import { describe, beforeEach, it, sinon, expect, angularMocks } from 'test/lib/common'; import '../all'; import _ from 'lodash'; import helpers from 'test/specs/helpers'; import { Emitter } from 'app/core/core'; describe('VariableSrv init', function() { var ctx = new helpers.ControllerTestContext(); beforeEach(angularMocks.module('grafana.core')); beforeEach(angularMocks.module('grafana.controllers')); beforeEach(angularMocks.module('')); beforeEach( angularMocks.module(function($compileProvider) { $compileProvider.preAssignBindingsEnabled(true); }) ); beforeEach(ctx.providePhase(['datasourceSrv', 'timeSrv', 'templateSrv', '$location'])); beforeEach( angularMocks.inject(($rootScope, $q, $location, $injector) => { ctx.$q = $q; ctx.$rootScope = $rootScope; ctx.$location = $location; ctx.variableSrv = $injector.get('variableSrv'); ctx.$rootScope.$digest(); }) ); function describeInitScenario(desc, fn) { describe(desc, function() { var scenario: any = { urlParams: {}, setup: setupFn => { scenario.setupFn = setupFn; }, }; beforeEach(function() { scenario.setupFn(); ctx.datasource = {}; ctx.datasource.metricFindQuery = sinon.stub().returns(ctx.$q.when(scenario.queryResult)); ctx.datasourceSrv.get = sinon.stub().returns(ctx.$q.when(ctx.datasource)); ctx.datasourceSrv.getMetricSources = sinon.stub().returns(scenario.metricSources); ctx.$ = sinon.stub().returns(scenario.urlParams); ctx.dashboard = { templating: { list: scenario.variables }, events: new Emitter(), }; ctx.variableSrv.init(ctx.dashboard); ctx.$rootScope.$digest(); scenario.variables = ctx.variableSrv.variables; }); fn(scenario); }); } ['query', 'interval', 'custom', 'datasource'].forEach(type => { describeInitScenario('when setting ' + type + ' variable via url', scenario => { scenario.setup(() => { scenario.variables = [ { name: 'apps', type: type, current: { text: 'test', value: 'test' }, options: [{ text: 'test', value: 'test' }], }, ]; scenario.urlParams['var-apps'] = 'new'; scenario.metricSources = []; }); it('should update current value', () => { expect(scenario.variables[0].current.value)'new'); expect(scenario.variables[0].current.text)'new'); }); }); }); describe('given dependent variables', () => { var variableList = [ { name: 'app', type: 'query', query: '', current: { text: 'app1', value: 'app1' }, options: [{ text: 'app1', value: 'app1' }], }, { name: 'server', type: 'query', refresh: 1, query: '$app.*', current: { text: 'server1', value: 'server1' }, options: [{ text: 'server1', value: 'server1' }], }, ]; describeInitScenario('when setting parent var from url', scenario => { scenario.setup(() => { scenario.variables = _.cloneDeep(variableList); scenario.urlParams['var-app'] = 'google'; scenario.queryResult = [{ text: 'google-server1' }, { text: 'google-server2' }]; }); it('should update child variable', () => { expect(scenario.variables[1].options.length); expect(scenario.variables[1].current.text)'google-server1'); }); it('should only update it once', () => { expect(ctx.datasource.metricFindQuery.callCount); }); }); }); describeInitScenario('when datasource variable is initialized', scenario => { scenario.setup(() => { scenario.variables = [ { type: 'datasource', query: 'graphite', name: 'test', current: { value: 'backend4_pee', text: 'backend4_pee' }, regex: '/pee$/', }, ]; scenario.metricSources = [ { name: 'backend1', meta: { id: 'influx' } }, { name: 'backend2_pee', meta: { id: 'graphite' } }, { name: 'backend3', meta: { id: 'graphite' } }, { name: 'backend4_pee', meta: { id: 'graphite' } }, ]; }); it('should update current value', function() { var variable = ctx.variableSrv.variables[0]; expect(variable.options.length); }); }); describeInitScenario('when template variable is present in url multiple times', scenario => { scenario.setup(() => { scenario.variables = [ { name: 'apps', type: 'query', multi: true, current: { text: 'val1', value: 'val1' }, options: [ { text: 'val1', value: 'val1' }, { text: 'val2', value: 'val2' }, { text: 'val3', value: 'val3', selected: true }, ], }, ]; scenario.urlParams['var-apps'] = ['val2', 'val1']; }); it('should update current value', function() { var variable = ctx.variableSrv.variables[0]; expect(variable.current.value.length); expect(variable.current.value[0])'val2'); expect(variable.current.value[1])'val1'); expect(variable.current.text)'val2 + val1'); expect(variable.options[0].selected); expect(variable.options[1].selected); }); it('should set options that are not in value to selected false', function() { var variable = ctx.variableSrv.variables[0]; expect(variable.options[2].selected); }); }); });