import { ConfigOverrideRule, FieldColorModeId, FieldConfig, FieldConfigProperty, FieldConfigSource, PanelPlugin, standardEditorsRegistry, standardFieldConfigEditorRegistry, StandardOptionConfig, ThresholdsMode, } from '@grafana/data'; import { getPanelPlugin } from 'app/features/plugins/__mocks__/pluginMocks'; import { mockStandardFieldConfigOptions } from 'test/helpers/fieldConfig'; import { getPanelOptionsWithDefaults, restoreCustomOverrideRules } from './getPanelOptionsWithDefaults'; standardFieldConfigEditorRegistry.setInit(() => mockStandardFieldConfigOptions()); standardEditorsRegistry.setInit(() => mockStandardFieldConfigOptions()); const pluginA = getPanelPlugin({ id: 'graph' }); pluginA.useFieldConfig({ useCustomConfig: (builder) => { builder.addBooleanSwitch({ name: 'Hide lines', path: 'hideLines', defaultValue: false, }); }, }); pluginA.setPanelOptions((builder) => { builder.addBooleanSwitch({ name: 'Show thresholds', path: 'showThresholds', defaultValue: true, }); builder.addTextInput({ name: 'Name', path: 'name', defaultValue: 'hello', }); builder.addNumberInput({ name: 'Number', path: 'number', defaultValue: 10, }); }); describe('getPanelOptionsWithDefaults', () => { describe('When panel plugin has no options', () => { it('Should set defaults', () => { const result = runScenario({ plugin: getPanelPlugin({ id: 'graph' }), options: {}, defaults: {}, overrides: [], }); expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "fieldConfig": Object { "defaults": Object {}, "overrides": Array [], }, "options": Object {}, } `); }); }); describe('When current options are emtpy', () => { it('Should set defaults', () => { const result = getPanelOptionsWithDefaults({ plugin: pluginA, currentOptions: {}, currentFieldConfig: { defaults: {}, overrides: [], }, isAfterPluginChange: false, }); expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "fieldConfig": Object { "defaults": Object { "custom": Object { "hideLines": false, }, "thresholds": Object { "mode": "absolute", "steps": Array [ Object { "color": "green", "value": -Infinity, }, Object { "color": "red", "value": 80, }, ], }, }, "overrides": Array [], }, "options": Object { "name": "hello", "number": 10, "showThresholds": true, }, } `); }); }); describe('When there are current options and overrides', () => { it('Should set defaults', () => { const result = getPanelOptionsWithDefaults({ plugin: pluginA, currentOptions: { number: 20, showThresholds: false, }, currentFieldConfig: { defaults: { unit: 'bytes', decimals: 2, }, overrides: [], }, isAfterPluginChange: true, }); expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "fieldConfig": Object { "defaults": Object { "custom": Object { "hideLines": false, }, "decimals": 2, "thresholds": Object { "mode": "absolute", "steps": Array [ Object { "color": "green", "value": -Infinity, }, Object { "color": "red", "value": 80, }, ], }, "unit": "bytes", }, "overrides": Array [], }, "options": Object { "name": "hello", "number": 20, "showThresholds": false, }, } `); }); }); describe('when changing panel type to one that does not support by value color mode', () => { it('should change color mode', () => { const plugin = getPanelPlugin({ id: 'graph' }).useFieldConfig({ standardOptions: { [FieldConfigProperty.Color]: { settings: { byValueSupport: false, }, }, }, }); const result = getPanelOptionsWithDefaults({ plugin, currentOptions: {}, currentFieldConfig: { defaults: { color: { mode: FieldColorModeId.Thresholds }, }, overrides: [], }, isAfterPluginChange: true, }); expect(result.fieldConfig.defaults.color!.mode).toBe(FieldColorModeId.PaletteClassic); }); }); describe('when changing panel type from one not supporting by value color mode to one that supports it', () => { it('should keep supported mode', () => { const result = runScenario({ defaults: { color: { mode: FieldColorModeId.PaletteClassic }, }, standardOptions: { [FieldConfigProperty.Color]: { settings: { byValueSupport: true, }, }, }, }); expect(result.fieldConfig.defaults.color!.mode).toBe(FieldColorModeId.PaletteClassic); }); it('should change to thresholds mode when it prefers to', () => { const result = runScenario({ defaults: { color: { mode: FieldColorModeId.PaletteClassic }, }, standardOptions: { [FieldConfigProperty.Color]: { settings: { byValueSupport: true, preferThresholdsMode: true, }, }, }, isAfterPluginChange: true, }); expect(result.fieldConfig.defaults.color!.mode).toBe(FieldColorModeId.Thresholds); }); it('should change to classic mode when panel supports bySeries', () => { const result = runScenario({ defaults: { color: { mode: FieldColorModeId.Thresholds }, }, standardOptions: { [FieldConfigProperty.Color]: { settings: { byValueSupport: true, bySeriesSupport: true, }, }, }, isAfterPluginChange: true, }); expect(result.fieldConfig.defaults.color!.mode).toBe(FieldColorModeId.PaletteClassic); }); }); describe('when changing panel type to one that does not use standard field config', () => { it('should clean defaults', () => { const plugin = getPanelPlugin({ id: 'graph' }); const result = getPanelOptionsWithDefaults({ plugin, currentOptions: {}, currentFieldConfig: { defaults: { color: { mode: FieldColorModeId.Thresholds }, thresholds: { mode: ThresholdsMode.Absolute, steps: [], }, }, overrides: [], }, isAfterPluginChange: true, }); expect(result.fieldConfig.defaults.thresholds).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('when applying defaults clean properties that are no longer part of the registry', () => { it('should remove custom defaults that no longer exist', () => { const result = runScenario({ defaults: { unit: 'bytes', custom: { customProp: 20, customPropNoExist: true, nested: { nestedA: 'A', nestedB: 'B', }, }, }, }); expect(result.fieldConfig.defaults).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "custom": Object { "customProp": 20, "nested": Object { "nestedA": "A", }, }, "thresholds": Object { "mode": "absolute", "steps": Array [ Object { "color": "green", "value": -Infinity, }, Object { "color": "red", "value": 80, }, ], }, "unit": "bytes", } `); }); it('should remove custom overrides that no longer exist', () => { const result = runScenario({ defaults: {}, overrides: [ { matcher: { id: 'byName', options: 'D-series' }, properties: [ { id: 'custom.customPropNoExist', value: 'google', }, ], }, { matcher: { id: 'byName', options: 'D-series' }, properties: [ { id: 'custom.customProp', value: 30, }, ], }, ], }); expect(result.fieldConfig.overrides.length).toBe(1); expect(result.fieldConfig.overrides[0].properties[0].id).toBe('custom.customProp'); }); }); }); describe('restoreCustomOverrideRules', () => { it('should add back custom rules', () => { const current = { defaults: {}, overrides: [ { matcher: { id: 'byName', options: 'SeriesA' }, properties: [ { id: 'decimals', value: 2, }, ], }, ], }; const old = { defaults: {}, overrides: [ { matcher: { id: 'byName', options: 'SeriesA' }, properties: [ { id: 'custom.propName', value: 10, }, ], }, { matcher: { id: 'byName', options: 'SeriesB' }, properties: [ { id: 'custom.propName', value: 20, }, ], }, ], }; const result = restoreCustomOverrideRules(current, old); expect(result.overrides.length).toBe(2); expect(result.overrides[0].properties[0].id).toBe('decimals'); expect(result.overrides[0].properties[1].id).toBe('custom.propName'); expect(result.overrides[1].properties.length).toBe(1); expect(result.overrides[1].matcher.options).toBe('SeriesB'); }); }); interface ScenarioOptions { defaults?: FieldConfig; overrides?: ConfigOverrideRule[]; disabledStandardOptions?: FieldConfigProperty[]; standardOptions?: Partial>; plugin?: PanelPlugin; options?: any; isAfterPluginChange?: boolean; } function runScenario(options: ScenarioOptions) { const fieldConfig: FieldConfigSource = { defaults: options.defaults || {}, overrides: options.overrides || [], }; const plugin = options.plugin ?? getPanelPlugin({ id: 'graph' }).useFieldConfig({ standardOptions: options.standardOptions, useCustomConfig: (builder) => { builder.addNumberInput({ name: 'Custom prop', path: 'customProp', defaultValue: 10, }); builder.addTextInput({ name: 'Nested prop', path: 'nested.nestedA', }); }, }); return getPanelOptionsWithDefaults({ plugin, currentOptions: options.options || {}, currentFieldConfig: fieldConfig, isAfterPluginChange: !!options.isAfterPluginChange, }); }