import { SceneVariableSet } from '../variables/sets/SceneVariableSet'; import { SceneDataNode } from './SceneDataNode'; import { SceneObjectBase } from './SceneObjectBase'; import { SceneObjectStateChangedEvent } from './events'; import { SceneLayoutChild, SceneObject, SceneObjectStatePlain } from './types'; interface TestSceneState extends SceneObjectStatePlain { name?: string; nested?: SceneObject; children?: SceneLayoutChild[]; actions?: SceneObject[]; } class TestScene extends SceneObjectBase {} describe('SceneObject', () => { it('Can clone', () => { const scene = new TestScene({ nested: new TestScene({ name: 'nested', }), actions: [ new TestScene({ name: 'action child', }), ], children: [ new TestScene({ name: 'layout child', }), ], }); scene.state.nested?.activate(); const clone = scene.clone(); expect(clone).not.toBe(scene); expect(clone.state.nested).not.toBe(scene.state.nested); expect(clone.state.nested?.isActive).toBe(false); expect(clone.state.children![0]).not.toBe(scene.state.children![0]); expect(clone.state.actions![0]).not.toBe(scene.state.actions![0]); }); it('SceneObject should have parent when added to container', () => { const scene = new TestScene({ nested: new TestScene({ name: 'nested', }), children: [ new TestScene({ name: 'layout child', }), ], actions: [ new TestScene({ name: 'layout child', }), ], }); expect(scene.parent).toBe(undefined); expect(scene.state.nested?.parent).toBe(scene); expect(scene.state.children![0].parent).toBe(scene); expect(scene.state.actions![0].parent).toBe(scene); }); it('Can clone with state change', () => { const scene = new TestScene({ nested: new TestScene({ name: 'nested', }), }); const clone = scene.clone({ name: 'new name' }); expect('new name'); }); it('Cannot modify state', () => { const scene = new TestScene({ name: 'name' }); expect(() => { = 'new name'; }).toThrow(); scene.setState({ name: 'new name' }); expect('new name'); expect(() => { = 'other name'; }).toThrow(); }); describe('When activated', () => { const scene = new TestScene({ $data: new SceneDataNode({}), $variables: new SceneVariableSet({ variables: [] }), }); scene.activate(); it('Should set isActive true', () => { expect(scene.isActive).toBe(true); }); it('Should activate $data', () => { expect(scene.state.$data!.isActive).toBe(true); }); it('Should activate $variables', () => { expect(scene.state.$variables!.isActive).toBe(true); }); }); describe('When deactivated', () => { const scene = new TestScene({ $data: new SceneDataNode({}), $variables: new SceneVariableSet({ variables: [] }), }); scene.activate(); // Subscribe to state change and to event const stateSub = scene.subscribeToState({ next: () => {} }); const eventSub = scene.subscribeToEvent(SceneObjectStateChangedEvent, () => {}); scene.deactivate(); it('Should close subscriptions', () => { expect(stateSub.closed).toBe(true); expect((eventSub as any).closed).toBe(true); }); it('Should set isActive false', () => { expect(scene.isActive).toBe(false); }); it('Should deactivate $data', () => { expect(scene.state.$data!.isActive).toBe(false); }); it('Should deactivate $variables', () => { expect(scene.state.$variables!.isActive).toBe(false); }); }); });