# Database Grafana uses a database to persist settings between restarts. In fact, if you don't specify one, Grafana creates a [SQLite3](https://www.sqlite.org/) database file on your local disk. This guide explains how to store and retrieve data from the database. Grafana supports the [following databases](https://grafana.com/docs/installation/requirements/#database): - [MySQL](https://www.mysql.com/) - [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/) - [SQLite3](https://www.sqlite.org/) Grafana uses the [XORM](https://xorm.io) framework for persisting objects to the database. For more information on how to use XORM, refer to the [documentation](http://gobook.io/read/github.com/go-xorm/manual-en-US/). [Services](services.md) don't use XORM directly. Instead, services use the _SQL store_, a special type of service that provides an abstraction for the database layer. There are two ways of using the `sqlstore`: using `sqlstore` handlers, and using the `SqlStore` instance. ## `sqlstore` handlers > **Deprecated:** We are deprecating `sqlstore` handlers in favor of using the `SqlStore` object directly in each service. Since most services still use the `sqlstore` handlers, we still want to explain how they work. The `sqlstore` package allows you to register [command handlers](communication.md#handle-commands) that either store, or retrieve objects from the database. `sqlstore` handlers are similar to services: - [Services](services.md) are command handlers that _contain business logic_. - `sqlstore` handlers are command handlers that _access the database_. ### Register a `sqlstore` handler > **Deprecated:** Refer to the [deprecation note for `sqlstore` handlers](#sqlstore-handlers). To register a handler: - Create a new file `myrepo.go` in the `sqlstore` package. - Create a [command handler](communication.md#handle-commands). - Register the handler in the `init` function: ```go func init() { bus.AddHandler("sql", DeleteDashboard) } func DeleteDashboard(cmd *models.DeleteDashboardCommand) error { return inTransaction(func(sess *DBSession) error { _, err := sess.Exec("DELETE FROM dashboards WHERE dashboard_id=?", cmd.DashboardID) return err }) } ``` Here, `inTransaction` is a helper function in the `sqlstore` package that provides a session, that lets you execute SQL statements. ## `SqlStore` As opposed to a `sqlstore` handler, the `SqlStore` is a service itself. The `SqlStore` has the same responsibility however: to store and retrieve objects, to and from the database. To use the `SqlStore`, inject the `SQLStore` in your service struct: ```go type MyService struct { SQLStore *sqlstore.SqlStore `inject:""` } ``` You can now make SQL queries in any of your [command handlers](communication.md#handle-commands) or [event listeners](communication.md#subscribe-to-an-event): ```go func (s *MyService) DeleteDashboard(cmd *models.DeleteDashboardCommand) error { if err := s.SQLStore.WithDbSession(ctx, func(sess *sqlstore.DBSession) error { _, err := sess.Exec("DELETE FROM dashboards WHERE dashboard_id=?", cmd.DashboardID) return err }) } ``` For transactions, use the `WithTransactionalDbSession` method instead. ## Migrations As Grafana evolves, it becomes necessary to create _schema migrations_ for one or more database tables. To see all the types of migrations you can add, refer to [migrations.go](/pkg/services/sqlstore/migrator/migrations.go). Before you add a migration, make sure that you: - Never change a migration that has been committed and pushed to master. - Always add new migrations, to change or undo previous migrations. Add a migration using one of the following methods: - Add migrations in the `migrations` package. - Implement the `DatabaseMigrator` for the service. **Important:** If there are previous migrations for a service, use that method. By adding migrations using both methods, you risk running migrations in the wrong order. ### Add migrations in `migrations` package Most services have their migrations located in the [migrations](/pkg/services/sqlstore/migrations/migrations.go) package. To add a migration: - Open the [migrations.go](/pkg/services/sqlstore/migrations/migrations.go) file. - In the `AddMigrations` function, find the `addXxxMigration` function for the service you want to create a migration for. - At the end of the `addXxxMigration` function, register your migration: [Example](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/blob/00d0640b6e778ddaca021670fe851fe00982acf2/pkg/services/sqlstore/migrations/migrations.go#L55-L70) ### Implement `DatabaseMigrator` During initialization, SQL store queries the service registry, and runs migrations for every service that implements the [DatabaseMigrator](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/blob/44c2007498c76c2dbb48e8366b4af410f1ee1b98/pkg/registry/registry.go#L101-L106) interface. To add a migration: - If needed, add the `AddMigration(mg *migrator.Migrator)` method to the service. - At the end of the `AddMigration` method, register your migration: ```go func (s *MyService) AddMigration(mg *migrator.Migrator) { // ... mg.AddMigration("Add column age", NewAddColumnMigration(table, &Column{ Name: "age", Type: migrator.DB_BigInt, Nullable: true, })) } ```