_test.go:438:28⚠️ func (*scenarioContext).withInvalidApiKey is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/alerting/ticker.go:40:18⚠️ func (*Ticker).updateOffset is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/notifications/notifications_test.go:12:6⚠️ type testTriggeredAlert is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_service_integration_test.go:935:6⚠️ type scenarioContext is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_service_integration_test.go:939:6⚠️ type scenarioFunc is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/dashboard_service_integration_test.go:941:6⚠️ func dashboardGuardianScenario is unused (U1000) (megacheck)
pkg/services/sqlstore/transactions_test.go:13:6⚠️ type testQuery is unused (U1000) (megacheck)