package postgres import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" _ "" . "" ) // To run this test, set runPostgresTests=true // Or from the commandline: GRAFANA_TEST_DB=postgres go test -v ./pkg/tsdb/postgres // The tests require a PostgreSQL db named grafanadstest and a user/password grafanatest/grafanatest! // Use the docker/blocks/postgres_tests/docker-compose.yaml to spin up a // preconfigured Postgres server suitable for running these tests. // There is also a datasource and dashboard provisioned by devenv scripts that you can // use to verify that the generated data are vizualized as expected, see // devenv/ for setup instructions. func TestPostgres(t *testing.T) { // change to true to run the PostgreSQL tests runPostgresTests := false // runPostgresTests := true if !(sqlstore.IsTestDbPostgres() || runPostgresTests) { t.Skip() } Convey("PostgreSQL", t, func() { x := InitPostgresTestDB(t) origXormEngine := tsdb.NewXormEngine tsdb.NewXormEngine = func(d, c string) (*xorm.Engine, error) { return x, nil } origInterpolate := tsdb.Interpolate tsdb.Interpolate = func(query *tsdb.Query, timeRange *tsdb.TimeRange, sql string) (string, error) { return sql, nil } endpoint, err := newPostgresQueryEndpoint(&models.DataSource{ JsonData: simplejson.New(), SecureJsonData: securejsondata.SecureJsonData{}, }) So(err, ShouldBeNil) sess := x.NewSession() fromStart := time.Date(2018, 3, 15, 13, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).In(time.Local) Reset(func() { sess.Close() tsdb.NewXormEngine = origXormEngine tsdb.Interpolate = origInterpolate }) Convey("Given a table with different native data types", func() { sql := ` DROP TABLE IF EXISTS postgres_types; CREATE TABLE postgres_types( c00_smallint smallint, c01_integer integer, c02_bigint bigint, c03_real real, c04_double double precision, c05_decimal decimal(10,2), c06_numeric numeric(10,2), c07_char char(10), c08_varchar varchar(10), c09_text text, c10_timestamp timestamp without time zone, c11_timestamptz timestamp with time zone, c12_date date, c13_time time without time zone, c14_timetz time with time zone, c15_interval interval ); ` _, err := sess.Exec(sql) So(err, ShouldBeNil) sql = ` INSERT INTO postgres_types VALUES( 1,2,3, 4.5,6.7,1.1,1.2, 'char10','varchar10','text', now(),now(),now(),now(),now(),'15m'::interval ); ` _, err = sess.Exec(sql) So(err, ShouldBeNil) Convey("When doing a table query should map Postgres column types to Go types", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": "SELECT * FROM postgres_types", "format": "table", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) column := queryResult.Tables[0].Rows[0] So(column[0].(int64), ShouldEqual, 1) So(column[1].(int64), ShouldEqual, 2) So(column[2].(int64), ShouldEqual, 3) So(column[3].(float64), ShouldEqual, 4.5) So(column[4].(float64), ShouldEqual, 6.7) So(column[5].(float64), ShouldEqual, 1.1) So(column[6].(float64), ShouldEqual, 1.2) So(column[7].(string), ShouldEqual, "char10 ") So(column[8].(string), ShouldEqual, "varchar10") So(column[9].(string), ShouldEqual, "text") So(column[10].(time.Time), ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, time.Now()) So(column[11].(time.Time), ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, time.Now()) So(column[12].(time.Time), ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, time.Now()) So(column[13].(time.Time), ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, time.Now()) So(column[14].(time.Time), ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, time.Now()) So(column[15].(string), ShouldEqual, "00:15:00") }) }) Convey("Given a table with metrics that lacks data for some series ", func() { sql := ` DROP TABLE IF EXISTS metric; CREATE TABLE metric ( time timestamp, value integer ) ` _, err := sess.Exec(sql) So(err, ShouldBeNil) type metric struct { Time time.Time Value int64 } series := []*metric{} firstRange := genTimeRangeByInterval(fromStart, 10*time.Minute, 10*time.Second) secondRange := genTimeRangeByInterval(fromStart.Add(20*time.Minute), 10*time.Minute, 10*time.Second) for _, t := range firstRange { series = append(series, &metric{ Time: t, Value: 15, }) } for _, t := range secondRange { series = append(series, &metric{ Time: t, Value: 20, }) } _, err = sess.InsertMulti(series) So(err, ShouldBeNil) Convey("When doing a metric query using timeGroup", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroup(time, '5m') AS