import _ from 'lodash'; import { sanitize, escapeHtml } from 'app/core/utils/text'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import { profiler } from 'app/core/core'; import { Emitter } from 'app/core/core'; import getFactors from 'app/core/utils/factors'; import { duplicatePanel, removePanel, copyPanel as copyPanelUtil, editPanelJson as editPanelJsonUtil, sharePanel as sharePanelUtil, calculateInnerPanelHeight, } from 'app/features/dashboard/utils/panel'; import { GRID_COLUMN_COUNT } from 'app/core/constants'; import { auto } from 'angular'; import { TemplateSrv } from '../templating/template_srv'; import { getPanelLinksSupplier } from './panellinks/linkSuppliers'; import { renderMarkdown, AppEvent, PanelEvents, PanelPluginMeta } from '@grafana/data'; import { getLocationSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; export class PanelCtrl { panel: any; error: any; dashboard: any; pluginName: string; pluginId: string; editorTabs: any; $scope: any; $injector: auto.IInjectorService; $location: any; $timeout: any; editModeInitiated: boolean; height: any; containerHeight: any; events: Emitter; loading: boolean; timing: any; maxPanelsPerRowOptions: number[]; /** @ngInject */ constructor($scope: any, $injector: auto.IInjectorService) { this.$injector = $injector; this.$location = $injector.get('$location'); this.$scope = $scope; this.$timeout = $injector.get('$timeout'); this.editorTabs = []; =; this.timing = {}; // not used but here to not break plugins const plugin = config.panels[this.panel.type]; if (plugin) { this.pluginId =; this.pluginName =; } $scope.$on(, () => this.panelDidMount()); } panelDidMount() {; this.dashboard.panelInitialized(this.panel); } renderingCompleted() { profiler.renderingCompleted(); } refresh() { this.panel.refresh(); } publishAppEvent(event: AppEvent, payload?: T) { this.$scope.$root.appEvent(event, payload); } changeView(fullscreen: boolean, edit: boolean) { this.publishAppEvent(PanelEvents.panelChangeView, { fullscreen, edit, panelId:, }); } viewPanel() { this.changeView(true, false); } editPanel() { this.changeView(true, true); } exitFullscreen() { this.changeView(false, false); } initEditMode() { if (!this.editModeInitiated) { this.editModeInitiated = true;; this.maxPanelsPerRowOptions = getFactors(GRID_COLUMN_COUNT); } } addEditorTab(title: string, directiveFn: any, index?: number, icon?: any) { const editorTab = { title, directiveFn, icon }; if (_.isString(directiveFn)) { editorTab.directiveFn = () => { return { templateUrl: directiveFn }; }; } if (index) { this.editorTabs.splice(index, 0, editorTab); } else { this.editorTabs.push(editorTab); } } async getMenu() { const menu = []; menu.push({ text: 'View', click: 'ctrl.viewPanel();', icon: 'gicon gicon-viewer', shortcut: 'v', }); if (this.dashboard.meta.canEdit) { menu.push({ text: 'Edit', click: 'ctrl.editPanel();', role: 'Editor', icon: 'gicon gicon-editor', shortcut: 'e', }); } menu.push({ text: 'Share', click: 'ctrl.sharePanel();', icon: 'fa fa-fw fa-share', shortcut: 'p s', }); if (config.featureToggles.inspect) { menu.push({ text: 'Inspect', icon: 'fa fa-fw fa-info-circle', click: 'ctrl.inspectPanel();', shortcut: 'p i', }); } // Additional items from sub-class menu.push(...(await this.getAdditionalMenuItems())); const extendedMenu = this.getExtendedMenu(); menu.push({ text: 'More ...', click: '', icon: 'fa fa-fw fa-cube', submenu: extendedMenu, }); if (this.dashboard.meta.canEdit) { menu.push({ divider: true, role: 'Editor' }); menu.push({ text: 'Remove', click: 'ctrl.removePanel();', role: 'Editor', icon: 'fa fa-fw fa-trash', shortcut: 'p r', }); } return menu; } getExtendedMenu() { const menu = []; if (!this.panel.fullscreen && this.dashboard.meta.canEdit) { menu.push({ text: 'Duplicate', click: 'ctrl.duplicate()', role: 'Editor', shortcut: 'p d', }); menu.push({ text: 'Copy', click: 'ctrl.copyPanel()', role: 'Editor', }); } menu.push({ text: 'Panel JSON', click: 'ctrl.editPanelJson(); dismiss();', });, menu); return menu; } // Override in sub-class to add items before extended menu async getAdditionalMenuItems(): Promise { return []; } otherPanelInFullscreenMode() { return this.dashboard.meta.fullscreen && !this.panel.fullscreen; } calculatePanelHeight(containerHeight: number) { this.containerHeight = containerHeight; this.height = calculateInnerPanelHeight(this.panel, containerHeight); } render(payload?: any) {, payload); } duplicate() { duplicatePanel(this.dashboard, this.panel); } removePanel() { removePanel(this.dashboard, this.panel, true); } editPanelJson() { editPanelJsonUtil(this.dashboard, this.panel); } copyPanel() { copyPanelUtil(this.panel); } sharePanel() { sharePanelUtil(this.dashboard, this.panel); } inspectPanel() { getLocationSrv().update({ query: { inspect:, }, partial: true, }); } getInfoMode() { if (this.error) { return 'error'; } if (!!this.panel.description) { return 'info'; } if (this.panel.links && this.panel.links.length) { return 'links'; } return ''; } getInfoContent(options: { mode: string }) { const { panel } = this; let markdown = panel.description || ''; if (options.mode === 'tooltip') { markdown = this.error || panel.description || ''; } const templateSrv: TemplateSrv = this.$injector.get('templateSrv'); const interpolatedMarkdown = templateSrv.replace(markdown, panel.scopedVars); let html = '
'; const md = renderMarkdown(interpolatedMarkdown); html += config.disableSanitizeHtml ? md : sanitize(md); if (panel.links && panel.links.length > 0) { const interpolatedLinks = getPanelLinksSupplier(panel).getLinks(); html += ''; } html += '
'; return html; } // overriden from react onPluginTypeChange = (plugin: PanelPluginMeta) => {}; }