/// import 'jquery.flot'; import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'lodash'; export class ThresholdManager { plot: any; placeholder: any; height: any; thresholds: any; needsCleanup: boolean; hasSecondYAxis: any; constructor(private panelCtrl) {} getHandleHtml(handleIndex, model, valueStr) { var stateClass = model.colorMode; if (model.colorMode === 'custom') { stateClass = 'critical'; } return `
`; } initDragging(evt) { var handleElem = $(evt.currentTarget).parents(".alert-handle-wrapper"); var handleIndex = $(evt.currentTarget).data("handleIndex"); var isMoving = false; var lastY = null; var posTop; var plot = this.plot; var panelCtrl = this.panelCtrl; var model = this.thresholds[handleIndex]; function dragging(evt) { if (lastY === null) { lastY = evt.clientY; } else { var diff = evt.clientY - lastY; posTop = posTop + diff; lastY = evt.clientY; handleElem.css({top: posTop + diff}); } } function stopped() { isMoving = false; // calculate graph level var graphValue = plot.c2p({left: 0, top: posTop}).y; graphValue = parseInt(graphValue.toFixed(0)); model.value = graphValue; var valueCanvasPos = plot.p2c({x: 0, y: graphValue}); handleElem.off("mousemove", dragging); handleElem.off("mouseup", dragging); handleElem.off("mouseleave", dragging); // trigger digest and render panelCtrl.$scope.$apply(function() { panelCtrl.render(); panelCtrl.events.emit('threshold-changed', {threshold: model, handleIndex: handleIndex}); }); } isMoving = true; lastY = null; posTop = handleElem.position().top; handleElem.on("mousemove", dragging); handleElem.on("mouseup", stopped); handleElem.on("mouseleave", stopped); } cleanUp() { this.placeholder.find(".alert-handle-wrapper").remove(); this.needsCleanup = false; } renderHandle(handleIndex, defaultHandleTopPos) { var model = this.thresholds[handleIndex]; var value = model.value; var valueStr = value; var handleTopPos = 0; // handle no value if (!_.isNumber(value)) { valueStr = ''; handleTopPos = defaultHandleTopPos; } else { var valueCanvasPos = this.plot.p2c({x: 0, y: value}); handleTopPos = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(valueCanvasPos.top, 0), this.height) - 6); } var handleElem = $(this.getHandleHtml(handleIndex, model, valueStr)); this.placeholder.append(handleElem); handleElem.toggleClass('alert-handle-wrapper--no-value', valueStr === ''); handleElem.css({top: handleTopPos}); } shouldDrawHandles() { return !this.hasSecondYAxis && this.panelCtrl.editingThresholds && this.panelCtrl.panel.thresholds.length > 0; } prepare(elem, data) { this.hasSecondYAxis = false; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].yaxis > 1) { this.hasSecondYAxis = true; break; } } if (this.shouldDrawHandles()) { var thresholdMargin = this.panelCtrl.panel.thresholds.length > 1 ? '220px' : '110px'; elem.css('margin-right', thresholdMargin); } else if (this.needsCleanup) { elem.css('margin-right', '0'); } } draw(plot) { this.thresholds = this.panelCtrl.panel.thresholds; this.plot = plot; this.placeholder = plot.getPlaceholder(); if (this.needsCleanup) { this.cleanUp(); } if (!this.shouldDrawHandles()) { return; } this.height = plot.height(); if (this.thresholds.length > 0) { this.renderHandle(0, 10); } if (this.thresholds.length > 1) { this.renderHandle(1, this.height-30); } this.placeholder.off('mousedown', '.alert-handle'); this.placeholder.on('mousedown', '.alert-handle', this.initDragging.bind(this)); this.needsCleanup = true; } addFlotOptions(options, panel) { if (!panel.thresholds || panel.thresholds.length === 0) { return; } var gtLimit = Infinity; var ltLimit = -Infinity; var i, threshold, other; for (i = 0; i < panel.thresholds.length; i++) { threshold = panel.thresholds[i]; if (!_.isNumber(threshold.value)) { continue; } var limit; switch (threshold.op) { case 'gt': { limit = gtLimit; // if next threshold is less then op and greater value, then use that as limit if (panel.thresholds.length > i+1) { other = panel.thresholds[i+1]; if (other.value > threshold.value) { limit = other.value; ltLimit = limit; } } break; } case 'lt': { limit = ltLimit; // if next threshold is less then op and greater value, then use that as limit if (panel.thresholds.length > i+1) { other = panel.thresholds[i+1]; if (other.value < threshold.value) { limit = other.value; gtLimit = limit; } } break; } } var fillColor, lineColor; switch (threshold.colorMode) { case 'critical': { fillColor = 'rgba(234, 112, 112, 0.12)'; lineColor = 'rgba(237, 46, 24, 0.60)'; break; } case 'warning': { fillColor = 'rgba(235, 138, 14, 0.12)'; lineColor = 'rgba(247, 149, 32, 0.60)'; break; } case 'ok': { fillColor = 'rgba(11, 237, 50, 0.090)'; lineColor = 'rgba(6,163,69, 0.60)'; break; } case 'custom': { fillColor = threshold.fillColor; lineColor = threshold.lineColor; break; } } // fill if (threshold.fill) { options.grid.markings.push({yaxis: {from: threshold.value, to: limit}, color: fillColor}); } if (threshold.line) { options.grid.markings.push({yaxis: {from: threshold.value, to: threshold.value}, color: lineColor}); } } } }