import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap'; import 'mousetrap-global-bind'; import 'mousetrap/plugins/global-bind/mousetrap-global-bind'; import { LegacyGraphHoverClearEvent, locationUtil } from '@grafana/data'; import { config, locationService } from '@grafana/runtime'; import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events'; import { getExploreUrl } from 'app/core/utils/explore'; import { SaveDashboardDrawer } from 'app/features/dashboard/components/SaveDashboard/SaveDashboardDrawer'; import { ShareModal } from 'app/features/dashboard/components/ShareModal'; import { DashboardModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state'; import { getTimeSrv } from '../../features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { getDatasourceSrv } from '../../features/plugins/datasource_srv'; import { RemovePanelEvent, ShiftTimeEvent, ShiftTimeEventDirection, ShowModalReactEvent, ZoomOutEvent, AbsoluteTimeEvent, } from '../../types/events'; import { HelpModal } from '../components/help/HelpModal'; import { contextSrv } from '../core'; import { exitKioskMode, toggleKioskMode } from '../navigation/kiosk'; import { toggleTheme } from './toggleTheme'; import { withFocusedPanel } from './withFocusedPanelId'; export class KeybindingSrv { reset() { Mousetrap.reset(); } initGlobals() { if (locationService.getLocation().pathname !== '/login') { this.bind(['?', 'h'], this.showHelpModal); this.bind('g h', this.goToHome); this.bind('g a', this.openAlerting); this.bind('g p', this.goToProfile); this.bind('s o', this.openSearch); this.bind('t a', this.makeAbsoluteTime); this.bind('f', this.openSearch); this.bind('esc', this.exit); this.bindGlobal('esc', this.globalEsc); } this.bind('t t', () => toggleTheme(false)); this.bind('t r', () => toggleTheme(true)); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { this.bind('t n', () => this.toggleNav()); } } globalEsc() { const anyDoc = document as any; const activeElement = anyDoc.activeElement; // typehead needs to handle it const typeaheads = document.querySelectorAll('.slate-typeahead--open'); if (typeaheads.length > 0) { return; } // second check if we are in an input we can blur if (activeElement && activeElement.blur) { if ( activeElement.nodeName === 'INPUT' || activeElement.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA' || activeElement.hasAttribute('data-slate-editor') ) { anyDoc.activeElement.blur(); return; } } // ok no focused input or editor that should block this, let exist! this.exit(); } toggleNav() { window.location.href = locationUtil.getUrlForPartial(locationService.getLocation(), { '__feature.topnav': (!config.featureToggles.topnav).toString(), }); } private openSearch() { locationService.partial({ search: 'open' }); } private closeSearch() { locationService.partial({ search: null }); } private openAlerting() { locationService.push('/alerting'); } private goToHome() { locationService.push('/'); } private goToProfile() { locationService.push('/profile'); } private makeAbsoluteTime() { appEvents.publish(new AbsoluteTimeEvent()); } private showHelpModal() { appEvents.publish(new ShowModalReactEvent({ component: HelpModal })); } private exit() { const search = locationService.getSearchObject(); if (search.editview) { locationService.partial({ editview: null }); return; } if (search.inspect) { locationService.partial({ inspect: null, inspectTab: null }); return; } if (search.editPanel) { locationService.partial({ editPanel: null, tab: null }); return; } if (search.viewPanel) { locationService.partial({ viewPanel: null, tab: null }); return; } if (search.kiosk) { exitKioskMode(); } if ( { this.closeSearch(); } } private showDashEditView() { locationService.partial({ editview: 'settings', }); } bind(keyArg: string | string[], fn: () => void) { Mousetrap.bind( keyArg, (evt: any) => { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.returnValue = false;; }, 'keydown' ); } bindGlobal(keyArg: string, fn: () => void) { Mousetrap.bindGlobal( keyArg, (evt: any) => { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.returnValue = false;; }, 'keydown' ); } unbind(keyArg: string, keyType?: string) { Mousetrap.unbind(keyArg, keyType); } bindWithPanelId(keyArg: string, fn: (panelId: number) => void) { this.bind(keyArg, withFocusedPanel(fn)); } setupTimeRangeBindings(updateUrl = true) { this.bind('t z', () => { appEvents.publish(new ZoomOutEvent({ scale: 2, updateUrl })); }); this.bind('ctrl+z', () => { appEvents.publish(new ZoomOutEvent({ scale: 2, updateUrl })); }); this.bind('t left', () => { appEvents.publish(new ShiftTimeEvent({ direction: ShiftTimeEventDirection.Left, updateUrl })); }); this.bind('t right', () => { appEvents.publish(new ShiftTimeEvent({ direction: ShiftTimeEventDirection.Right, updateUrl })); }); } setupDashboardBindings(dashboard: DashboardModel) { this.bind('mod+o', () => { dashboard.graphTooltip = (dashboard.graphTooltip + 1) % 3; LegacyGraphHoverClearEvent()); dashboard.startRefresh(); }); this.bind('mod+s', () => { if (dashboard.meta.canSave) { appEvents.publish( new ShowModalReactEvent({ component: SaveDashboardDrawer, props: { dashboard, }, }) ); } }); this.setupTimeRangeBindings(); // edit panel this.bindWithPanelId('e', (panelId) => { if (dashboard.canEditPanelById(panelId)) { const isEditing = locationService.getSearchObject().editPanel !== undefined; locationService.partial({ editPanel: isEditing ? null : panelId }); } }); // view panel this.bindWithPanelId('v', (panelId) => { const isViewing = locationService.getSearchObject().viewPanel !== undefined; locationService.partial({ viewPanel: isViewing ? null : panelId }); }); //toggle legend this.bindWithPanelId('p l', (panelId) => { const panel = dashboard.getPanelById(panelId)!; const newOptions = { ...panel.options }; newOptions.legend.showLegend ? (newOptions.legend.showLegend = false) : (newOptions.legend.showLegend = true); panel.updateOptions(newOptions); }); this.bindWithPanelId('i', (panelId) => { locationService.partial({ inspect: panelId }); }); // jump to explore if permissions allow if (contextSrv.hasAccessToExplore()) { this.bindWithPanelId('x', async (panelId) => { const panel = dashboard.getPanelById(panelId)!; const url = await getExploreUrl({ panel, datasourceSrv: getDatasourceSrv(), timeSrv: getTimeSrv(), }); if (url) { const urlWithoutBase = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(url); if (urlWithoutBase) { locationService.push(urlWithoutBase); } } }); } // delete panel this.bindWithPanelId('p r', (panelId) => { if (dashboard.canEditPanelById(panelId) && !(dashboard.panelInView || dashboard.panelInEdit)) { appEvents.publish(new RemovePanelEvent(panelId)); } }); // duplicate panel this.bindWithPanelId('p d', (panelId) => { if (dashboard.canEditPanelById(panelId)) { const panelIndex = dashboard.getPanelInfoById(panelId)!.index; dashboard.duplicatePanel(dashboard.panels[panelIndex]); } }); // share panel this.bindWithPanelId('p s', (panelId) => { const panelInfo = dashboard.getPanelInfoById(panelId); appEvents.publish( new ShowModalReactEvent({ component: ShareModal, props: { dashboard: dashboard, panel: panelInfo?.panel, }, }) ); }); // toggle panel legend // toggle all panel legends this.bind('d l', () => { dashboard.toggleLegendsForAll(); }); // collapse all rows this.bind('d shift+c', () => { dashboard.collapseRows(); }); // expand all rows this.bind('d shift+e', () => { dashboard.expandRows(); }); this.bind('d n', () => { locationService.push('/dashboard/new'); }); this.bind('d r', () => { dashboard.startRefresh(); }); this.bind('d s', () => { this.showDashEditView(); }); this.bind('d k', () => { toggleKioskMode(); }); //Autofit panels this.bind('d a', () => { // this has to be a full page reload const queryParams = locationService.getSearchObject(); const newUrlParam = queryParams.autofitpanels ? '' : '&autofitpanels'; window.location.href = window.location.href + newUrlParam; }); } } export const keybindingSrv = new KeybindingSrv();