package libraryelements import ( "testing" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestPatchLibraryElement(t *testing.T) { scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel that does not exist, it should fail", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1} sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": "unknown"}) sc.reqContext.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status()) }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel that exists, it should succeed", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { newFolder := createFolderWithACL(t, sc.sqlStore, "NewFolder", sc.user, []folderACLItem{}) cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: newFolder.ID, Name: "Panel - New name", Model: []byte(` { "datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}", "description": "An updated description", "id": 1, "title": "Model - New name", "type": "graph" } `), Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.reqContext.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status()) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) var expected = libraryElementResult{ Result: libraryElement{ ID: 1, OrgID: 1, FolderID: newFolder.ID, UID: sc.initialResult.Result.UID, Name: "Panel - New name", Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Type: "graph", Description: "An updated description", Model: map[string]interface{}{ "datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}", "description": "An updated description", "id": float64(1), "title": "Model - New name", "type": "graph", }, Version: 2, Meta: LibraryElementDTOMeta{ FolderName: "NewFolder", FolderUID: "NewFolder", ConnectedDashboards: 0, Created: sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Created, Updated: result.Result.Meta.Updated, CreatedBy: LibraryElementDTOMetaUser{ ID: 1, Name: userInDbName, AvatarURL: userInDbAvatar, }, UpdatedBy: LibraryElementDTOMetaUser{ ID: 1, Name: "signed_in_user", AvatarURL: "/avatar/37524e1eb8b3e32850b57db0a19af93b", }, }, }, } if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with folder only, it should change folder successfully and return correct result", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { newFolder := createFolderWithACL(t, sc.sqlStore, "NewFolder", sc.user, []folderACLItem{}) cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: newFolder.ID, Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.reqContext.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status()) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) sc.initialResult.Result.FolderID = newFolder.ID sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = userInDbName sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarURL = userInDbAvatar sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated = result.Result.Meta.Updated sc.initialResult.Result.Version = 2 sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.FolderName = "NewFolder" sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.FolderUID = "NewFolder" if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with name only, it should change name successfully and return correct result", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: -1, Name: "New Name", Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) sc.initialResult.Result.Name = "New Name" sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = userInDbName sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarURL = userInDbAvatar sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated = result.Result.Meta.Updated sc.initialResult.Result.Model["title"] = "Text - Library Panel" sc.initialResult.Result.Version = 2 if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with a nonexistent UID, it should change UID successfully and return correct result", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: -1, UID: util.GenerateShortUID(), Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) sc.initialResult.Result.UID = cmd.UID sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = userInDbName sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarURL = userInDbAvatar sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated = result.Result.Meta.Updated sc.initialResult.Result.Model["title"] = "Text - Library Panel" sc.initialResult.Result.Version = 2 if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with an invalid UID, it should fail", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: -1, UID: "Testing an invalid UID", Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 400, resp.Status()) }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with an UID that is too long, it should fail", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: -1, UID: "j6T00KRZzj6T00KRZzj6T00KRZzj6T00KRZzj6T00K", Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 400, resp.Status()) }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with an existing UID, it should fail", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { command := getCreatePanelCommand(sc.folder.ID, "Existing UID") command.UID = util.GenerateShortUID() sc.reqContext.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(command) resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status()) cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: -1, UID: command.UID, Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp = sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 400, resp.Status()) }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with model only, it should change model successfully, sync type and description fields and return correct result", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: -1, Model: []byte(`{ "title": "New Model Title", "name": "New Model Name", "type":"graph", "description": "New description" }`), Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) sc.initialResult.Result.Type = "graph" sc.initialResult.Result.Description = "New description" sc.initialResult.Result.Model = map[string]interface{}{ "title": "New Model Title", "name": "New Model Name", "type": "graph", "description": "New description", } sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = userInDbName sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarURL = userInDbAvatar sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated = result.Result.Meta.Updated sc.initialResult.Result.Version = 2 if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with model.description only, it should change model successfully, sync type and description fields and return correct result", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: -1, Model: []byte(`{ "description": "New description" }`), Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) sc.initialResult.Result.Type = "text" sc.initialResult.Result.Description = "New description" sc.initialResult.Result.Model = map[string]interface{}{ "type": "text", "description": "New description", } sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = userInDbName sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarURL = userInDbAvatar sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated = result.Result.Meta.Updated sc.initialResult.Result.Version = 2 if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with model.type only, it should change model successfully, sync type and description fields and return correct result", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: -1, Model: []byte(`{ "type": "graph" }`), Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), Version: 1, } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) sc.initialResult.Result.Type = "graph" sc.initialResult.Result.Description = "A description" sc.initialResult.Result.Model = map[string]interface{}{ "type": "graph", "description": "A description", } sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = userInDbName sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarURL = userInDbAvatar sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated = result.Result.Meta.Updated sc.initialResult.Result.Version = 2 if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When another admin tries to patch a library panel, it should change UpdatedBy successfully and return correct result", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{FolderID: -1, Version: 1, Kind: int64(models.PanelElement)} sc.reqContext.UserID = 2 sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.UpdatedBy.ID = int64(2) sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = userInDbName sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarURL = userInDbAvatar sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated = result.Result.Meta.Updated sc.initialResult.Result.Version = 2 if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with a name that already exists, it should fail", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { command := getCreatePanelCommand(sc.folder.ID, "Another Panel") sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(command) resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ Name: "Text - Library Panel", Version: 1, Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": result.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp = sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 400, resp.Status()) }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with a folder where a library panel with the same name already exists, it should fail", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { newFolder := createFolderWithACL(t, sc.sqlStore, "NewFolder", sc.user, []folderACLItem{}) command := getCreatePanelCommand(newFolder.ID, "Text - Library Panel") sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(command) resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: 1, Version: 1, Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": result.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp = sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 400, resp.Status()) }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel in another org, it should fail", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: sc.folder.ID, Version: 1, Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), } sc.reqContext.OrgID = 2 sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 404, resp.Status()) }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with an old version number, it should fail", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: sc.folder.ID, Version: 1, Kind: int64(models.PanelElement), } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status()) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp = sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 412, resp.Status()) }) scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to patch a library panel with an other kind, it should succeed but panel should not change", func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) { cmd := PatchLibraryElementCommand{ FolderID: sc.folder.ID, Version: 1, Kind: int64(models.VariableElement), } sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID}) sc.ctx.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(cmd) resp := sc.service.patchHandler(sc.reqContext) require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status()) var result = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp) sc.initialResult.Result.Type = "text" sc.initialResult.Result.Kind = int64(models.PanelElement) sc.initialResult.Result.Description = "A description" sc.initialResult.Result.Model = map[string]interface{}{ "datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}", "id": float64(1), "title": "Text - Library Panel", "type": "text", "description": "A description", } sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.Name = userInDbName sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.CreatedBy.AvatarURL = userInDbAvatar sc.initialResult.Result.Meta.Updated = result.Result.Meta.Updated sc.initialResult.Result.Version = 2 if diff := cmp.Diff(sc.initialResult.Result, result.Result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" { t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff) } }) }