time, avg(value) as value FROM metric GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1", "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) points := queryResult.Series[0].Points // without fill this should result in 4 buckets So(len(points), ShouldEqual, 4) dt := fromStart for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { aValue := points[i][0].Float64 aTime := time.Unix(int64(points[i][1].Float64)/1000, 0) So(aValue, ShouldEqual, 15) So(aTime, ShouldEqual, dt) So(aTime.Unix()%300, ShouldEqual, 0) dt = dt.Add(5 * time.Minute) } // adjust for 10 minute gap between first and second set of points dt = dt.Add(10 * time.Minute) for i := 2; i < 4; i++ { aValue := points[i][0].Float64 aTime := time.Unix(int64(points[i][1].Float64)/1000, 0) So(aValue, ShouldEqual, 20) So(aTime, ShouldEqual, dt) dt = dt.Add(5 * time.Minute) } }) Convey("When doing a metric query using timeGroup and $__interval", func() { mockInterpolate := tsdb.Interpolate tsdb.Interpolate = origInterpolate Reset(func() { tsdb.Interpolate = mockInterpolate }) Convey("Should replace $__interval", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { DataSource: &models.DataSource{}, Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroup(time, $__interval) AS time, avg(value) as value FROM metric GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1", "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, TimeRange: &tsdb.TimeRange{ From: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Unix()*1000), To: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Add(30*time.Minute).Unix()*1000), }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(queryResult.Meta.Get("sql").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "SELECT floor(extract(epoch from time)/60)*60 AS time, avg(value) as value FROM metric GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1") }) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using timeGroup with NULL fill enabled", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroup(time, '5m', NULL) AS time, avg(value) as value FROM metric GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1", "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, TimeRange: &tsdb.TimeRange{ From: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Unix()*1000), To: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Add(34*time.Minute).Unix()*1000), }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) points := queryResult.Series[0].Points So(len(points), ShouldEqual, 7) dt := fromStart for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { aValue := points[i][0].Float64 aTime := time.Unix(int64(points[i][1].Float64)/1000, 0) So(aValue, ShouldEqual, 15) So(aTime, ShouldEqual, dt) dt = dt.Add(5 * time.Minute) } // check for NULL values inserted by fill So(points[2][0].Valid, ShouldBeFalse) So(points[3][0].Valid, ShouldBeFalse) // adjust for 10 minute gap between first and second set of points dt = dt.Add(10 * time.Minute) for i := 4; i < 6; i++ { aValue := points[i][0].Float64 aTime := time.Unix(int64(points[i][1].Float64)/1000, 0) So(aValue, ShouldEqual, 20) So(aTime, ShouldEqual, dt) dt = dt.Add(5 * time.Minute) } // check for NULL values inserted by fill So(points[6][0].Valid, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using timeGroup with value fill enabled", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroup(time, '5m', 1.5) AS time, avg(value) as value FROM metric GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1", "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, TimeRange: &tsdb.TimeRange{ From: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Unix()*1000), To: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Add(34*time.Minute).Unix()*1000), }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) points := queryResult.Series[0].Points So(points[3][0].Float64, ShouldEqual, 1.5) }) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using timeGroup with previous fill enabled", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroup(time, '5m', previous), avg(value) as value FROM metric GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1", "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, TimeRange: &tsdb.TimeRange{ From: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Unix()*1000), To: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Add(34*time.Minute).Unix()*1000), }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) points := queryResult.Series[0].Points So(points[2][0].Float64, ShouldEqual, 15.0) So(points[3][0].Float64, ShouldEqual, 15.0) So(points[6][0].Float64, ShouldEqual, 20.0) }) Convey("Given a table with metrics having multiple values and measurements", func() { type metric_values struct { Time time.Time TimeInt64 int64 `xorm:"bigint 'timeInt64' not null"` TimeInt64Nullable *int64 `xorm:"bigint 'timeInt64Nullable' null"` TimeFloat64 float64 `xorm:"double 'timeFloat64' not null"` TimeFloat64Nullable *float64 `xorm:"double 'timeFloat64Nullable' null"` TimeInt32 int32 `xorm:"int(11) 'timeInt32' not null"` TimeInt32Nullable *int32 `xorm:"int(11) 'timeInt32Nullable' null"` TimeFloat32 float32 `xorm:"double 'timeFloat32' not null"` TimeFloat32Nullable *float32 `xorm:"double 'timeFloat32Nullable' null"` Measurement string ValueOne int64 `xorm:"integer 'valueOne'"` ValueTwo int64 `xorm:"integer 'valueTwo'"` } if exist, err := sess.IsTableExist(metric_values{}); err != nil || exist { So(err, ShouldBeNil) sess.DropTable(metric_values{}) } err := sess.CreateTable(metric_values{}) So(err, ShouldBeNil) rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) rnd := func(min, max int64) int64 { return rand.Int63n(max-min) + min } var tInitial time.Time series := []*metric_values{} for i, t := range genTimeRangeByInterval(fromStart.Add(-30*time.Minute), 90*time.Minute, 5*time.Minute) { if i == 0 { tInitial = t } tSeconds := t.Unix() tSecondsInt32 := int32(tSeconds) tSecondsFloat32 := float32(tSeconds) tMilliseconds := tSeconds * 1e3 tMillisecondsFloat := float64(tMilliseconds) first := metric_values{ Time: t, TimeInt64: tMilliseconds, TimeInt64Nullable: &(tMilliseconds), TimeFloat64: tMillisecondsFloat, TimeFloat64Nullable: &tMillisecondsFloat, TimeInt32: tSecondsInt32, TimeInt32Nullable: &tSecondsInt32, TimeFloat32: tSecondsFloat32, TimeFloat32Nullable: &tSecondsFloat32, Measurement: "Metric A", ValueOne: rnd(0, 100), ValueTwo: rnd(0, 100), } second := first second.Measurement = "Metric B" second.ValueOne = rnd(0, 100) second.ValueTwo = rnd(0, 100) series = append(series, &first) series = append(series, &second) } _, err = sess.InsertMulti(series) So(err, ShouldBeNil) Convey("When doing a metric query using epoch (int64) as time column and value column (int64) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "timeInt64" as time, "timeInt64" FROM metric_values ORDER BY time LIMIT 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 1) So(queryResult.Series[0].Points[0][1].Float64, ShouldEqual, float64(tInitial.UnixNano()/1e6)) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using epoch (int64 nullable) as time column and value column (int64 nullable) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "timeInt64Nullable" as time, "timeInt64Nullable" FROM metric_values ORDER BY time LIMIT 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 1) So(queryResult.Series[0].Points[0][1].Float64, ShouldEqual, float64(tInitial.UnixNano()/1e6)) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using epoch (float64) as time column and value column (float64) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "timeFloat64" as time, "timeFloat64" FROM metric_values ORDER BY time LIMIT 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 1) So(queryResult.Series[0].Points[0][1].Float64, ShouldEqual, float64(tInitial.UnixNano()/1e6)) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using epoch (float64 nullable) as time column and value column (float64 nullable) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "timeFloat64Nullable" as time, "timeFloat64Nullable" FROM metric_values ORDER BY time LIMIT 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 1) So(queryResult.Series[0].Points[0][1].Float64, ShouldEqual, float64(tInitial.UnixNano()/1e6)) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using epoch (int32) as time column and value column (int32) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "timeInt32" as time, "timeInt32" FROM metric_values ORDER BY time LIMIT 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 1) So(queryResult.Series[0].Points[0][1].Float64, ShouldEqual, float64(tInitial.UnixNano()/1e6)) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using epoch (int32 nullable) as time column and value column (int32 