var dashboards = { title: "Infinite Monkey Dashboard", rows: [ { title: "Query Control", height: "30px", panels: [ { type : "stringquery", span : 12, group : ['default','counter','histogram'] } ] }, { title: "Status", collapse: false, height: "100px", panels: [ { type : "timepicker", span : 4, mode : 'relative', index : "\"shakespeare\"", refresh : { enable : false, interval: 30, min : 10 }, timespan : '1h', timefield: '@timestamp', group: ['default','pies'], }, { type : "sort", span : 3, }, { title : "Histogram Timer", type : "timepicker", span : 0, mode : 'relative', timespan : '5m', index : "\"shakespeare\"", refresh : { enable : true, interval: 3, min : 10 }, timefield: '@timestamp', group: 'histogram', }, { type : "histogram", span : 3, show : ['lines'], fill : 0.3, group : "histogram", query : [ { label : "Event Rate", query : "*", color: '#FF7400' } ], }, { title : "Counter Timer", type : "timepicker", span : 0, mode : 'relative', timespan : '30d', index : "\"shakespeare\"", refresh : { enable : true, interval: 3, min : 10 }, timefield: '@timestamp', group: 'counter', }, { type : "hits", title : "Lines Completed", span : 2, group : 'counter', }, { type : "text", style : {"font-size":"85%"}, span: 0, content : "Rows are collapsable, and input panels can send event to" + " multiple groups. The Search panel is part of one group, while" + " the time panel is part of two" }, ] }, { title: "Top 3 Characters", collapse: true, height: "150px", panels: [ { type : "text", title : "About", style : {"font-size":"85%"}, span: 2, content : "These donut charts demonstrate configurable binding." + " They exist in a different group from the other panels and are" + " bound only to the time selector, not to the query input. Thus" + " they will change when you select a new time range, but not if" + " you enter a search.", }, { title : "Hamlet", type : "pie", span : 2, size : 3, legend : false, labels : false, donut : true, colors : ['#20805E','#26527C','#BF8530','#A60000','#006363','#679B00'], field : 'country', //query : { query: "*", field: "country"} query : { field : "speaker", query : "play_name:Hamlet" }, group : "pies" }, { title : "Othello", type : "pie", span : 2, size : 3, legend : false, labels : false, donut : true, colors : ['#35D59D','#FFB140','#F43D6B','#A60000','#006363','#679B00'], field : 'country', //query : { query: "*", field: "country"} query : { field : "speaker", query : "play_name:Othello" }, group : "pies" }, { title : "A Winters Tale", type : "pie", span : 2, size : 3, legend : false, labels : false, donut : true, colors : ['#78AF2C','#BF4630','#6A237E','#A60000','#006363','#679B00'], field : 'country', //query : { query: "*", field: "country"} query : { field : "speaker", query : 'play_name:"A Winters Tale"' }, group : "pies" }, { title : "The Tempest", type : "pie", span : 2, size : 3, legend : false, labels : false, donut : true, colors : ['#2A4480','#BFA730','#BF7130','#A60000','#006363','#679B00'], field : 'country', //query : { query: "*", field: "country"} query : { field : "speaker", query : 'play_name:"The Tempest"' }, group : "pies" }, { title : "King Lear", type : "pie", span : 2, size : 3, legend : false, labels : false, donut : true, colors : ['#01939A','#FFAB00','#FF0700','#A60000','#006363','#679B00'], field : 'country', //query : { query: "*", field: "country"} query : { field : "speaker", query : 'play_name:"King Lear"' }, group : "pies" }, ] }, { title: "Lines of Plays", height: "210px", collapse: false, panels: [ { title : "Plays", type : "pie", span : 4, size : 8, labels : false, colors : ['#BF3030','#1D7373','#86B32D','#A60000','#006363','#679B00'], field : 'country', mode : "terms", query : { query:"*", field:"play_name" } }, { type : "text", title : "About", style : {"font-size":"85%"}, span: 0, content : "The table panel can be sorted via a sort panel, or by" + " clicking the table header. Unlike the donut charts above, this" + " pie is bound to the query input. Try searching for a speaker" + " (eg, FALSTAFF) to see a break down of the plays they appear in.", }, { title : "Newest Lines", editable: true, type : "table", span : 6, query : "*", style : {"font-size":"85%"}, fields : ['@timestamp','play_name','speaker','text_entry'], }, { type : "fields", title : "Fields", span : 2, }, ] }, { title: "Monkey Monitoring", collapse: false, height: "225px", panels: [ { title : "Monkey Shakespeare Lines", type : "histogram", span : 5, show : ['bars','stack'], fill : 1, query : [ { label : "Query Hits", query : "*", color: '#86B32D' }, { label : "Hamlet", query : "play_name:Hamlet" }, { label : "Macbeth", query : "play_name:macbeth" }, ], }, { title : "Monkey Typists Worldwide", type : "map", map : 'world', field : "country", span : 5, size : 500, query : "*", }, { type : "text", title : "About", style : {"font-size":"85%"}, span: 2, content : "Histograms can show multiple queries. In the case that a" + " multi-query histogram is bound to a query input, only the first" + " data series will be altered. All panels exist in the 'default'" + " group by default. The map panel can be used to visualize events" + " with attached geo data.", }, ] } ] };