import { AngularLocationWrapper } from './AngularLocationWrapper'; import { HistoryWrapper, locationService, setLocationService } from '@grafana/runtime'; // The methods in this file are deprecated // Stub the deprecation warning here to prevent polluting the test output jest.mock('@grafana/data', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('@grafana/data'), deprecationWarning: () => {}, })); describe('AngularLocationWrapper', () => { const { location } = window; beforeEach(() => { setLocationService(new HistoryWrapper()); }); beforeAll(() => { // @ts-ignore delete window.location; window.location = { ...location, hash: '#hash', host: 'localhost:3000', hostname: 'localhost', href: '', origin: '', pathname: '/path/b', port: '9877', protocol: 'http:', search: '?search=a&b=c&d', }; }); afterAll(() => { window.location = location; }); const wrapper = new AngularLocationWrapper(); it('should provide common getters', () => { locationService.push('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d#hash'); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); expect(wrapper.protocol()).toBe('http'); expect(''); expect(wrapper.port()).toBe(9877); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/path/b'); expect({ search: 'a', b: 'c', d: true }); expect(wrapper.hash()).toBe('hash'); expect(wrapper.url()).toBe('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d#hash'); }); describe('path', () => { it('should change path', function () { locationService.push('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d#hash'); wrapper.path('/new/path'); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/new/path'); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); }); it('should not break on numeric values', function () { locationService.push('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d#hash'); wrapper.path(1); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/1'); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); }); it('should allow using 0 as path', function () { locationService.push('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d#hash'); wrapper.path(0); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/0'); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); }); it('should set to empty path on null value', function () { locationService.push('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d#hash'); wrapper.path('/foo'); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/foo'); wrapper.path(null); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/'); }); }); describe('search', () => { it('should accept string', function () { locationService.push('/path/b');'x=y&c'); expect({ x: 'y', c: true }); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); }); it('search() should accept object', function () { locationService.push('/path/b');{ one: '1', two: true }); expect({ one: '1', two: true }); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); }); it('should copy object', function () { locationService.push('/path/b'); const obj: Record = { one: '1', two: true, three: null };; expect(obj).toEqual({ one: '1', two: true, three: null }); = 'changed'; expect({ one: '1', two: true }); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); }); it('should change single parameter', function () {{ id: 'old', preserved: true });'id', 'new'); expect({ id: 'new', preserved: true }); }); it('should remove single parameter', function () {{ id: 'old', preserved: true });'id', null); expect({ preserved: true }); }); it('should remove multiple parameters', function () { locationService.push('/path/b');{ one: '1', two: true }); expect({ one: '1', two: true });{ one: null, two: null }); expect({}); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); }); it('should accept numeric keys', function () { locationService.push('/path/b');{ 1: 'one', 2: 'two' }); expect({ '1': 'one', '2': 'two' }); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); }); it('should handle multiple value', function () {'a&b'); expect({ a: true, b: true });'a', null); expect({ b: true });'b', undefined); expect({}); }); it('should handle single value', function () {'ignore'); expect({ ignore: true });; expect({ 1: true }); }); }); describe('url', () => { it('should change the path, search and hash', function () { wrapper.url('/some/path?a=b&c=d#hhh'); expect(wrapper.url()).toBe('/some/path?a=b&c=d#hhh'); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/some/path'); expect({ a: 'b', c: 'd' }); expect(wrapper.hash()).toBe('hhh'); }); it('should change only hash when no search and path specified', function () { locationService.push('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d'); wrapper.url('#some-hash'); expect(wrapper.hash()).toBe('some-hash'); expect(wrapper.url()).toBe('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d#some-hash'); expect(wrapper.absUrl()).toBe(''); }); it('should change only search and hash when no path specified', function () { locationService.push('/path/b'); wrapper.url('?a=b'); expect({ a: 'b' }); expect(wrapper.hash()).toBe(''); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/path/b'); }); it('should reset search and hash when only path specified', function () { locationService.push('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d#hash'); wrapper.url('/new/path'); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/new/path'); expect({}); expect(wrapper.hash()).toBe(''); }); it('should change path when empty string specified', function () { locationService.push('/path/b?search=a&b=c&d#hash'); wrapper.url(''); expect(wrapper.path()).toBe('/'); expect({}); expect(wrapper.hash()).toBe(''); }); }); });