* Re-enable devenv dashboard validation
* Open up dashboard schema composition points
* Introduce composition space at front of scuemata
* Refactor go code to use new composition structure
* Bunch of small cleanups in dashboard.cue
* Enable both base and dist tests of devenv
* Get rid of obsolete CUE loading hacks
* Skip weird failures on these tests
Really don't seem to be testing for what we intend them to be testing
* Add test for devenv resources
* Refactor validation tests for grokkability
* Devenv dashboards error-tracking script
* Refactor to use cueerrors.Details()
* Further test refinement
* Close major elements of dashboard schema
* Centralize dashboard validation tests
General dashboard validation testing belongs in the load package.
* Better names for error context on glue CUE code
* Fixup validate-resource
Do only one of base or dist, and fix copied docs.
* Skip the devenv test
* Remove test for validateResources
* Fix shellcheck
* Backend linter
Co-authored-by: sam boyer <sdboyer@grafana.com>