* Refactor: Adds better error message and removes chromium download progess
* Test: Adds e2e tests to pr builds for testing purpose
* Tests: Changes path to screenshots
* Tests: Adds failing test just to test message and artifacts
* Tests: Removes failing test
* Chore: Adds neccessary packages
* Wip: Initial dummy test in place
* Feature: Downloads Chromium if needed
* Fix: Adds global config object
* Refactor: Adds basic e2eScenario
* Build: Adds end to end tests to config
* Build: Changes end to end job
* Build: Adds browsers to image
* Build: Adds failing test
* Refactor: Adds first e2e-test scenario
* Fix: Ignores test output in gitignore
* Refactor: Adds compare screenshots ability
* Refactor: Removes unnecessary code
* Build: Removes jest-puppeteer
* Fix: Replaces test snapshots
* Refactor: Creates output dir if missing
* Refactor: Changes aria-labels to be more consistent
* Docs: Adds section about end to end tests
* Fix: Fixes snapshots
* Docs: Adds information about ENV variables
* speed up circleci build
* convert build.sh to functions and add args for different build types
* add yarn cache
* add build latest to packaging step
* fast build should not try to tag non-amd builds
* remove signing step for prs-and-branches
Since we do not like some of the default golint rules,
this commit proposes to use https://github.com/mgechev/revive.
And potential revive speed-up should't hurt :).
Right now, presented config (./conf/revive.toml) is permissive,
we might improve it over time however. Fixes for found revive
issues in the code are very limited so it wouldn't be large to review.
Also in this commit:
* Add annotations for makefile commands and declare phony targets
* Rename "gometalinter" script and CI command to "lint"
since we are doing there a bit more then using gometalinter package
* Add Makefile rules to .editorconfig
* Documentation which mentioned "golint" replaced with revive
Ref #16160