const execa = require('execa'); const program = require('commander'); const resolveBin = require('resolve-as-bin'); const { resolve, sep } = require('path'); const cypress = (commandName, { updateScreenshots }) => { // Support running an unpublished dev build const dirname = __dirname.split(sep).pop(); const projectPath = resolve(`${__dirname}${dirname === 'dist' ? '/..' : ''}`); // For plugins/extendConfig const CWD = `CWD=${process.cwd()}`; // For plugins/compareSnapshots const UPDATE_SCREENSHOTS = `UPDATE_SCREENSHOTS=${updateScreenshots ? 1 : 0}`; const cypressOptions = [commandName, '--env', `${CWD},${UPDATE_SCREENSHOTS}`, `--project=${projectPath}`]; const execaOptions = { cwd: __dirname, stdio: 'inherit', }; return execa(resolveBin('cypress'), cypressOptions, execaOptions) .then(() => {}) // no return value .catch(error => { console.error(error.message); process.exitCode = 1; }); }; module.exports = () => { const updateOption = '-u, --update-screenshots'; const updateDescription = 'update expected screenshots'; program .command('open') .description('runs tests within the interactive GUI') .option(updateOption, updateDescription) .action(options => cypress('open', options)); program .command('run') .description('runs tests from the CLI without the GUI') .option(updateOption, updateDescription) .action(options => cypress('run', options)); program.parse(process.argv); };