import { AnyAction } from 'redux'; import { LoadingState } from '@grafana/data'; import * as runtime from '@grafana/runtime'; import { DataSourceSrv, LocationService } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { BackendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv'; import { DashboardModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state'; import { reduxTester } from '../../../../test/core/redux/reduxTester'; import { toAsyncOfResult } from '../../query/state/DashboardQueryRunner/testHelpers'; import { variableAdapters } from '../adapters'; import { createConstantVariableAdapter } from '../constant/adapter'; import { ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE, NEW_VARIABLE_ID } from '../constants'; import { createCustomVariableAdapter } from '../custom/adapter'; import { changeVariableName } from '../editor/actions'; import { changeVariableNameFailed, changeVariableNameSucceeded, cleanEditorState } from '../editor/reducer'; import { cleanPickerState } from '../pickers/OptionsPicker/reducer'; import { setVariableQueryRunner, VariableQueryRunner } from '../query/VariableQueryRunner'; import { createQueryVariableAdapter } from '../query/adapter'; import { updateVariableOptions } from '../query/reducer'; import { constantBuilder, customBuilder, datasourceBuilder, queryBuilder, textboxBuilder, } from '../shared/testing/builders'; import { createTextBoxVariableAdapter } from '../textbox/adapter'; import { ConstantVariableModel, VariableRefresh } from '../types'; import { toKeyedVariableIdentifier, toVariablePayload } from '../utils'; import { cancelVariables, changeVariableMultiValue, cleanUpVariables, fixSelectedInconsistency, initDashboardTemplating, isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent, processVariables, validateVariableSelectionState, } from './actions'; import { getPreloadedState, getTemplatingRootReducer, TemplatingReducerType } from './helpers'; import { toKeyedAction } from './keyedVariablesReducer'; import { addVariable, changeVariableProp, removeVariable, setCurrentVariableValue, variableStateCompleted, variableStateFetching, variableStateNotStarted, } from './sharedReducer'; import { variablesClearTransaction, variablesInitTransaction } from './transactionReducer'; import { cleanVariables } from './variablesReducer'; variableAdapters.setInit(() => [ createQueryVariableAdapter(), createCustomVariableAdapter(), createTextBoxVariableAdapter(), createConstantVariableAdapter(), ]); const metricFindQuery = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValueOnce([{ text: 'responses' }, { text: 'timers' }]) .mockResolvedValue([{ text: '200' }, { text: '500' }]); const getMetricSources = jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]); const getDatasource = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ metricFindQuery }); jest.mock('app/features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv', () => ({ getTimeSrv: () => ({ timeRange: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(undefined), }), })); runtime.setDataSourceSrv({ get: getDatasource, getList: getMetricSources, } as unknown as DataSourceSrv); describe('shared actions', () => { describe('when initDashboardTemplating is dispatched', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', () => { const key = 'key'; const query = queryBuilder().build(); const constant = constantBuilder().build(); const datasource = datasourceBuilder().build(); const custom = customBuilder().build(); const textbox = textboxBuilder().build(); const list = [query, constant, datasource, custom, textbox]; const dashboard = { templating: { list } } as DashboardModel; reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched(initDashboardTemplating(key, dashboard)) .thenDispatchedActionsPredicateShouldEqual((dispatchedActions) => { expect(dispatchedActions.length).toEqual(8); expect(dispatchedActions[0]).toEqual( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(query, { global: false, index: 0, model: query }))) ); expect(dispatchedActions[1]).toEqual( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(constant, { global: false, index: 1, model: constant }))) ); expect(dispatchedActions[2]).toEqual( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(custom, { global: false, index: 2, model: custom }))) ); expect(dispatchedActions[3]).toEqual( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(textbox, { global: false, index: 3, model: textbox }))) ); // because uuid are dynamic we need to get the uuid from the resulting state // an alternative would be to add our own uuids in the model above instead expect(dispatchedActions[4]).toEqual( toKeyedAction( key, variableStateNotStarted( toVariablePayload({ ...query, id: dispatchedActions[4] }) ) ) ); expect(dispatchedActions[5]).toEqual( toKeyedAction( key, variableStateNotStarted( toVariablePayload({ ...constant, id: dispatchedActions[5] }) ) ) ); expect(dispatchedActions[6]).toEqual( toKeyedAction( key, variableStateNotStarted( toVariablePayload({ ...custom, id: dispatchedActions[6] }) ) ) ); expect(dispatchedActions[7]).toEqual( toKeyedAction( key, variableStateNotStarted( toVariablePayload({ ...textbox, id: dispatchedActions[7] }) ) ) ); return true; }); }); }); describe('when processVariables is dispatched', () => { it('then circular dependencies fail gracefully', async () => { const key = 'key'; const var1 = queryBuilder().withName('var1').withQuery('$var2').build(); const var2 = queryBuilder().withName('var2').withQuery('$var1').build(); const dashboard = { templating: { list: [var1, var2] } } as DashboardModel; const preloadedState = getPreloadedState(key, {}); await expect(async () => { await reduxTester({ preloadedState }) .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction(key, variablesInitTransaction({ uid: key }))) .whenActionIsDispatched(initDashboardTemplating(key, dashboard)) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(processVariables(key), true); }).rejects.toThrow(/circular dependency in dashboard variables detected/i); }); it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const key = 'key'; const query = queryBuilder().build(); const constant = constantBuilder().build(); const datasource = datasourceBuilder().build(); const custom = customBuilder().build(); const textbox = textboxBuilder().build(); const list = [query, constant, datasource, custom, textbox]; const dashboard = { templating: { list } } as DashboardModel; const preloadedState = getPreloadedState(key, {}); const locationService = { getSearchObject: () => ({}) } as LocationService; runtime.setLocationService(locationService); const variableQueryRunner = { cancelRequest: jest.fn(), queueRequest: jest.fn(), getResponse: () => toAsyncOfResult({ state: LoadingState.Done, identifier: toKeyedVariableIdentifier(query) }), destroy: jest.fn(), } as unknown as VariableQueryRunner; setVariableQueryRunner(variableQueryRunner); const tester = await reduxTester({ preloadedState }) .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction(key, variablesInitTransaction({ uid: key }))) .whenActionIsDispatched(initDashboardTemplating(key, dashboard)) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(processVariables(key), true); await tester.thenDispatchedActionsPredicateShouldEqual((dispatchedActions) => { expect(dispatchedActions.length).toEqual(5); expect(dispatchedActions[0]).toEqual( toKeyedAction( key, variableStateFetching(toVariablePayload({ ...query, id: dispatchedActions[0] })) ) ); expect(dispatchedActions[1]).toEqual( toKeyedAction( key, variableStateCompleted( toVariablePayload({ ...constant, id: dispatchedActions[1] }) ) ) ); expect(dispatchedActions[2]).toEqual( toKeyedAction( key, variableStateCompleted(toVariablePayload({ ...custom, id: dispatchedActions[2] })) ) ); expect(dispatchedActions[3]).toEqual( toKeyedAction( key, variableStateCompleted( toVariablePayload({ ...textbox, id: dispatchedActions[3] }) ) ) ); expect(dispatchedActions[4]).toEqual( toKeyedAction( key, variableStateCompleted(toVariablePayload({ ...query, id: dispatchedActions[4] })) ) ); return true; }); }); // Fix for it('fix for', async () => { setVariableQueryRunner(new VariableQueryRunner()); const key = 'key'; const stats = queryBuilder() .withId('stats') .withRootStateKey(key) .withName('stats') .withQuery('stats.*') .withRefresh(VariableRefresh.onDashboardLoad) .withCurrent(['response'], ['response']) .withMulti() .withIncludeAll() .build(); const substats = queryBuilder() .withId('substats') .withRootStateKey(key) .withName('substats') .withQuery('stats.$stats.*') .withRefresh(VariableRefresh.onDashboardLoad) .withCurrent([ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT], [ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE]) .withMulti() .withIncludeAll() .build(); const list = [stats, substats]; const dashboard = { templating: { list } } as DashboardModel; const query = { orgId: '1', 'var-stats': 'response', 'var-substats': ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT }; const locationService = { getSearchObject: () => query } as unknown as LocationService; runtime.setLocationService(locationService); const preloadedState = getPreloadedState(key, {}); const tester = await reduxTester({ preloadedState }) .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched(toKeyedAction(key, variablesInitTransaction({ uid: key }))) .whenActionIsDispatched(initDashboardTemplating(key, dashboard)) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched(processVariables(key), true); await tester.thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction(key, variableStateFetching(toVariablePayload(stats))), toKeyedAction( key, updateVariableOptions( toVariablePayload(stats, { results: [{ text: 'responses' }, { text: 'timers' }], templatedRegex: '' }) ) ), toKeyedAction( key, setCurrentVariableValue( toVariablePayload(stats, { option: { text: ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, value: ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE, selected: false }, }) ) ), toKeyedAction(key, variableStateCompleted(toVariablePayload(stats))), toKeyedAction( key, setCurrentVariableValue( toVariablePayload(stats, { option: { text: ['response'], value: ['response'], selected: false } }) ) ), toKeyedAction(key, variableStateFetching(toVariablePayload(substats))), toKeyedAction( key, updateVariableOptions( toVariablePayload(substats, { results: [{ text: '200' }, { text: '500' }], templatedRegex: '' }) ) ), toKeyedAction( key, setCurrentVariableValue( toVariablePayload(substats, { option: { text: [ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT], value: [ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE], selected: true }, }) ) ), toKeyedAction(key, variableStateCompleted(toVariablePayload(substats))), toKeyedAction( key, setCurrentVariableValue( toVariablePayload(substats, { option: { text: [ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT], value: [ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE], selected: false }, }) ) ) ); }); }); describe('when validateVariableSelectionState is dispatched with a custom variable (no dependencies)', () => { describe('and not multivalue', () => { it.each` withOptions | withCurrent | defaultValue | expected ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${'A'} ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${'B'} | ${undefined} | ${'B'} ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${'B'} | ${'C'} | ${'B'} ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${'X'} | ${undefined} | ${'A'} ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${'X'} | ${'C'} | ${'C'} ${undefined} | ${'B'} | ${undefined} | ${'should not dispatch setCurrentVariableValue'} `('then correct actions are dispatched', async ({ withOptions, withCurrent, defaultValue, expected }) => { let custom; const key = 'key'; if (!withOptions) { custom = customBuilder().withId('0').withRootStateKey(key).withCurrent(withCurrent).withoutOptions().build(); } else { custom = customBuilder() .withId('0') .withRootStateKey(key) .withOptions(...withOptions) .withCurrent(withCurrent) .build(); } const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(custom, { global: false, index: 0, model: custom }))) ) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched( validateVariableSelectionState(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(custom), defaultValue), true ); await tester.thenDispatchedActionsPredicateShouldEqual((dispatchedActions) => { const expectedActions: AnyAction[] = withOptions ? [ toKeyedAction( key, setCurrentVariableValue( toVariablePayload( { type: 'custom', id: '0' }, { option: { text: expected, value: expected, selected: false } } ) ) ), ] : []; expect(dispatchedActions).toEqual(expectedActions); return true; }); }); }); describe('and multivalue', () => { it.each` withOptions | withCurrent | defaultValue | expectedText | expectedSelected ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${['B']} | ${undefined} | ${['B']} | ${true} ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${['B']} | ${'C'} | ${['B']} | ${true} ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${['B', 'C']} | ${undefined} | ${['B', 'C']} | ${true} ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${['B', 'C']} | ${'C'} | ${['B', 'C']} | ${true} ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${['X']} | ${undefined} | ${'A'} | ${false} ${['A', 'B', 'C']} | ${['X']} | ${'C'} | ${'A'} | ${false} `( 'then correct actions are dispatched', async ({ withOptions, withCurrent, defaultValue, expectedText, expectedSelected }) => { let custom; const key = 'key'; if (!withOptions) { custom = customBuilder() .withId('0') .withRootStateKey(key) .withMulti() .withCurrent(withCurrent) .withoutOptions() .build(); } else { custom = customBuilder() .withId('0') .withRootStateKey(key) .withMulti() .withOptions(...withOptions) .withCurrent(withCurrent) .build(); } const tester = await reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(custom, { global: false, index: 0, model: custom }))) ) .whenAsyncActionIsDispatched( validateVariableSelectionState(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(custom), defaultValue), true ); await tester.thenDispatchedActionsPredicateShouldEqual((dispatchedActions) => { const expectedActions: AnyAction[] = withOptions ? [ toKeyedAction( key, setCurrentVariableValue( toVariablePayload( { type: 'custom', id: '0' }, { option: { text: expectedText, value: expectedText, selected: expectedSelected } } ) ) ), ] : []; expect(dispatchedActions).toEqual(expectedActions); return true; }); } ); }); }); describe('changeVariableName', () => { describe('when changeVariableName is dispatched with the same name', () => { it('then the correct actions are dispatched', () => { const key = 'key'; const textbox = textboxBuilder().withId('textbox').withRootStateKey(key).withName('textbox').build(); const constant = constantBuilder().withId('constant').withRootStateKey(key).withName('constant').build(); reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(textbox, { global: false, index: 0, model: textbox }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(constant, { global: false, index: 1, model: constant }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableName(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(constant),, true) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableNameSucceeded({ type: 'constant', id: 'constant', data: { newName: 'constant' } }) ) ); }); }); describe('when changeVariableName is dispatched with an unique name', () => { it('then the correct actions are dispatched', () => { const key = 'key'; const textbox = textboxBuilder().withId('textbox').withRootStateKey(key).withName('textbox').build(); const constant = constantBuilder().withId('constant').withRootStateKey(key).withName('constant').build(); reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(textbox, { global: false, index: 0, model: textbox }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(constant, { global: false, index: 1, model: constant }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableName(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(constant), 'constant1'), true) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( key, addVariable({ type: 'constant', id: 'constant1', data: { global: false, index: 1, model: { ...constant, name: 'constant1', id: 'constant1', global: false, index: 1, current: { selected: true, text: '', value: '' }, options: [{ selected: true, text: '', value: '' }], } as ConstantVariableModel, }, }) ), toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableNameSucceeded({ type: 'constant', id: 'constant1', data: { newName: 'constant1' } }) ), toKeyedAction(key, removeVariable({ type: 'constant', id: 'constant', data: { reIndex: false } })) ); }); }); describe('when changeVariableName is dispatched with an unique name for a new variable', () => { it('then the correct actions are dispatched', () => { const key = 'key'; const textbox = textboxBuilder().withId('textbox').withRootStateKey(key).withName('textbox').build(); const constant = constantBuilder().withId(NEW_VARIABLE_ID).withRootStateKey(key).withName('constant').build(); reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(textbox, { global: false, index: 0, model: textbox }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(constant, { global: false, index: 1, model: constant }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableName(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(constant), 'constant1'), true) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( key, addVariable({ type: 'constant', id: 'constant1', data: { global: false, index: 1, model: { ...constant, name: 'constant1', id: 'constant1', global: false, index: 1, current: { selected: true, text: '', value: '' }, options: [{ selected: true, text: '', value: '' }], } as ConstantVariableModel, }, }) ), toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableNameSucceeded({ type: 'constant', id: 'constant1', data: { newName: 'constant1' } }) ), toKeyedAction(key, removeVariable({ type: 'constant', id: NEW_VARIABLE_ID, data: { reIndex: false } })) ); }); }); describe('when changeVariableName is dispatched with __newName', () => { it('then the correct actions are dispatched', () => { const key = 'key'; const textbox = textboxBuilder().withId('textbox').withRootStateKey(key).withName('textbox').build(); const constant = constantBuilder().withId('constant').withRootStateKey(key).withName('constant').build(); reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(textbox, { global: false, index: 0, model: textbox }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(constant, { global: false, index: 1, model: constant }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableName(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(constant), '__newName'), true) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableNameFailed({ newName: '__newName', errorText: "Template names cannot begin with '__', that's reserved for Grafana's global variables", }) ) ); }); }); describe('when changeVariableName is dispatched with illegal characters', () => { it('then the correct actions are dispatched', () => { const key = 'key'; const textbox = textboxBuilder().withId('textbox').withRootStateKey(key).withName('textbox').build(); const constant = constantBuilder().withId('constant').withRootStateKey(key).withName('constant').build(); reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(textbox, { global: false, index: 0, model: textbox }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(constant, { global: false, index: 1, model: constant }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableName(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(constant), '#constant!'), true) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableNameFailed({ newName: '#constant!', errorText: 'Only word and digit characters are allowed in variable names', }) ) ); }); }); describe('when changeVariableName is dispatched with a name that is already used', () => { it('then the correct actions are dispatched', () => { const key = 'key'; const textbox = textboxBuilder().withId('textbox').withRootStateKey(key).withName('textbox').build(); const constant = constantBuilder().withId('constant').withRootStateKey(key).withName('constant').build(); reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(textbox, { global: false, index: 0, model: textbox }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(constant, { global: false, index: 1, model: constant }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableName(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(constant), 'textbox'), true) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableNameFailed({ newName: 'textbox', errorText: 'Variable with the same name already exists', }) ) ); }); }); }); describe('changeVariableMultiValue', () => { describe('when changeVariableMultiValue is dispatched for variable with multi enabled', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', () => { const key = 'key'; const custom = customBuilder() .withId('custom') .withRootStateKey(key) .withMulti(true) .withCurrent(['A'], ['A']) .build(); reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(custom, { global: false, index: 0, model: custom }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableMultiValue(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(custom), false), true) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableProp( toVariablePayload(custom, { propName: 'multi', propValue: false, }) ) ), toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableProp( toVariablePayload(custom, { propName: 'current', propValue: { value: 'A', text: 'A', selected: true, }, }) ) ) ); }); }); describe('when changeVariableMultiValue is dispatched for variable with multi disabled', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', () => { const key = 'key'; const custom = customBuilder() .withId('custom') .withRootStateKey(key) .withMulti(false) .withCurrent(['A'], ['A']) .build(); reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched( toKeyedAction(key, addVariable(toVariablePayload(custom, { global: false, index: 0, model: custom }))) ) .whenActionIsDispatched(changeVariableMultiValue(toKeyedVariableIdentifier(custom), true), true) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableProp( toVariablePayload(custom, { propName: 'multi', propValue: true, }) ) ), toKeyedAction( key, changeVariableProp( toVariablePayload(custom, { propName: 'current', propValue: { value: ['A'], text: ['A'], selected: true, }, }) ) ) ); }); }); }); describe('cleanUpVariables', () => { describe('when called', () => { it('then correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const key = 'key'; reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched(cleanUpVariables(key)) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction(key, cleanVariables()), toKeyedAction(key, cleanEditorState()), toKeyedAction(key, cleanPickerState()), toKeyedAction(key, variablesClearTransaction()) ); }); }); }); describe('cancelVariables', () => { const cancelAllInFlightRequestsMock = jest.fn(); const backendSrvMock = { cancelAllInFlightRequests: cancelAllInFlightRequestsMock, } as unknown as BackendSrv; describe('when called', () => { it('then cancelAllInFlightRequests should be called and correct actions are dispatched', async () => { const key = 'key'; reduxTester() .givenRootReducer(getTemplatingRootReducer()) .whenActionIsDispatched(cancelVariables(key, { getBackendSrv: () => backendSrvMock })) .thenDispatchedActionsShouldEqual( toKeyedAction(key, cleanVariables()), toKeyedAction(key, cleanEditorState()), toKeyedAction(key, cleanPickerState()), toKeyedAction(key, variablesClearTransaction()) ); expect(cancelAllInFlightRequestsMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); }); describe('fixSelectedInconsistency', () => { describe('when