// go:build ignore //go:build ignore // +build ignore package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "cuelang.org/go/cue/cuecontext" gcgen "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/codegen" "github.com/grafana/thema" ) var lib = thema.NewLibrary(cuecontext.New()) const sep = string(filepath.Separator) // Generate Go and Typescript implementations for all coremodels, and populate the // coremodel static registry. func main() { if len(os.Args) > 1 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "coremodel code generator does not currently accept any arguments\n, got %q", os.Args) os.Exit(1) } cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not get working directory: %s", err) os.Exit(1) } // TODO this binds us to only having coremodels in a single directory. If we need more, compgen is the way grootp := strings.Split(cwd, sep) groot := filepath.Join(sep, filepath.Join(grootp[:len(grootp)-3]...)) cmroot := filepath.Join(groot, "pkg", "coremodel") tsroot := filepath.Join(groot, "packages", "grafana-schema", "src", "schema") items, err := ioutil.ReadDir(cmroot) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not read coremodels parent dir %s: %s\n", cmroot, err) os.Exit(1) } var lins []*gcgen.ExtractedLineage for _, item := range items { if item.IsDir() { lin, err := gcgen.ExtractLineage(filepath.Join(cmroot, item.Name(), "lineage.cue"), lib) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not process coremodel dir %s: %s\n", cmroot, err) os.Exit(1) } lins = append(lins, lin) } } wd := gcgen.NewWriteDiffer() for _, ls := range lins { wdg, err := ls.GenerateGoCoremodel(filepath.Join(cmroot, ls.Lineage.Name())) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to generate Go for %s: %s\n", ls.Lineage.Name(), err) os.Exit(1) } wd.Merge(wdg) wdt, err := ls.GenerateTypescriptCoremodel(filepath.Join(tsroot, ls.Lineage.Name())) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to generate TypeScript for %s: %s\n", ls.Lineage.Name(), err) os.Exit(1) } wd.Merge(wdt) } if _, set := os.LookupEnv("CODEGEN_VERIFY"); set { err = wd.Verify() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "generated code is not up to date:\n%s\nrun `make gen-cue` to regenerate\n\n", err) os.Exit(1) } } else { err = wd.Write() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error while writing generated code to disk:\n%s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } } }