package api

import (

	contextmodel ""

func TestHTTPServer_CheckEnabled(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name         string
		pluginID     string
		expectedCode int
			name:         "should return a 404 if the plugin doesn't exist",
			pluginID:     "missing",
			expectedCode: 404,
			name:         "should not set an error code if the plugin is not an app",
			pluginID:     "mysql",
			expectedCode: 0, // unset
			name:         "should not set an error code if the plugin is enabled",
			pluginID:     "grafana-test-app",
			expectedCode: 0, // unset
			name:         "should return a 404 if the plugin is disabled",
			pluginID:     "grafana-test-app_disabled",
			expectedCode: 404,
	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			hs := &HTTPServer{}
			hs.pluginStore = &pluginstore.FakePluginStore{
				PluginList: []pluginstore.Plugin{
					{JSONData: plugins.JSONData{ID: "mysql"}},
					{JSONData: plugins.JSONData{Type: plugins.TypeApp, ID: "grafana-test-app"}},
					{JSONData: plugins.JSONData{Type: plugins.TypeApp, ID: "grafana-test-app_disabled"}},
			hs.PluginSettings = &pluginsettings.FakePluginSettings{Plugins: map[string]*pluginsettings.DTO{
				"grafana-test-app":          {ID: 0, OrgID: 1, PluginID: "grafana-test-app", PluginVersion: "1.0.0", Enabled: true},
				"grafana-test-app_disabled": {ID: 0, OrgID: 1, PluginID: "grafana-test-app_disabled", PluginVersion: "1.0.0", Enabled: false},
			httpReq, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
			httpReq = web.SetURLParams(httpReq, map[string]string{":pluginId": tt.pluginID})
			require.NoError(t, err)

			responseWriter := web.NewResponseWriter("GET", httptest.NewRecorder())
			c := &contextmodel.ReqContext{
				Context:      &web.Context{Req: httpReq, Resp: responseWriter},
				SignedInUser: &user.SignedInUser{OrgID: 1},
			checkAppEnabled(hs.pluginStore, hs.PluginSettings)(c)
			assert.Equal(t, tt.expectedCode, c.Resp.Status())