called for a single value variable', () => { describe('and there is an inconsistency between current and selected in options', () => { it('then it should set the correct selected', () => { const variable = customBuilder().withId('custom').withCurrent('A').withOptions('A', 'B', 'C').build(); variable.options[1].selected = true; expect(variable.options).toEqual([ { text: 'A', value: 'A', selected: false }, { text: 'B', value: 'B', selected: true }, { text: 'C', value: 'C', selected: false }, ]); fixSelectedInconsistency(variable); expect(variable.options).toEqual([ { text: 'A', value: 'A', selected: true }, { text: 'B', value: 'B', selected: false }, { text: 'C', value: 'C', selected: false }, ]); }); }); describe('and there is no matching option in options', () => { it('then the first option should be selected', () => { const variable = customBuilder().withId('custom').withCurrent('A').withOptions('X', 'Y', 'Z').build(); expect(variable.options).toEqual([ { text: 'X', value: 'X', selected: false }, { text: 'Y', value: 'Y', selected: false }, { text: 'Z', value: 'Z', selected: false }, ]); fixSelectedInconsistency(variable); expect(variable.options).toEqual([ { text: 'X', value: 'X', selected: true }, { text: 'Y', value: 'Y', selected: false }, { text: 'Z', value: 'Z', selected: false }, ]); }); }); }); describe('when called for a multi value variable', () => { describe('and there is an inconsistency between current and selected in options', () => { it('then it should set the correct selected', () => { const variable = customBuilder().withId('custom').withCurrent(['A', 'C']).withOptions('A', 'B', 'C').build(); variable.options[1].selected = true; expect(variable.options).toEqual([ { text: 'A', value: 'A', selected: false }, { text: 'B', value: 'B', selected: true }, { text: 'C', value: 'C', selected: false }, ]); fixSelectedInconsistency(variable); expect(variable.options).toEqual([ { text: 'A', value: 'A', selected: true }, { text: 'B', value: 'B', selected: false }, { text: 'C', value: 'C', selected: true }, ]); }); }); describe('and there is no matching option in options', () => { it('then the first option should be selected', () => { const variable = customBuilder().withId('custom').withCurrent(['A', 'C']).withOptions('X', 'Y', 'Z').build(); expect(variable.options).toEqual([ { text: 'X', value: 'X', selected: false }, { text: 'Y', value: 'Y', selected: false }, { text: 'Z', value: 'Z', selected: false }, ]); fixSelectedInconsistency(variable); expect(variable.options).toEqual([ { text: 'X', value: 'X', selected: true }, { text: 'Y', value: 'Y', selected: false }, { text: 'Z', value: 'Z', selected: false }, ]); }); }); }); }); describe('isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent', () => { describe('when called with a single valued variable', () => { describe('and values are equal', () => { it('then it should return false', () => { const variable = queryBuilder().withMulti(false).withCurrent('A', 'A').build(); const urlValue = 'A'; expect(isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent(variable, urlValue)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('and values are different', () => { it('then it should return true', () => { const variable = queryBuilder().withMulti(false).withCurrent('A', 'A').build(); const urlValue = 'B'; expect(isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent(variable, urlValue)).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('when called with a multi valued variable', () => { describe('and values are equal', () => { it('then it should return false', () => { const variable = queryBuilder().withMulti(true).withCurrent(['A'], ['A']).build(); const urlValue = ['A']; expect(isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent(variable, urlValue)).toBe(false); }); describe('but urlValue is not an array', () => { it('then it should return false', () => { const variable = queryBuilder().withMulti(true).withCurrent(['A'], ['A']).build(); const urlValue = 'A'; expect(isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent(variable, urlValue)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('and values are different', () => { it('then it should return true', () => { const variable = queryBuilder().withMulti(true).withCurrent(['A'], ['A']).build(); const urlValue = ['C']; expect(isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent(variable, urlValue)).toBe(true); }); describe('but urlValue is not an array', () => { it('then it should return true', () => { const variable = queryBuilder().withMulti(true).withCurrent(['A'], ['A']).build(); const urlValue = 'C'; expect(isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent(variable, urlValue)).toBe(true); }); }); }); }); }); });