nullable) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "timeInt32Nullable" as time, "timeInt32Nullable" FROM metric_values ORDER BY time LIMIT 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 1) So(queryResult.Series[0].Points[0][1].Float64, ShouldEqual, float64(tInitial.UnixNano()/1e6)) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using epoch (float32) as time column and value column (float32) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "timeFloat32" as time, "timeFloat32" FROM metric_values ORDER BY time LIMIT 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 1) So(queryResult.Series[0].Points[0][1].Float64, ShouldEqual, float64(float32(tInitial.Unix()))*1e3) }) Convey("When doing a metric query using epoch (float32 nullable) as time column and value column (float32 nullable) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "timeFloat32Nullable" as time, "timeFloat32Nullable" FROM metric_values ORDER BY time LIMIT 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 1) So(queryResult.Series[0].Points[0][1].Float64, ShouldEqual, float64(float32(tInitial.Unix()))*1e3) }) Convey("When doing a metric query grouping by time and select metric column should return correct series", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT $__timeEpoch(time), measurement || ' - value one' as metric, "valueOne" FROM metric_values ORDER BY 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 2) So(queryResult.Series[0].Name, ShouldEqual, "Metric A - value one") So(queryResult.Series[1].Name, ShouldEqual, "Metric B - value one") }) Convey("When doing a metric query with metric column and multiple value columns", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT $__timeEpoch(time), measurement as metric, "valueOne", "valueTwo" FROM metric_values ORDER BY 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 4) So(queryResult.Series[0].Name, ShouldEqual, "Metric A valueOne") So(queryResult.Series[1].Name, ShouldEqual, "Metric A valueTwo") So(queryResult.Series[2].Name, ShouldEqual, "Metric B valueOne") So(queryResult.Series[3].Name, ShouldEqual, "Metric B valueTwo") }) Convey("When doing a metric query grouping by time should return correct series", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT $__timeEpoch(time), "valueOne", "valueTwo" FROM metric_values ORDER BY 1`, "format": "time_series", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Series), ShouldEqual, 2) So(queryResult.Series[0].Name, ShouldEqual, "valueOne") So(queryResult.Series[1].Name, ShouldEqual, "valueTwo") }) }) Convey("Given a table with event data", func() { type event struct { TimeSec int64 Description string Tags string } if exist, err := sess.IsTableExist(event{}); err != nil || exist { So(err, ShouldBeNil) sess.DropTable(event{}) } err := sess.CreateTable(event{}) So(err, ShouldBeNil) events := []*event{} for _, t := range genTimeRangeByInterval(fromStart.Add(-20*time.Minute), 60*time.Minute, 25*time.Minute) { events = append(events, &event{ TimeSec: t.Unix(), Description: "Someone deployed something", Tags: "deploy", }) events = append(events, &event{ TimeSec: t.Add(5 * time.Minute).Unix(), Description: "New support ticket registered", Tags: "ticket", }) } for _, e := range events { _, err = sess.Insert(e) So(err, ShouldBeNil) } Convey("When doing an annotation query of deploy events should return expected result", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "time_sec" as time, description as text, tags FROM event WHERE $__unixEpochFilter(time_sec) AND tags='deploy' ORDER BY 1 ASC`, "format": "table", }), RefId: "Deploys", }, }, TimeRange: &tsdb.TimeRange{ From: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Add(-20*time.Minute).Unix()*1000), To: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Add(40*time.Minute).Unix()*1000), }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) queryResult := resp.Results["Deploys"] So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Tables[0].Rows), ShouldEqual, 3) }) Convey("When doing an annotation query of ticket events should return expected result", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT "time_sec" as time, description as text, tags FROM event WHERE $__unixEpochFilter(time_sec) AND tags='ticket' ORDER BY 1 ASC`, "format": "table", }), RefId: "Tickets", }, }, TimeRange: &tsdb.TimeRange{ From: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Add(-20*time.Minute).Unix()*1000), To: fmt.Sprintf("%v", fromStart.Add(40*time.Minute).Unix()*1000), }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) queryResult := resp.Results["Tickets"] So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Tables[0].Rows), ShouldEqual, 3) }) Convey("When doing an annotation query with a time column in datetime format", func() { dt := time.Date(2018, 3, 14, 21, 20, 6, 527e6, time.UTC) dtFormat := "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999" query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT CAST('%s' AS TIMESTAMP) as time, 'message' as text, 'tag1,tag2' as tags `, dt.Format(dtFormat)), "format": "table", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Tables[0].Rows), ShouldEqual, 1) columns := queryResult.Tables[0].Rows[0] //Should be in milliseconds So(columns[0].(float64), ShouldEqual, float64(dt.UnixNano()/1e6)) }) Convey("When doing an annotation query with a time column in epoch second format should return ms", func() { dt := time.Date(2018, 3, 14, 21, 20, 6, 527e6, time.UTC) query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT %d as time, 'message' as text, 'tag1,tag2' as tags `, dt.Unix()), "format": "table", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Tables[0].Rows), ShouldEqual, 1) columns := queryResult.Tables[0].Rows[0] //Should be in milliseconds So(columns[0].(int64), ShouldEqual, dt.Unix()*1000) }) Convey("When doing an annotation query with a time column in epoch second format (int) should return ms", func() { dt := time.Date(2018, 3, 14, 21, 20, 6, 527e6, time.UTC) query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT cast(%d as bigint) as time, 'message' as text, 'tag1,tag2' as tags `, dt.Unix()), "format": "table", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Tables[0].Rows), ShouldEqual, 1) columns := queryResult.Tables[0].Rows[0] //Should be in milliseconds So(columns[0].(int64), ShouldEqual, dt.Unix()*1000) }) Convey("When doing an annotation query with a time column in epoch millisecond format should return ms", func() { dt := time.Date(2018, 3, 14, 21, 20, 6, 527e6, time.UTC) query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT %d as time, 'message' as text, 'tag1,tag2' as tags `, dt.Unix()*1000), "format": "table", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Tables[0].Rows), ShouldEqual, 1) columns := queryResult.Tables[0].Rows[0] //Should be in milliseconds So(columns[0].(int64), ShouldEqual, dt.Unix()*1000) }) Convey("When doing an annotation query with a time column holding a bigint null value should return nil", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT cast(null as bigint) as time, 'message' as text, 'tag1,tag2' as tags `, "format": "table", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Tables[0].Rows), ShouldEqual, 1) columns := queryResult.Tables[0].Rows[0] //Should be in milliseconds So(columns[0], ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("When doing an annotation query with a time column holding a timestamp null value should return nil", func() { query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{ Queries: []*tsdb.Query{ { Model: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "rawSql": `SELECT cast(null as timestamp) as time, 'message' as text, 'tag1,tag2' as tags `, "format": "table", }), RefId: "A", }, }, } resp, err := endpoint.Query(nil, nil, query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) queryResult := resp.Results["A"] So(queryResult.Error, ShouldBeNil) So(len(queryResult.Tables[0].Rows), ShouldEqual, 1) columns := queryResult.Tables[0].Rows[0] //Should be in milliseconds So(columns[0], ShouldBeNil) }) }) }) } func InitPostgresTestDB(t *testing.T) *xorm.Engine { x, err := xorm.NewEngine(sqlutil.TestDB_Postgres.DriverName, strings.Replace(sqlutil.TestDB_Postgres.ConnStr, "dbname=grafanatest", "dbname=grafanadstest", 1)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to init postgres db %v", err) } x.DatabaseTZ = time.UTC x.TZLocation = time.UTC // x.ShowSQL() return x } func genTimeRangeByInterval(from time.Time, duration time.Duration, interval time.Duration) []time.Time { durationSec := int64(duration.Seconds()) intervalSec := int64(interval.Seconds()) timeRange := []time.Time{} for i := int64(0); i < durationSec; i += intervalSec { timeRange = append(timeRange, from) from = from.Add(time.Duration(int64(time.Second) * intervalSec)) } return timeRange }