import { chunk, flatten, isString, isArray, has, get, omit } from 'lodash'; import { from, lastValueFrom, Observable, of } from 'rxjs'; import { map, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { DataQueryRequest, DataQueryResponse, DataSourceInstanceSettings, ScopedVars, SelectableValue, TimeRange, } from '@grafana/data'; import { DataSourceWithBackend, getBackendSrv, toDataQueryResponse, BackendSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { getTimeSrv, TimeSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { getTemplateSrv, TemplateSrv } from 'app/features/templating/template_srv'; import { CloudMonitoringAnnotationSupport } from './annotationSupport'; import { SLO_BURN_RATE_SELECTOR_NAME } from './constants'; import { getMetricType, setMetricType } from './functions'; import { CloudMonitoringOptions, CloudMonitoringQuery, Filter, MetricDescriptor, QueryType, PostResponse, Aggregation, MetricQuery, } from './types'; import { CloudMonitoringVariableSupport } from './variables'; export default class CloudMonitoringDatasource extends DataSourceWithBackend< CloudMonitoringQuery, CloudMonitoringOptions > { authenticationType: string; intervalMs: number; backendSrv: BackendSrv; constructor( private instanceSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings, public templateSrv: TemplateSrv = getTemplateSrv(), readonly timeSrv: TimeSrv = getTimeSrv() ) { super(instanceSettings); this.authenticationType = instanceSettings.jsonData.authenticationType || 'jwt'; this.variables = new CloudMonitoringVariableSupport(this); this.intervalMs = 0; this.annotations = CloudMonitoringAnnotationSupport(this); this.backendSrv = getBackendSrv(); } getVariables() { return this.templateSrv.getVariables().map((v) => `$${}`); } query(request: DataQueryRequest): Observable { request.targets = => ({ ...this.migrateQuery(t), intervalMs: request.intervalMs, })); return super.query(request); } applyTemplateVariables(target: CloudMonitoringQuery, scopedVars: ScopedVars): Record { const { timeSeriesList, timeSeriesQuery, sloQuery } = target; return {, datasource: this.getRef(), intervalMs: this.intervalMs, timeSeriesList: timeSeriesList && { ...this.interpolateProps(timeSeriesList, scopedVars), projectName: this.templateSrv.replace( timeSeriesList.projectName ? timeSeriesList.projectName : this.getDefaultProject(), scopedVars ), filters: this.interpolateFilters(timeSeriesList.filters || [], scopedVars), groupBys: this.interpolateGroupBys(timeSeriesList.groupBys || [], scopedVars), view: timeSeriesList.view || 'FULL', }, timeSeriesQuery: timeSeriesQuery && { ...this.interpolateProps(timeSeriesQuery, scopedVars), projectName: this.templateSrv.replace( timeSeriesQuery.projectName ? timeSeriesQuery.projectName : this.getDefaultProject(), scopedVars ), }, sloQuery: sloQuery && this.interpolateProps(sloQuery, scopedVars), }; } async getLabels( metricType: string, refId: string, projectName: string, aggregation?: Aggregation, timeRange?: TimeRange ) { const options = { targets: [ { refId, datasource: this.getRef(), queryType: QueryType.TIME_SERIES_LIST, timeSeriesList: setMetricType( { projectName: this.templateSrv.replace(projectName), groupBys: this.interpolateGroupBys(aggregation?.groupBys || [], {}), crossSeriesReducer: aggregation?.crossSeriesReducer ?? 'REDUCE_NONE', view: 'HEADERS', }, metricType ), }, ], range: timeRange ?? this.timeSrv.timeRange(), }; const queries = options.targets; if (!queries.length) { return lastValueFrom(of({ results: [] })); } return lastValueFrom( from(this.ensureGCEDefaultProject()).pipe( mergeMap(() => { return this.backendSrv.fetch({ url: '/api/ds/query', method: 'POST', headers: this.getRequestHeaders(), data: { from: options.range.from.valueOf().toString(), to:, queries, }, }); }), map(({ data }) => { const dataQueryResponse = toDataQueryResponse({ data: data, }); const labels = dataQueryResponse?.data .map((f) => f.meta?.custom?.labels) .filter((p) => !!p) .reduce((acc, labels) => { for (let key in labels) { if (!acc[key]) { acc[key] = new Set(); } if (labels[key]) { acc[key].add(labels[key]); } } return acc; }, {}); return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(labels).map((l: any) => { l[1] = Array.from(l[1]); return l; }) ); }) ) ); } async getGCEDefaultProject() { return this.getResource(`gceDefaultProject`); } getDefaultProject(): string { const { defaultProject, authenticationType, gceDefaultProject } = this.instanceSettings.jsonData; if (authenticationType === 'gce') { return gceDefaultProject || ''; } return defaultProject || ''; } async ensureGCEDefaultProject() { const { authenticationType, gceDefaultProject } = this.instanceSettings.jsonData; if (authenticationType === 'gce' && !gceDefaultProject) { this.instanceSettings.jsonData.gceDefaultProject = await this.getGCEDefaultProject(); } } async getMetricTypes(projectName: string): Promise { if (!projectName) { return []; } return this.getResource( `metricDescriptors/v3/projects/${this.templateSrv.replace(projectName)}/metricDescriptors` ) as Promise; } async filterMetricsByType(projectName: string, filter: string): Promise { if (!projectName) { return []; } return this.getResource( `metricDescriptors/v3/projects/${this.templateSrv.replace(projectName)}/metricDescriptors`, { filter: `metric.type : "${filter}"` } ); } async getSLOServices(projectName: string): Promise>> { return this.getResource(`services/v3/projects/${this.templateSrv.replace(projectName)}/services?pageSize=1000`); } async getServiceLevelObjectives(projectName: string, serviceId: string): Promise>> { if (!serviceId) { return Promise.resolve([]); } let { projectName: p, serviceId: s } = this.interpolateProps({ projectName, serviceId }); return this.getResource(`slo-services/v3/projects/${p}/services/${s}/serviceLevelObjectives`); } getProjects(): Promise>> { return this.getResource(`projects`); } migrateMetricTypeFilter(metricType: string, filters?: string[]) { const metricTypeFilterArray = ['metric.type', '=', metricType]; if (filters?.length) { return filters.concat('AND', metricTypeFilterArray); } return metricTypeFilterArray; } // This is a manual port of the migration code in cloudmonitoring.go // DO NOT UPDATE THIS CODE WITHOUT UPDATING THE BACKEND CODE migrateQuery(query: CloudMonitoringQuery): CloudMonitoringQuery { const { hide, refId, datasource, key, queryType, maxLines, metric, intervalMs, type, } = query as any; if ( !query.hasOwnProperty('metricQuery') && !query.hasOwnProperty('sloQuery') && !query.hasOwnProperty('timeSeriesQuery') && !query.hasOwnProperty('timeSeriesList') ) { return { datasource, key, refId, intervalMs, hide, queryType: type === 'annotationQuery' ? QueryType.ANNOTATION : QueryType.TIME_SERIES_LIST, timeSeriesList: {, view: rest.view || 'FULL', }, }; } if (has(query, 'metricQuery') && ['metrics', QueryType.ANNOTATION].includes(query.queryType)) { const metricQuery: MetricQuery = get(query, 'metricQuery')!; if (metricQuery.editorMode === 'mql') { query.timeSeriesQuery = { projectName: metricQuery.projectName, query: metricQuery.query, graphPeriod: metricQuery.graphPeriod, }; query.queryType = QueryType.TIME_SERIES_QUERY; } else { query.timeSeriesList = { projectName: metricQuery.projectName, crossSeriesReducer: metricQuery.crossSeriesReducer, alignmentPeriod: metricQuery.alignmentPeriod, perSeriesAligner: metricQuery.perSeriesAligner, groupBys: metricQuery.groupBys, filters: metricQuery.filters, view: metricQuery.view, preprocessor: metricQuery.preprocessor, }; query.queryType = QueryType.TIME_SERIES_LIST; if (metricQuery.metricType) { query.timeSeriesList.filters = this.migrateMetricTypeFilter( metricQuery.metricType, query.timeSeriesList.filters ); } } query.aliasBy = metricQuery.aliasBy; query = omit(query, 'metricQuery'); } if (query.queryType === QueryType.SLO && has(query, 'sloQuery.aliasBy')) { query.aliasBy = get(query, 'sloQuery.aliasBy'); query = omit(query, 'sloQuery.aliasBy'); } return query; } interpolateProps>(object: T, scopedVars: ScopedVars = {}): T { return Object.entries(object).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => { return { ...acc, [key]: value && isString(value) ? this.templateSrv.replace(value, scopedVars) : value, }; }, {} as T); } filterQuery(query: CloudMonitoringQuery): boolean { if (query.hide) { return false; } if (query.queryType === QueryType.SLO) { if (!query.sloQuery) { return false; } const { selectorName, serviceId, sloId, projectName, lookbackPeriod } = query.sloQuery; return ( !!selectorName && !!serviceId && !!sloId && !!projectName && (selectorName !== SLO_BURN_RATE_SELECTOR_NAME || !!lookbackPeriod) ); } if (query.queryType === QueryType.TIME_SERIES_QUERY) { return !!query.timeSeriesQuery && !!query.timeSeriesQuery.projectName && !!query.timeSeriesQuery.query; } if ([QueryType.TIME_SERIES_LIST, QueryType.ANNOTATION].includes(query.queryType)) { return !!query.timeSeriesList && !!query.timeSeriesList.projectName && !!getMetricType(query.timeSeriesList); } return false; } interpolateVariablesInQueries(queries: CloudMonitoringQuery[], scopedVars: ScopedVars): CloudMonitoringQuery[] { return (query) => this.applyTemplateVariables(this.migrateQuery(query), scopedVars) as CloudMonitoringQuery ); } interpolateFilters(filters: string[], scopedVars: ScopedVars) { const completeFilter: Filter[] = chunk(filters, 4) .map(([key, operator, value, condition]) => ({ key, operator, value, ...(condition && { condition }), })) .filter((item) => item.value); const filterArray = flatten({ key, operator, value, condition }: Filter) => [ this.templateSrv.replace(key, scopedVars || {}), operator, this.templateSrv.replace(value, scopedVars || {}, (value: string | string[]) => { return isArray(value) && value.length ? `(${value.join('|')})` : value; }), ...(condition ? [condition] : []), ]) ); return filterArray || []; } interpolateGroupBys(groupBys: string[], scopedVars: {}): string[] { let interpolatedGroupBys: string[] = []; (groupBys || []).forEach((gb) => { const interpolated = this.templateSrv.replace(gb, scopedVars || {}, 'csv').split(','); if (Array.isArray(interpolated)) { interpolatedGroupBys = interpolatedGroupBys.concat(interpolated); } else { interpolatedGroupBys.push(interpolated); } }); return interpolatedGroupBys; } }