package sqlstore import ( "testing" "" . "" "" m "" "" "" ) func TestDashboardDataAccess(t *testing.T) { var x *xorm.Engine Convey("Testing DB", t, func() { x = InitTestDB(t) Convey("Given saved dashboard", func() { savedFolder := insertTestDashboard("1 test dash folder", 1, 0, true, "prod", "webapp") savedDash := insertTestDashboard("test dash 23", 1, savedFolder.Id, false, "prod", "webapp") insertTestDashboard("test dash 45", 1, savedFolder.Id, false, "prod") insertTestDashboard("test dash 67", 1, 0, false, "prod", "webapp") Convey("Should return dashboard model", func() { So(savedDash.Title, ShouldEqual, "test dash 23") So(savedDash.Slug, ShouldEqual, "test-dash-23") So(savedDash.Id, ShouldNotEqual, 0) So(savedDash.IsFolder, ShouldBeFalse) So(savedDash.FolderId, ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0) So(savedFolder.Title, ShouldEqual, "1 test dash folder") So(savedFolder.Slug, ShouldEqual, "1-test-dash-folder") So(savedFolder.Id, ShouldNotEqual, 0) So(savedFolder.IsFolder, ShouldBeTrue) So(savedFolder.FolderId, ShouldEqual, 0) }) Convey("Should be able to get dashboard", func() { query := m.GetDashboardQuery{ Slug: "test-dash-23", OrgId: 1, } err := GetDashboard(&query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(query.Result.Title, ShouldEqual, "test dash 23") So(query.Result.Slug, ShouldEqual, "test-dash-23") So(query.Result.IsFolder, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Should be able to delete dashboard", func() { dash := insertTestDashboard("delete me", 1, 0, false, "delete this") err := DeleteDashboard(&m.DeleteDashboardCommand{ Id: dash.Id, OrgId: 1, }) So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("Should return error if no dashboard is updated", func() { cmd := m.SaveDashboardCommand{ OrgId: 1, Overwrite: true, Dashboard: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "id": float64(123412321), "title": "Expect error", "tags": []interface{}{}, }), } err := SaveDashboard(&cmd) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("Should not be able to overwrite dashboard in another org", func() { query := m.GetDashboardQuery{Slug: "test-dash-23", OrgId: 1} GetDashboard(&query) cmd := m.SaveDashboardCommand{ OrgId: 2, Overwrite: true, Dashboard: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "id": float64(query.Result.Id), "title": "Expect error", "tags": []interface{}{}, }), } err := SaveDashboard(&cmd) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("Should be able to search for dashboard folder", func() { query := search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ Title: "1 test dash folder", OrgId: 1, SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{OrgId: 1}, } err := SearchDashboards(&query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 1) hit := query.Result[0] So(hit.Type, ShouldEqual, search.DashHitFolder) }) Convey("Should be able to search for a dashboard folder's children", func() { query := search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ OrgId: 1, FolderIds: []int64{savedFolder.Id}, SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{OrgId: 1}, } err := SearchDashboards(&query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 2) hit := query.Result[0] So(hit.Id, ShouldEqual, savedDash.Id) }) Convey("Should be able to search for dashboard by dashboard ids", func() { Convey("should be able to find two dashboards by id", func() { query := search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ DashboardIds: []int64{2, 3}, SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{OrgId: 1}, } err := SearchDashboards(&query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 2) hit := query.Result[0] So(len(hit.Tags), ShouldEqual, 2) hit2 := query.Result[1] So(len(hit2.Tags), ShouldEqual, 1) }) Convey("DashboardIds that does not exists should not cause errors", func() { query := search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ DashboardIds: []int64{1000}, SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{OrgId: 1}, } err := SearchDashboards(&query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 0) }) }) Convey("Should not be able to save dashboard with same name", func() { cmd := m.SaveDashboardCommand{ OrgId: 1, Dashboard: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "id": nil, "title": "test dash 23", "tags": []interface{}{}, }), } err := SaveDashboard(&cmd) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("Should be able to update dashboard and remove folderId", func() { cmd := m.SaveDashboardCommand{ OrgId: 1, Dashboard: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "id": 1, "title": "folderId", "tags": []interface{}{}, }), Overwrite: true, FolderId: 2, } err := SaveDashboard(&cmd) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(cmd.Result.FolderId, ShouldEqual, 2) cmd = m.SaveDashboardCommand{ OrgId: 1, Dashboard: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "id": 1, "title": "folderId", "tags": []interface{}{}, }), FolderId: 0, Overwrite: true, } err = SaveDashboard(&cmd) So(err, ShouldBeNil) query := m.GetDashboardQuery{ Slug: cmd.Result.Slug, OrgId: 1, } err = GetDashboard(&query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(query.Result.FolderId, ShouldEqual, 0) }) Convey("Should be able to delete a dashboard folder and its children", func() { deleteCmd := &m.DeleteDashboardCommand{Id: savedFolder.Id} err := DeleteDashboard(deleteCmd) So(err, ShouldBeNil) query := search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ OrgId: 1, FolderIds: []int64{savedFolder.Id}, SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{}, } err = SearchDashboards(&query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 0) }) Convey("Should be able to get dashboard tags", func() { query := m.GetDashboardTagsQuery{OrgId: 1} err := GetDashboardTags(&query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 2) }) Convey("Given two dashboards, one is starred dashboard by user 10, other starred by user 1", func() { starredDash := insertTestDashboard("starred dash", 1, 0, false) StarDashboard(&m.StarDashboardCommand{ DashboardId: starredDash.Id, UserId: 10, }) StarDashboard(&m.StarDashboardCommand{ DashboardId: savedDash.Id, UserId: 1, }) Convey("Should be able to search for starred dashboards", func() { query := search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: 10, OrgId: 1}, IsStarred: true} err := SearchDashboards(&query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 1) So(query.Result[0].Title, ShouldEqual, "starred dash") }) }) }) Convey("Given one dashboard folder with two dashboards and one dashboard in the root folder", func() { folder := insertTestDashboard("1 test dash folder", 1, 0, true, "prod", "webapp") dashInRoot := insertTestDashboard("test dash 67", 1, 0, false, "prod", "webapp") childDash := insertTestDashboard("test dash 23", 1, folder.Id, false, "prod", "webapp") insertTestDashboard("test dash 45", 1, folder.Id, false, "prod") currentUser := createUser("viewer", "Viewer", false) Convey("and no acls are set", func() { Convey("should return all dashboards", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1}, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder.Id, dashInRoot.Id}} err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 2) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, folder.Id) So(query.Result[1].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) }) Convey("and acl is set for dashboard folder", func() { var otherUser int64 = 999 updateTestDashboardWithAcl(folder.Id, otherUser, m.PERMISSION_EDIT) Convey("should not return folder", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1}, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder.Id, dashInRoot.Id}} err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 1) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) Convey("when the user is given permission", func() { updateTestDashboardWithAcl(folder.Id, currentUser.Id, m.PERMISSION_EDIT) Convey("should be able to access folder", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1}, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder.Id, dashInRoot.Id}} err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 2) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, folder.Id) So(query.Result[1].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) }) Convey("when the user is an admin", func() { Convey("should be able to access folder", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{ UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1, OrgRole: m.ROLE_ADMIN, }, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder.Id, dashInRoot.Id}, } err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 2) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, folder.Id) So(query.Result[1].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) }) }) Convey("and acl is set for dashboard child and folder has all permissions removed", func() { var otherUser int64 = 999 aclId := updateTestDashboardWithAcl(folder.Id, otherUser, m.PERMISSION_EDIT) removeAcl(aclId) updateTestDashboardWithAcl(childDash.Id, otherUser, m.PERMISSION_EDIT) Convey("should not return folder or child", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1}, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder.Id, childDash.Id, dashInRoot.Id}} err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 1) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) Convey("when the user is given permission to child", func() { updateTestDashboardWithAcl(childDash.Id, currentUser.Id, m.PERMISSION_EDIT) Convey("should be able to search for child dashboard but not folder", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1}, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder.Id, childDash.Id, dashInRoot.Id}} err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 2) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, childDash.Id) So(query.Result[1].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) }) Convey("when the user is an admin", func() { Convey("should be able to search for child dash and folder", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{ UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1, OrgRole: m.ROLE_ADMIN, }, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder.Id, dashInRoot.Id, childDash.Id}, } err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 3) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, folder.Id) So(query.Result[1].Id, ShouldEqual, childDash.Id) So(query.Result[2].