package migrations import ( "" ) func addFolderMigrations(mg *migrator.Migrator) { mg.AddMigration("create folder table", migrator.NewAddTableMigration(folderv1())) mg.AddMigration("Add index for parent_uid", migrator.NewAddIndexMigration(folderv1(), &migrator.Index{ Cols: []string{"parent_uid", "org_id"}, })) mg.AddMigration("Add unique index for folder.uid and folder.org_id", migrator.NewAddIndexMigration(folderv1(), &migrator.Index{ Type: migrator.UniqueIndex, Cols: []string{"uid", "org_id"}, })) mg.AddMigration("Update folder title length", migrator.NewTableCharsetMigration("folder", []*migrator.Column{ // it should be lower than 191 (the maximum length of indexable VARCHAR fields in MySQL 5.6 <= with utf8mb4 encoding) // but the title column length of the dashboard table whose values are copied into this column is 189 {Name: "title", Type: migrator.DB_NVarchar, Length: 189, Nullable: false}, })) mg.AddMigration("Add unique index for folder.title and folder.parent_uid", migrator.NewAddIndexMigration(folderv1(), &migrator.Index{ Type: migrator.UniqueIndex, Cols: []string{"title", "parent_uid"}, })) mg.AddMigration("Remove unique index for folder.title and folder.parent_uid", migrator.NewDropIndexMigration(folderv1(), &migrator.Index{ Type: migrator.UniqueIndex, Cols: []string{"title", "parent_uid"}, })) mg.AddMigration("Add unique index for title, parent_uid, and org_id", migrator.NewAddIndexMigration(folderv1(), &migrator.Index{ Type: migrator.UniqueIndex, Cols: []string{"title", "parent_uid", "org_id"}, })) } func folderv1() migrator.Table { // Do not make any changes to this schema; introduce new migrations for further changes return migrator.Table{ Name: "folder", Columns: []*migrator.Column{ {Name: "id", Type: migrator.DB_BigInt, IsPrimaryKey: true, IsAutoIncrement: true}, {Name: "uid", Type: migrator.DB_NVarchar, Length: 40}, {Name: "org_id", Type: migrator.DB_BigInt, Nullable: false}, {Name: "title", Type: migrator.DB_NVarchar, Length: 255, Nullable: false}, {Name: "description", Type: migrator.DB_NVarchar, Length: 255, Nullable: true}, {Name: "parent_uid", Type: migrator.DB_NVarchar, Length: 40, Nullable: true}, {Name: "created", Type: migrator.DB_DateTime, Nullable: false}, {Name: "updated", Type: migrator.DB_DateTime, Nullable: false}, }, } }