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) }) }) }) Convey("Given two dashboard folders with one dashboard each and one dashboard in the root folder", func() { folder1 := insertTestDashboard("1 test dash folder", 1, 0, true, "prod") folder2 := insertTestDashboard("2 test dash folder", 1, 0, true, "prod") dashInRoot := insertTestDashboard("test dash 67", 1, 0, false, "prod") childDash1 := insertTestDashboard("child dash 1", 1, folder1.Id, false, "prod") childDash2 := insertTestDashboard("child dash 2", 1, folder2.Id, false, "prod") currentUser := createUser("viewer", "Viewer", false) var rootFolderId int64 = 0 Convey("and one folder is expanded, the other collapsed", func() { Convey("should return dashboards in root and expanded folder", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{FolderIds: []int64{rootFolderId, folder1.Id}, SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1}, OrgId: 1} err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 4) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, folder1.Id) So(query.Result[1].Id, ShouldEqual, folder2.Id) So(query.Result[2].Id, ShouldEqual, childDash1.Id) So(query.Result[3].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) }) Convey("and acl is set for one dashboard folder", func() { var otherUser int64 = 999 updateTestDashboardWithAcl(folder1.Id, otherUser, m.PERMISSION_EDIT) Convey("and a dashboard is moved from folder without acl to the folder with an acl", func() { movedDash := moveDashboard(1, childDash2.Data, folder1.Id) So(movedDash.HasAcl, ShouldBeTrue) Convey("should not return folder with acl or its children", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1}, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder1.Id, childDash1.Id, childDash2.Id, dashInRoot.Id}, } err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 1) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) }) Convey("and a dashboard is moved from folder with acl to the folder without an acl", func() { movedDash := moveDashboard(1, childDash1.Data, folder2.Id) So(movedDash.HasAcl, ShouldBeFalse) Convey("should return folder without acl and its children", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1}, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder2.Id, childDash1.Id, childDash2.Id, dashInRoot.Id}, } err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 4) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, folder2.Id) So(query.Result[1].Id, ShouldEqual, childDash1.Id) So(query.Result[2].Id, ShouldEqual, childDash2.Id) So(query.Result[3].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) }) Convey("and a dashboard with an acl is moved to the folder without an acl", func() { updateTestDashboardWithAcl(childDash1.Id, otherUser, m.PERMISSION_EDIT) movedDash := moveDashboard(1, childDash1.Data, folder2.Id) So(movedDash.HasAcl, ShouldBeTrue) Convey("should return folder without acl but not the dashboard with acl", func() { query := &search.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery{ SignedInUser: &m.SignedInUser{UserId: currentUser.Id, OrgId: 1}, OrgId: 1, DashboardIds: []int64{folder2.Id, childDash1.Id, childDash2.Id, dashInRoot.Id}, } err := SearchDashboards(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 3) So(query.Result[0].Id, ShouldEqual, folder2.Id) So(query.Result[1].Id, ShouldEqual, childDash2.Id) So(query.Result[2].Id, ShouldEqual, dashInRoot.Id) }) }) }) }) }) } func insertTestDashboard(title string, orgId int64, folderId int64, isFolder bool, tags ...interface{}) *m.Dashboard { cmd := m.SaveDashboardCommand{ OrgId: orgId, FolderId: folderId, IsFolder: isFolder, Dashboard: simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{ "id": nil, "title": title, "tags": tags, }), } err := SaveDashboard(&cmd) So(err, ShouldBeNil) return cmd.Result } func createUser(name string, role string, isAdmin bool) m.User { setting.AutoAssignOrg = true setting.AutoAssignOrgRole = role currentUserCmd := m.CreateUserCommand{Login: name, Email: name + "", Name: "a " + name, IsAdmin: isAdmin} err := CreateUser(¤tUserCmd) So(err, ShouldBeNil) q1 := m.GetUserOrgListQuery{UserId: currentUserCmd.Result.Id} GetUserOrgList(&q1) So(q1.Result[0].Role, ShouldEqual, role) return currentUserCmd.Result } func updateTestDashboardWithAcl(dashId int64, userId int64, permissions m.PermissionType) int64 { cmd := &m.SetDashboardAclCommand{ OrgId: 1, UserId: userId, DashboardId: dashId, Permission: permissions, } err := SetDashboardAcl(cmd) So(err, ShouldBeNil) return cmd.Result.Id } func removeAcl(aclId int64) { err := RemoveDashboardAcl(&m.RemoveDashboardAclCommand{AclId: aclId, OrgId: 1}) So(err, ShouldBeNil) } func moveDashboard(orgId int64, dashboard *simplejson.Json, newFolderId int64) *m.Dashboard { cmd := m.SaveDashboardCommand{ OrgId: orgId, FolderId: newFolderId, Dashboard: dashboard, Overwrite: true, } err := SaveDashboard(&cmd) So(err, ShouldBeNil) return cmd.Result }